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Recommendations for the Management of Operational Risk
Attaching to Liquefied Gas Tanker and Terminal Operations
in Port Areas

First Edition
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First Edition 2003 ofo
@ The Society of lnternational Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd
tsBN 1 85609 256 I ope


All rights reserved

Published by ins
Witherby & Company Limited mal
32-36 Aylesbury Street, London ECl R OET It al
Tel No. 0207251 5341 Fax No. 0207251 1296 gas
lnternational Tel No. +44 20 7251 5341 Fax No. +44 20 7251 1296
E-mail: Website:

, The
' lnfc
, for
SIGTTO The Society of lnternat¡onal Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators is a non-profit making organisation dedicated to
, lnfc
protect and promote the mutual interests of its members in matters related to the safe and reliable
operation of gas tankers and terminals within a sound environment. The Society was founded ln 1979 and was granted consultative status Ì Pto
at IMO in November 1983. The Society has over 100 companies in membership who own or operate over g5% of the world's LNG tankers ithe
and terminals and over 55% of the world's LPG tankers and terminals

cî; OW
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data op(
LNG Operations in Port Areas loc
1. Title an(
tsBN 1 85609 256 I ofl
Notice of Terms of Use risl"
While the advice given in this document ("document") has been developed using the best information currently available, prc
it is intended purely as guidance to be used at the user's own risk. No responsibility is accepted by the Society of
lnternational Gas Tanker &Terminal Operators Ltd. (SIGTTO), the membership of SIGTTO, or by any person, firm,
corporation or organisation [who or which has been in any way concerned with the furnishing of information or data, the Thr
compilation or any translation, publishing, supply or sale of the documentl for the accuracy of any information or advice als
given in the document or any omission from the document or for any consequence whatsoever resulting direcily or
indirectly from compliance with or adoption of guidance contained in the document even if caused by a failure to enl
exercise reasonable care.

'fuas tanker and terminal operations carry a range together with concomitant adjustments to the
öf operational risks arising from transport, storage operational procedures devised to suppress them
and transfer of liquefied natural gas and petroleum
gases. These risks are unique to liquefied gas Operators therefore have a need for both a
operations and require specific measures to systematic assessment of operating risk and a
manage them within tolerable limits. range of risk reduction measures that can be
tailored to be effective in specific situations. The
Many gas terminals are situated within the guidance offered in this document aims to satisfy
environs of established ports. Hence their both needs.
operations and those of the gas tankers serving
them, necessarily share a common operational Neveftheless change in operational risk profiles
environment with other port users, Such situations may not always be manageable solely by gas
have existed for many years, Consequently businesses adjusting their operating procedures.
industry members have acquired valuable ln many situations the co-operation of porl
experience in conducting gas operations in port administrations and seryice providers will be
environments that also host numerous other poft required to achieve the required degree of safety.
if,sers and other industrial activities. This will be especially true of risks arising from the
movement of gas tankers in port areas and from
This document draws on this collective experience other activities conducted in the vicinity of gas
in setting out guidance to best practice for tankers and terminals, including the movement of
managing gas shipping operations within ports, other ships. This document therefore addresses
It also illuminates the profile of risks attaching to also the issue of relations with the providers of
gas operations, for the information of those who port services, other pod users and the wider
administer ports and provide essential services in social community of the port,
port areas.

The document draws heavily on SIGTTO's

lnformation Paper 14 (Site Selection and Design
for LNG Ports and Jetties), first published in 1997.
lnformation Paper 14 expounds a doctrine of
protective location for gas terminals, arguing for
the elimination of major risk elements by locating
fl* ":gi?:"tr
ïfJ3lË;,i i:iå'i:LÏliå"J iT.,,
own operating environments. Under this doctrine
operational risks are removed from the operational
milieu of gas shipping (by informed selection of
locations), Such risks as then remain are assessed
and afterwards addressed by the implementation
of procedures derived specifically from the risk
assessment. Hence gas shipping operations are
to be managed within tolerable limits - i.e. residual
risk exposures are reduced to manageable

The guidance offered in this document recognises

also the dynamic nature of operating
environmenfs and the fact that risk profiles change
*pver time, Hence residual risk exposures may also
iÐhange and therefore require re-assessment,






l. Hazards of LNG OPerations

1.1 Safety Critical Properties of LNG 1

1.2 Containment SYstems for LNG 1

1 .3 Resistance of Gas Tankers to Collision and Grounding

i.4 Characteristics of Gas Releases to the Atmosphere ... 2
1.5 Consequences of lngress from the Sea '.
BibliograPhY .'.'.. 4

2. Risk Assessment
2.1 QRA MethodologY 5
2.2 Special Areas for Performing a QRA of LNG Port Operations C)

2.3 Summary of General Considerations .. Õ

Bibliography ......

Ð Managing Tanker Transits

3.1 Anchorages....... 11
3.2 Approach Channels ..... 12
3.3 Turning Basins. 12
3.4 Operational Management of Tanker Transits 13
3.5 Special Defensive Procedures 15
Bibliography ...... 16

4. Terminal Site Selection

4.1 Elementary Criteria 17
4.2 ferminal Operations (Basis of Design) 17
4.3 Port Operations (Manoeuvres) 1B
4.4 External Threats (Protective Location) 19
4.5 Port Development 22
Bibliography...... 22

5. Managing Gas Transfer Operations

5.1 The Elements of lnterface Security 23
Ð 5.2 Effective Mooring 24
5.3 Cargo Transfer Systems (Emergency Shut Down - ESD) 24
5.4 Jetty Operations and Control ....... 25
5,5 Protection from External Threats 28
Bibliography ...... 29

6. Managing Relations w¡th Poft Authorities and Other Stakeholders

6.1 Contingency Planning 31
6.2 Local Partnerships Õz
6.3 APELL ')\)
6.4 Managing the LNG Risk - "Successful" to "Significant" 34
Bibliography ...... 34

A more detailed exposition of the propefties of LNG and
.1 Safety Critical Properties of LNG other liquefied gasses is provided in "Liquefied Gas Handling
Principles on Shþs and in Terminals" 3rd Edition, 2000 -
iquefied Natural Gas comprises near pure Methane (CHd.
SIGTTO. see bibliography.
his is carried in specialist tankers at or very near its boiling
oint of -16OoC at atmospheric pressure. Natural gas,
therwise known as methane, firedamp or marsh gas, is
on-toxic, lighter than air but flammable under certain
1.2 Containment Systems for LNG
All containment systems for LNG must pedorm two critical
functions: insulation, to inhibit the boil off of the gas and
r its liquid state natural gas is 1/600th of the volume of its
segregation of the liquefied gas from mild steel structures,
fl.livalent gaseous state, at atmospheric pressure and
protecting the latter from exposure to cryogenic
ilrOient temPerature.
lence the hazards arising from this material, should it
scape to atmosPhere are: Hence the cargo tanks of LNG tankers are constructed as
insulated cryogenic holds within the steel structure of the
the eventual prospect of a gas cloud, many times the ship's hull. Most of the longitudinal and transverse strength
volume of associated LNG, with an accompanying risk members of the structure are arranged between the inner
of fire or explosion. hull, holding the insulated cryogenic tanks, and the outer
skin. ln practice this produces a highly robust double-hull
severe brittle fracture damage to carbon and low alloy
steel structures coming into contact with material at
cryogenic temperatures.
There are three major designs for ships' LNG tanks: the self
severe injury to personnel arisin$ from contact with supporting Prismatic Tank, or SPB system; the Membrane
cryogenic material. systems, and the Moss system, that features spherical
aluminium tanks. Viftually all LNG tankers in the wodd are
latural gas is flammable between 5.3% and 14% by volume constructed with one or other of these systems.
t air. Outside these limits the gas/air mixture is either too
ran or too rich to supporl combustion.

t required for ignition of a flammable mixture of air E cargo

nd "n"rgy
all hydrocarbon vapours is typically less than one milli
¡ule - an energy level easily exceeded by any visible flame,
I ballast

y most electrical circuit sparks, even from low voltage I insulation

curces, and by any electrostatic discharge detectable by
uman contact.

ielease of LNG into the atmosphere of any area having

tithin it low energy ignition agents carries with it a risk of fire
ts are not Rep of Self Supporting
pecifically of Prismatic Construction

eleases of LNG at cryogenic temperatures therefore pose All LNG tankers are now constructed in accordance with the
r tmmediate danger to personnel exposed at the point of provisions of the "lnternational Code for the Construction
le release and to the integrity of steel structures in the and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gasses in Bulk"
rmediate vicinity, However subsequent dilution of the gas - more commonly called the IGC Code.
may lead to the formation of a flammable gas cloud,
ft¡frrthat could, under eminently feasible conditions, carry Aparl from stipulating standards for containment systems
lmmable vapours into areas where ignition sources are the IGC Code requires all tanks and handling systems to be
resent. completely separated from a tanker's accommodation and
sEcTtoN 1

machinery spaces with gas tight segregation. The Code also high energy grounding incidents and only one collision
prohibits cargo pump rooms being located below the upper incident in the industry since its inception. Neither the ).4
deck and stipulates that no cargo pipelines be run under grounding incidents nor the collision caused a penetratio¡
deck, Hence each tank is served by at least one individual the ships' inner hull and gas containment system.
submerged pump, discharging to an above deck manifold, )inct
with an alternative means of discharging - usually there are Estimates of the resistance of LNG tankers to grounding ankr
two main pumps and a spray pump . and collision impacts have of necessity to be based on
maihematical modelling of such incidents. lr/odern analyticelea
Compressor rooms on LNG tankers are required by the IGC methods, i.e. finite element analysis, now lend greater low
Code to be located in the cargo area and above the weather credence to such estimates, Predictions of hull penetrationtudi
deck. The Code also contains detailed specifications for the for given impact scenarios, can be obtained within ;ontr
construction and location of accommodation, service and tolerances that confer on them a practical utility for use in elea
machinery spaces and control stations. risk management exercises. natl'
The following table gives indicative speeds for collision
n cargo
impacts, on a stationarrT LNG carrier of 13b,OOO m3., that \fter
I battast are estimated to penelrate the tanker's outer hull but fall rave
I insulation shorl of penetrating the inner hull and the contajnms¡{ {s¡previ
located within. )om

Hull Resistance for a 135,000m3 LNG Tanker Ð;J

Displacement of lmpacting Critical lmpact Speed - KtsiNG
Ship in tonnes
Representative Cross Section of Membrane Construction 93,000 3.2
Fig.l.2 61,000 4.2 i€mI
20,000 7.3

n cargo
I baìlast
I insulation

Representative Cross Section of

Spherical Tank Construction

Shipboard containment of LNG is thus rendered highly

secure by tank arrangements that are physically robust, and
by comprehensive control and monitoring systems.

