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Why are instructional materials essential in the context of the topic or lesson
Instructional materials are resources used by teachers and learners to facilitate the
teaching and learning process. These are essential in the context of deepening a
lesson. By providing a variety of resources and activities, teachers can improve the
learning experience for their students and promote deeper understanding and
retention of complex topics. The use of instructional materials can also create a more
engaging and active learning environment, which can improve motivation and
academic performance. Also, it can help to clarify complex concepts and make
learning more concrete.

2. How would you deviate your planned Learning Modules from the modules
provided by your school or DepEd?
Having planned learning modules can help teachers achieve specific learning
objectives. Deviating from the learning modules provided by the organization is
necessary to ensure that the teachers will meet the diverse needs of the learners. If
I’m going to depart my own learning modules from the provided material of DepEd, I
would first identify the learning objectives of the lesson, then review the provided
modules to assess if they are appropriate for the existing learning environment. If
there’s a gap in the learning module, that’s when I would provide supplementary
materials to address the needs of every student. Next, I will adjust the assessment
and make it aligned to my own learning module. Lastly, I will ensure that my learning
module is effective and efficient by having feedback from the students' assessments.

3. As an experienced mathematics teacher, how will you address the issues and
concerns on the prescribed Localized Materials?
Prescribed localized materials are designed to promote cultural relevance and
provide students with a more meaningful and engaging learning experience. While
localized materials have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of teaching
and learning, they can also come with issues and concerns that need to be
addressed. These issues and concerns can impact the effectiveness of the
localized materials and hinder student learning that’s why it is needed to address.
As a mathematics teacher, to address the issues and concerns on the prescribed
localized materials I will evaluate and modify the localized materials by gathering
feedback from the students and by having consultation and assistance from the
school superiors to provide continuous improvement of the material. By continuously
evaluating, modifying and improving the localized materials, we can promote
equitable and quality education for all learners, regardless of their socio-cultural
context and language.

4. We are all aware that the greater majority of teachers are saying that salary is
not sufficient and perhaps their job and/or performance is not appropriately
compensated. In your very own perspective, how does salary hinder the
performance of teachers specifically in the context of Instructional Materials
Development and Production?
Salaries are a crucial factor in the motivation and performance of teachers. A good
salary can attract and retain talented teachers and can provide them with the
necessary support to carry out their responsibilities effectively. However, we all
know that our salary is not sufficient and our job performance is not appropriately
compensated. Having insufficient salary in our profession can affect our
performance specifically in providing instructional materials. Most of us teachers,
in order to engage our learners and provide effective teaching strategy, we need
to have instructional materials which most of the time came from our own pocket.
We also demotivated to perform well because of low salary despite of having
additional workloads resulting to a lack of energy, interest and passion in the
development and production of instructional materials.

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