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STUDENT NUMBER _____801-21-8762______________

1. Why does Bigger attack Gus when they meet up to rob Blum’s delicatessen?
 Gus does not want to rob Blum’s delicatessen anymore

 Gus insults Bigger

 Bigger wants to sabotage the robbery

 Gus has forgotten to bring his gun

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2. Why does Bigger hate his family?

 They refuse to work and he has to support them

 They threaten to turn him in to the police

 They criticize his friends

 They are miserable and he is unable to help them

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3. Who hires Bigger as a chauffeur?

 Mr. Dalton

 Buckley

 Boris A. Max

 Jan Erlone

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4. Why does Bigger kill Mary?

 She attacks him
 He is terrified of being found alone in her bedroom with her

 He wants to steal the money in her purse

 He wants to collect ransom from her parents

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5. Who is Mr. Dalton?

 The State’s Attorney

 A politician

 A doctor

 A real estate baron

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6. Why does Bigger kill Bessie?

 He knows that her complaining and her alcoholism will slow him down in his

flight from the police

 He does not want her to turn him in to the police for raping her

 She has spent some of his money

 She threatens to turn him in for killing Mary

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7. Why do Mary’s parents disapprove of her relationship with Jan?

 Jan does not come from a wealthy background

 Jan gets Mary drunk too often

 Jan is a communist

 Jan believes in racial equality

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8. Who is Britten?
 A policeman

 A private investigator

 A reporter

 Mary’s uncle

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9. From what handicap does Mrs. Dalton suffer?

 Blindness

 Paralysis

 Deafness

 Muteness

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10. Which of the following describes Max?

 He is an attorney for the Labor Defenders

 He is Jewish

 He is Bigger’s lawyer

 All of the above

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11. Who is Buckley?

 A policeman

 The judge who presides over Bigger’s trial

 A private investigator

 The State’s Attorney

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12. How does Bigger react to Mary’s unreserved behavior toward him?
 He is angry

 He is afraid

 He is ashamed

 All of the above

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13. Why is Bigger alone with Mary in her bedroom the night he kills her?
 He has to help her to her bedroom, as she is too drunk to get up the stairs herself

 He wants to get her drunk so he will not have to take her to the station in the

 She wants to read some communist pamphlets with him

 She wants him to help her pack for her trip to Detroit in the morning

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14. Why does Buckley rush Bigger’s trial?

 Bigger has already confessed to his crimes, so the trial is irrelevant at this point

 He is afraid a riot will break out if he does not conclude the trial quickly

 The case against Bigger is so strong that the outcome is inevitable

 The trial will give him a political advantage in his upcoming campaign for


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15. How does Bigger’s mother cope with her misery?

 She drinks

 She is devoutly religious

 She abuses her children

 She goes to the movies

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16. What is the first violent act Bigger commits during the novel?
 He attacks Gus without provocation or warning

 He robs Blum’s delicatessen at gunpoint

 He kills a rat in his family’s apartment

 He kills Mary Dalton

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17. What does Buddy think about Bigger’s job with the Daltons?
 Buddy envies Bigger’s job
 Buddy thinks Bigger’s job is degrading and menial

 Buddy thinks Bigger’s job is boring

 Buddy does not think Bigger’s job pays enough

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18. What does Bigger do with Mary’s body?

 He hides it in Mary’s trunk

 He throws it down an airshaft in an empty building on the South Side

 He buries it

 He burns it in the Daltons’ furnace

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19. Where does Bigger first see Mary Dalton?

 At his job interview

 In a newsreel at a movie theater

 At Ernie’s Kitchen Shack on the South Side

 At Blum’s delicatessen

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20. Why does Bigger not flee Chicago after Mary’s bones are discovered?
 The police block every road in and out of the city

 He decides it is better just to give up

 A snowstorm blocks all roads in and out of the city

 Bigger does not want to leave his family

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21. What happened to Bigger’s father?

 He abandoned the family when Bigger was ten years old

 He was killed in a riot in the South

 He was arrested, convicted, and executed for murder

 He committed suicide

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22. What famous court cases parallel Bigger’s trial?

 The Lindbergh kidnapping and murder case

 The Scopes trial and the Brown v. Board of Education case

 The Dred Scott case and the Loeb-Leopold kidnapping and murder trial

 The Nixon case and the Loeb-Leopold kidnapping and murder trial

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23. To which literary genre does Native Son belong?

 Urban naturalism

 Romanticism

 Transcendentalism

 All of the above

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24. Why are rents on the South Side higher than in other Chicago
 It is an upscale neighborhood with nice apartments

 The rents on the South Side include all utility bills

 The rents are not higher on the South Side than in other neighborhoods

 Racist rental policies have created an artificial housing shortage on the South Side

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25. Who is the author of Native Son?

 James Baldwin

 Richard Wright

 Ralph Ellison

 Langston Hughes

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