For more detailed descriptions of gas containment and

handling syslems see references for this Secfion. No grounding incident has yet made penetration of the innffi
hull of an LNG tanker. Yet while such ships are, ignit
demonstrably, able to sustain severe damage to their
1.3 Resistance of Gas Tankers to bottom structures without suffering inner hull penetration, Whr
Collision and Grounding lmpacts such penetration is entirely credible if grounding is gas
associated with impact on hard point obstructions - e.g. i. Oi
rock pinnacles and concrete piles. Such incidents are flarr
ln some thirly years of operations there have been few
entirely possible within the environs of some ports.
incidents of serious damage to LNG tankers anywhere in the éIl
world. There is scant historical data upon which to base ¡SUCi
For more extensive treatments of this topÌc refer to
predictions, of damage to LNG tankers as a result of
references for this Section.
collisions and grounding. lndeed, there have been only two

l.¿ Gharacteristics of Gas Releases to

:r the
enetration the Atmosphere
W¡nd direction
n a catastrophic failure of an LNG D (Too lean)
ent system there are no incident
ruct scenarios following the
of LNG into the atmosPhere.
B (Over-rich)
f released LNG has been carefullY
ain important experiments involving
e the consequences of such a (Spill)
d and are Predictable, through
ithin tolerances that admit reliable Fig.1.4

interpretation in specific circumstances'

The methodology for gas cloud predictions is well
gas a cloud will develoP and established and comprises two phases of analysis. First
e spill point under the influence of there must be established a realistic estimate of the
d will contain the gaseous maximum credible release, or spill. Second, the released
condensed water vapour (giving it gas cloud is modelled using realistic values for air
temperature, wind forces and atmospheric stability at the
Èp characteristic white cloud appearance) and air' Mixing
t¡n a¡ the cloud will develop flammable properties though location in question. From such analysis it is possible to
rnker predict with credible accuracy, the likely scenario following
much of its volume. Flammable volumes of gas and air
mixture will continue to be generated until the release of a worst probable gas release into the atmosphere.
is stopped
reed -
it travels away from the spill point the cloud will warm, 1.5 Consequences of lngress from
ing progressively less dense. As it warms to ambient
it will become buoyant in air and disperse
the Sea
ly. Pure methane is lighter than air at -107'C, but it is
Since there has never been a catastrophic penetration of a
temperature of the entire cloud, not just its gaseous
tanker's LNG tanks and such an incident has not been
component than determines its behaviour. Other
)d replicated by practical experiment, the consequences of a
components too must warm to higher temperatures before
ses of massive and sudden confluence of LNG and sea water are
vertical dispersal ensues. Meanwhile the cloud will continue
rters tven. not well understood.
disperse in a generally horìzontal direction, developing a
anker '"n- ;;J?
shape similar to an elong ated plume.
rull at Neverlheless it is indisputable that such an incident would
generate a gas cloud in the atmosphere having
characteristics similar to those described in section 1.4.
It is also widely accepted that a rapid mixing of LNG at
cryogenic temperatures with much warmer sea water will
induce the phenomenon of "rapid phase transition", or RPT

The term RPT describes a process in which the LNG

translates from a liquid to gaseous state at a greatly
accelerated rate - i.e. a forced rate of phase transition,
much more rapid than would othen¡uise result from a releast
into the atmosphere, unattended by mixture with water.
While there have never been practical experiments on a
scale representative of the ingress of the sea to a ship's tan
though they might also hasten the progress of the of LNG, tests with small volumes of LNG provide compellinl
^¡ ¡L^
.ì oÏ tne ,^^pas,
lnnfflammable parts evidence that RPT will indeed occur. These same
of tñe gas cloud into areas-carrying risks of
ignition. experiments suggest RPT will be accompanied by a rapid
their release of energy in the form of violent non-flammable
netration, shocks. Such experimentally derived data as does exist
is suggests such shocks could be energetic enough to
ns - e.g. threaten the integrity of adjacent structures.
ts are
ts. ln the absence of historical incident or representative
experimental data, determining post-incident scenarios
to following the ingress of the sea to an LNG tank is
necessarily speculative. Nevertheless it would be prudent fc
planners to recognise the prospective hazards of RPT.

The hazard profile presented by LNG tankers in port areas is There has never been an incldent involving the penetrat
narrow. The ships are robustly constructed and well or catastrophic failure of an LNG tanker's containment
equipped with critical safety systems, Methane is not toxic system - indeed, the safety record for this class of ship is
and presents no pollution risks to the port environment. exemplary. Neveftheless, this safety record
Hence, provided they are competently managed and the risk profile of LNG tankers presents a very serious
maintained, such ships present low exposures across a residual hazard in port areas if the vital structure of the
wide spectrum of operational risk. tanker is penetrated.

Major incidents, involving serious structural damage to LNG

tankers, are extremely rare. Thus the paramount objective in managi
LNG shipping operat¡ons in port area
There are a number of recorded incidents of LNG escaping is the elimination of any credible risk
during cargo transfer at loading and receiving terminals.
ln these cases the volumes were relatively small and the
a tanker's conta¡nment system bein
effects of the releases were confined to the immediate
environs of the terminals concerned.
The following sections outline procedures that may be
to analyse operational risks in specific locations and the
measures available for suppressing them,

Bibliography for Section 1

1. Liquefied Gas Handling Principles on Shþs and in Terminals 3rd Ed, 2000 - S/GZO
2. General Characteristics of Natural Gas (EN 1160) - CEN 1997
3. Safety Aspects of the Marine Transporlation and Storage of Refrigerated fuelGases - A Review of Current Practice
- S\GTTO 1995.
4. lnternational Code for the Construction and Equípment of Shþs carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (GC) - tMO 1
as amended.
5. Recommendations on the Safe Transport of Dangerous Cargoes and Retated Activities in Port Areas - tMO l gg;
6. Control of Maior Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Subsfances (EU Directive 96/82/EC - the Sevenso 11
Directive 1996).
ìip is

(a) System Definitions (define what objects and type of

operations to be analysed)
(b) Establish Risk Acceptance Criteria (what is acceptable
risk w.r.t. personnel, assets and environment?)

, different frequencies of hazardous events and (c) ldentification of Hazards (what can go wrong?)
varying quality of data for the frequency of such events.
(d) Assess the Probability of each Hazardous Event
lþnce actual QRA techniques often will vary from one (how often?)
Secific situation to another. ln this case (LNG tanker
operations in ports) the essential QRA approach will be (e) Assess the consequences (what is likely to be
adapted to the specific risk profile of these operations. the result?)

Ïhere are many factors influencing the outcome of a QRA These elementary processes define the parameters of the
which have to be taken into account, such as layout of risk arising in any parlicular theatre of operations.

[e Oort, nearby buildings, population density, traffic etc. From this position it is possible to fufther refine the process
ònlpowners have little or no control over these imporlant to:
(d) Assess the potential for consequence escalation
Quantitative risk assessments cover a probability model of (How bad can this get?)
the activ¡ty with a
wide range of consequence models for
determiniñg the
risk picture.
(e) Assess the capability for effective response covering
design measures and contingency planning (What
In this context can be done to limit the consequences?)
Risk is defíned as the product of the
Frequency The final steps in the process are:
of an event and the Consequences arising
Itorn it _ i.e.
R= FxC (Ð Ranking of the ldentified Risks in terms of likely
)riaiions in application not withstanding, the methodology
'"r all QRAs entails the same fundamental elements: (g) Specification of Risk reduction and Risk suppression

There exists today a vast amount of literature on how to directions other than that of the track, obstructions
pefform QRA, this chapter wjll therefore not go into furlher and isolated dangers ihat require precise and p)
detail of the technique as such, but will highlight special controlled track alterations.
areas related to LNG port operations.
(d) Likely encounters with other ships. The geometry q1
(Refer SIGTTO "Guidelines for Hazard Analysis: Aiclto such encounters should be analysed to assess the
Management of Safe Operations in por-t", Feb. 1gg2.) chances of their precipitating a collision as a d)
consequence of mechanical failure or operational
misjudgement, on any of the ships involved at critic¡
2.2 Special Areas for Performing a points during the encounter.
QRA of LNG Port Operations
Each porl environment will present a unique set of risk
exposures for prospective LNG operations and, thus, each
will require a specific, detailed study of the operating
environment in every case.

Nevedheless, whatever the particular circumstances of

specifìc localities every analysis will encompass two
The accuracy of any formal risk assessment will oup"no o,fidi'
broad areas of risk exposure:-
the availability of past incident data, The value of such datúve
1. The transit to and from the marine terminal; will vary from poft to porl and in some cases a well defineqs¿s
2. Operations at and alongside the tanker ber1h. assessment may not be possible.
ln succeedlng parls of this section a generalised exposition
Whether or not the resulting assessed risk is acceptable 3:i
of how a QRA might be applied is offered, to illustrate use
depends on an appreciation of the likely consequences. TtU lin
of the technique in the context of LNG operations in port
analysis must therefore be accompanied by an assessmenVoic
of the possible consequences arising from the identified ¡itir
hazards (of collision and grounding). he r
2.2.1 Port Transits Section 1 describes the resistance of a typical LNG tanker'
to the impacts of grounding and collision. Both theoretical
Analysis of the risks inherent in the transit of a tanker to and analysis and the experience of past casualties indicate a 1.2.,
from its berlh must entail an examination of all relevant robust level of resistance. The tanker,s double-hull
factors that might lead to the tanker suffering a collision with construction enables it to absorb considerable impact
another ship or a fixed object, or running aground, energy before the inner hull and containment of the LNG ros,
ïe ,

cargo is breached, rerll

ln assessing the likelihood of such events the assessor
should at least take into account:

(a) The recorded incident rate for the transit passages

concerned. This should cover all vessels, especially
since there is unlikely to be any previous recorded rpì
incidents involving LNG tankers. ln interpreting past While this remains the paramount objective, any damage to,uid
incidents in a port, planners should identity the the tanker will have serious consequences - both
contributing factors (e.9. vlsibility, passing distances commercially and in terms of confidence among the len,
etc.) and consider how these might also affect community of porl stakeholders in the security of the transílrrar
LNG tankers. operation.
(b) Traffic density, the extent of navigable water and the Hence the results of the QRA process should yield as ¿ i!st,
incidence of poor visibility. These factors are usually minimum: ìssr
major contributors to the frequency of accidents to
ships in confined waters, irrespective (a) A high confidence in there being a low rjsk of the lou
of the pafticular features of specific areas. tanker failing to maintatn track during the transit thj$s a
might be considered a probability of the order 1O-¿,
(c) The specific features of the transit passage in i:
question that mlght contribute to the operational risks (b) A high confidence of the tanker not encounterino
entailed. These will include all factors that could other vessels in situations that present risks of lÜe
conceivably compromise track keeping - i.e. bends collision -- again high confidence might be ascribed âele
in the approach channel, tidal flows that run in value of I0-+.

