Kelas C - 221135159 - Hanida Larasati - Task2

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Name : Hanida Larasati

NIM : 221135159
Class : PGSD C
The Inspirational Teacher
I get a task to interview one of the teachers from the “Guru Penggerak” program. The
teacher that I meet is Mrs. Rofiana. She is a teacher at SD Negeri Pungkuran, Pleret, Bantul
Regency. She teaches 5th-grade students. She lives in Manggung, Imogiri, Bantul Regency,
Special Region of Yogyakarta. She is also a mother of two kids. She has been a teacher for 17
years since 2006. She graduated from Yogyakarta State University and got a bachelor of education
in the civic education major. She is also an inspirational, active, and spirited teacher.

Mrs. Rofiana is a teacher who has a high concern for students. When there are students
who are not in school, she tries to contact the parents and visit their homes to confirm the situation.
She is close to students and has a warm attitude toward students. She also tries to understand the
characteristics of students by interacting outside of class hours, inviting students to talk, and asking
about students' condition. She also tries to provide fun learning for students. She want all of her
students can enjoy the learning process and get the meaningful lessons.

Mrs. Rofiana has a lot of experiences, one of the activities she participates in is the "Guru
Penggerak" program. She is a member of "Guru Penggerak" program since 2021 and became a
member of batch 3 throughout Indonesia and batch 1 in the Bantul area. There are 101 member of
"Guru Penggerak" Program in Bantul Regency. Mrs. Rofiana participated in Guru Penggerak
activities for nine months and graduated in June 2022. Mrs Rofiana's motivation to join the "Guru
Penggerak" program is to gain experience and improve her skills as a professional teacher. This
program also aims to prepare innovative and competent prospective school principals.

After joining the “Guru Penggerak” Program, Mrs. Rofiana has the activity to do good
practice in the form of "Implementation of Differentiated Learning". She collaborated with other
teacher colleagues in carrying out this practice, and her partner is Mr. Rizky. A good practice is to
facilitate learning in class according to the characteristics and needs of students. One of the initial
activities is to carry out a diagnostic assessment to map the characteristics of students. The method
used is observation and interviews. After that, she makes a lesson plan according to the results of
the mapping and carries out the learning according to the learning style group. Some students are
given audio, video, and walking activities. Another thing that is done is to give students the
freedom to do assignments according to students interests, some students sing, write, and draw
according to the learning topic. The results are then displayed and practiced in front of the class.
She and Mr. Rizky from the KGB also share the result of good practices in front of the other

She also participates in the selection process for the PP (Practicing Teaching) program as
a follow-up activity of the GP program. The job of the future PP is to accompany the PGP process.
The reasons for joining this program are to share experiences and do good practices from what she
has learned. She has the principle to be a useful person so that the things she has obtained can be
shared with others and not just stop at herself. From the story told, I learned a lesson to be a useful
teacher to others.

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