Homework Chapter3

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Homework Chapter3

1. Derive the normalized steady-state performance equations

of a series-excited dc motor drive.
Sol We can check the perfornance by taking into account it's
toque and valate equetion
The voltage ond
torque equstion. Of the
Dc series motor under
steady-state oporatiog

Substations of equations 4 and 5. In equation 2 and 3 field

The torque TL is a venfilar load torque.Which is varying
with the by connection the motor terminal to the terminals
ot the the bridge rectifier.It is possible to write

2. A 100-hp open drip-proof dc motor rated at 500 V and

1750 rpm has the following
parameters at rated field current.
= 153.71 A = 0.08812
= 2.646 V/rad/sec = 1.83 mH
Draw its torque. induced emf. power. and field flux vs.
speed in normalized units for
rated armature current and for an intermittent operation at
1.2 p.u. armature current
for the speed range of 0 to 2 p.u.
Sol The motor votage equeation is
The velations between iduced emf and speed is;
2 πN τ 407.1
Eb =K b ω=2624 ωP=τω=τ × ; τ> 40.71 N • mτ =kt I akt= = =2.648τ =2.648 I a
60 I a 153.71
V −E b 1500−2.696 500−2.646 ω
500−2.648 ω ϕ =2.648( )=
τ =2.648( )=2.648( )ω 0.088 0.088
Ra 0.088

Write the relations in p.u.

ω 500−2.646 ω
Eb =k b ω Eb =2.646 E =2.464 ×183.46 ω p hτ =2.468( )
ωm b 0.088
500−2.646 ω ps 500−2.646 ×183.46 ω ps
τ =2.648( )(183.46 ω ps )ϕ =
0.088 0.088
3. The dc motor given in Problem 2 is operated from a fully-
controlled three-phase con-
verter fed from a 460-V, 60-Hz, 3-phase ac main. Calculate the
triggering angle when the machine is delivering rated torque at
rated speed. The armature current is assumed to be
Sol Rate torque
2 πN τ ( 2 π )(1750)
P=τ × ; N =1750rpm P=100 Hp=(100)(746 W )=74.6 kW So(74.6 ×103)=
60 60
(74.6 ×103)(60) τ
τ= =407.28 N •mV 0=10 R a+ Ebτ =K a ϕ I a ; I a= E =K a ϕ ωm
( 2 π )(1750) Kaϕ b
K a ϕ=K b=2.646 V 0= a + K b ω m

For 3 phase Fully controlled converter

3 V m cos α 3V m τ Ra
V 0= ;α ( ) cos
α α= ωmV m =460 √ 2=650.54 k τ =407.28 N •m ,
+ K bangle
π π Kb
2 π (1750)
K b =2.646 V /rad /Sec Ra =0.088 Ωω m= 2 πN = ω m=183.17
60 60
3( 650.54)cos α ( 407.28)( 0.088)
So = +( 2.646)( 183.17)cos α=0.854α =cos−1 (¿ 0.854) ¿
π 2.646
α =31.2 7o
4. Assuming the current is continuous, draw a vs. speed,
maintaining the load torque at
rated value, for Problem 3, for a speed range of 0 to 1 p.u.
Sol A control technique to overcome to overcome the
characferistic of nonlinearity and the dynamic value of the
unwanted part must becarried out as follow the contnol input
used to find the delay angle must be changed to

Where Vo is the control imout and Vom is the

maximum value of the aosolute value of the cantrol Voltoge
5. A separately-excited dc motor is controlled from a three-
phase full-wave converter fed
from a 460-V, 3-phase, 60-Hz ac supply. The dc motor details
are as follows: 250 hp.
500 V. 1250 rpm, = 0.052Ω, = 2 mH.
(i) Find the rated current and when the field is
maintained at rated value.
(ii) Draw the torque-speed characteristics as a function of
triggering angle. α.

V a= cos α Eb =K b ωn T c =K b I aV m =√2 × 460V L− L=460V a =621.21cos α
500 V 2 π Nr
V a= =0.8 α =cos−1 (¿ 0.8)=36. 4 o ¿ Eb =V a−I a Raω r= =130.9 rad / sec
621.21 60
250 ×746
Eb =K b ×130.9Ratedcurrent : I a= I a=373 A Fromeq(4.) Eb =500−(373 ×0.052)
Eb =480.604 so K b= K =3.671
130.9 b

The relationship between and

3Vm Ra t
ω m= cos α− 2 ωm
πK K
6. The motor drive given in Example 3.1 is driving a load
proportional to the square of
the speed. Draw the torque-speed characteristics of the drive
system and α vs.
speed characteristics. The combined motor and load
mechanical constants are as
follows: = 0.06 N•m/rad/sec.J = 5
D 2T D
Loadα ¿Pα ¿ P=C , N 2 ;T =P × ;P= =C , N 2T =(C ) N 2
2 D 2
C is a proportionality const