also be reviewed from time to time over the life of a

terminal's operation, since conditions in the port mìght
change and with them the pattern of external threat to the
terminal and its berthed tankers.
Itry of
s the tanker
2.2.3 QRA of lntrusive Risk Exposure
na ct
criticq g There are two categories of lntrusive risk; that arising from
tanker's inner hull' intrusions threatening the physical integrity of the terminal
and berthed tankers (e.9. heavy displacement ships), and
risks cri
hese as general guida that arising from the introduction of uncontrolled ignition
of riãfit Oe n establishing an I
sources. This latter category will include every type of
;y of 17ist ex tanker transits. T unauthorised craft, irrespective of its polential for inflicting
an e taken endations. What physical damage at the terminal.
ny given set of circumstances rests ultimately on local
an rdgéments of the consequences of a particular event and (a) lntrusions by Heavy Displacement Vessels.
n áppreciation of the operational circumstances of The process of site selection (for the terminal) should
arlicular Port areas' address a site's exposure to intrusion from other craft
using the port - see Section 4.
,'i3"ÌHr"nneless other sections of this guide illustrate the
Jefined¡s¿sLr¡es that may be iaken to achieve desired standards of A QRA analysis should encompass the likelihood of
ecurity during tanker transits' These might include: traffic other ships in the vicinity (in transit or berthed at
ontrol; exclusìon zones around transtting tankers; tug adjacent facilities) presenting a threat of intrusion to
tble scorts (NB: these will be most useful when it is necessary the LNG terminal as a result of operational
;es. Tht limit the tanker's speed, so as to maintain control, while misjudgement or mechanical failure.
;smenivoiding the risk of high energy grounding) and specified
fied niting operating conditions of wind speed and visíbility. The analysis should entail an assessment of what is
he effect of introducing such risk mitigation factors the worst feasible case, based on the displacement,
hould be used in the QRA. speed and striking angle of an intruding ship. This
:anker should be established, in the first instance, before the
'etical initial site selection is made and appropriate defensive
te a t.2.2Terminal Operat¡ons actions taken if required.

;t he safety of berlhed tankers rests on two sets of defences: Thereafter there should be regular reviews of this
-NG rose provided to ensure the integrity of LNG transfer at the category of risk exposure to ensure that port
erth and those aimed at preserving the security of the developments in the meantime have not introduced
çfth and any ship that might be lying alongside. These are intrusion risks that were not prevalent at the time of
dentifytbcribed and illustrated in other sections of this Guide. the ierminal's commissioning.
night here already exists extensive guidance for ensuring the Through this process the probability of a high energy
ttegrity of the ship/shore intedace and a QRA of this feature impaci, threatening the integrity of the terminal
'f port operations is implicit in the application of such structure and containment systems of befthed tankers
rage t0uidance to the design process for the marine terminal. should be derived.

lence the process of site selection, design of the mooring The acceptability of such residual exposure is a
I transitrrangements, specification of the array of transfer arms and matter of localludgement, but for general guidance
pecification of maximum operating limits will, effectively, and in recognrtion of the possibly serious
letermine what the risks to the integrity of the transfer consequences of a high energy impact, such events
s a ystem are and will specify those measures required to should be more remote than 10-6, A lower risk
ssure its integrity. threshold might be accepted for intrusions that
threaten less severe damage.
the lowever the terminal may remain exposed to risks arising
iit - thi't a consequence of intrusions, accidental or otherwise, (b) lntrusion of lgnition Risk.
lO-4, lto the environs of the berth by other vessels operating in The integrity of all defences at the termìnal rests on
le por1. the exclusion of all uncontrolled ignition sources.
"Uncontrolled" in this context means any potential
lnn )ese risks must first be assessed at the design and site source, whether shore or sea based, not under the
cribed election stages of a terminal,s development. They should direct control of the terminal management. Thus tugs,

supply boats and bunker barges are deemed to be

2.3.1 For Frequency Estimates:
controlled ignition sources if their entry to the terminal
control r description of port layout and jetty arrangement
-t.e. ,ers
tody o the emergency shutdown system. Shut down respOnSe+he
Hence, any water craft entering the environs of the
. separation distances. lam
terminal presents an ignition risk. This is most potent
when transfer operations are under way and there is a )nvll
o active and passive fire protection.
heightened risk of an escape of gas at the ship/shore
. ignition probabilities
Assessment of such risk rests on a detailed understanding ¡¡t
¡ weather data
of traffic flows in the area of the terminal from which the
likelihood of an intrusion, by accident or design, might
be . traffic data
assessed. Factors to be considered should include:
o other incidents in the port area
- The proportion of port traffic in the area not under the
control of a licensed pilot.
¡ vessel integrity data, collision energy required
- The typical trajectories of passing traffic.
¡ collision and grounding probabilities
- The presence of pleasure craft, parlicularly those
under sail.
. safety design of a facifity e.g. fail safe systems
- The presence of fishing vessels.
o maintenance of a facility

The presence of barge traffic, its density, typical

displacement and factors likely to affect its control
and predictable tra.¡ectories _ e.g. currents. 2.3.2 For Consequence Estimates (coveri ng
both consequence to terminal, LNG
Such assessment should reveal the probability of an vessel and surrounding env¡rons):
intrusion. The management of such exposure, within
acceptable limits, should be addressed primarily in the site o distance to public areas and public densities (population).
selection process with residual risks being reduced to
remote contingencies managed by operational procedures _ . gas dispersion, including cloud dispersion
e.g. warnings and the vigilance of security watches. models, size l'
estimates etc.
Acceptance of residual risk is a matter for specific
determination in particular circumstances, but as a general e gas release models fiet rerease and dispersion carcurution!
guide operators shourd be satisfied that the probabirity
of an
uncontrolled ignition source gaining access to the terminar . personnel distribution
area during LNG transfer is no greater than 1O s.
. fire and explosion calculations

2.3 Sum mary of General Considerations . personnel exposure estimates and fatality calculations

Previous sections have addressed the specific operations

porl transits and terminal operations. But for all exercises
aimed ai establishing a eRA for a particular operation the
following elements ought always to be addressed and taken
into consideration.


lg,s n¡tr Calculations

employees and public)
personnel at risk (crew, terminal

iPonseother vessels in the vicinity

.damage to material assets

environmental imPact

ibliograPhY for Section 2

Safety in Liquefied Gas Marine Transportation and Terminal Operations - A Guide for Se/f Assessment. SIGTTO,

Guidelines for Hazard Analysis as an Aid to Management of Safe Operations in Port - SIGTTO 1st Ed 1992'

Design of Onshore tnstaltations -8N1473 CEN 1997'

Site Selection and Design for LNG Pofts and Jettles - S/GffO lst Ed 1997'
Ship to Shore lnteñace - EN 1532 CEN 1997' SIGTTO
Design and Testing of LoadinglUnloading Arms - EN 1474 CEN 1997.

Canvey - An tnvestigation of Potentiat Hazards for Operations in the Canvey lslandlThurrock Area - HMSO HSE

Canvey - A Second Repoft. A Review of Potentiat Hazards for Operations in the Canvey lslandlThurrock Area,
Three Years After Pubtication of the Canvey Repott HMSO HSE 1981.



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3.2 Approach Channels Leading marks (with lights for night or poor visibility
navigation) are very useful in defining the required safe trqh¡g
The configuration of an approach channel designated for (usually the centreline) along a channel, especially in areai,r^.
use by LNG tankers should be determined by the same where high currents or traffic density may periodically resq-"'
elementary factors that inform the use of restricted channels in buoys becoming displaced. Fixed on land they are ìpp
by any other class of ship. ln broad terms these address the inherently more reliable than anchored in water. Nevertheflanl
depth of water required, the manoeuvring characteristics of their utility depends upon the distance between the front,oS
the contemplated ships, within expected operating and the d emF
conditions, while maintaining effective control of the marks are
transiting ship. Thus: terminal, e nHer
e required ti/itl
. the ship's draught, including any increase in draught monitored when navigating from one set of leads to anot6ho
caused by the decrease in water density. meanwhile the maximum extent of navigable water can b69g
. defined using beacons or buoys.
squat, which is related to the speed of the ship, water Cha
depth and channel profile.
ln designing the final approach to the berth ¡t is essential imt
¡ reduction of under keel clearance as a result of pitching that there is adequate scope to reduce speed, whjle still foC
or rolling. retaining directional control over the incoming tanker. Dos
o the interaction between the sea bed and the ship's It is also essential that the final approach can be made :_
bottom as a consequence of the trim of the ship. without requiring rncoming tankers to be steered direcilv at
the berlh while still having to maintain significant headwaylr ftr
The width of the channel too, should be examined stab
throughout its length to confirm that it provides adequate /s st
navigable water in all credible operational contingencies, 3.3 Turning Basins
The principal determinants of channel width are the lf LNG tankers are required to be turned around, either pfii4
manoeuvring characteristics of the contemplated ships to bedhing at a terminal, or after depafture, the size and
under the most severe permissible operating conditions, shape of the turning basin should be consistent with
together with the speed needed to sustain directional manoeuvring the ship under the maximum specified n
stability and achieve the required turning momentum on operating limits for conducting berthing operations.
bends in the channel. Thus channel widths might vary Generally benign weather conditions might predicate a
depending upon the expected speed of the vessel in that smaller turning basin than would be required if strong wi the
part of the channel and around bends. lf a channel is and significant current effects are anticipated. ln general
straight at its sea approach then bends before entering a stronger the weather and current forces the larger the I
straight section, prior to approaching the ber1h, the bend should be.
and latter sections might have to be wider than the first
section. The speed of the ship in the first section would be Shallow water in the basin will adversely affect ships,
expected to be greater than in the final straight section, characteristics and, if bottom sediments are easily
when the ship would not be so directionally stable. during manoeuvring (by tugs as well as the ship), mud and
might enter the ship's condenser and cooling intakes,
Similady the width of bends should be determined by the resulting in loss of power or engine failure. otw
expected speed of the vessel as it negotiates such sections. nan¿
lf, for example, the bend radius is less than optimal, The utility of a turning basin should also be considered 1e/elibr
because of surrounding limitations, the width should an emergency anchorage in the event of an approaching isks
increase to allow for the extra space needed for negotiating tanker suffering some failure or mishap that impedes its
the bend. safe progress to the berth. Similady, if the ship has to
vacate its berlh in an emergency it may be prudent for 1.4.
Any channel between the sea approach and the LNG it to anchor in the turning basin while awaiting assistance
terminal should be clearly defined by navigation marks, before proceeding furlhet especially if it has to negotiate \ll o¡
pafticularly the extremities of the channel. ln those areas a channel passase.
where it is difficult to ascertain the seaward end of the l:ä
channel, a fairuuay buoy should be considered, preferably The turning basin should be clearly marked by the ,rs 61 liscc
with a Racon fitted. The navigation marks can be in the form beacon or buoys to enable the ship handlers to be very he l^
of fixed beacons (preferable in locations with strong clear as to the size of the basin and itsextremities. ailun
currents) or buoys of an appropriate size, shape and colour truali
for ease of recognition even in poor visibility. They should
have clear markings and distinguishable lights if there are to
be shipping movements during darkness. ffir

