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Look at the example and complete: (Veja o exemplo e complete)

Ex: A small cap. A big cap.

a) A short T-shirt. __________________________

b) A old socks . ___________________________

c) A tall boy. ___________________________

d) A ugly monster. ___________________________

e) A beautiful dress. __________________

2. Sublinhe o adjetivo correto entre parênteses na forma superlativa.

g) Tea is the (more popular/most popular) drink in Britain.

h) Pedro got top marks in all the tests. He's the (best/better) student in the class.

i) Water is the (cheap/cheapest) drink in a restaurant.

j) I got 5 out of 10 for the Maths test. lt was the (worst/bad) mark I had in all the tests.

3. Sublinhe o adjetivo correto entre parênteses.

g) This is a (good/best) book.

h) There is a very (highly/high) tower in the city.

i) The children had a (short/shorts) break.

j) The planet Mars is (red/redder).

2. Complete as frases abaixo escolhendo a lacuna correta para posicionar os adjetivos entre parênteses. Observe o
modelo abaixo:

I have a ____________ bag ____________. (new)

Resposta: I have a new bag.

Regra geral, os adjetivos em inglês são posicionados antes do substantivo. Assim, diferentemente do
que temos na língua portuguesa (primeiro o substantivo e depois o adjetivo: bolsa nova), em inglês o
adjetivo new (novo) deve ser posicionado antes do substantivo (bag): new bag.

a) The students ____________ look ____________. (worried)

b) He is a ____________kid ____________. (smart)

) I think she met ____________ someone ____________. (new)

d) She bought an ____________ awesome ____________ house. (big)

4. The expression “most sensational”, in the cartoon, is being used as

a) comparative adjective.
b) superlative adjective.

c) preposition.

d) adverb.

5. Marque com um X a opção que melhor traduz a alternativa

A) Erika é uma garota rica e inteligente.

Erika is an inteligent and rich girl. ( )

Erika is a rich and intelligent girl. ( )

B) A árvore é alta, velha e bonita.

The tree is tall, old and beautiful.

The tree is tall, beautiful and old.

C) O café está fraco, espesso e amargo.

The coffee is weak, thick and bitter.

The coffe is bitter, thick and weak.

D) Edson é arrogante, feio e baixo.

Edson is short, arrogant and ugly.

Edson is ugly, arrogant and short.

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