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Techo, Kyte M.

Activity 3: “Kanya-kanyang Rizal”

The context behind this meme was about a TikTok and Youtube influencer,
Mary Lite Lamayo, who went viral after failing to recognize the Philippine National
Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, in a vlog. Many netizens were disappointed and criticized the said
influencer for she displayed a struggling reaction guessing the hero despite his
prominent hairstyle and facial features.
This instance proved the intent and purpose of the owner of the meme to
educate young people and reflect on the significance of studying Rizal's life, works and
writings, and other renowned and unsung heroes. Personally, I feel sorry for our
heroes who sacrificed their lives for us to enjoy the freedom and independence we
have today. Indeed, this scenario is a great representation and implication of
once-lost nationality and patriotism among the youth. Today’s young minds hardly
see and appreciate the meaning of transformative contributions done by our heroes
since they were clueless about them. Therefore, as an educator, aiding today's youth to
know and recognize them is our duty before we can guide them in imbibing the
heroes' ideals, virtues, and values.

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