CS1 - Chapter 5

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Anh-Tuan Le, Ph.D

09-Feb-22 403036 - Control System 1 1

Chapter 5

5.1. Definitions
5.2. Root locus method
5.3. System stability according to root locus
using Matlab
5.4. Design of lead and lag compensators
using root-locus method

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• The basic feedback system:

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• The closed loop transfer function:

Y (s) Dc ( s)G ( s)
= T (s) =
R( s ) 1 + Dc ( s)G ( s) H ( s)
• The characteristic equation:

1 + Dc ( s )G ( s ) H ( s ) = 0

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For study of the roots as a parameter change,

called K, define component polynomials a(s)
and b(s) so that the characteristic equation is
in the form:
b( s )
a( s) + Kb( s ) = 1 + KL( s ) = 0; L( s ) =
a( s)

b(s) of degree m, a(s) of degree of 𝑛, 𝑚 ≤ 𝑛

09-Feb-22 403036 - Chapter 5. The Root - Locus Design Method 5

❖ We need to plot locus of all possible roots

when K varies from zero to infinity.
❖ The resulting plot aid us in:
• Selecting the best value of K.
• Determining the consequences of additional
dynamic added to Dc(s) as compensation.

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• Definition: the root locus is the set of values of

s for which 1 + KL( s ) = 0 is satisfied as the real
parameter K varies from 0 to +∞.
• Typically, 1 + KL( s ) = 0 is the characteristic
equation of the system, and in this case the
roots on the locus are the closed-loop poles of
that system.
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Root Locus Method

1. Rules for determining a root locus.

• Rule 1: The n branches of the locus start at the
poles of L(s) and m of these branches end on
the zeros of L(s).
• Rule 2: The loci are on the real axis to the left
of an odd number of poles and zeros.

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Root Locus Method

1. Rules for determining a root locus.

• Rule 3: For large s and K, n-m branches of
the loci are asymptotic to line at angles
radiating out from the point s =  on the real axis.
180 + 360 (l − 1)
0 0
l = , l = 1, 2,3,..., n − m

=  pi −  zi
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Root Locus Method

1. Rules for determining a root locus.

• Rule 4: The angle of departure of a branch
of the locus form single pole is given by:
dep =  i − i −180 0

Where  i is the sum of the angles to the

remaining poles and  i is the sum of the
angles to all the zeros.
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Root Locus Method

1. Rules for determining a root locus.

• Rule 4: The angle of arrival of a branch at a
zero of multiplicity q is given by:

arr =  i − i +180 + 360 ( l − 1) 0 0

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Root Locus Method

2. Selected Illustrative
root loci
The addition of the zero
has pulled the locus
into the LHP, a point of
general importance in
constructing a compensation. s +1
G( s) = 2
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Root Locus Method

2. Selected Illustrative
root loci
The addition pole moving
in from the far left tends to
push the locus branches to
the right as it approaches
a given locus. s +1
G( s) = 2
s ( s + 12)
09-Feb-22 403036 - Chapter 5. The Root - Locus Design Method 13
Root Locus Method

2. Selected Illustrative root loci

s +1 s +1
G( s) = 2 G( s) = 2
s ( s + 4) s ( s + 9)
09-Feb-22 403036 - Chapter 5. The Root - Locus Design Method 14
System Stability according to Root
Locus using Matlab

3. Plotting a root locus using MATLAB

b( s )
a( s) + Kb( s ) = 1 + KL( s ) = 0; L( s ) =
a( s)
• Command rlocus, rlocfind
• Using rltool feature

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

• Compensation: lead compensation, lag

compensation, notch compensation.
• Lead compensation approximates the PD control,
speed up a response, lowering rise time and
decreasing the transient overshoot.
• Lag compensation approximates PI control,
improve the steady state accuracy.

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

• Notch compensation achieve stability for systems.

• Compensation with a transfer function of the form:
Dc ( s) = K
s+ p
• It called lead if z < p and lag if z > p

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

• The feedback system with compensation:

• The characteristic equation:

1 + Dc ( s )G ( s ) = 1 + KL( s ) = 0

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

1. Lead Compensation

G(s) =
s ( s + 1)

First, start with

Dc ( s ) = K (solid line)
Dc ( s ) = K ( s + 2)(dashed line)
09-Feb-22 403036 - Chapter 5. The Root - Locus Design Method 19
Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

1. Lead Compensation

K ( s + 2)
Dc ( s) =
s + 10
K ( s + 2)
Dc ( s) =
s + 20

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

1. Lead Compensation
• Selecting z and p is done by trial and error,
minimized with experience.
• In general, zero is placed in the neighborhood of
the closed loop  n (determined by rise time or
settling time requirements).

09-Feb-22 403036 - Chapter 5. The Root - Locus Design Method 21

Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

1. Lead Compensation
The pole is located at a distance 5 to 20 times the
value of the zero location.

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

2. Lag Compensation
The lag compensation is determined to raise Kv
(or some other steady state error constant) but is
Nearly unity (no effect) at the higher frequency  n .

Dc ( s) = K ,z  p
s+ p

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

2. Lag Compensation
• Values of z and p are small compared with  n
• = 3 to 10

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

2. Lag Compensation

G(s) =
1 91( s + 2)
Dc1 ( s) =
s ( s + 1) s + 13
K v = 14

Design lag compensation such that K v = 70

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

2. Lag Compensation
• Calculate: n = 7(rad/s)
• Choose: =5 , p = 0.01
s + 0.05
Dc 2 ( s) =
s + 0.01

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

2. Lag Compensation

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

3. Notch Compensation
• Lead and Lag compensation
91( s + 2) s + 0.05
Dc1 ( s) =
s + 13 s + 0.01
• It oscillates at about 50rad/s. The plant transfer
function is estimated:
G( s) =
s( s + 1)( s + s + 2500)

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Design of Lead and Lag Compensators
using Root-Locus Method

4. Design dynamic compensation using

• rlocus
• rlocfind
• rltool

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• A root locus graph

1 + KL( s ) = 0
• The key feature for aid in drawing root locus
• Lead, Lag, Notch compensation
• Plotting root locus and design compensation
• Using MATLAB: rlocus, rltool, rlocfind

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• Review questions : from 5.1 to 5.11, page 310

• Problems: from 5.1 to 5.49, pages 311 - 327
• Remind: [1]: 254 – 382, [4]: 668-696,
[2]: 398-520, [3]: 198-206

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