Surgery: Epithelial Formation

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1. A patient sustained a laceration on the left leg and hands become infected. The wound is
expected to heal by which type of healing?
Epithelial formation
Skin grafting Ans.………

2. A patient being prepared for a major abdominal surgery is instructed to take nothing by
mouth by a period of
2 to 4 hours before surgery
6 to 8 hours before surgery
8 to 12 hours before surgery
12 to 24 hours before surgery Ans.………

3. Cheatle forceps is an instrument used to pick items from a:

Non sterile field
Sterile field Ans.………

4. Which of the following is used to prepare the skin before surgery

Disinfection Ans.………
5. Which of the following interventions would a nurse first perform on a patient who has
arrived from theatre with retention of urine?
Call the surgeon
Insert urethral catheter
Serve bedpan and encourage patient to urinate
Serve prescribed analgesics to relieve pain Ans.………

6. Palliative treatment surgery is perform to:

Cure of the condition
Provide therapy
Relieve pain
Treat a disease Ans.………

7. Which one of these would be appropriate for the treatment of necrotic wound?
Cleaning with antiseptic
Serving of antibiotic medication
Skin grafting Ans.………

8. Madam Adisa has ectopic pregnancy, which type of surgery would be performed on her?
Salpingectomy Ans.………

9. Which of the following would a nurse use when removing an old dressing from a wound?
Cheatle forceps
Examination glove
Surgical glove
Utility glove Ans.………

10. Factors that influence wound healing include the following

Life style
I, II and IV only
I, II and IV only
I, III and IV only
I, II, III and IV only Ans.………

11. Informed consent from the patient is necessary for:

Admission procedure
Discharge procedure
Invasive procedures such as surgery
Personal hygiene procedures such as bed bathing Ans.………

12. The role of the circulating nurse in the theatre is to assist the:
Anaesthetist to prepare anaesthetics
Nurse to set up trolleys
Pharmacist selects analgesics for patient
Surgeon to perform operation Ans.………

13. Pre-operative preparation include the following EXCEPT

Psychoanalytical Ans.………

14. Which of the following is NOT a symptom?

Vomiting Ans.………

15. Deep-Breathing exercise is effectively taught:

Intra operatively
Peri operatively
Post operatively
Pre operatively Ans.………

16. Kwame is receiving analgesics after surgery. How often would it be given?
As often as patient request for it
According to Surgeon’s prescription
Every 30 minutes
Whenever necessary Ans.………

17. A patient with chest tube insertion should assume which position?
Low Fowler’s
High Fowler’s
Recumbent Ans.………

18. Complication of wound healing include:

Life style
I, II and III only
I, II and IV only
I, III and IV only
I, II, III and IV only Ans.………
19. Which one of the following surgery would be performed for madam Otu who has cancer
of the breast?
Salpingectomy Ans.………

20. Nurse Mensah will go through the following in sequential order to prepare a patient skin
for surgery.
Cover skin with sterile towel
Clean skin with antiseptic lotion
Shave skin according to institution protocol
Wash skin with soap and water
I, II, III and IV
II, III, IV and I
III, IV I and II
IV, III, II and I Ans.………

21. The nurse will do all the following in case a patient has dehiscence with evisceration
(burst abdomen) EXCEPT
Call the Surgeon
Instruct patient to stay calm
Prepare patient for theatre
Try and push back contents of abdomen Ans.………

22. A patient involved in a RTA has compound fracture of the left. It means that
Bone is broken inside but skin is intact
Skin integrity is impaired as well as bone
There is risk for impaired skin integrity
There is no break in skin integrity Ans.………
23. Gilbert, 12 years old boy had incision and drainage for injection abscess of the gluteal
muscle. Which position would be appropriate after surgery?
Lateral Ans.………

24. A patient with furunculosis is warned not to pierce any lesion. Doing so could
Cause bleeding
Promote drainage
Prevent healing
Spread the infection Ans.………

25. Which of the following would you tell your patient with varicose veins to do to promote
comfort and minimize worsening condition? Tell patient to
Avoid wearing constrictive clothing
Avoid elevating her legs above heart level
Avoid putting on compression stockings before coming out of bed
Wear constrictive clothing Ans.………

26. Which of these nursing diagnostic statement will be most appropriate for a 16 year old
girl with inflammation of to the breast?
Impaired skin integrity related to cracks
Ineffective breast feeding related to inflammation of breast tissue
Nausea related inflammation of breast tissue
Pain related toinflammation of breast tissue Ans.………

27.Reconstructive surgery is performed to:

Relieve or reduce intensity of an illness or disease symptoms
will not produce cure
Replace organs or structures that are diseased or mal functioning
Restore function totraumatize tissues and improve self-concept
Restore function lost or reduced as a result of
congenital anomalies Ans.………

