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Intra-Administration Associations and Withdrawal Symptoms: Morphine-

Elicited Morphine Withdrawal

Article  in  Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology · March 2004

DOI: 10.1037/1064-1297.12.1.3 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Shepard Siegel
McMaster University


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Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology Copyright 2004 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.
2004, Vol. 12, No. 1, 3–11 1064-1297/04/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/1064-1297.12.1.3

Intra-Administration Associations and Withdrawal Symptoms:

Morphine-Elicited Morphine Withdrawal
Robert V. McDonald and Shepard Siegel
McMaster University

On the basis of a conditioning analysis, some drug “withdrawal symptoms” are conditional
responses elicited by stimuli paired with the drug effect. Prior demonstrations of conditional
elicitation of withdrawal symptoms evaluated the role of environmental cues; however,
pharmacological cues also typically signal a drug effect. Within each administration, early
drug onset cues (DOCs) may become associated with the later, larger drug effect (intra-
administration associations). This experiment evaluated the contribution of intra-administra-
tion associations to withdrawal symptoms. The results indicated that (a) 5 mg/kg morphine
elicited behavioral and thermic withdrawal symptoms in rats previously injected on a number
of occasions with 50 mg/kg morphine and that (b) DOC-elicited withdrawal symptoms are
not a sensitized response to the opiate but rather an associative phenomenon.

Events occurring during drug administration correspond cues. Thus, rats are more tolerant to a drug when it is
to a Pavlovian conditioning trial (e.g., Dworkin, 1993; Ram- administered in the usual drug-paired environment (e.g., the
say & Woods, 1997; Siegel, Baptista, Kim, McDonald, & room where the drug had been administered in the past) than
Weise-Kelly, 2000). Cues accompanying the drug effect when it is administered elsewhere (e.g., in a different room;
function as conditional stimuli (CSs), and the direct drug see review by Siegel et al., 2000). Similarly, rats display
effect constitutes the unconditional stimulus (US). Prior to more behavioral withdrawal symptoms when, in the ab-
any learning, this US elicits responses that compensate for sence of the drug, they are placed in the drug-paired envi-
drug-induced disturbances. These responses that compen- ronment than when they are placed in an alternative envi-
sate for the drug effect frequently act as unconditional ronment (see review by Siegel & Ramos, 2002). Recently,
responses. After some pairings of the predrug CS and phar- it has become apparent that a variety of interoceptive cues
macological US, the drug-compensatory responses are elic- may become associated with a drug and may control the
ited as conditional responses (CRs). We (see Siegel et al., display of tolerance (see Siegel & Ramos, 2002). Of special
2000) and others (e.g., Poulos & Cappell, 1991; Ramsay & relevance to the present experiment are reports that a small
Woods, 1997) have hypothesized that, when a drug is ad- dose of a drug may serve as a CS, signaling a subsequent,
ministered in the context of the usual drug administration larger dose of the drug (Goddard, 1999). Such a pharmaco-
cues, these drug-compensatory CRs contribute to tolerance; logical pairing procedure has been termed intradrug condi-
that is, they attenuate the drug effect. Moreover, when the tioning (Siegel et al., 2000). Greeley, Lê, Poulos, and Cap-
subject is in the presence of the usual drug administration pell (1984) provided the first demonstration of intradrug
cues but the drug is not administered, these CRs may be conditioning. In this Greeley et al. study, some rats (paired
expressed as “withdrawal symptoms.” On the basis of the group) consistently were injected with a low dose of ethanol
conditioning analysis of tolerance and withdrawal symp- (0.8 g/kg) 60 min prior to injection of a high dose of ethanol
toms, then, these phenomena should be more pronounced in (2.5 g/kg). Other rats (unpaired group) were injected with
the context of the usual drug administration cues than in the the low and high doses on an unpaired basis. When tested
context of alternative cues. for the tolerance to the hypothermic effect of the high dose
Most experiments designed to assess the role of predrug following the low dose, paired-group rats, but not unpaired-
cues in drug effects have assessed diffuse environmental group rats, displayed tolerance. Moreover, if the high dose
of ethanol was not preceded by the low dose, paired-group
rats failed to display their usual tolerance. More recently, it
Robert V. McDonald and Shepard Siegel, Department of Psy- has been reported that an intradrug association contributes
chology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. to tolerance to morphine (Cepeda-Benito & Short, 1997;
Robert V. McDonald is now at the Department of Psychology, Sokolowska, Siegel, & Kim, 2002).
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Intradrug conditioning findings have important implica-
This research was supported by research grants from the Na-
tional Institute on Drug Abuse (DA11865) and the Natural Sci-
tions for an associative analysis of drug effects. A gradual
ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (00298) to increase in systemic concentration is an inevitable conse-
Shepard Siegel. quence of most drug administration procedures. That is,
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to even if there is no explicit attempt to pair administration of
Shepard Siegel, Department of Psychology, McMaster University, a small drug dose with the subsequent administration of a
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada. E-mail: larger drug dose, such pairings may result when a drug is


