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By anonymous

Before you even begin to read about making a novelty id read this Legality Issues

Legality Issues
I think its important thateveryone is well versed in their rights and the legality issues of getting into the
business of fake IDs. I have ton hours and hours of research (was a little paranoid before I started) and
consider myself well versed. So here to start if off is some pointers everyone should take to heart.


This is the number one tool to protecting yourselves. If anything you digitally weather it be your temps,
guides, getting information/pictures from people etc isnt encrypted your an idiot and dont be surprised
when you get caught.

Pretty much LE can kick down your door find all your equipment and still have trouble making a case. A
large majority of the equipment involved as you all can know is 100 percent legal. Its what you do with it
that makes it illegal. If they can find temps they cant prove you used the equipment to make fakes unless
they have testimony from other people (which if you ran business right shouldnt be possible, we will
discuss later).

Encrypted passwords are protected by the 5th amendment. Actually very recently a case .S. v.
Kirschner, 2010 WL 1257355 (2010) set the precedent on encrypted passwords. Long story short a guy
got caught with kiddy porn at border they went back to look at laptop as evidence, it was encrypted tried
to supeona him for password and judge decided he was protected my 5th amendment.

There is more to it than that. Many legal experts argue that he gave up his 5th rights by letting police
officer look on his computer at the border (they didnt realize it was encypted till they tried to look at it
later). So when LE kicks down your door keep your mouth shut.

2. Know your Rights Know the Law

The criminal defense attorney in that video is fun to watch and he gives great advice on why you should
never talk to police and he explains your rights when it comes to police. That video is a must watch.

Everyone should be a trained paralegal when it comes to search a seizure laws, it would take me all
day to write details, but know when they can search and how they can search. Unfortunately fake ids are
small things so chances are any warrant is going to include every nook and crany in your place. (For
example if they are looking for a stolen care they can look in your drawer since its likely you fit the car in

Under no circumstance should you talk to cops. Lawyer up immedialty Anything you say will probley
bite you in the ass, dont admit its ur shit dont admit its ur computer to make up excuses SHUT THE FUCK
UP and lawyer up.

3. No paper trail

Dont have any half done fakes in your place. I make it a habit if I start making an id/s i finish them and
put them somewhere safe. Dont print them than go to a party come back and finish. Minute they fine one
fake id you automatically lose all arguement in court that the equipment was used for anything other than
illegal activites. I personally have strictly novelty ids purposly lieing around my place. "Pimp Club", "Pussy
Lover Club" with uv and holograms just so I have an excuse in court why I had all the shit. I have uv
pictures hanging around and a big black light, all will have arguements. COVER ALL TRACKs.
4. VPN

Enough said dont have an internet trail, surf the net anonymously, get anonymous email etc not much I
have to say here any questions on how to do it ask.

5. Dont personally sell fake ids to ANYONE

Even when I make it for very very very close friends I insist on mailing it to them. If it ever came down
to it I could just say I ordered it online and took a small cut (still in trouble but much less severe). Minute
you hand id to someone they can testify you personally gave it. No one should ever be handed an id, not
even middle men.

Fake ID Guide v7 has a great topic on middle men. You should have middle men, myself personally I
would say only 2 people in the world actually know I do this (so very hard for me to get caught). I actually
have a middle men who has middle men (i share all profit but rather be safe and wealthy than fucking
loaded and in jail. So he is in charge of finding people through his middle men and I make them the chain
goes up to him, and at him theres nothing no equipment he never sees or touches ids etc. Works great.

6. Try to spread out your sales.

I for one refuse to sell any to anyone in my area. I am in college, and not one has been sold to anyone
who goes to my school. Less assocition you have with your clients the better. Also dont make to many in
the same area, I limit myself to 20 per school and 5 per town. All research I have done a majority of
investigations that get started are due to the same quality/type of fake ids poping up in the same area. All
because one or two fake ids get caught doesnt mean the FBI is going to start investigation. Its when a
bunch of fake NYs with uv and hologram that scan start popping up in the same college town that they
start an investigation.

7. Nothing gets back to you

Wear gloves when dealing with laminates, alot of investigations actually are easy cause they check
finger prints on bunch of confiscated ids of same type and caliber, obviously if the same print is on all of
them there is a connection.

Also I have a code word with my middle men, pretty much if i get a text or in coversation I hear the word I
know that shit went hot doesnt matter the reason, i immediatly have someone move all my equipment and
start taking a break etc. I reccomend a way that even if a middle man has to turn on u he can try to
somewhat warn you, or if they start getting questions they can warn u before they have to give up ur
name. You have to plan like ur middle men will turn u in, I dont care how much u trust someone if its
between them and u they are going to throw u under the bus any day of the week. The difference is I
teach my middle men to know when they are in trouble, or when they are fine, biggest thing you should
worry about is middle men being scared and ratting u out prematurely. All because ur middle men start
getting questioned doesnt mean LE has shit and doesnt mean they need to flip on you.

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