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SUBJECT ; Personal and communal health
YEAR ; One
SEMISTER ; One Registration No: ________________


Answer all Questions in Section A and B.

Choose ONLY 3 questions from Section C.

Section A (MCQs)

1. Personal and communal health is all about the care of;

a) An individual’s whole body.

b) One’s body and clothing.
c) An individual’s body, clothing, bedding and the community.
d) Individuals and family health only.

2. Which of the following components make up a ideal home?

a) Kitchen, bedroom, enough compound with flowers

b) Main house, kitchen, pit latrine/toilet. Bedroom and rubbish pit.
c) Main house with nice furniture, kitchen, bathroom and rubbish bins.
d) Main house, kitchen and spacious clean compound.

3.Which of the following is a determinant of health?

a) Environmental factors
b) Weight
c) Behavior
d) Where you live

4. Outlet ventilation should be put on a house for

a) Ensuring entry of fresh air

b) Prevention of draught in the house.
c) House design purpose
d) Allowing foul smelling in air to escape.

5. Epidemiologists are interested in learning about

a) The causes of diseases and how to cure and control them

b) The causal relationships between diseases
c) Spread of the diseases
d) All of the above

6. Skin cleaning removes perspiration thus

a) Minimizing skin irritation

b) Promoting proper circulation
c) Enhancing general health
d) Encourage relaxation

7. Which of the following is a primary danger of a neglected mouth and teeth?

a) Glossitis
b) Meningitis
c) Ottorrhoea
d) Otitis media

8. The branch of health which includes all aspects and guidelines necessary for an individual to maintain
a good standard of health is

a) Personal health
b) Personal hygiene
c) Self-disease screening.
d) Personal cleanliness

9. The successful entry multiplication of disease causing microbes in the human body is called

a) Sepsis
b) Bacteremia
c) Septicemia
d) Infection

10. Which of the following is an advantage of using soft water?

a) A lot of soap is required to make a good lather.

b) More heat is required to heat the boiler
c) It dissolve soap readily
d) Contains necessary mineral salts

11. Personal health can be defined as

a) Eating clean and good food

b) Putting on the right type of dress
c) Well-being of whole body
d) A state of good posture
12. Breakdown of organic matter is referred to as

a) Composition
b) Decomposition
c) Degeneration
d) Re-composition

13. Which of the following does NOT determine the health of a community?

a) Genetics
b) Environment
c) Individual lifestyle
d) Education

14. The best method of water purification on a large scale is

a) Filtration
b) Chemical methods
c) Sedimentation
d) Boiling

15. The most appropriate time to brush teeth in the morning is

a) Before eating anything

b) After breakfast
c) After break tea
d) Towards lunch time

16. The recommended number of occupants in a three (3) bed roomed house is

a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8

17. Which of the following micro-organisms is a fungus

a) Escheria coli
b) Plasmodium falciparum
c) Candida albicans
d) Vibro cholerae

18. Which of the following bacteria cells is relatively straight, rod shaped cylindrical cells

a) Bacilli
b) Vibrio
c) Spirilla
d) Cocci

19. Protozoa reproduce asexually by

a) Cell division
b) Conjugation
c) Binary fission
d) Binary fussion

20. The commonest reservoir of infections is

a) Wild animals
b) Domestic being s
c) Human beings
d) Food and water

Answer section B and C In the answer booklets provided

Section B 20 marks (Shot Essay)

23. State ten (10) ways through which environmental air might be contaminated on the ward

24. State five (5) measures that should be put in the place to ensure good health in the community

25. State five (5) factors that should be consider when choosing materials for clothing.

Section C (Long Essay)

26 (a) Define health (WHO definition) (2marks)

(b) State five (5) components of communal health (10 marks)

(c) Describe the different determinants of health (18marks)

27 (a). Define epidemiology (2marks)

(b) List 8 uses of epidemiology (8marks)

(c) Diagrammatically explain the epidemiological triad as interactions that bring about the causation of
disease. (10marks)

28 (a). What is meant by air pollution? (2marks)

(b) List the components of air stating their respective percentages (8marks)

(c) Discuss the different sources of air pollution (10marks)

29 (a) List any three properties of water (3marks)

(b) Mention 7 importance of water (7marks)

(c) With clear examples of the disease in each describe the water associated disease (10marks)

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