administered. Within each administration, small, drug onset One technique we used in the present experiment to
cues (DOCs) typically precede subsequent larger drug ef- distinguish between an associative and sensitization inter-
fects, and thus DOCs may serve as CSs. Siegel et al. (2000) pretation of the results was to record the thermic as well as
termed associations naturally occurring within a single ad- the behavioral effects of morphine withdrawal. Administra-
ministration intra-administration associations to distinguish tion of morphine, at the doses used in the conditioning phase
them from the intradrug associations that develop when a of the present study, elicits hyperthermia (e.g., Broadbent &
small drug dose is explicitly administered prior to a larger Cunningham, 1996; Clark, 1979; Eikelboom & Stewart,
drug dose. Several investigators have suggested that intra- 1979), and sensitization to this hyperthermia may be seen
administration DOCs constitute an important component of over the course of repeated morphine administrations; that
the CS that elicits the drug-compensatory CRs that mediate is, the morphine-elicited hyperthermia becomes more pro-
tolerance (e.g., Grisel, Wiertelak, Watkins, & Maier, 1994; nounced (Broadbent & Cunningham, 1996). In contrast,
morphine withdrawal is accompanied by hypothermia. This
Kim, Siegel, & Patenall, 1999; Poulos & Cappell, 1991;
withdrawal hypothermia has been characterized as “one of
Tiffany, Petrie, Baker, & Dahl, 1983; Walter & Riccio,
the most consistent and reliable parameters of [morphine]
1983). withdrawal in the rat” (Gianuttsos, Drawbaugh, Hynes, &
On the basis of the conditioning analysis, withdrawal Lal, 1975, p. 302). Thus, a finding that a small dose of
symptoms—a manifestation of a pharmacological CR— morphine elicits withdrawal-like hypothermia in rats with a
should be elicited not only by drug-associated environmen- history of administration of larger doses of morphine (and
tal cues but also by drug-associated pharmacological cues. that are sensitized to the drug’s hyperthermic effect) would
If an intra-administration association is formed during a suggest that the thermic response to the small dose is an
series of morphine administrations, presenting a small dose associative rather than a sensitized response.
of the opiate might be expected to reproduce the early effect A second technique we used to address the potential
of the drug—an effect that has become associated with the confound of sensitization of morphine-induced behaviors
subsequent, larger effect. Typically, for the organism with a was to repeatedly administer the small dose of morphine in
history of morphine administration, administration of the rats conditioned with the large dose of morphine to evaluate
opiate prevents withdrawal symptoms from occurring. We extinction of DOC-elicited withdrawal symptoms. If the
are suggesting that a small dose of the drug would actually thermic and behavioral responses elicited by the small dose
elicit the symptoms in organisms that previously have been represented a sensitized response, these responses would be
administered larger doses of the drug. In the present exper- expected to increase over the course of repeated adminis-
iment rats were repeatedly injected with a large dose of tration of the opiate. However, if these small-dose-elicited
morphine (50 mg/kg) prior to testing with a smaller dose (5 responses were CRs, such repeated administrations of the
mg/kg). We expected that these rats would have acquired an putative CS would result in extinction and, therefore, a
intra-administration association, and thus 5 mg/kg morphine decrease in both the thermic and behavioral indices of
would function as a DOC and elicit withdrawal symptoms. withdrawal.
The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate this coun-
terintuitive prediction. Method
Evaluation of an associative analysis of DOC-elicited
withdrawal symptoms is complicated by the fact that the Subjects
intra-administration CS and US are intrinsic parts of the
The subjects, 35 male Sprague–Dawley rats (Charles River, St.
same stimulus. Typical conditioning control procedures
Constant, Quebec, Canada), weighed 230 –285 g on the 1st day
(e.g., random CS–US presentations; see Rescorla, 1967) are of the experiment. They were individually housed in clear plastic
not feasible because the later, larger drug effect (US) cannot cages, with food and water available ad libitum except during a
be presented independently of DOCs (CS). Thus, following 10-min behavioral assessment period on test days. Subjects were
administrations of a large drug dose, it is possible that maintained on a 12-hr light– dark cycle (lights on at 0600). All
small-dose effects may represent a sensitized response conditioning and testing took place during the light portion of
rather than a CR. For example, a small morphine dose might the cycle. Throughout the time of their participation in the exper-
elicit hyperactivity as a nonassociative, sensitized response iment, rats were housed in their homecages in the experimental
in morphine-experienced rats (e.g., Powell & Holtzman, environment.
2001; Sokolowska et al., 2002), and behavioral displays of
apparent drug withdrawal symptoms might actually be be- Surgery
haviors secondary to this hyperactivity. Indeed, a recent
study using a methodology similar to that used in the One week prior to the start of conditioning, all rats were im-
planted with radiotelemetric temperature transmitters (model
present study (i.e., small doses of heroin administered to
PDT4000; Mini-Mitter, Bend, WA). These transmitters are en-
subjects with a history of exposure to substantially larger closed in a 22 mm ⫻ 8 mm capsule and weigh 1.6 g. Rats were
doses of the drug) resulted in the observation of heroin- anesthetized with a 2:1:1 mixture of ketamine, xylazine, and
elicited hyperalgesia, although this effect was attributed to saline, which was injected intraperitoneally. A 1.5-cm incision was
sensitization processes rather than to Pavlovian condition- made through the abdominal wall, and the transmitter capsule was
ing (Célèrier, Laulin, Corcuff, Le Moal, & Simonnet, 2001). inserted into the abdominal cavity. Subjects received an oral an-

