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ach 1 the en 3A GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 5.15 café (n) /kaefer camera (1) /‘keemeare, Car ferry (n) /‘ka: feri catch a bus / ket a 'bas/ climb a mountain /klarm a ‘mauntan/ come out /kam ‘avt/ Yor uw Lamole_ drive a car /drarv a ‘kau/ i fantastic (adj) /feen'testrk/ field (n) /fild/ copy. get dark /get 'dazk/ ¥ aco¢ mo |e getsome air /get sam 'ea/ |. 5 ete | me ke go for a walk/swim/drive /,gau far a 'w>:k/ ‘swim/‘dratv/ So lo go on holiday /,gav on ‘holader/ ice cream (n) /ats ‘krizm/ lie/sunbathe on a beach /a1/sanberd on a ‘bizt{/ magical (adj) /mad3ikal/ \ Quo |e make a trip /merk a trip/ rainbow (n) /‘renbau/ pack your bag /,pak ja 'bag/ \5o.),) pio Clana [et3Ke (N) /lerk/ city break (n) cruise (n) /kruzz delay (n) /driex destination (n) double bed (n) excellent (adj) excursion (n) /1 expedition (n) fall asleep / f>:| flight (n) /fiart, fly (v) /flar/ fully booked / fv geta taxi /get s 90 climbing/hiki sightseeing/v ‘hatkrn/'karzek ‘windss3:ftn/ 90/travel by train have (a lot of) fur Journey (n) /a33: Qi land (v) /lend/ ARY wv vIzk, On a 'bistf/ Brlarme KOU) eas city break (n) /‘sttl bretk, cruise (1) /Kruiz delay (10) /drlet a destination (1) /destrinerfent double bed (n) /dabal 'bed/ excellent (adj) /‘eksalant/ ryL0<, B) excursion (n) /1k’sk3:fan/ 3 se eho > Sey land (y SS eee UB Vas ift/etevator (n) /inf map (1) /mep. opening/closing til taimz, platform (") plet taxi rank (n) /tzks taxi/cab (0) /t2ks' ticket (9) (tit timetable (n) ‘tat tourist office (1) / tram (n) /trem travel centre (n) tube station (n) /' tube(undergrour sndagraund/'s Wait fora bus/at Waiting room (1) Walk (v) /Wwork/ = SRamMa~\ Nonymous (adj fOmaa: gnvetevator (° map opening/ : platform (0) (PI taxirank (9) (12 taxicab (n) /tzeksi/k ticket ‘tk timetable tourist tourist office tram (0) /r travel centre x tube station nountain biking/ w ‘klarmin, tube(underground/subway arkin/‘sart sist nda wait fora bus/a train /v 1 Dar ‘rein - | Waiting oom (9) wert v) fan mani S0GRAMMAR @) 5.18 sonymous (adj) /sinonimas/ OG ‘Median (n) /ka'mi dete (0) /drtektrv fy ™OUS for ‘fermas fa, ) /greficti axtist ment (n} /monjamant/ oc) + ‘storie (aqj) , ence ( prishr'stortk/ +e 9) rezidans/ ~ iu (0) /sterdiom, jdosing times (1) /2upaniy/k MISS Your flight/train Monitor (n Passport (n Fucksack aksaek) seat number (n) /s: Security (n) /stkjvant trolley (n) /tro 3F READING AND VOCABULARY 5.20 acceptable (ad}) /akseptabal aid (n, v) /ex \ arrest(v) /atest/. authentic (adj) />:entik border (n) /borda charity (n) /tfaenti/ yA collect/faise money /ka|ekt/er2 nl container ship (n) /kanteine Jip dangerous (adj) /deinds9r9s hitehhike (v) /hafhark adj) hosprtaball Vey hospitable ( hardin 1S hygiene (1) migrant (n) /1migren aibal incredible (adi) "°° invitation () anvaterfarv invite (v) /snvatt istand (0) /atlend jail (0) id3eul tegal (3d)) /19" magazine (") mage miss your flight/train / mrs js ¥ - valid (adj) /veelad/ 2) monitor (n) /mo: visa (n) /visza/ gt s(n) /avpanin/klauzir Passport (n) visitor/guest (n) /Vizate/gest rucksack (1) /raks : cai website (n) /Websatt seat number (1) /sizt namba, security (n) /srkjvartt 3G WRITING AND VOCAB! b/ 6 - ba trolley (n) tn me BEE @5.21 a amazing (ad) /2'mexzin) bal 3F READING AND VOCABULARY pirate (asl eta @5.20 _jsle ? (avoid eye contact /ayoid ‘ar kon fe acceptable (3d)) /akseptabal/ 2 bow(v) bao) selon), aid (n,v) /erd J castle (n) /ka:sal ay arrest (v) /o'rest Dhaai te coast(n) /kaust/ S, So hr) ' he authentic (adj) />:entrk/ H 0) comfortable/uncomfortable (adj steer eM an’kamftabal/ Barta border (n) /b>:da ( peeray 50) FID - dull (adj) day) > ve medt o charity(n) /tfenti/ 4 ean SETS) i : enjoy yourself /in'd3>r jaself/ =) wert far a 'bas/a ‘trern, collect/raise money /ka /ekt/rerz ‘mani << enjoyable (adj) /1n'd3>rebal/_, erty) rum, container ship (1) /kan'temne f1p) 2 explore(v) /ikspl:/ Vo oKe dangerous (ad)) /deind3ars - ieee 7 friendly (adj) /frendli/ = a-Ced hitchhike (v) /hifhatk/ DO Foste P Cama eS i | adj) /fan/ ¢ 5.18 ‘ hospitable (adj) /hosprtabal/ Carl: sever S lente nonimas, greet (v) /grist! ~> ge) am hygiene (1) /hardsi:n, yen hi ee =a a ave a brilliant time /|haev 9 brilja immigrant (n) /tmigrant/ > 0G, = immigrant (9) alae ignore (v) hign> gacmeode incredible (adj) /inkredtbal/ Font | mad = = iss on the cheek/hand /kis on 09 invitation (n) /znvatesf2r/ ret Gctsy bepeation (0) local people (n) /Jovkal‘pispai/ ta oe a ynjam: ee make a positive impression /;merk an ae imprefan/ Pewrtnt 7 ; j ithestortk jait(n) /asew/ apis Mer make new friends /,merk nju: fren dons! oe J tegat (2d) Aigal open (adj) /supan/ =v magazine (n) magazin! ‘opportunity (n) /;opottiu:niti/ | \ a oe ration (n) /nesfar/ JUS : eo ey Qo2 e @ jce(0) shopping mall (0 bose ‘sweatshirt (1) /swet{s: snanth(39)) (sr! O 9 skal (9 3 ae henek tie (0 Se midi! > YOMse) Supermarket (n) /sipamack Mice spicy ( > \a0-\; 4 toiletries (0 1 proloerelhnstivy ns sills) SD ucour trainers PS op b} underwear (7) ano sugat(n) /Jo99/ —> travel agency (0) tra =, Swerneen Ga sweet (adj) /sw a pe variety ~\ i. , tea(n) /t * GF SPEAKING @) a 4E LISTENING AND VOCABULARY fabulous (ad) /Yebja ast (n) [a0 e 5.26 ‘ independent shop (n) /x eee acresony (0) /k oY SESS nates (not ee bargain lep shoe shop (n) Ju: op See ae bett es shopping centre (1) /op: blouse (1) /bla {va synthetic (adj) /sir’@etxk 4C GRAMMAR @) 5.24 ( he! bracelet (n)/bre Vile waste(n) /wewst/ | ‘arton(n) fhastn/ > WoC be i is a bande aie he > Se) Ct) ‘ pear (1) /peo OOM anne TING AND Vi My charity shop (n) feratifop/ > ayy (0 G WRI vegetable (1) /Vedstobal @5.28 ciotecenop (1) Hots allergic reaction (1) /9!3: ) orrel) 4D READING AND VOCABULARY eootiad) uty > ool) Rech) oea .25 \ decade (n) deters! 31 © v1) ace gompensation (0) /som annoyed (adj) /anord/ > 5 rave designer label (1) /drzaina Jerbel an PED ancoantihy hiokaen ‘area (n) feario/ >\elge earring (n) /r9r1/ _— yope é p, employ (v) mph) > ain store (nein sox! greet AYA a petment(vikspenmont FD oeCV. satu oun ‘ Changing room (n) sonia rum fashion (n) /farfan, exchange (v) /iks'feinds wheckout (n) /Ajekao’ SOSA fashionable (3d}) /faefanobal fautty(ad)) Pat» Y (at (n) /kovt y oben fit (v) /fat guarantee (1) /geren'ti Customer (n) aoe y omoghest formal (adj) /f2: mel immediately (adv) /i database (n) /dertabers!) —>\ OF? Seber handbag (n) /handbseg) improve (v) /imprusv eodorant (n) /di‘auderont =, hat (n) /hat jumpy (ad)) /d3unpi department store (7) aes $02 formal (ad) Antal order(v)/3:d2/ <> ¢} iscount(n) diskavn ~7 9 ie instinet(n)/insinetl > ),900 J package (0) ‘paki i vlo st pacfakt fa ju/ fs Seren cai toons Sago" D2" ast perfect for you /dsist psfkt fj predict(v)/prvankt #lectronic (adj) /ettk ror kitt(n) fat! SF shog cheZi product (n) /prodakt ou — “= az/ = om ! MORE es from the box in tun of the table. vith the word list. up of tea the dishes rk ameal (ae rom the word list nese phrases? make-up school uniform | alasses Tat dressed | rid of something |tobea | by car {ona diet wo parts of the nouns. Then check ord list. ng a opener mb machine ¢ cleaner wave d oven he sentences with sch gap. Then check ord list. ness!