D is diameter of shaft

Angular acceleration

This is also a parabolic equatier

7. Determine the electrical and mechanical time constants of

the de motor in Problems 5
and 6. respectively.
La d ia d ϕZ
Ea =Eb + I a R a + Torque , τ m=J m × W + B m ω +T 2¿ Eb = N × 1 Eb =KϕωTorque , τ m=Kϕ I a
dt dt 60 A
Fromt h eeq ( 1 ) Ea ( s )=Eb ( s) + Ra I a( s )+ S l a I a (s )

This is rom the laplace Forma

E −Kϕω
Ea (s)−E b(s ) I a(s )= a (s) E a (s )−Kϕω l
I a= l a Ra I a(s )= τ a= a Fromeq(2)
R a +S la R a (1+S ) R a (1+ S τ a ) Ra
τ m −τ L Kϕ I a−τL
τ m=J m × S ×ω (s)+ B t ω( s)+τLτ m=ω (s )(J m × s × B t )+ τLω (s )= ω (s )=
S J m +Bt S J m +B t
Kϕ I a−τL
ω (s )=
Bt +(1+ S+ )
ω (s ) Kϕ I a−τL
= × [ J a ( s)R a (1+ S+ τ a )+ Kϕω ] Jm
¿(3)∧(4) Ea (s) Jm ¿(4)τ =
Bt +(1+ S+ ) Bt
8. The converter in one case is linearized and in the other
case is not modified. The control voltage is ±10 V max in
both cases. Design the current controller gains (PI) for the
motor drive given in Problem 5. Consider = 0.06 N•m
/rad/sec and J 5 . Evaluate the time and frequency
responses of the current loop for the two cases.
Sol Current controller for DC motor
9. An innermost unity feedback voltage loop is introduced in
Problem 8. The voltage controller is of proportional type,
with gain . Derive the current-loop transfer function. and
explain the impact of the voltage loop on the
performance of the current loop.
V ¿ =460 V , f =60 Hz , P=250 h p ,V =1250 rpm, Ra=0.052 ΩLa=2 H
2V¿ 2 × √2 × 460
V s= V = =414.145 V
π s π
P=250 h p=186.425 kW
P 186.425 kW 2 πN
I 0= = I 0=450.14 A K b Eb = E =V 0−I 0 (Z) Z=√ R a2+ X a2 X a=2 πf l a
Vs 414.15 V 60 b
X a=2 π × 60× 2× 10 =0.152 Z=√ 0.05 22+0. 1 52=0.752

2 πN 2 π ×125 rpm
Eb =414.145−450.14 × 0.15=76.54 V K b = = =1.7 rad / V /sec
E b × 60 76.54 ×60
10. A two-quadrant dc motor drive is fed from a three-
phase controlled converter operating on a 230-V. 60-Hz ac
main. The motor details are as follows: 230 V.40 hp, 1500
= 0.066 = 6.5 mH = 25kg-m2"
= 0.4 N.m /rad/sec
= 0.05 V/A = 0.576 V/rad/sec =0.002sec
= 1.33 V/rad/sec
The load is frictional. (i) Calculate the controller constants by
using the method developed in the book. (ii) Evaluate the
stability of the motor drive. using the complete model. (iii) Draw
the Bode plots for the complete and simplified transter
functions between speed and its commanded value. (iv)
Comment on the discrepancy in the results. (V) Select the
ratings of the converter power switches. The maximum
armature current is not to exceed 1.2 p.u.
Sol Given equations are 230V,60Hz
Full load speed

VL 230
V p h= V p h= =132.5 V R1=0.064 Ω , X 1=0.133 Ω , X m=6.3 ΩR2=0.145 Ω, X 2 =0.152 Ω
√3 √3
Z1 Z2
V 1= V SV 2= V
Z1 + Z 2 Z1 +Z 2 S
V t h= (132.8)V t h=( 0.979)(0.569)(132.8)=130 ∠0.5 70
0.06u + j 0.133+ j 6.3

( R1 + j X 1)( j X m)
Zt h= Z =¿ ¿Rt h=0.0614 ΩX t h=0.131 Ω
R1 + j X 1 + j X m t h
11. The dc motor drive given in Example 3.5 has its inner
current loop disabled and also its current controller
removed. Compare its speed performance to the drive
given in Example 3.5. In the present case. the speed
controller constants will he different and hence will have
to be recalculated.