tibiotic (Novo-Trimel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) in their drinking Results

water during the 1-week recovery period following surgery.
Temperature Data
Drugs and Apparatus Conditioning Phase
All solutions were injected intraperitoneally. Morphine sulfate Rats in the two groups trained with the large dose of
(British Drug House, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) was dissolved in morphine (Groups 50 –5 and 50 – 0) were treated identically
physiological saline such that the injection volume for both large during the conditioning phase of the experiment, each being
(50 mg/kg) and small (5 mg/kg) doses of the opiate was 1 ml/kg.
Saline was also injected at this volume.
injected daily with 50 mg/kg morphine. Similarly, rats as-
Behavioral testing was conducted in one of six identical clear signed to Groups 5–5 and 5– 0 were injected daily with 5
acrylic observation chambers (30 cm ⫻ 30 cm ⫻ 30 cm) located mg/kg morphine during conditioning, and rats assigned to
in the experimental room. These chambers rested on the telemetric Groups 0 –5 and 0 – 0 were injected daily with saline during
receiving units (model ER4000; Mini-Mitter, Bend, WA). Tem- conditioning. Figure 1 displays the mean difference from
perature data were automatically collected by the controlling soft- baseline temperature (⫾1 SEM) for groups injected with
ware (VitalView, Mini-Mitter, Bend, WA) at 20-min intervals each substance on the 1st day of conditioning and the final
during all conditioning and test trials. (10th) day of conditioning.
As can be seen in Figure 1, administration of morphine on
Procedure Conditioning Day 1, at a dose of either 50 or 5 mg/kg,
resulted in a hyperthermic response, with the magnitude of
Prior to conditioning, all subjects were habituated to the testing the hyperthermia being similar for both doses. Administra-
chambers during a single, 6-hr session. Following habituation, tion of saline resulted in a less extreme and much briefer
subjects were randomly assigned to one of six groups: 50 –5, hyperthermic response. The hyperthermia seen in saline-
50 – 0, 5–5, 5– 0, 0 –5, and 0 – 0 (10 rats were assigned to Group
50 –5, and 5 rats were assigned to each of the other groups). The
injected rats likely results from the stress induced by the
first number of the group designation indicates the treatment handling and injection procedures (Broadbent & Cunning-
during conditioning: 50 mg/kg morphine, 5 mg/kg morphine, or 0 ham, 1996). As can be seen by comparing Conditioning
mg/kg morphine (i.e., physiological saline). The second number Day 10 with Conditioning Day 1, the magnitude of mor-
indicates the treatment at test: 5 mg/kg morphine or 0 mg/kg phine-elicited hyperthermia increased over this phase of the
morphine (saline). Conditioning began the day following habitu- experiment for both drug-injected groups, and by the final
ation and consisted of intraperitoneal injection of 50 mg/kg mor- day of conditioning, the rats injected with the higher dose of
phine (Groups 50 –5 and 50 – 0), 5 mg/kg morphine (Groups 5–5 the opiate displayed more pronounced hyperthermia than
and 5– 0), or saline (Groups 0 –5 and 0 – 0) once daily for 10 the rats injected with the lower dose of the opiate. In
consecutive days. On the 1st conditioning day, each rat’s cage was contrast with the effects of repeated morphine administra-
placed on a receiving pad. Temperature data were recorded for 30