3.4.2 Ship lnspections Prior to Arrival in Port

afe paramou nt concern' in determining
shall be a n accePtable geometry of
an Pre-arrival inspections are a common feature of bulk oil
h cha nnel for a transiting LNG trading, but not at all common in LNG shipping, where
tankers generally have been dedicated to regular trading
nker' must alwaYs be to eliminate
re the
between a small number of ports. Consequently poits are
¡b¡l¡tY of its suffering a
,front high-energY familiar with the ships and, perhaps more importantly, the
mpact at any point during the transit. ships' crews are familiar with the por1s.
nce the chances of its sustaining contact
However, increasingly LNG tankers are being assigned to
the bottom or sides of the channel
less structured trade patterns and crew familiarity with ports
be suppressed by the application of and ports' familiarity with ships is set to dilute. Crews used
can und design, coherent with the ships' to working in a particular way in one project might overlook
aracter¡stics and control features' More specific requirements of anothe¡ and different established
customs too, may give rise to misunderstandings. Hence
ential mportant is elimination of threats Posed bY transferring a tanker from a dedicated trade pattern to an
e still irock outcrops and other obstructions that unfamiliar port might compromise the effectiveness of
)r. a r¡sk of penetration of a tankers' hull. established safety procedures at that port.
rectly Pre-arrival inspections should form part of a process by
fur-ther, more detailed expositions of the criteria for which terminal managers and port authonties assure
safe approach channels see fhe bibliography for themselves that a tanke¡ new to the port, is familiar with the
tis section. critical risk management procedures established for its
operations, and that its crew are cognisant of their
responsibilities and competent to discharge them.
trrer prl'4 Operational Management of
) Tanker Transits Note: Proliferation of vetting rnspecfions in the oil trades has
given rise fo excesslve demands on shþs staff in poft. The
j ilaving established an inherently non-threatening operating industry seeks 1o minimise this burden by sharing inspection
data through the OCIMF's S/BE system. Shipowners and all
rnvironment for LNG tankers it is also necessary to establish
parties involved in LNG carrier inspections are urged to take
'.e a : framework of procedures, derived precisely for application
rg wincr the specific circumstances of a pafticular port. advantage of having reporis posted on this sys/em to help
prevent a proliferation of repetitive inspections.
,he baghe following sections illustrate a number of possible
'lements in such a framework. Some will not be
:ppropriate, or necessary, in the actual circumstances of 3.4.3 Passage Planning
s' turnitpme por1s, while others will be applicable to all classes of
Jisturbfiips irrespective of their cargoes. ln well managed ships, irrespective of type, it is accepted
ro and I best practice to actively plan sea passages berth to befth.
)s, lowever, established practice and procedures Active planning of port transits serves to highlight special
otwithstanding, a distinct framework of operational dangers, such as shallows and obstructions, and critical
ranagement for LNG ships must be expressly and control parameters such as approach speeds and critical
'r"6 16/eliberately constructed to address the assessed (residual) manoeuvres. The process thus provides for the ship's bridge
rching Sks in specific port environments. team a clear picture of what lies ahead of them, how the
ls its port transit is to be accomplished and what is requìred of
to each of them, in ensuring the plan is executed in a
for 1.4.1 Quality Verification processes controlled manner.
Active planning is calculated to provide continuous
monitoring of a ship's track, early warning of deviation from
plan, rapid and effective response to deviations from track
and the approach of dangers - e.g. collision risk. Expected
speeds also should be marked for each part of the transit.
No tanker should be committed to successive stages of the
transit unless speed and position in the channel conform to
plan and, if meeting tugs, their number and readiness has
been confirmed.
lualitV assu
must include
ers and the
'ort service s to and from

3.4.4 Abort Procedures

Formal planning of port transits should include
contingency plans for aborting the transit and securing the
safety of the tanker - e.g. by placing it in a temporary
anchorage or returning to sea.
Professional standards and experience profiles among
vary considerably from port to por.t, yet it is essential S
It is essential that the port transits of LNG be familiar with handl ing characteristics of the ships they
tankers be actively planned in the manner serve. LNG tankers are rare in the world's merchant fl ado¡
outlined above. Without this process there and it is unlikely, when operations are first introduced in
port, that its pilots will have had experience of them. pr(
can be no assurance that the transit will be
conducted under adequate control, nor can This is especially important in the case of LNG tankers
there be any assurance of the ship being nearly all are still steam turbine driven while the bulk of
able to respond effectively to unforeseen world's merchant fleet is powered by diesel engines.
cont¡ngenc¡es. Without a well prepared turbine propulsion has markedly slower response times
plan, a tanker's safety will rest entirely with those of the diesel engines common in all other classes
the one person directing helm and engine ship. Before committing their ships to the port transit
masters must brief pilots on the handling characteristics
movements. A single error on his part may
their ships, discuss the proposed passage plan from the
then go undetected and thus place a tanker station to the befth and assure themselves that the plan
in needless jeopardy. coherent with their ships' capabilities.

3.4.5 Management of the Port Transit Before LNG operations begin at a port
(Bridge Team Management) no prev¡ous history of the trade, it
prudent for simulator training to
Having a plan is essential but it will be ineffective unless provided for pilots and, perhaps, a
progress of the vessel is continuously monitored against the masters. Such training would a¡m
plan. This is the function of the bridge team who should ensure all involved parties are thoro
ensure that the guidance given by the pilot is appropriate to
au fait with the proposed operat¡on and a
the position and intended movements of the vessel, taking
pract¡sed in handling emergency
into account any dangers to navigation in the vicinity of the
vessel and along its intended track. and deviations from the plan. tra

The aim of bridge team management is to create a proactive

It may be preferable to designate a specialist team of
culture for managing the navigation, one in which the master ra
for LNG operations but even then, periodic refresher
and pilot are fed the information they require in advance of
recommended to assure their continued competence.
an intended manoeuvre and given adequate warning of
developing situations that might undermine the integrity of
the plan for the passage, Thus all officers on the bridge play
active contributory roles in piloting the vessel, with the 3.4.7 Limiting Gonditions for Operations
master in a supervisory or managerial role.
Viftually all porls in the world establish limiting criteria for
A regime of disciplined bridge management is especially operations when they experience severe weather or bad
important when a pilot is on board. lt ensures that his visibility. The limits applied to LNG operations should also
actions are effectively monitored and challenged where they contemplate the high wind areas associated with such
appear to deviate from the passage plan or the expectations and the characteristics of their propulsion plant.
of the bridge team. should also recognise the wind speed limits applied to
operation of loading and discharging arms. These will
Note: The principles of bridge team management training generally be set lower than wind speed thresholds
are set out in a number of industry publications, two of the applied to restrict vessel movements in a port - hence it WS
most comprehensive being the ICS publication "Bridge may sometimes be prudent to delay porl operation until
Procedures Guide" and the Nautical lnstitute's "Bridge Team wind speeds are reduced to levels that admit cargo
Management". Bridge team training is available in a number
of establishments throughout the world, drawing on the As a general principle there should be no impediment to C(

experience of the aviation industry in fostering a team conducting LNG operations at night - though the unique
approach to bridge operatÌons in port. circumstances of particular ports may sometimes

such restrictions' Often there
is less traffic 3.5.3 "Moving" Safety Zone
this courd present a transitins tanker
r"äm;i;iÃignt uno
y everyir.-fi lo*", probability for encountering other ships' It is sound practice to establish a cordon sanitaire or
ificate. exclusion zone around a transiting gas tanker. ln this way
an area of sea space is established around the tanker into
which no other traffic is permitted to enter. Hence the
Defensive Procedures
i?r:iT'5 special tanker's progress will never be immediately hindered by
encounters with other traffic, nor will it encounter traffic
utlined in 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 the
having the potential to penetrate its hull.
leared of Potentialthreats and,
assure the qualitY of oPerating
LNG tanker transits will be
The dimensions and shape of an exclusion zone should be
determined in the context of the specific conditions of a port.

etermination, in the context of ln a port with a narrow access channel it is sound practice
measures are required. Such to prevent traffic entering the channel in the opposite
comprise of direct intervention direction while a gas carrier is in transit i.e. preventing an
'end on' encounter. ln exceptionally long access channels it
orities exert control over some or
progress through the Port. may be acceptable for traffic proceeding in the opposìte
direction to proceed so far and then stop in a 'passing
rthe pif place' but in all cases the transiting gas carrier must have
plan isi.s.1 Vessel Tratlic Systems/Vessel Traff¡c priority.

lnformation Schemes Where traffic is proceeding in the same direction as the

tanker the zone may extend some 1 to 2 miles ahead of the
t withhese schemes monitor traffic flows within a port and issue gas carrier, a distance determined by the distance required
it i$vice to transiting ships on the movements of other traffic to bring the following gas carrier safely to a stop. Traffic
O 6rt the area. following the gas carrier should be excluded for a similar
distance, allowing scope for the gas carrier to slow down to
, tugh"u are shore based with VesselTraffic System (VTS) manoeuvre without it being impeded by the approach of
m tOperators observing traffic on radar and advising other following ships. ln general no gas tanker should be
)ughlyaffic, by radio, of movements within the area. Recently overtaken in a channel, regardless of the width of the
1d ¿¡6eveloped Automatic lnformation Systems (AlS) may have a channel. ln general, traffic should not cross closer than
rçlg¡ggrowing role in the future - providing the same service. 1.5 miles ahead or 0.5 miles astern of a gas carrier.

