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Câu khó TOEIC Reading Part 6 & 7 - HACKER 3

Diễn giả: Mrs. Ngọc Anh - giáo viên TOEIC tại PREP
Thời gian: 20h ngày 26/03/2023
(A) In this way
(B) In contrast
(C) In particular
(D) In reality
(A) Perhaps we can discuss the issue further at the trade fair.
(B) If I like the results, I'd be willing to work with you on a regular basis.
(C) Once I make the design changes, I will send you the order.
(D) Your quoted prices are higher than I have budgeted for the items.
(A) declined
(B) agreed
(C) encompassed
(D) attempted

(A) Those who haven't paid the charge yet will receive a fine.
(B) The additional fee will be charged until the expenses are all
paid for.
(C) Please let us know when you will be using the new services.
(D) This will be imposed after the facility improvements
(A) You can save more if you buy ski lift tickets for five or more days.
(B) Each one must be used by the date and time stamped on it.
(C) Discounts are not applicable if coupons are past their expiration
(D) The country's ski resorts are among the best the world has to offer.

(A) claim
(B) deliver
(C) redeem
(D) pursue
(A) The profitability of the venture could affect its completion.
(B) It has so far proven quite popular with people of all ages.
(C) But there was some opposition to the project when it started.
(D) The city has become a model for other cities to follow.

(A) commitment
(B) necessity
(C) responsibility
(D) coincidence
150. What is indicated about departmental supervisors?

(A) They are authorized to buy materials on their own.

(B) They are responsible for approving employees' purchases.
(C) They may sign requisition forms on Ms. Jessop's behalf.
(D) They must work with a budget determined by Ms. Jessop
Questions 151-152 refer to the following chat messages,

152. At 11:08 a.m., what does Mr. Brosky most likely mean when he writes, "I'm

(A) He would like to confirm the details of a request.

(B) He believes someone already went to a store.

(C) He could not understand a request.

(D) He wants to check if he already has some materials.

159. What is mentioned about the Kansas City Bluecoats?
(A) It previously won first place in a competition.
(B) It lost one of its corporate sponsors.
(C) Its coach was recruited locally.
(D) Its players are the highest paid in the league.

160. What is true about the new stadium?

(A) It will formally open after two months.
(B) It has yet to be given a name.
(C) It will be the site of a championship game.
(D) It is located within Kansas City's downtown area
161. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence
best belong? "Fans and out-of-town supporters will be better served by these

(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
Questions 162-165 refer to the following chat discussion,

Gina [10:09 A.M.] I just got word from the boss. A manufacturing problem
Adenan discovered at our Maryland factory will lead to an
immediate recall of all T-20 and T-21 model toasters our
company sold in the past year.

Hal [10:12 A.M.] I heard about that issue earlier this morning. A recall
Anderson is going to be a huge undertaking. We'll have to post
a notice in some major newspapers.

Oliver Lee [10:14 A.M.] That's right. And we'll also have to put the same
information on our Website.

Hal [10:16 A.M.] That would be the best way to reach our customers
Anderson abroad. Katie, can you draft an announcement if I
forward you all of the details?

Katie Ford [10:19 A.M.] Of course. I'll put it together as quickly as I can and get
a list of press contacts from marketing.

Gina [10:22 A.M.] Thanks, Katie. Oliver, as you are running the call
Adenan center, you'll need to train your staff to handle
inquiries regarding the recall. There will be a lot of
calls from the public, I'm sure.

Oliver Lee [10:25 A.M.] I'll get right on it. We dealt with a similar issue three
years ago, so I know what needs to be done.

Gina [10:28 A.M.] Okay, thanks everyone. It sounds like we should be able
Adenan to handle everything.

165. At 10:25 a.m., what does Mr. Lee most likely mean when he writes, “I’ll get right on
(A) He will call the marketing department.
(B) He needs to hire more staff.
(C) He intends to consult a former employee.
(D) He will start instructing the employees.
Questions 166-168 refer to the following webpage,

Home Tours Gallery Contact us

At Visit Indonesia, we offer a variety of tours to suit everyone visiting our beautiful
country. — [1] —
You can enjoy Indonesia's natural beauty, experience the bustle of cities, or relax on
outings to our ancient sites—all at the most reasonable prices around. Some of our
most popular tours are described below, and you may click on "more" to view a full
listing of tours offered.

Hiking in Sumatra
Sumatra is an amazing place with magnificent volcanoes, exciting wildlife, and
beautiful scenery. Our trip will start in the hub city of Medan, and from there we'll trek
to an orangutan sanctuary in Bukit Lawang. We'll spend a night camping in the jungle
before ending the trip with a journey to the top of the Sibayak volcano. — [2] —.

Experience Java
Java is one of the smallest of Indonesia's main islands, but it packs a lot in—and not
just in the famous capital of Jakarta. — [3] —. We'll travel through the mountainous
landscape of central Java before making our way to Yogyakarta, a town containing the
world's largest complex of temples, dating back hundreds of years.

The Beaches of Bali

Bali is famous for its beaches, and we will pick you up from the city of Denpasar and
take you straight to the south of the island. There, you can participate in snorkeling
and scuba diving! We also run day trips inland to see the rice paddies, lakes, and other
attractions of the region. — [4] —.


168. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence
best belong? "Outside the city awaits a world of natural and historical wonders."

(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
Questions 176-180 refer to the following advertisement and form,
176. What is stated about Bulk Land Supermarket?
(A) It has a minimum order requirement.
(B) It introduces new deals every month.
(C) It will not deliver to some residences.
(D) It does not have any physical stores.

177. In the advertisement, the word "comfort" in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to:
(A) alleviation
(B) service
(C) consolation
(D) ease

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