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Woman : I was looking at the tour package to Lake Toba on your

website. How much are the taxes and fuel service charge ?
Man : Let me just see. It seems that taxes are Rp. 35.000 and fuel
service charges are Rp. 145.000
Woman : Rp. 180.000 extra seems like a lot of money. I’m going to have
to take some time to think about it.
Man : Ok. Think about it for a couple of days, then give me a call.
1. Who is the woman likely talking to ?
A. A bank teller
B. A travel agent
C. A tour guide
D. A tour driver
E. A bus driver
2. What information does the man have ?
A. The tourist places
B. The cost of extra charge
C. The amount of fuel needed
D. The cost of package
E. He doesn’t have nothing
3. What will the woman do ?
A. Ask the price of the package
B. Plan to have a vacation
C. Cancel the planning
D. Take the vacation
E. Take time to consider the trip

Man : Hi. It’s realy pouring today. My bus was late because of the
Woman : Oh no. I don’t have an umbrella and I have to walk across
town to deliver some documents before lunch.
Man : Well, you had better take a taxi. It’s a surprised to stay like
this all day.

Woman : It’s not going to be easy to find one today. I really miss living
in Surabaya on day like this
4. What can be said about the weather ?
A. It is raining
B. It is are warmer than Bogor
C. It has no effect on transportation
D. It is sunny
E. It is clear
5. Where most likely are the speakers ?
A. They are in the restaurant
B. They are waiting for the bus
C. They are at work
D. They are in the taxi
E. They are in the market
6. What is implied about the woman ?
A. She often walks to work
B. She dislike her job
C. She is often late
D. She used to live in another city
E. She takes a taxi

Man : So, Ms. Susi, why do think we should hire you ?

Woman : Well, I have the qualification as a language teacher that you
are looking for and I’m also very flexible, so I can adapt to
any situation.
Man : Those are very good reasons. Thank you for your time. We
will let you know on next Friday
Woman : Thank you. I enjoyed talking with you today
7. What kind of conversation is this ?
A. A qualified teacher
B. A job interview
C. A job regstration
D. An office visit
E. A teacher
8. What is her strength ?
A. Good communication skill
B. Have good reason
C. Very intelligent
D. Her flexibility
E, Her looking good
9. What does the man promise to do ?
A. He will discuss her later
B. He will be visited to the office
C. He will ask to his boss
D. He will notify
E, He will invite her to his house

Woman : I have a trip to Balikpapan coming up next month. I heard you

flew with Suzan air last time. Would you recommend that
Man : I was a little dissaponted. I heard the planes had wide,
confortable seats with extra room for your legs
Woman : How about the food ? Were tje meals good ?
Man : Yes, actually. They were as good as I’ve had in many
10. What does the woman want ?
A. Transportation to the station
B. Accomodation in Balikpapan
C. A recomendation for a restaurant
D. Trip to Balikpapan
E, An opinion of an airlane
11. What does the man say about his experience ?
A. He was disapponted in the food
B. The seating was unonfortable
c. The price was reasonable
D. He was not dissapointed to the Suzan Airplane
E. He enjoyed the extra services

12. What did the man expecially like ?

A. The quick service
B. The clean room
C. The tasty meals
D. The wide aisles
E. The wide seat

Woman : Can I help you, Sir ?

Man : May I have another glass, please ?
Woman : Sure,. Would you like to have one or two ?
Man : I think one will be enough
Woman : Alright. Would you like anything else ?
Man : No. That’s all. Thank you
Woman : You’re welcome. I’ll be right back with your glass
13. How many glasses does the man want ?
A. one
B. Five
C. Four
D. Three
E. Two
14. What does the woman probably do next ?
A. Buy the man another glass
B. Take another glass
C. Find the glass
D. Clean the glass
E, Remove the glass

Man : What have you done your slides for the presentation ?
Woman : I still need to make a few more slides.
Man : Can I give you a hand ?
Woman : Sure. Please correct my work and underline the incorrect
Man : Sure. Let me do that for you.
15. What is true about the dialogue ?
A. The woman has finishe her work
B. The man does not understand the presentation
C. The man refuses to check the woman’s work
D. The woman needs some help to revise her work
E. The man does not have a high literacy level.
16. What is the woman probably doing ?
A. doing a presentation
B. writing an article
C. raising her hand
D. making slides
E. Checking her work

Anita : There is a vacancy in today’s daily ?

