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Sablad, John Cristhan D.

TCPE 2-2

1. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) - Founder of Buddhism

2. Uses of the LGBTQ+ Acronym - The acronym LGBTQ+ has become more popular and accepted. Terms
such as queer are sometimes used as well, but not all members of the community are comfortable with
it as it is still a slur

3. Polytheism - is the worship of more than one god.

4. Utilitarianism is interested with the best consequence for the highest number of people.

5. John Stuart Mill - was born on May 20, 1806 in Pentonville, London, United Kingdom. He was the son
of James Mill, a friend and disciple of Jeremy Bentham.

6. ___________ was born on February 15, 1748 in London, England. He was the teacher of James Mill,
father of John Stuart Mill.

7. _____________ is an ethical theory that argues for the goodness of pleasure and the determination
of right behavior based on the usefulness of the action’s consequences.

8. ______ egoism, which prescribes that we should make our own ends, our own interests, our single
overriding concern.

9. Fill in the blank, "Thou shall not kill," "Thou shall not steal," and "Thou shall not commit _______"

10. Generally are a set of mutually supportive beliefs, which are often religious. philosophical, or
ideological and can be a combination of these three.

11. The belief in only one divine being who deserves recognition, reverence and allegiance.

12. The starting point of _________ is the recognition that the individual thinking person (the subject) is
at the heart of all moral valuations.

13. "Nature has placed mankind under the governancy Of two sovereign roasters, ____ and _______.

14. Utilitarianism is interested with the best consequence for the highest number of people.

15. Basic Tenets of Buddhism - The world is full of suffering, Meditation is our only escape, Nirvana is the
ultimate goal, Follow the Eightfold Path
16. Law, religion, and culture – have such a strong influence in the way that we think and we act,
including how we make moral valuations. What is the term called?

17. "Love the Lord, Your God, therefore, and always heed his charge: his statutes, decrees, and
commandments." In which line is this on chapter 11 of the book of Deuteronomy?

18. A ________ is a set of beliefs and practices that is often focused on one or more deities, or gods.
19. A theory that describes the underlying dynamic behind all human actions as a matter of a pursuit of

20. Polytheism - is the worship of more than one god.

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