CS1 - Chapter 7

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Anh-Tuan Le, Ph.D

09-Feb-22 403036 - Control System 1 1

Chapter 7
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Analyze the system based on state space
7.2.1. A review of state space equations
7.2.2. State diagram of the system
7.2.3. Declare the state space using Matlab

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Chapter 7
7.3. Design of the state feedback controller
7.3.1. Diagram of state feedback control system
7.3.2. Design methods
• Controllability
• Observability
• Method of Pole placement
7.3.3. Modeling the state feedback controller with
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A control system design:

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State-space control design is the technique in

which the control engineer designs a dynamic
compensation by using state variable description.

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Advantage of state space:

• Study more general models
• Introduce the ideas of geometry into differential
• Connect internal and external descriptions

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
1. Definition
• The state variable form as a vector equation:
x = Ax + Bu
• The output: y = Cx + Du
• The column vector x: state of the system, contain n
elements for nth – order system
• A (nn): system matrix, B(n1): input matrix, C(1n):
output matrix, D: a scalar, direct transmission term

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
2. System description in state space
Example: x=v
b 1
v =− v+ u
m m
0 1 0 
 x =  b   x +  1  u
 v  0 −   v   
 m m
y = 1 0 
 x
 v 
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Analyze the system based on state
space model
3. Block diagram and state space

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
3. Block diagram and state space
Example: Find a state-variable description

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
3. Block diagram and state space
Differential equation: y + 6 y + 11 y + 6 y = 6u
y = −6 y − 11 y − 6 y + 6u

Define the state-variables x1 = y, x2 = y, x3 = y

to obtain x1 = −6 x1 − 11x2 − 6 x3 + 6u
x2 = x1
x3 = x2

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
3. Block diagram and state space

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
3. Block diagram and state space
which provides the state-variable description:

−6 −11 −6 6
𝑨= 1 0 0 ,𝑩 = 0 ,𝑪 = 0 0 1 ,𝐷 = 0
0 1 0 0

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
3. Block diagram and state space
b( s ) s+2
Example: G ( s) = = 2
a( s) s + 7 s + 12

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
3. Block diagram and state space
x1 = −7 x1 − 12 x2 + u
x2 = x1
y = x1 + x2
which provides the state-variable description:
−7 −12 1
𝑨= ,𝑩 = ,𝑪 = 1 2 ,𝐷 = 0
1 0 0

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
Consider the system:
x = Ax + Bu
y = Cx + Du
Consider a change of state from x to new state z
We have: x = Tz
z = Az + Bu y = Cz + Du
A = T AT -1 C = CT
B=T B-1 D=D

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
To convert a general state description to
canonical form
• The controllability matrix = B AB ... A n-1B 
• Compute t n =  0 0 ... 1 −1

• Construct t n A  n −1

−1 t A n −2 
T = n 
t 
 n 

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
• When the controllability matrix is
nonsingular, the corresponding A and B matrix
are said to be controllable.
• We can transform a given state description to
control canonical form if the controllability matrix
is nonsingular.

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
• A change of state by a nonsingular linear
transformation does not change controllability.
• Controllability is a function of the state of the
system and cannot be decided from a transfer

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
In modal form, suppose:

Above equation is equivalent:

pi t i = At i

t i eigenvector, pi eigenvalue.

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
Transfer function:
Y ( s)
= C ( sI − A ) B + D
G( s) =
U (s)

Poles: det ( sI − A ) = 0

 sI − A − B  =0
Zeros: det
 C D 

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Analyze the system based on state
space model
Observability matrix
C 
CA 
= 
CA n−1 

We can find a transformation to observer

canonical form if the observability matrix is non-
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Analyze the system based on state
space model
We can find a transformation to observer
canonical form if the observability matrix is non-
 − a1 1 0 0 0  b1 
xo = Ao xo + Bou A o =  − a2 0 1 0  ; B = b2 
y = Co xo + Dou   o  
 − an 0 0 0 0  bn 
Co = 1 0 0 0 ; Do = 0

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Design of the state feedback
1. Overview:
• Control law: assign a set of pole locations for
the closed loop system that will correspond to
satisfy dynamic response.
• If the full state is not available: estimator

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Design of the state feedback
1. Overview:
Control law and estimator fit together, referred to
as compensation

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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
The nth – order system:
x = Ax + Bu
The control law:
 x1 

u = −Kx = −  K1 K 2 ... K n   
x2 
 xn 

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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
The closed-loop system:
x = Ax − BKx
The characteristic equation of this closed-loop
det  sI − ( A − BK )  = 0

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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
• The control law design consist of choosing the
gain K so that roots of closed-loop system are in
desirable locations
• The corresponding desired characteristic
equation: ( s − s1 )( s − s2 ) ... ( s − sn ) = 0
• K are obtained by matching coefficients
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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
 x1  =  0 1  x1  + 0 u
 x1   −02 0  x1  1 

Find the control law so that the system has

two poles at −20

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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
In order to study the transient response of pole
placement design to input commands, the
control law:
u = uss − K ( x − x ss )

uss , x ss desired final value of state & control input

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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
• Solve the values for which yss = rss for any value
of rss
• Let: x ss = N x rss , uss = N u rss
• We have:
A B   N x  = 0  Nx  = A B  0 
C D   Nu  1   Nu  C D  1 

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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
The control law:
u = Nu r − K (x − N x r )
= −Kx + ( Nu + KN x )r

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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
• The most effective and widely used technique
of linear control system design is the optimal
linear quadratic regulator (LQR).

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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
LQR control is to find the control such that the
performance index is minimized.

J =  x Qx + u Ru dt

Q, R : diagonal matrices

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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
• The control law:
u = −Kx
• In practice, Q and R are chosen such that:
• Qii =1/maximum acceptable value of  xi 
 2

• Rii =1/maximum acceptable value of ui 


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Design of the state feedback
2. Finding the control law:
Matlab function
• acker
• lqr

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• State space description

• Control, observer form
• Open-loop poles and zero can be computed
from the state description matrices
• Control characteristic equation
• Good closed-loop pole locations depend on
• the desired transient respond

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• State space model is both controllable and

• Controllable, observable
• Control law design and estimator design

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• Questions: from 7.1 to 7.15, pages 585 - 586

• Problems: from 7.1 to 7.65, pages 586 - 609
• Remind: [1]: 483 to 508, [2]: 722-816,
[4]: 757-812

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