min prior to injection, after which subjects were removed from
tion, the stress-elicited hyperthermia elicited by repeated
their homecage, injected, and immediately returned to the saline injections was less pronounced on the final condi-
homecage. Temperature data were recorded for 260 min following tioning day than on the initial conditioning day.
injection. The time of the daily injections was varied from 1000 to These observations were confirmed by a mixed-design
1600 in an irregular order. Temperature data were converted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data summarized in
difference scores relative to a baseline temperature measure. This Figure 1. The three-way interaction between group, condi-
baseline measure was obtained by calculating the average of the tioning day, and time within each day was statistically
last two preinjection temperature measurements. significant, F(24, 384) ⫽ 3.38, p ⬍ .001. Subsequent lower-
The day following the 10th conditioning day was the 1st test order ANOVAs revealed the sources of the interaction.
day. Subjects were individually removed from their homecages Within-group comparisons indicated that subjects condi-
and placed in the observation chambers, which replaced the
homecages on the receiving pads. After 30 min of temperature data
tioned with either 50 or 5 mg/kg morphine displayed greater
collection, subjects were injected either with 5 mg/kg morphine hyperthermia on Day 10 than on Day 1, F(1, 14) ⫽ 6.75,
(Groups 50 –5, 0 –5, and 5–5) or saline (Groups 50 – 0, 0 – 0, and p ⫽ .02, and F(1, 9) ⫽ 6.00, p ⬍ .04, respectively. The
5– 0) and were videotaped for a period of 10 min following altered effect of saline injection on body temperature from
injection (temperature data collection continued throughout behav- Conditioning Day 1 to Conditioning Day 10 was manifest as
ioral testing). At the end of the behavioral data collection period, a significant interaction between conditioning day and time
subjects were transferred back to the homecage and temperature postinjection for saline-injected rats. The source of the
data collection continued for the rest of the 250-min postinjection interaction is apparent in Figure 1; the brief hyperthermia
interval. All subjects in Group 50 –5 were given additional test seen in saline-injected rats lasted less than 2 hr and was less
trials for 4 more days to assess the effects of repeated administra- pronounced on the final conditioning day than it was on the
tion of the small dose of morphine. Videotaped behaviors were
later analyzed using behavioral data collection software (The Ob-
1st conditioning day, F(1, 9) ⫽ 9.92, p ⫽ .01, for Postin-
server, Noldus Information Technology, Wageningen, the Nether- jection Minutes 10 –110.
lands). The behaviors scored during testing were rearing, wet dog Between-group comparisons indicated that, on Condi-
shakes, mouth movements, ear wipes, and genital licks (see Mac- tioning Day 1, the effect of group was significant, F(2,
Rae & Siegel, 1997; McDonald & Siegel, 1998). Scoring was blind 32) ⫽ 25.2, p ⬍ .001. Although rats conditioned with
(i.e., the rater had no knowledge of the rats’ group assignments). either 50 or 5 mg/kg morphine were hyperthermic on this

Figure 1. Mean differences from baseline temperatures (⫾1 SEM) on Conditioning Days 1 and 10
for groups injected with 50 mg/kg morphine, 5 mg/kg morphine, or physiological saline on each
conditioning day.