__up before ut, uld__up before texercising, washer is broken. Can Dme__up? up our own online s ARY | Personal context tomemorise or phrases more try t0use them in nats close to your 5A GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY @5.29 advantage (1) /adva:ntids afford (v) a> alone (24) 10 bedroom (n) /bedrom bin (0) /our bowl (n) /bou carpet () aot. cup tea /kap 9: curtain (n) fet decorations (n)(dekaterfanz/ =}, yerasue disciplined (ad) /disiplinds ><) j dothe dishes /du 69 dijr2 donate (\) /davinest) >), rower (9) (a> finish (v) hr {xed (a9) TAs ‘at (0) et fumiture(n) sna) eral ye, getridof [get rd av hanger(o}/hena/-s CAS 12) hold onto sth /havid ionta samoxn/iat {end (v) lend unnecessary (adj) /annesasor wardrobe (n) /w2: en hoe Wa fge(0 aa acttessed get re heat up food /:t ap usd isthe Garvenl Jasin Sn ache. ueW Manca ome acta al malin Ss ene) atime br LAL nesyladi nel! > D3, fb Se, nat 0 i mugin)/mal sy Pe Imutipurpese (a) /mtipnPrsls Op) se neat (adi) nity > Sdq en)p arsaised 04) 29270124 6 Oyen De fatlatr(n) esses! 6) oof IWBbihr) Ho CgD'D su (009! > ys) semen) yg ‘sofa (n) /saufa/ 4 Stairs (0) /steaz/ mnie = Y youn o\crob minimelis iron(o,v) son kettle (n) etl Sto lemete / ‘make a meal/a sandwich/a cup of ea / mesh ‘misl/asanwids/a ap av ti) DEAE ‘make your bed /ymeik ja bed), PE Ue Neri ‘make your breakfast meik jo brekfast/ ¢]miromave oven(n) makiower van)" oven(n)/s0n) Ese. password) passwd 9) fe pocket money 0) /pokst mani! > are polish (9,¥) ‘poli! > eilo, Lerlaleme set/clearthe table /st/ lio 02 terbal/.0r tba the abish ut ek 06 bf ao tip tac 0 vacuum (v)vakuom/ SoP ot Mel? ‘vacuum cleaner (1) /vakivor Kline) $9 py. 9e GRAM! seat oth side (" doa gow! gunste (°) ieee) sresner (0) gotobed &2 guide (n) /3 halls of esi tazy (ad) oud (26) / magically (3 party (v) /P wear make- wear school 5D SPEAK change the dean the ro hairdryer (1 ‘have fun /h help vourse leave ames ‘make plans Noisy (adj) / Put out /;p. elax (v) (rx \ \ Vole? getalitt/.g¢ smile back at / smal ‘ba 3S \ Monestly (adv split (v) /sp! > V Ads HA" hooligan (n) /hu step (v keep an eye on /ki:p 3 take partin /terk ‘part 1 . knowledge (n) /nolids turn the key in the lock lock (v) /lok up-to-date (adj) /ap ta mugger (n) /mage valuable (adj) /Veljabe on your own jon aun, view (1) /vju sh Wwe ecrent(y) prvent’ > en oe toy ob public transport (/n) / pablirk ‘treenspo:t 106 WRITING @ : back off / beek ‘of question (v) /kwest/an blind (adj) /blaind, tolerance (1) /tolarans, bully (1, v) /boli unconscious (adj) /an’ see vutse V. charge sb with sth (v) / Pdecscham vigilant(ad)) vidzalent/ >a, 5 Css F he Tor DPaAQ) b5 2 y sloimant/ Ss} ogre Ly viotentty (adv) /varaiantl ot cece vy Rion pee dag Aco? ddedle_ afeze rs! cop (1) /kop/ : 10F READING AND VOCABULARY Vs @5.69 electronics (1) /iJek'tro aS } Ved alibi (n) /aeltbat everyday (adj) /evride back door (1) /bak ‘do: feel afraid /fi:! a'freid/ 67 6 . c le he balcony (n)/belkani/ * feel like doing sth /{i:| \ et . Lm banker (n) /‘benka, furious (adj) /‘fjvarias, : before long /b1,/2: ‘lon/ grab (v) /graeby, L¢ le rel ov boast (v) /baust grade (1) /grerd,

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