-Given delail and parameter of dc motor are: 100 hp,

500v,1750 rpm, 153.7A, Ra= 0.0882Ω ,la=0.008Ω, =2.646
Powes Sousce. Vs = 415V , 60 Hz (supply)
-Given operating speed 100 rpm.
-Given triggering angle. delay of
-Given spoed controller constants will be dlifferent.
Rotor speed
- Here speed controlled constants are different.
- Induced,
E=K b ωm E=2.646 ×10.48E=27.7 V (Back Emf )

- The peak input voltage;

V m =√ 2 V s V m =√ 2( 415)=586.9 V

Amature time constant;

la 0.00183
τ a= τ a= =0.0208 sec
Ra 0.088

Machine Inpedance
Z a=√ Ra2 +ω m2 l e 2=0.6955 Ω

Machine Inpedance Angle

−1 ωb l a
β=tan (¿ )=1.444 rad ¿

The critical triggering angle is

{ }
a 1= √ =0.866 b 1= −e−(
3 1 π
( )
Vm 1 −( ) π )b =−0.375
α c =β +cos−1 × × 1−e 3 tan β
− +θ1 2 2 3 tan β 1
C 1 cos β 3
b1 −0.375
c 1=√ Q1 + b1 =0.9437 θ1=tan (¿
−1 −1
2 2
)=tan (¿ )=−0.4086 rad ¿ ¿d L=1.5095 rad
a1 0.866
d L=86.4 8o

Buf triggering angle d=

- The iuitial is given by;

-The armature current ripple magnitude

-The ripple torue magtitude

Δ i a =K b Δ i a Δ i a =2646 ×103.4Δ i a =273.66 N • M Δ τ en= ×100 Δ τ en=4.4 %

12. Prove that, when the damping coefficient and

natural frequency of the current-loop transfer function
remain equal to the case for Assume is very. very
small compared to
n ω 1=ω1 , ε 1=ε 2 For T c =T 1∧T c =T 2
Sol To Prove
Let us assume a second order system with Transfer

By Comparing it with standard equation

H ( s)= 2 2
S +2 ε ωn S +ω n

We get

√ ( ) √ √ ( )
K ωn 1 For T =T K K ωn 1 1
ω n= ,ε= T2+ c 1ω n 1 = , ωn = ε 1= T2+
T1 2 K T1 T2 2
2 K

The are equal where

Alredy given and

Equating thus we get

-Note: If we don’t take ,it would be not equal

as time gauges time and damping facton gauges as they are
depending onit.
13. Design gating and control circuitry for a half-
controlled three-phase converter to drive a dc motor.
Analyze the de output voltage into harmonics and plot
the dominant harmonic as a function of triggering angle.

Oprating with contious motor current;

2V m 2Vm εa
V a (ang)= (cos α )(ang)= (cos α )−
π π Ra
14. A fully-controlled three-phase converter is driving a
separately-excited dc motor in open loop. Plot its torque
vs. speed characteristics as a function of triggering angle
both in the continuous and in the discontinuous modes of
operation. Use the motor parameters given in Problem 10.
15. The flying-shear control system described in the
application section is to be designed with separately-
exeited dc motor drives. The power schematic of the drive
system is shown in Figure 3.56(i): the control schematic is
shown in Figure 3.56(ii). The system details are: Rated
power = 1500 kW per motor. Rated voltage = 600 V per
motor. Rated current = 2650 A per motor, Rated speed =
600 rpm. Armature resistance. 0.003645 Ω per motor.
Armature inductance, = 0.0001 H per motor. Emf
constant, = 9.364 V /rad/sec. Circulating current
reactors. = 0.001 H per motor. Total moment of inertia.
= 1500 , Gear ratio = 7. Radius of blade path = 0.75
m. Determine the controller gains and current-loop
bandwidth if the input voltages supplied to the converter
through an isolation transtormer are 1000 V. 3-phase. 60
Hz. Assume 10 V equals 5 m/s and 10 V equals 2700 A for
the control signals and that the metal input velocity is 4.2
m/s. Write a computer program to simulate the drive
system and show the key variables as a function of time.
Refer to the paper 14 cited for relevant equations of the
flying-shear control system.

16. Write a user-friendly computer program in a language

of your choice to simulate the phase-controlled rectifier-
fed separately-excited dc motor drive. The specifications of
the drive system are as follows: The motor parameters are
150 hp. 220 V. 1500 rpm. base torque = 711.7 N.m. =
0.05 Ω. = 0.002 H. = = 1.6 V/rad/sec. = 0.16
,B = 0.01 N•m/rad/sec. The converter parameters are
Supply input: 3phase, 230 V.60 Hz: Controller parameters:
= 10 V.H = 0.06364 V/rad/sec. = 0.002. H. = 0.01124
V/A. K, = 100. K, = 1.5. K. = 10. K, = 1. Tmat = 2 x Base
torque. = 0 N-m. Plot the speed command. rotor speed.
torque command. torque. current. current command.
triggering angle. and applied voltage vs. time.

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