1st conditioning day, compared with saline controls (all morphine). In fact, these Group 50 –5 rats became hypo-
ps ⬍ .001), the difference between the two morphine- thermic over the course of the test session.
injected groups was not significant. The effect of group was The different time– effect curves for the groups were
also significant on Conditioning Day 10, F(2, 32) ⫽ 164, confirmed by the results of a mixed-design ANOVA of the
p ⬍ .001; however, in contrast with the 1st conditioning data summarized in Figure 2, indicating a significant inter-
day, all pairwise comparisons between groups were signif- action between group and time, F(36, 372) ⫽ 19.7, p ⬍
icant (all ps ⱕ .003). That is, in morphine-experienced rats, .001. Of special relevance to the hypothesis evaluated in this
the drug elicited a greater temperature elevation in rats experiment, rats in Group 50 –5 displayed lower tempera-
repeatedly injected with 50 mg/kg than in rats repeatedly tures than did rats in any other group (including the
injected with 5 mg/kg on the final conditioning day. saline-tested rats) at Postinjection Minutes 190 –230. A
mixed-design ANOVA of only these three intervals in-
Test Phase dicated a significant group effect, F(3, 31) ⫽ 24.0, p ⬍
Test Day 1. On the test day, three groups of rats were .001. Pairwise comparisons indicated that Group 50 –5
injected with 5 mg/kg morphine (Groups 50 –5, 5–5, and rats were significantly hypothermic compared with rats in
0 –5) and three groups were injected with saline (Groups each of the other three groups, including saline-tested
50 – 0, 5– 0, and 0 – 0). There was no appreciable difference rats (all ps ⱕ .005).
in test session temperatures among the three saline-injected Extinction. Subjects in Group 50 –5, conditioned
groups and, for simplicity in data presentation, they are with 50 mg/kg, were administered 5 mg/kg once daily for an
collapsed into a combined saline control group. The mean additional 4 days following the first test. Hypothermia was
differences from baseline temperature (⫾1 SEM) for all assessed by computing, for each subject, the maximum
groups are shown in Figure 2. As is apparent in Figure 2, hypothermic response elicited by 5 mg/kg morphine, that is,
rats tested with saline displayed minimal temperature alter- the maximum decrease in temperature from baseline that
ations. In contrast, rats conditioned with saline and injected occurred during the trial. On the first test trial, the mean
with morphine for the first time on this test session (Group maximum hypothermic response (⫾1 SEM) observed in
0 –5) displayed hyperthermia. Rats conditioned with 5 these Group 50 –5 rats was ⫺0.88 °C (⫾0.17°). A single
mg/kg morphine and injected with this dose of the opiate for sample t test revealed that the mean maximum hypothermia
the 11th time on this test session (Group 5–5) displayed seen in these subjects was significantly different from zero,
even more pronounced hyperthermia than did Group 0 –5 t(9) ⫽ ⫺5.22, p ⬍ .001. By the final (fifth) test session the
rats, again demonstrating sensitization to the thermic effect mean maximal hypothermic response was ⫺0.05 °C
of morphine. In contrast, rats conditioned with 50 mg/kg (⫾0.18°) and was no longer significantly different from
morphine and tested with 5 mg/kg morphine (Group 50 –5) zero. Each of the 10 rats in Group 50 –5 displayed a lower
displayed a relatively brief hyperthermic response (com- temperature in response to 5 mg/kg morphine on the first
pared with rats in the other groups tested with 5 mg/kg test session than on the final test session.

Figure 2. Mean differences from baseline temperatures (⫾1 SEM) on the 1st test day for rats in
the combined saline-tested control group and for rats administered 5 mg/kg morphine following
conditioning with 50 mg/kg morphine (Group 50 –5), 5 mg/kg morphine (Group 5–5), or saline
(Group 0 –5).