_or transiting gas tankers, who must avoid threatening ln some circumstances it may be prudent to deploy a patrol
ncounters with other traffic, the advice flowing from such a craft to escort a transiting gas tanker. This may be either a
f oilots ervice can be critical to their security in porls having dense small craft that can patrol well ahead of the gas carrier
rainino pd random traffic patterns. advising other traffic to keep clear, or a tug that can enforce
)e. "l the zone by deliberately putting itself between an
approaching vessel and the gas carrier. ln some ports a tug,
i.5.2. Traffic Separation Schemes of sufficient power to assist a gas carrier lo turn in the case
s of emergency, is preferred. A tug need not necessarily be an
iaffic separation schemes 'escort tug', capable of assistìng the gas carrier at fulltransit
ftSS) are often very effective in
speed, but one of sufficient power enabltng it to alter it's
trajectory at low speeds.

Bibliography for Section O

1. Port Marine Safety Code - IJ.K. Dept. of Transport. 2OOO

2. Maritime Structures Pa¡fs 1,2 and 4, 856A49 - BSI, lgg4.
3. Aids to Navigation Guide - |ALA, 1995.
4. Approach Channels - A Guide for Design - ptANC, 1997.

5' Optimal Lay-out and Dimensions for the Adiustment to Large Shíps for Maritime Fainuays in
Sha¡ow Seas, Sea
Sfrarts and Waterways. ptANC, tggo.
6. underkeel clearance in Maritime Fairways with Hard Bottoms.
- plANC, lggs.
7. Bridge Procedures Guide - lCS, Srd Ed 199g.
8. Guidelines for vesselrraffrc services. - lMo Resolution A.578(14), l986.


ll bt

It thr


A ferminal Site Selection

attached to LNG operations in poft areas is
|- the location of the tanker berth(s), The
sequent profile of risk for tanker operations;
un-befthing manoeuvres; proximity to other
port traffic and external ignition sources.

port areas, the site

lnvariably, and especially for receiving terminals located in developed
selection process is formed by many considerations other than the risk implications for
Ianker operations. Availability of suitable land for the installation and the effects of
associated local planning laws, constraints arising from the infrastructure of gas
distribution and usage from the terminal and many other factors will weigh heavily in the
selection process - not least constraints of acceptable cost.

Therefore, compromising some or all of the principle criteria for site selection is often

Nevertheless, the reality of compromise notwithstanding, no site should be selected for an

LNG terminal that produces unavoidable potential threats to the security of its associated
tanker operations thereafter, for as long as the terminal will operate, Such risks, accepted
as routine at the inception of a terminal, even if they appear remote in the first instance,
will inevitably come closer to realisation as the installation operates over its intended life

1.1 Elementary Griteria The safety and security criteria forming the site selection
process therefore fall into two categories; those that address
he specification process for constructing an LNG marine operations at the terminal when a tanker is transferring LNG,
êrminal is a well established discipline of civil engineering, and those that have a bearing on safety in the wider pod
timilar in many respects to that used for developing marine environment. This latter category addresses hazards that
¡edhs for other classes of ships and oiher shipping might arise for LNG tankers transiting the port, threats to
them while bedhed and hazards that might arise for other
¡usinesses. Essential specification of the layout of the shore poft users as a consequence of LNG transfer operations at
frminal - its LNG storage tanks, gas processing plant etc. - the terminal.
Vill be determined by national and local planning
will set the parameters, among other
aration of the shore installation from
sites and populated areas in the public 4.2 Terminal Operat¡ons
(Basis of Design)
Fundamental criteria that effectively set the risk profile for a
marine terminal are established in the "basis of design".
These are the operating limits for the terminal and the range
of ship types for which berths are to be provided.

4.2.1 Envi ron mental Cond itions

Established civil engineering practice will address the

sustainability of the marine terminal structure in the local
climate - usually by reference to the severest expected
weather (100 year recurring storm).


Howeve¡ managing tanker operations requires detailed The functions of the breasting dolphins are:
studies of more common weather conditions, to determine ': Ma'
what is the likely frequency of 'down time, - that is the . to absorb the berthing energy of the ship. ),00(
frequency of weather conditions that do not permit tankers o to suppotl the ship alongside a berth. uind
to berth or operate while alongside. Jetty mounted transfer illa h¿
arms and ships' mooring outfits are both designed to
operate within prescribed maximum wind forces. lt is
necessary to establish beforehand that these limits will not
normally be exceeded.

Sea conditions too have an immense impact on the long-

term risk profile of a terminal. Cerlain dynamic forces
induced in a tanker's mooring system can undermine its
effectiveness and wave induced movement in a berlhed
tanker can create excursions in the ship/shore connections
of the transfer arms.

Extensive data on climatic and wave conditions are therefore

essential for ensuring that tankers can safely berth and
remain alongside the terminal without compromising the
effectiveness of mooring systems, the design limits of the
transfer arms and the maximum designed excursion of the
manifold connection of the transfer arms.

The basis of design must therefore be formed by detailed

studies, preferably confirmed by simulated testing, that can
confidently predict the operability of the planned terminal in
the prevailing wind and sea conditions.
4.3 Port Operations (Manoeuvres) ù

For furfher, more detailed, expositions of the criteria for

establishing safe approach channels see the bibliography for The process informing the basis of design, described
this section. is essentially concerned with providing a safe berth for
tankers. A bedh that can be safely approached and ture
tankers can be securely moored without compromising
integrity of the ship/shore intedace, within the specified mat
4.2.2 Functionality and Design
operating limits of the terminal.
Safe tanker operations at a terminal depend crucially on
Such factors inevitably will influence the selection of the
secure moorings for the ships (see section 5). lt is therefore
terminal site, but othe¡ equally compelling, determinants
critical to the long-term security of operations that, in
must also form the selection.
selecting a site for the terminal, there is sufficient flexibility to
accommodate the full range of ships likely to use the facility.
The number and arrangement of mooring dolphins and the
array of transfer arms must in fact be suitable for all likely
4.3.1 Berthing Manoeuvres
sizes of ship. There should never be a need for a ship to
have sub-optimal mooring restraint because it is not Given the designed load bearing llmits of the berth the
possible to achieve effective leads for its mooring lines, or practicality of conducting safe berthing operations must bf
provide evenly distributed and adequate load bearing established beyond any reasonable doubt. The orientatiofl
restraint for its flat side. a befth in respect of a tanker's approach track must be
considered in relation to the approach speed and the
Forces transmitted to the jetty structure during berlhing concomitant ability to maintain control over the manoeuvr¿
manoeuvres should also be discounted in the design. at all stages, up to final contact with the dolphins.
Calculation of the berthing energy should normally conform
to established methods (e.9. BSRA or ptANC). The ln viftually all credible operating conditions the fjnal
designed absorption capacity of the fender aI SO% fender approach speed of the tanker will be insufficient to maintait
compression (and 0o berthing angle) should be greater than effective directional control - hence tug assistance will be
the envisaged berlhing energy. Hence it is recommended essential. This should be specified in terms of the power
that no fenders are direcfly supported by the structure of the required to maintain control over the tanker under maximrJl, B
permissible operating conditions, assuming loss of the
loadi rm , il'
in ca tankers' own main propulsion

sEcTroN 4

feasibility of conducting routine operations within acceptable

operating limits. Dynamic realtime simulations are strongly
recommended, particularly to validate contemplated tanker
manoeuvres and the effectiveness of the mooring system.

4.3.2 Departure Manoeuvres

Departure manoeuvres, though generally less problematical

than berthing because they do not involve managing
contact with the bedh, should nevertheless be planned with
the same care. lt is still essentialto maintain complete
control over the tanker at all stages of the operation and to
have assurance that control will not be compromised by
loss of a tanker's main propulsion.

4.3.3 Emergency Evacuation - Use of Tugs

re boulsion fitted in the tugs. ln sheltered harbours a number It is common practice for terminals to contemplate
;alculatifi smaller tugs may be more appropriate, while exposed
emergency depadure manoeuvres for tankers - often
)ads giucations are better served by a smaller number of larger
associated with scenarios involving fire in the terminal.
shiP tore powerful tugs. Typically such a contingency will be anticipated by requiring
;d by
the tanker to be berthed with its bows headed seaward.
lote; The long term practicalities and costs of dredging
However, such a procedure, in itself, may not be sufficient to
hould be taken into consideration at the outsel. Silting
safely evacuate a berth in an emergency. ln cases where
rogressively reduces water depth and shíp manoeuvrability'
tankers are not equipped with transverse thrusters and
tVG shþs are generally powered by steam turbines.
where tugs are not readily available, an emergency
xcessive sediment sucked into the main condenser can
departure may be difficult or impossible to achieve. lndeed,
where wind and current forces are tending to press a tanker
to a berth, or where the transverse thrust of its propeller
tends to turn it towards the berth, escape without tug
assistance is not a feasible option.

4.4 External Threats

(Protective Location)
The operational integrity of a marine terminal
notwithstanding, the security of LNG operations can be
exposed to external threats, arìsing from the activities of
other port traffic and adjacent industrial sites. Such potential
the threats must be evaluated in the site selection process for a
must b gas terminal.
st be
:he a.a.l@l Passing Ships
ldeally LNG marine terminals should be sited away from port
fairways used by other ships. The most effective form of
protective location is one where there is no possibility of
mainrol other ships approaching and threatening the security of
will be moored LNG tankers. Such security will be obtained by
)ower locating the terminal in a remote area of a poft devoid of
Driving engines other developments, or in an exclusive dock area, not
lìî'''') ahead pushes bow
on to berth
frequented by other port users. Even when protected from
the threat of approaching ships, the berth ought also to be
free from wave effects generated by passing traffic.
sEcTroN 4

ln reality it may be impractical or impossible to achieve this

level of security in siting a terminal. Circumstances may OC dete
dictate that some degree of exposure to other porl traffic is erati
unavoidable. ln such circumstances the risks attaching to
such exposure must be actively managed within tolerable
levels - i.e. levels that exclude the possibility of a high-
_\ sets'
energy impact on the berth, sufficient to threaten the
I -
containment of a berlhed tanker or the topsides of a jetty. ;SESS
This principle should be rigorously applied. :COUf
4.4.1(b) Speed Restrictions for Passing Ships rndu,
A large vessel in transit displaces a large volul¡e of water.
The resulting surge is proporlional to the size and speed of
the vessel and the width of the channel. The surge will Fig. 4.3
generate a dynamic loading on moored ships in the vicinity,
ld fa
a loading that could cause their mooring array to fail. Total
break outs from berths, with accompanying serious
consequences have occurred as a result of this
a.a.1þl lgnition Risk rch ¡

All poit traffic, irrespective of its potential to inflict damagg'bntir
on gas assets, presents an ignition risk. mjl¿
The effect of passing ships can be especially pronounced at
befths recessed into the shoreline as a cutaway - the Hence, the issue of physical protection notwithstanding, ydro,
dynamics of the pressure wave of a passing ship are porl traffic must be excluded from the envjrons of an LNG'mo,
magnified when directed into a confined area. marine terminal. The extent of the exclusion zone '!,tp n
established around a terminal is a matter for local llc t
Whatever the circumstances, no terminal should be sited on determination, in the context of the prevailing conditions. lghet
a bend in a shipping channel such that, inevitably, the Howeve¡ an assessment must be made of the size of thr-
trajectories of transiting ships pass through the terminal as maximum credible spill of LNG during transfer operations
they negotiate the bend. (See fig. 4.2). and the likely pattern of dispersal for the resulting gas clori
The geometry of the projected cloud, together with a :
prudent additional margin, should inform the determinatid,
of the exclusion zone. ".

