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( Pertanyaan dan Jawaban yang Umum dalam sebuah Percakapan )

1. Hi, How are you today?I am fine, thanks , and you ? I am very well, thank you 
2. What is your full name ?My full name is  Vina Kurniawati
3. What is your nickname?My nickname is Vina 
4. How do you spell it ?V - I - N – A
5. How can  I call you ?You can call  me by Vina 
6. Where do you live ? I live in Jl Sulawesi Watukebo
7. Where are you from ?I am from Watukebo
8. How old are you ?I am thirteen years old
9. How weight are you ?I am fifty kilograms
10. How tall are you ?I am one hundreds and sixty  one cm tall
11. What is your favourite food ?my favourite food is meat ball
12. What colour do you like best? I like blue and brown very much 
13. How many brothers and sisters do you have  ?I have one brother and two sisters
14. Where do you study ?I study at Muh Junior High school 9 Watukebo?
15. What class are you in ?I am in seventh D
16. How do you go to school ?I go to school on foot/ by bicycle
17. What is your religion? I am Moslem
18. Do you ever go  to dira park ?Of course, I come there many times
19. With whom did you go there?I went  there with my family
20. May I have your phone number ? 085812758915
21. When were you born ?I was born in Jember on 14 of June 2008
22. What is your birthday?It is  on 14 of June 2008
23. Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too
24. See you tomorrow See you
25. Have a nice day ..okey... 

VOCABULARY ( Kata - Kata Sulit )

Nickname : nama panggilan

Spell : mengeja

Call : memanggil

Religion : Agama

Ever : Pernah

Born : Lahir 

Tall : Tinggi

Weight : Berat

Brother : Saudara laki – laki

Sister : Saudara Perempuan 

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