Behavioral Data tically significant (all ps ⬍ .001). None of the other pairwise
comparisons, on any withdrawal measure, were statistically
Behavioral indices of withdrawal were collected on the significant.
postconditioning test days. As is the case with the temper-
ature data, the results for the three saline-tested groups
(Groups 50 – 0, 5– 0, and 0 – 0) are collapsed into a com- Extinction
bined saline-tested control group for simplicity in data Subjects in Group 50 –5 were administered 5 mg/kg for
presentation. an additional 4 days following the initial test. The mean
frequencies of each of the recorded behaviors (⫾1 SEM) on
Test Day 1 alternate test days (Test Days 1, 3, and 5) are displayed in
Figure 4. As can be seen in this figure, the mean frequency
Behavioral data collected on the 1st test day following 10 of each behavior decreased across days. In the case of
days of conditioning are summarized in Figure 3. As is rearing (see Figure 4A), this difference was not significant.
apparent in Figure 3A there were no significant differences Repeated measures ANOVAs of the other withdrawal
among groups in the mean frequency of rearing. There symptoms indicated that, for each of them, the effect of
were, however, significant differences among groups in extinction days was statistically significant, all Fs(2,
mean frequency of each of the other withdrawal symptoms: 18) ⱖ 3.90, all ps ⬍ .04.
wet dog shakes (see Figure 3B; F[3, 31] ⫽ 8.1, p ⬍ .001),
genital licks (see Figure 3C; F[3, 31] ⫽ 10.3, p ⬍ .001), ear Discussion
wipes (see Figure 3D; F[3, 31] ⫽ 10.7, p ⬍ .001), and
mouth movements (see Figure 3E; F[3, 31] ⫽ 19.0, p ⬍ Both the temperature and behavioral data indicate that
.001). Examination of Figures 3B–E indicates that, as hy- morphine withdrawal symptoms can be elicited by admin-
pothesized, the groups effects resulted because the small istration of morphine. Group 50 –5 rats, conditioned with 50
dose of morphine elicited more withdrawal symptoms in the mg/kg morphine and tested with 5 mg/kg of morphine,
group trained with the larger dose of the drug (Group 50 –5) displayed withdrawal hypothermia and behavioral indices
than it did in any other group. Pairwise comparisons (LSD) of morphine withdrawal. The withdrawal symptoms elicited
indicated that, for each of the indices of morphine with- by the 5 mg/kg dose in Group 50 –5 subjects were not
drawal summarized in Figures 3B–E, the differences be- observed in other rats receiving the same dose at test
tween Group 50 –5 and each of the other groups was statis- (Groups 5–5 and 0 –5), suggesting that such thermic and

Figure 3. Mean frequency (⫾1 SEM) of rears (A), wet dog shakes (B), genital licks (C), ear wipes
(D), and mouth movements (E) for 10 min following injection on the 1st test day for rats in the
combined saline-tested control group and for rats administered 5 mg/kg morphine following
conditioning with 50 mg/kg morphine (Group 50 –5), 5 mg/kg morphine (Group 5–5), or saline
(Group 0 –5).

behavioral responses are not unconditional effects of 5 elevation in temperature, and sensitization developed to this
mg/kg morphine. Rather, this dose elicits such behaviors morphine-induced hyperthermia during the conditioning
only in rats with a history of substantially higher doses of phase. Moreover, this sensitization was more pronounced in
morphine. rats conditioned with the higher dose of morphine. During
Temperature was monitored during both the conditioning the test session, rats administered 5 mg/kg morphine
and test phases of the experiment. Morphine elicited an (Groups 5–5, 0 –5, and 50 –5) initially displayed an uncon-

Figure 4. Mean frequency (⫾1 SEM) of rears (A), wet dog shakes (B), genital licks (C), ear wipes
(D), and mouth movements (E) for 10 min following injection on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th test days for
rats in Group 50 –5.

ditional hyperthermic response, but this temperature eleva- The hypothermic effect of 5 mg/kg morphine in Group
tion was less pronounced in Group 50 –5 rats than in rats in 50 –5 subjects decreased over the course of repeated injec-
the other groups tested with 5 mg/kg morphine. In fact, only tions of the low dose of the drug, providing further evidence
Group 50 –5 rats became hypothermic over the course of the that the morphine-elicited hypothermia is a CR. That is,
test session—a symptom of morphine withdrawal (e.g., such a decrease would be expected if the association be-
Gianuttsos et al., 1975). The pattern of results is consistent tween DOCs and the later, larger drug effect (established
with the suggestion that 5 mg/kg morphine simulates DOCs during conditioning) extinguished during testing. Such a
in rats previously injected with 50 mg/kg. Inasmuch as this diminution in the thermic effect of the drug during testing
hypothermic effect of 5 mg/kg morphine seen in Group would not be expected if the response to 5 mg/kg morphine
50 –5 rats is opposite to the sensitized response, it is un- was a nonassociative sensitized response.
likely that this response represents a sensitized response. The behavioral data are consistent with the temperature
Rather, as expected on the basis of an intra-administration data. Rats conditioned with 50 mg/kg and tested with 5
analysis, the response to the small dose of morphine in rats mg/kg (Group 50 –5) showed a greater frequency of all
conditioned with a large dose is associative; the small dose withdrawal measures—with the exception of rearing—than
of the drug reproduces the early drug effects, DOCs, that did subjects in other groups. Although there was no differ-
precede the full effects of 50 mg/kg morphine. ence between groups in the frequency of rearing, it should