--> Prudent siting of the terminal will facilitate the effectivenest,
/ INWARDTRACK of an exclusion zone. Locations that already attract other.

craft, including pleasure craft and fishing vessels, are t
inherently unsuitable for LNG terminals. ln such I
circumstances enforcement (of the exclusion zone) is highl
oureou¡ro / problematical and, even with strenuous enforcement effor4t-
/ may ultimately fail.

4.4.2 Adjacent Berths and Operat¡ons

Exposures to other traffic and intrusive ignition sources aro
Similarly, whatever the prevailing circumstances, no terminal inherent in a terminal's proximity to other industrial sites afl
should be sited in a position that admits the possibility of its their associated marine terminals.
being approached by heavy displacement ships, having an
inherent capability for penetrating the hull of an LNG tanker. Hence injudicious siting of an LNG termlnal, in proximity t0
an adjacent industrial site, will invite inflated risks of ship
Where such encounters are possible a protective barrier encounters and (uncontrolled) ignition sources.
should be erected to shield the LNG terminal. (See fig. a.3)
lf this is not feasible then heavy displacement ships shouid ln developed port areas it will often be impossible to
be conducted through the area with a tug escort sufficient eliminate the risks of encounters with shipping serving ¡
to prevent collision with the terminal, in the event that adjacent industrial sites. The site selection process must 7
steering or propulsion is lost on the transiting ship. therefore examine the patterns of these adjacent operatiof

---------\ldetermine precisely what risk will be posed for LNG Special consideration should be given to potential ignition
ierations. Of paramount importance is the type of shipping risk from adjacent operations. Certainly where non-
-- <íèúolved and the critical question of whether it has an flammable materials are being handled, a high level of
capability of inflicting catastrophic damage on gas ignition risk should be assumed.
_\ jsets. The proximity of adjacent operations is therefore of critical
ssessment of the shipping risk must therefore take into importance to the security of LNG terminals and tankers _
;count the displacement of ships manoeuvring in the but is, of itself, not the only or even principal determinant for
----------cinity of the LNG terminal, the pattern of those selection of a safe site.
ranoeuvres and the conditions under which they are
tnducted. Heavy displacement ships moored at adjacent Close proximity to a site handling toxic or flammable
rmjnals that are themselves affected by high winds and materials, on which all ignition sources are rigorously
trrent effects carry a risk of breakout and uncontrolled drift. suppressed, may pose a more acceptable risk exposure for
the LNG terminal than a site with high ignition risks, located
potentialfor: damage to the terminal or berthed tanker; at a more remote distance.
rilure of control during bedhing or un-berthing manoeuvres;
rd failures at adjacent berths, must be formally assessed. Similarly, ships that are moored with a high degree of
-îe security in close proximity may pose a lesser hazard than
uch assessments should be formed by an understanding those insecurely moored at a greater distance.
practices of adjacent terminals and ships. lt
f the operating
:damagg entirely possible that operations involving non-toxic and lndeed, the security of moorings on adjacent ber.ths
on-flammable materials will be conducted in a manner notwithstanding, their near proximity may be less relevant
onsistent with a lower risk threshold than LNG or other than the actual trajectory followed by a drifting ship. lt is
anding, ¿ydrocarbon based operations. Hence their overall security, entirely possible, given the particular circumstances of two
f an LNGì mooring systems, ship/shore cargo handling systems and berths' relative configuration, for a ship breaking out at a
hip manoeuvring, may be less than those applied to the more remote distance to pose a greater threat to the LNG
I NG terminal itself. Thus they could present a generally terminalthan one breaking out close by.
¡ditions. :igher inherent rísk than adjacent hydro-carbon facilities.
ze of
erations Wind effect brings tankei s
gas clot head onto wind

;tivenes Current effect

;t other between tanker and berth
are I
) is highl Oil Tanker Breaking Out in Close Proximity


Wind force initially

rces arê pushes ship across
sites atr the current
Wind force on high
sided ship, induces "SAlL" +
effect - increasing forward
:imity to mo

l Current
must J
Container Ship Breaks Out Bemote from LNG Berth

Fig. 4.5

It is therefore not possible to specify general criteria for the ldeal solutions may not, however, appertain. The
separation of LNG operations from adjacent berths and process must therefore consider prospective
sites. Determination of what is acceptable in specific and the possible future consequences for LNG o
circumstances must follow from an assessment of the actual dsk. Where there is undeveloped land in the vicinity of
risks posed by the operations of adjacent sites, in the prospective terminal , or where access to a terminal
particular circumstances of individual por1s. is
way of common user shipping channels there must be
possibility for fut ure poft developments that could
undermine the security of LNG operations.
4.5 Port Development
Such considerations should weigh in the site selectjon
Ports have dynamic environments; the pattern of their process, as well as consideration of imm ediately
operations changes over time and with that the profile of risks. ln contemplating possible future changes to risk
their operational risks also change. Hence a site selection profiles, planners should also consider the range of risk
process, conducted with a careful consideration of the risks management options available to them. lt may, for
posed for LNG operations, can later be confounded by be entirely possible to manage the risks attaching to
subsequent developments, long after the LNG operatión is appearance of heavy displacement shi ps in the vicinity,
established. using the available traffic control mech anisms

There is a general tendency for ships in all trades to be On the other hand it would not be prudent to dlscount
made bigger. Por1s, being competitive commercial prospects for later developments that promise im
undertakings, are committed to attracting users and prosperity for a port, or that are demanded by other
retaining their businesses. They will therefore be keen to Such developments will be very hard to resist and
accommodate more traffic and larger ships, if users so therefore be anticipated at the outset. Hence, the
desire, and to make the maximum commercial use of for a changing risk profile must be part of the site
available land. Hence the operating environment in which an process and entail an assessment of future capabilities
LNG terminal is constructed may change over time and with managing those exposures.
it the risks posed for LNG operations may also change.
Benefits of a rigorous site selection process
The site selection process must be conducted with an the issue of the long-term management of an LNG port
appreciation of this reality. ldeally the site selected will be operation will remain. The vital needs of security for the
one whose operations remain indifferent to subsequent operation and the integrity of the procedures developed
developments within a por1. For example, where the terminal manage it must find expression in contingency plan nrng
site is one that excludes any possibility of unwelcome docum ents and, above all, be expressed in relati onships
adjacent developments, or where the marine terminal is with port authorities and service provi ders. This latter
located in a position that rules out threats from other is more fully developed in Section 6.
shipping, irrespective of size or type. The proximity of
passenger ship terminals, for example, would increase social
risks by inserting a much higher human risk factor into the
port area. F-

Bibliography for Section 4

The lnternational safety Guide for oitrankers & Terminals (tscoTl) - tcs, octME lApH, 4th Ed, 1996
2. Safety Guide for Terminats Handting Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Butk
- oCtMF 2nd Ed lggs
.). lnformation paper no. 14 "site setection and Design for LNG Po¡7s and Jetties".
- s/Gro 1st Ed 1gg7.
4. lnformation paper no. 1! "A Listing of Design Standards for Liquefied Gas Terminals
(referencing porfs and
Jetties)" - SIGTTO 1st Ed 1997.
5. Safety in Liquefled Gas Marine Transpoftation and Terminal Operations
- A Guide for Se/f-Assessrnen¿.- STGTTO

6. Siting of Terminals (Case Study) - Beftrand LANQUETiN, LNG TECH tt Asia 200o, Kuata Lumpur,
7. Bontang Future Sr1LNG/LPG Dock: a Design which Achieves Very High Levels
of Flexibility, Safety and
Bertrand ?'NQUETIN, LNG 12 Conference, pe¡ih l9gB.

Gas Transfer Operations

S túlanaging
ave received more detailed attention in
any other aspect of LNG shipping operations.
ity of a
ral is hip/shore intedace is secured to a degree that
rst be fer operations a non-credible event - provided
I pplied,

liquefied gas transfer operations are well
d e bibliography for this Section). The elements
> risk to provide for those having responsibitity for
of risk secure transfer operations are achieved, and
r originating in the wider environs of ports.
t to the
This awareness is crucial for effective management of LNG terminal operations since,
catastrophic penetration of a tanker's hull excepted, failure of the LNG transfer system
- ;ount
presents the biggest single risk of LNG escaping into the atmosphere of a port. lt is essential
that all terminals designated for the transfer of LNG fully comply with recommended criteria.
To do othen¡uise needlessly increases the risks of interface failure and consequential release
of LNG,


;t ttre Elements of lnterface

Security Supporting these defences should be ancillary and
complementary measures; setting maximum operating limits
ì of the risks of LNG escaping at the ship/shore
for LNG transfer and tanker berthing; ship/shore operational
controls; personnel training and emergency response
ìt .t"rfu"e is achieved by a series of defences for the transfer
rloped tÇ-". procedures.
These defences are: secure mooring for the tanker,
nnlng constrained within pre-
nshiPs ut-down and quick release
Finally, the marine terminal and any bedhed tankers must be
:ter toPi protected from threats to their defences intruding into their
s, and Powered Emergency
immediate environs from without. The most common potential
elease Coupters (PERCS).
threat being posed by the intrusion of other port traffic.


I 6à
1 6000 50500 48000
I @
T 3smo

z a

Fig. 5.1
sEcTtoN 5

Succeeding parls of this section describe each of these

elements in more detail.