Dina : What job is offered ?
Anta : A part time chef in a Chinese restaurant in Jakarta Hotel
Dina : I would apply for the job
Anita : There is another vacancy a waitress in an Italian restaurant.
Dina : I see. Thank you for the information
17. What job would Dina aply for ?
A. a teacher
B. A chef
C. A restaurant manager
D. A waiter
E. A hotel manager
18. What is the name of a hotel mentioned by Anita ?
A. Italian Hotel
B. Jakarta Hotel
C. International Hotel
D. National Hotel
E. Chinese Hotel
Manager : Can you say your name again ?
Tina : Tina Sulaiman
Manager : Address ?
Tina : Sawo street thirteen, Kebayoran Baru
Manager : Latest education ?
Tina : Law. I graduated from the faculty of Law.

19. What is Tina’s latest education ?

A. Faculty of law
B. Faculty of education
C. Education institution
D. Professional lawyer
E. Law of institution
20. Where does the application live ?
A. Sawo street sixteen, Kemayoran
B. Sawo street thirteen, Kebayoran Baru
C. Seno street thirteen, Kebayoran baru
D. Jambu street thirteen. Kemayoran
E. Sawo street thirty, Kebayoran Baru
21. Bill : Do you know that Mr. Rian was promoted to be the manager of this
company last week ?
Roni : Really ? I’m glad to hear that. He ........... in the company for four
A. has been worked
B. had worked
C. has been working
D. has worked
E. worked
22. Mila : Why don’t we go skiing on Saturday ?
Zian : ................. Where do you want to go ?
A. I think it’s not good
B. I disagree with you
C. do you have any idea ?
D. Why don’t you say that ?
E. It sounds like a good idea
23. Mr. Ahmad : Would you like milk or sugar in your coffee ?
Mr. Ali : Neither, thank you
Mr. Ahmad : So, What do you want ?
Mr. Ali : ................
A. Nothing to drink
B. Black coffee without sugar
C. coffee not tea
D. Tea not coffee
E. Either milk or sugar in the coffee
24. Sinta : Would you like to go camping with us next Saturday ?
Mia : ................ but I have to take care of my father in the hospital.
A. I’m afraid I can’t
B. I’m sorry to hear that `
C. I’d love to
D. It sounds tiring
E. It’s really bring something
25. Rian : Why are you not choosing English as your study program ?
Sam : I think English is very difficult. It is a lot of practise only on speaking
Rian : ................ It’s a lot of practise on writing, listening also reading
A. That’s would be great
B. Don’t you agree ?
C. That’s good idea
D. It’s great
E. No, I don’t think so
26. Johan : Why are sleepy in the class ?
Boni : Do I look sleepy ? I’m not sleepy but I have painful stomacache.
Johan : ................ accompany you to visit the doctor ?
Boni : No. Thanks
A. Would I meet the doctor ?
B. Can we go
C. Can you buy me some medicine
D. Shall we go to
E. Would you like me to
27. Bian : Tell me more about Ali’s wedding ? ........................
Santi : It will be held in the next two weeks.
A. Are you going to join in test ?
B. When is the meeting conducted ?
C. When will the ceremony be held ?
D. Will the concert start soon ?
E. Would you please open the door ?
28. Sam : When does the registration end ?
Tio : Today I thnk. .............. if you want to join the compettion
A. The competition must follow the rules
B. The competition will star today
C. The players must be under twenty
D. The form must be submitted this aftenoon
E. I don’t know about it
29. Bili : If I give you a check for the first month’s rent right now, ........
Rima : I’m sorry but the apartment won’t be available untl next week.
A. can you talk to the owner ?
B. can you buy me the bed ?
C. can I move in tomorrow ?
D. can you pay cash ?
E. can you leave me ?
30. Wulan : This letter is from Tokyo but I can’t speak Japanese.
Can you help me ?
Firman : Sure. ................
A. I will read it for you
B. I will return it to the post office
C. I will write for you.
D. I will have it returned
E. I will have it returned

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