28. Anaesthesia is given to a patient before surgery for the following reasons:
Induce state of loss of sensation
Induce sleep in patient
Produce absence of pain
Produce muscle relaxation
I, II and III only
I, II and IV only
I, III and IV only
I, II, III and IV Ans.………

29. The goals of cure, control and palliation of cancer are achieved through the following
Radiation therapy
Surgery Ans.………

30. Intra operative phase of surgery begins where

Client is transferred to the operating room bed
Client is transferred to an area for recovery
Decision for admission is made
Decision for surgical intervention is made Ans.………

31. A patient has a fracture of the right femur and is in a skeletal traction. Which appropriate
bed accessory would help relieve pressure on the buttocks?
Bed cradle
Sand bag
Side rails
Trapeze Ans.………
32. Which of the following is NOT a complication of gastric surgery?
Paralytic ileus
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency Ans.………

33. What signs and symptoms will indicate that a patient is having internal bleeding within 24
hours after surgery/
Cold clammy skin
Low blood pressure
Rapid pulse rate
I, II and III only
I, II and IV only
I, III and IV only
I, II, III and IV only Ans.………

34. The nurse will perform which of these interventions for haemorrhage from wound site
after surgery?
Change dressings and soiled linen
Prepare and send patient back to theatre
Reinforce dressings and observe patient
Serve prescribe medication Ans.………

35. A patient with spinal injury is lying in a supine position. Which area of the body is most
likely to develop into pressure ulcer?
Ears, sternum, sacrum and heel
Forehead, sternum, patella and toes
Occiput, scapular, sacrum and heel
Shoulder, ear, Ischeal tuberosity, and malleolus Ans.………
36. Which of these theatre instruments would be included on a trolley set for Orthopaedic
Curved tonsil forceps
Sim’s Vaginal Speculum
Steinmann’s pin, introducer, stirrup
Tracheostomy Dilator Ans.………

37. Drain and drainage tubes are inserted in wounds to

Cause plus formation
Improve on wound healing process
Prevent wound healing process
Remove exudate from wound Ans.………

38. A patient has been put on IV fluid therapy after abdominal surgery. Which of these
observations would the nurse make to prevent fluid overload?
Check skin and mucous membrane for hydration level
Check BUE and creatinine level
Monitor fluid intake and output
Monitor vital signs of patient
I, II and III only
I, II and IV only
I, III and IV only
I, II ,III and IV only Ans.………

39. The formation of thrombus in association with inflammation of the vein is called
Thrombophlebitis Ans.………
40.Objective of managing burns include
Prevention of deformity
Prevention of infection
Provision of adequate diet
Replacement of loss fluid and electrolyte
I,II and III
I,II and IV
II, III and IV
I, II, III and IV Ans.………

41..Which of the following new growths originate from adipose tissue?

Sarcoma Ans.………

42. Which of the following is suggestive of the fact that a patient has large bowel obstruction
Abdominal cramps
Local tenderness Ans.………

43. Clinical features of breast cancer include

Dimpling of the breast
Fixation of the lump
Hard non tender regular lump
Palpable axillary lymph nodes
I, II and III
I, II and IV
II, III and IV
I, II, III and IV Ans.………
44. The primary objective in passing nasogastric tube postoperatively in abdominal surgery is
Prevent aspiration of the stomach contents
Prevent accumulation of gas
Prevent stomach from over distension
Provide a means of feeding the patient postoperatively Ans.………

45. Teaching points to be emphasised to minimise hair loss in breast cancer chemotherapy
Avoiding electric hair dryers-let hair dry naturally
Shampoo hair daily
Use eyebrow pencil if hair loss affects the eye area
Use wide –toothed comb instead of a brush
I, II and III
I, II and IV
II, III and IV
I, II, III and IV Ans.………

46. One of the function of circulating nurse is

Assisting the surgeon by anticipating the required instrument
Ensuring safe functioning of the theatre equipment
Preparing sutures and ligatures
Setting up the sterile trolley Ans.………

47. A patient who bled profusely during surgery is on blood transfusion and is having
urticaria as an allergic reaction. The nurse will
Call the nearest doctor
Flush line with IV normal saline
Slow down the rate and give prescribed antihistamine
Stop transfusion Ans.………
48. An early warning sign of laryngeal cancer is
Airway obstruction
Hoarseness Ans.………

49. Which of the following actions would NOT be taken to prevent postoperative shock?
Avoid overheating by covering patient with one light sheet only
Control pain by administering prescribed analgesics
Proper preoperative preparation
Reduce stress by helping room quiet Ans.………

50. Which of the following is clinical feature of a simple non-toxic goitre?

Eyes are protruding
Pressure symptoms eg. dysphagia
Skin is moist and vascular
Tremors of fingers

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