5.2 Effective Mooring

The foundation of safe LNG transfer is secure mooring of
the berlhed tanker. without this the security of the transfer
arms is compromised, rendering all LNG transfers exposed
to an inherent risk of LNG escape through rupture _ with the
defences of emergency shut down and ÞfnCS remaining to
mitigate the consequences. It is essential that proposed mooring arrangements
for 11
tankers be tested and confi med by analysis using
An understanding of the dynamics of ships, mooring established computer based programmes developed
systems has come late to the shipping industry beiñg purpose. Such analysis is critical to confirm
ttre operabit
investigated first as a necessary accompaniment to the the berlh envisaged in the basis of design.
introduction of very large oil tankers in the late .1960s.
high volume cargo transfer rates associated with these
required hard and relatively inflexible arrays of transfer arms, 5.3 Gargo Transfer Systems
which in turn required the movement of berlhed tankers to
be constrained within very limited tolerances. (Emergency Shut Down - ESD)
The then unprecedented size of VLCCs also presented
previously unknown forces acting on their
moorings as a
consequence of tide and wind action on their hulls.
The principles of sound mooring practice are now well
understood within the oil tanker sector and these have been
readily applied to LNG tankers whose needs for secure
moorings are identical.
Secondary defence should be provided by two separate
supplementary systems of emergency shut-down. One E

automatically shut-down the transfer of LNG if the

moves outside a predetermined envelope (ESD), and
another that will automatically disconnect the arms
tanker, after the flow of LNG has ceased, if the tanker
continues its movement from its permitted envelope.
Th U
systems may be operated manually, but are designed to
Fig. 5.1 shows the essential components of an effective operate automatically, on prompts that i ndicate a tanker
being disturbed from its berlh

Fig. 5.2 illustrates the principles of ESD operation.

feature of such systems is the ship/shore link
shut-down requires pumps to be sto pped and valves
on both ship and shore in a prescri bed safe sequence.
system. procedure cannot be executed automatically
unless ship rcn
and shore systems are linked
Contrary to widely held popular opinion head and stern lines
contribute very litfle to the restraint of berlhed ships. That An effective ESD system, bac ff;
head and stern lines still have wide application in por.ts is array, reduces the risk of a lar
due more to the practice of mooring ships to flush dock negligible proporlions. Hence ler
walls, than to their effective contribution to mooring restraint. guard for LNG transfers. No such transfers should
be conducted in the absence of a fuily effective, rinked
Effective mooring is achieved by arrays of breast lines red
system. har
secure points lying within the length of the ship, at angles no
more than 15 degrees from the perpendicular to a shiþ,s
centre line.

The geometry of the mooring array is not the sole

tanker's manifold. Such devices represent a secondary
determinant of effectiveness. Both theoreticar anarysis and ESú il
system - Emergency Retease System (ERS).


-.s of si Detectíon system Quick acting double
for ship movement valves and PERC
later¡als Shore Ship
System System

ESD valve arm ESD valve pump

LNG tank Shore Ship

side side
rnts for L[
f bre
ng Telephone c c
oped forl î õ .Ø
Cable reel Optical plug õ
.o .2
operabili\ o ØE cf o EØ
o c
o c
Hot line Hot line
telephone telephone

ìD) I
Wind direction/velocity
--- Wave height lide level
, set in ar Mooring tension
mon¡toring system Strain
eturn line Mooring tension
Mooring line display
)rimarily t
Mooring hook


5.4 Jetty Operations and Control

With the ship/shore intedace secured to the maximum
possible extent and the risks of all but a minimal spill of LNG
thereby excluded, the security package for LNG terminals is
completed by a system of monitoring and control. There are
no general criteria for specifying precisely what form any
such system should take but certain salient features are
common to all well managed installations.

Principal features of an effective system are: a human

mon¡toring and intervention capability, located in a secure,
protected, location; an effective fire-fighting system;
monitor¡ng of the critical elements of interface protection and
escape procedures.

5.4.1 Control Building

A jetty control building must be provided, located at some
distance from the loading platform (where the probabilities
for spillage and subsequent fire are greatest). lts location
should nevertheless allow swift and easy intervention by
personnel to the jetty by operations personnel at any time.

)) - ldeally control buildings should be placed outside the blast

to zone. lf not then they should be constructed to blast proof
a standards. The control building should incorporate
ary accommodation for mooring teams and have a ready supply
of protective clothing and equipment.

Recommendations on the values to be used can be found

sfer of LNG - line pressures,
in regulations for buildings design (for example the
of valves in the transfer syste¡, V
recommendation "Process plant Hazard and Control f;
Building Design" from the chemicar rndustries Association).
ures. /15
) Je,
However the effectiveness of the principal security systeìaf(
should be monitored by specific monitoring svstems, '"""
5.4.2 Control Systems
Monitoring and control systems for operations on jetties
whose deslgn is based on the ,,unmanned concept,, (i.e.
operators presence not necessary on the jetty head) are
critical for the safety of transfer operations. The principal
objective of control systems should be the enhanced safety
of operations and personnel - not a reductron in jetty

The overall contror of the instailation is through a Distributed

Control System (DCS).

A schematic representation of a DCS is given in fig. S.3.

Such a system is devoted to the continuóus moniioring of


MD-5 ¡fet


BDl, AD2, BD3, BD4, MD4



MD1, [¡D2, t\¡D3, [¡DS, MD6




No 2 BD2


Fig. 5.3


Other elements for fire defence, likely to commend
themselves in a number of diflerent situations are: early
detection and swift extinguishing of small pool fires and jet
fires, and protection of gas bearing systems by minimum
ritY syslqricafions)'
separation distances set by reference to radiated heat
tems; properties.
' CCTV system: Typically three remote controlled cameras
rn three large colour monitors are
ide of the loading arms to Typical features of a fire defence inventory will be water
hips manifold, and one on an curtains to suppress heat radiation to vulnerable
nently watch the gangway). Other containment elements and facilitate human evacuation; rapid
s (dock entrance and each deck detection (CCTV and alarm systems) and early response
aybe provided with, for equipment, able to extinguish small fire outbreaks of
lstem to example, scanned pictures displayed on two other colour manageable proportions. Hence some or all of the following
stance rìf mon¡tors (the scanning is in order to reduce the number equipment might find application in applying a properly
rditionsl of monitors in the control room)' devised fire defence system.
rg lines; ¡
. a fixed water curtain on the seaward front of the transfer
tions. r¡x.+.3 Fire Protection arms platform to protect arms from excessive heat
ona radiation.
', with fr"r" ur" no generally applicable criteria for specifying fire . under deck fixed water curtains on the seaward front to
,rotect¡on equipment at LNG terminals (but see bibliography protect deck platforms below the loading arms platform.
tr this Section). lnvariably terminals will be subject to
ìdependent audit by local authonties, their fire departments o two tower elevated oscillating fire water monitors,
nd such other agencies having accountability for industrial controlled from a remote fire station to cool-down of the
afety in the localitY. surfaces exposed to heat radiation.

Vhatever local regulatory criteria may be applied, the

o a water curlain to protect the gangway tower and its
telescopic part from radiated heat.
¡ErRyL¡NK rquipment outfit specified for a marine terminal should
-.flect a clear policy objective, and an accompanying o two pre-aimed tower elevated dry chemical monitors
:oherent strategy, for managing fire defences.
located on the loading platform in order to help
)olicy definition must proceed extinguishing a possible fire on a ship manjfold or on
from what is deemed either loading arms.
or practical in the given circumstances of a
's situation o fixed dry chemical fire fighting system with hose reels and
flooding system for the protection of the curbed areas on
all situations the policy should have the safety of main deck platforms.
as a paramount objective. The risks to human life
be assessed in relation to credible scenarios of fire
. hydrants with hoses together with portable and wheeled
and feasible response strategies. Such fire extinguishers provided at different places.
may reveal different imperatives in remote, o an internationalfire connection with hose reel on the
locations than in more confined situations with loading arms platform.
proximity to adjacent
manned sites. Similarly, realistic
for fire response will be determined by a site,s . CCW, automatic flame, smoke, gas, and spill detection
lity to fire{ighting services and the capabilities with alarms system.
. foam monitors to blanket spill collection areas.
. passive fíre protection measures - e.g. site design and
materials selection.
Controls to operate fire defences should be established at a
terminal's main control room, as well as the jetty operation
room, to provide full redundancy for the defence system.


5.4.4 Emergency Removal

5.5 Protection from External Threatqo

remotely. n

Emergency escape routes for personnel are best provided in n

the first instance by placing routine access points outside g
the fire risk area of the cargo handling platform. Thus a moorings of berlhed LNG tankers (Refer Section 4) p
gangway tower should be located on a dedicated
dolphin, e
remote from the closest loading arm. Similarly a tanker,s
gangway too, should be located some distance from 5.5.1 lgnition Risk
manifold area. Hence routine access facilities can be used
as an emergency escape between ship and shore, without Ships manoeuvring to and from adjacent berths,
having to cross the loading platform. accompanied by tugs must be prohibited from straying
a prescribed exclusion zone around a berthed LNG
Escape routes are needed too, for personnel trapped on lndeed all craft not u nder the control of the terminal
dolphins, to reach a safe area without passing over the excluded from this zone during transfer operations,
loading platform. lt is also recommended that two ladders the possibility for spillage is most likely.
be provided on each outer dolphin for access to the water.
This would conform to OCIMF recommendations, requiring The dimensions of the exclusion zone should be
two separate and remote escape routes from all working " by an analysis of the likely spread of a gas cloud
and occupied areas. by the maximum credible spill- it shoulO also be
an assessment of the damage threat posed by
Emergency removal of the tanker from the berlh is an approaching to within close quarters of the terminal,
element of emergency response plans for many terminals. Procedures must be established to shut_down transfer
The procedures for managing such an operation, if operations in the event that the security of the terminal
contemplated, must be worked out in detail for each compromised by the intrusion of craft, not under the
installation. First, its feasibílity as an operation must be control of the LNG terminal, into the exclusion zone.
established. ls it feasible under all conditions of wind and
tide? Are tugs required? These are merely examples of The risks posed by adjacent land sites must be
several issues that have first to be determined before in the site selection process. lt would be u nusual
operational procedures can be established. serious if the pattern of these risks were to subsequenfly
change - e.g. by a fundamental change of use, that
lf an operation is deemed feasible it may require the tanker,s introdu ced previously unforeseen hazards.
engines to be maintained in a prescribed state of readiness,
that tugs are retained in the vicinity during transfer Nevertheless poft environments are dynamic and changi
operations and that a minimum number of crew are retained LNG terminals should be alerl to ch anges in use of
on board. sites that might pose an increased risk of ignition and
thereafter render ineffective such p rotections e.g
separation distances - that were previously deemed
A critical element of a removar pran wiil be the operation
the quick release mechanisms for the tanker,s moorings. adeq uate. Under such circumstances resort to local
Such devices may be fitted irrespective of whether or not planning enforcement procedures may commend
emergency evacuation is contemplated. Control of their
operation e consequences of
inadverien is a capability for
releasing t as pad of a



area. Visitors and contractors are potential sources of illicit

smoking materials, portable electronic devices - particularly
mobile telephones - and tools or other materials capable of
generating incendiary sparks. Strict controls over access to
the terminal area by all personnel, whether approaching
from the land or the sea, is therefore critical to the
suppression of ignition rìsk.