be noted that there is some controversy concerning the Bouton, 1989; Zellner, Dacanay, & Riley, 1984). Such
efficacy of rearing as a measure of morphine withdrawal. findings typically have been interpreted as evidence con-
There are studies of associative contributions to morphine trary to an associative analysis of withdrawal symptoms:
withdrawal that have used this rearing measure (e.g., Azor- “These results [transenvironmental withdrawal symptoms]
losa, Hartley, & Deffner-Rappold, 1994; Deffner-Rappold, lead us to suggest that withdrawal responses are not com-
Azorlosa, & Baker, 1996; Kelsey, Aranow, & Matthews, pensatory conditioned responses elicited by drug-associated
1990); however McDonald and Siegel (1998) provided ev- cues” (Zellner et al., 1984, p. 179). In contrast, the results of
idence suggesting that rearing in morphine-experienced rats the present experiment suggest that transenvironmental dis-
is a manifestation of novelty-elicited exploration rather than plays of withdrawal symptoms may occur because the rel-
morphine withdrawal (but see Azorlosa & Simmons, 1999). evant CS, DOCs, are present in both the drug-paired and
All monitored withdrawal symptoms decreased over the alternative environments, and this interoceptive pharmaco-
course of repeated presentation of 5 mg/kg morphine in logical CS overshadows the exteroceptive cues manipulated
Group 50 –5 rats (with this effect being significant for all but by the experimenter.
the rearing measure), suggesting that these behavioral re- As elaborated elsewhere (Siegel & Ramos, 2002;
sponses to the small dose of morphine were associative. Sokolowska et al., 2002), recognition that intra-administra-
That is, such a decrease would be expected if the association tion associations contribute to drug withdrawal symptoms
between DOCs and the later, larger drug effect (established has implications for conditioning-based treatments of drug
during conditioning) extinguished during testing. Such a addiction. Some drug addiction treatment protocols incor-
diminution in the behavioral effects of morphine during porate procedures to extinguish the association between
testing would not be expected if the response to the mor- predrug cues and the drug. Cue exposure treatments typi-
phine-elicited behaviors was a nonassociative sensitized cally do not incorporate extinction of DOCs. As discussed
response. by several investigators (e.g., Cepeda-Benito & Short, 1997;
The present demonstration that DOCs elicit withdrawal Siegel & Ramos, 2002), the effectiveness of such behavioral
symptoms is consistent with clinical observations. It is well treatments may be improved if small drug doses are in-
established that drug withdrawal symptoms and relapse to cluded in the cue exposure procedure. Indeed, some inves-
drug use sometimes are precipitated by exposure to small tigators have described successful cue exposure treatment
drug doses. Although there are various interpretations of procedures for problem drinking that incorporate priming
such priming effects (Shaham, Rodaros, & Stewart, 1994), doses of alcohol (e.g., Sitharthan, Sitharthan, Hough, &
intra-administration associations may be responsible for Kavanagh, 1997; Sitharthan, Sitharthan, & Kavanagh,
some instances of the phenomenon (Siegel & Ramos, 2002). 2001).
For example, it frequently has been reported that a small
dose of alcohol augments the craving for additional alcohol References
and enhances subsequent alcohol consumption (see Anon- Anonymous. (1939). Alcoholics Anonymous: The story of how
ymous, 1939; Goddard, 1999). This small dose effect may many thousands of men and women have recovered from alco-
be attributable to the alcoholic’s association of the initial holism. New York: Works.
effect of alcohol (i.e., DOCs experienced soon after inges- Azorlosa, J. L., Hartley, N. E., & Deffner-Rappold, C. (1994).
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