Such controls should also contemplate

defences aga¡nst incursions by terrorist or
criminal groups and thus be appropriately
supported by rigorous identity vetting and
search procedures.

Safety and security procedures should also guard against

ln this context attention is drawn to the unauthorised approaches into the environs of the terminal
dangers of ship/shore bonding by waier craft of all types. Control and surveillance
nd the recommended industrY measures should be adequate for detecting such incursions,
'lG ce for discontinuing their use. while LNG is being transferred, and ìnclude procedures for
ral challenging incursions and shutting down transfer
ls, when operations if they persist.
enerally the focus of ignition risk suppression should be on
re introduction of sources from without, into the terminal

ther for Section 5
rm na e
Design and Construction Specification for Marine Loading Arms - OCIME (Srd Ed 1999).

the Accident Prevention: The Use of Hoses & Hard Arms at Marine Terminals Handling Liquefied Gases - SIGTTO,
)ne. 2nd Ed 1996 (for SIGTTO Members only).
LNG/LPG Arms Protection against tvcessive Ship Movement: A New Approach For Alarms Setting and ESD/ERS
Activation - Ber-trand LANQUETIN Gastech 2000, Houston (see on SIGTTO web Members Bulletin Board).
lquentlY A Risk Based Approach for the Evaluation of Fire Fighting Equipment on Liquefied Gas Jetfies - SIGTTO 1st Ed 1999.
Liquefied Gas Fire Hazard Managemenl - S/GrO b be pubtished 2003.

tnternational Safety Guide for OilTankers and Terminats (tSGOTl)- tCS, OCIMF (4th Ed. 1996}

of Mooríng Equipment Guidelines - OCIMF (4th Ed 1gg7).

r and
Sfandards for the Production, Storage ancl Handling of Liquefied NaturalGas (LNG) -NFPA 5gA NFPA 1996.
ned The Ship/Shore lnterface - The Communication /Vecessa4¡ for Matching Ship to Be¡fh. STGTTO 2nd Ed 1997.
rcal on Shrps
i itself
0. Liquefied Gas Handting Pinciples ancl in Terminats - StGTTo Srd Ed, 2OOO.





li. , i,;iiì ì._¡irllrì(ìj¡ ,.1 ;,1;;l tt,lLr l;:; Critical proceriures ktr mobilising ernergency services,
triç¡gerirrg rnulual aid arrangements, personrtr_.i evacuation,
casualty hanrjling ¿lnd exiernal announcements; mulst be sel
out in the plan lt should also specify the critical actions to
be [al<en to nlinirnise the irnpact of an incJuslrial accicjent in
its immediate aflermath, lo secure the al'fected area and lo
CIy li)[a¡ns; rmn.lsi: ftie oa¡aaftr{e+ e¡f" render the environs of the accident as safe as possible.
üt&¡ 'il&re ilarr'g1es{, ürrloncierrrt t&l¿¡t c;a¡.¡ The severity of an emergency rnay range from an accident
which can be deal1, with by ship's or site personnel only, to
['Oclr',¡ltrl¿llrJil]/ ltle f'C¡ri'C.seerll, [oUrt a;üe+t¿¡ñflr:cij
one for which effective response and containrnent requires
lt)ilal, r n fr l lç¡
s;ü l o u fl ol oc¡ ¡ lcetr n.ü,r'¿¡'tr: e¡n cxle¡'¡ ss [:[ilat,il
assislance from lhe community's emergency seryices, l-he
êì[6r r,¡,¡,,,t ii
¡lt.r-olil¿fr1[<1,' plan must therefore give clear directior-rs for ltte rnobilisation
of emergency services support, with conconritant guiclancc
lor the operation of comnlurrical.ions and l.he appoirionmenl
of responsibililies among the pafties in lhe chain of
command and in the cc¡mmunications system,

Yel no plan can give detailed instruclir¡ns for every

conceivable contingency. Rather it shourld provide clear
guidance as to how, when and whal to comrnunicate and Lo
which responsible pady, so that the immediate ancj


subsequent decision making processes are effective and

apposite to the severity of the emergency being managed.
Detailed guidance for the preparation of contingency plans is
readily available elsewhere (see bibliography for this Section).

6.1.1 Roles of Port Administrations and culiur

Service Providers It is strongly recommended that LNq unde
A porl may contain one or more terminals whose activities
terminal staff, identified as prospectivq be
require them to have a contingency plan. lt then becomes commun¡cators to the news media, bê Rese
essential for each of these to be integrated into the overall g¡ven expert training by media consultants prr",
plan for the port area and that their respective effectiveness to prepare them for their role. Effective PR
be tested through regular exercises. is critical for the effective management o(
For most ports the poft authority will be the most
of an emergency. lt is the principal .I
appropriate body to co-ordinate the development of
commun¡cations route to the public and' as .l
contingency planning within the poft; ensuring that individual such, will be critical for maintaining the
plans are properly prepared, are practical within the context credibility of the operator in public a

of a particular port and coherent with the available percept¡ons.

emergency response servlces.
Avoidance of hostile (public) percept¡onsì corr
Plans will be the most effective if developed in close
consultation with porl users, ship's agencies, adjacent
is vital for maintaining an operator's ability and

industries, municipal authorities, police, fire and medìcal to manage an acc¡dent, free from cari¡
services. The Plan, having been developed, must be politically inspired interference. Positive
communicated to all parties that may be involved in percept¡ons will also be critical to ln1
responding to an emergency and be understood by them all. re-establ¡shing normal operat¡ons after the SEV
emergency is past. saving a s¡te from rerT

acc¡dental destruction will ava¡l little if it is The

6.1.2 LNG Tankers subsequently denied permission to re-start o

A unique feature of contingency planning for marine

terminals is the inclusion of berlhed ships within the
planning and response framework.
6.2 Local Partnersh¡ps a

All ships must have emergency response plans of their own

to address emergencies that might arise on board. Visiting lndeed the management of public perceptions and those
ships must also be familiarised with those elements of the port authorities, other pod users and service providers
Terminal Contingency Plan that directly, or indirectly, address
ought to be the subject of routine operational management, a

the situation of a berthed ship durlng a terminal emergency not merely an issue to be addressed in the aftermath of an
and the actions expected of it. incident. People who are likely to be affected by an accident ln
should be given information about the port and the Aç

operations it conducts, including potential hazards and the di1

6.1.3 Public Relations safety measures that are in place. Port and terminal ar
operators should be pro-active in providing this information, th
ln the event of an emergency it is essential that the news or "risk communication" and not wait until local authorities 0l
media be provided with fast, accurate and focused community leaders ask for it.
information and, in particula¡ reassurance over the risks to 6
affected centres of population. Effective risk communication goes beyond the technical
ability to use the best science to assess the risk and ll
Modern news reporting allows live pictures of a developing to
make calculations of the assessed risk, or the ability L
situation to be broadcast very soon after an accident and to demonstrate the effectiveness of state-of-the-ar1 tl
continue transmission throughout the duration of the technologies and risk management measures. These things E
emergency. Porl operators will have no direct control over may be viewed as the "Brain" of the "Risk Assessment, Risl{ ir
what is shown nor the commentaries that accompany it. Communication, Risk Management" triangle. Risk
Communication is the "Heart" of the "Risk" triangle.
sEcTroN 6

Full details of this process are given in "APELL for Poft

Areas 1996" published by the lnternational Maritime . individual perceptions cannot change without kn owteog)
Organization, and trust.
o entrenched sectional interests will not change without
knowledge of alternatives and consequences, and the
6.4 Manag¡ng the LNG Risk - motivation, skills, and support systems to do so.
to o'Significant"
"Successful" ¡ entrenched working practices and porl management
systems will not easily change unless a broad consens¡,
LNG operations have, historically, an enviable safety record. for change is first constructed.
It is a record that owes much to investment in technical r public fear and resistance will not be easily allayed - ev¡
defences and to high quality management that has
by the most stringent laws and regulations - unless ther
recognised the crucial impodance of preserving a reputation
is trust built on knowledge and understanding.
for responsible and safe operation.
o regulations and prescribed procedures (for port
It is, therefore, a "Successful" industry - one that has operations) will not function effectively without a
demonstrated an innate ability to confront the challenge of consensus of understanding and acceptance among
its risks and successfully manage them within acceptable those affected.

Yet historically LNG trading has also been a specialised

niche industry with a restricted international market and
["ftä HSi :fl :i i;:?:i'#""å',i ïil îi:x'ii,tff*r
problem, the more skilful that communication must be to
relatively few major players. lts reputation for responsible achieve consensus on the solutions.
operation, though real enough, will increasingly be tested in
the global environment; one in which LNG operations When risk management fails it is often because of a lack ol
become established in ports with no previous experience or public and political acceptability.
understanding of liquefied gas and where many new
industry players are parlicipating. Risk assessment and technical uncertainties might
sometimes be cited as the reason for failure. Yet if the
Managers of LNG operations will therefore have a greater communication problem is misunderstood, the approach is
need to reach out to port communities - port authorities, unlikely to be effective. This error usually results from lack o.
other users and service providers - to communicate the attention to the formative research necessary to understanc
risks of their operations and explaln the actions being taken the targeted audiences and the leverage points that will be
to manage these risks, the defences provided and the effective with those audiences - both social and
protections required of others. Through the process of professional.
reaching out, the LNG (terminal) operator moves from the
position of being "Successful", within his own industry, to Being "Successful" does not automatically mean an
being "Slgnificant" among the wider port community. ln a operator is accepted as "Significant," yet being "significant',
position of significance, the LNG operation is widely is critical for the long-term security of LNG operations in pÐ
understood, others are aware of its particular characteristics areas. Only when there is a broad based understanding oft--
and requirements, the actions of its management are the risk profile of these operations among pori communities.
appreciated and respected, and it enjoys prestige as a can there be assurance of the required regulatory and
consequence of others understanding the quality, technical procedural framework for safe operations. Similarly, only
excellence and professionalism assoclated with the LNG when there is a favourable public consensus for the
operation. continued operation of LNG facilities, based on trust, can
operators be confident of obtainlng sympathetic support
Communication is pivotalto the entire risk management from authorities and governmental agencies.
process for the LNG terminal.

Bibliography for Section 6

1. "A Guide to Contingency Planning for Marine Terminals Handling Liquefied Gases in Bulk" S/GffO 2nd Ed 2001
2. " Guide to Contingency Planning for the Gas Carrier Alongside and Within Porf Limits" ICS OCIMF SIGTTO 2nd
Ed 1999
APELL for Porf Areas 1996" lnternational Maritime Organization.
"Emergency Planning for Major Accidents" HSG 191 HSE Books /SB/V 0 7176 1695 I

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