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1.1 Background

Every living thing carries out a metabolic process, because metabolism is a chemical process
that occurs in every living thing, from one-celled (unicellular) to multicellular (multicellular).
Metabolism in multicellular organisms includes the transport of matter and energy. In plants and
animals the transport of nutrients, the exchange of substances and metabolic products is sufficient
from one cell to another by penetrating the plasma membrane and taking place actively and
passively. Passive transport is if it is in the direction of the concentration gradient, for example by
osmosis diffusion. While active transport, that is, if it is against the concentration gradient,
molecules moving from low concentration to high concentration require energy in the form of ATP,
Na, K ion pumps and carrier proteins. Factors that affect the process of particle diffusion, membrane
thickness, area, distance and temperature. Meanwhile, the osmosis of water from a selectively
permeable membrane from a more dilute part to a more concentrated part. A semipermeable
membrane is permeable to solvents, but not solutes that create a pressure gradient across the
membrane. When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution to the cytoplasm, the water in the cell will
diffuse out so that the cytoplasm shrinks and the cell membrane separates from the wall
(plasmolysis). If then placed into a hypototic fluid, water will enter the cell and the cytoplasm
expands again (deplasmolysis).

1.3 Goal
1.4 There are several objectives of this practicum, namely:

1.To know the process of diffusion and osmosis in living organisms.

2. To know the process of plasmosis and deplasmolysis in cells

3. Understand the factors that affect the process of photosynthesis.

4.Prove that in photosynthesis oxygen is produced

5. Testing the formation of starch in the leaves.

1.3 Problem Formulation

1. Definition of metabolism, anabolism, catabolism?

2. Examples of anabolic and catabolic reactions

3. Photosynthetic factors


Metabolism comes from the Greek word “Metabole” which means change. Metabolism is
sometimes also defined as the exchange of substances between a single cell or the whole with its
environment. One of the important protoplasmic activities is the formation of new cells by division.
Before the cell divides, the protoplasm will actively collect and synthesize carbohydrates, proteins,
fats and many more complex compounds that are part of the protoplasm and cell walls. The basic
ingredients for the synthesis of these organic compounds are inorganic elements that are absorbed
by roots and sugars formed from carbon dioxide and water in the process of photosynthesis (carbon

Metabolismos are all biochemical reactions that aim to maintain life that occur in an organism.
Chemical reactions occur as a result of regular specific interactions between molecules in the cell
environment and their changes. Cells will stop working if metabolism does not take place in the
body. Metabolism also plays a role in detoxification.

The types of reactions that occur during the metabolic process are divided into catabolism and
anabolism. Metabolic processes require the help of enzymes as activators.

1.The three main purposes of metabolism are to convert food into energy

2.To run processes on mobile level

3. Converting food into raw materials for protein lipids

4.Nucleic acids and some types of carbohydrates eliminate metabolic waste.

These enzyme-catalyzed reactions enable organisms to grow, reproduce, maintain structure, and
respond to their environment (the word metabolism can be defined as all the chemical reactions
that occur in living organisms including digestion and the movement of substances within and
between different cells). The group of reactions above that occur at the cellular level can be known
as intermediate metabolism or intermediate metabolism).

Chemical reactions in metabolic processes are divided into several metabolic pathways, where one

Compound can change through several processes into other compounds. Each process is facilitated
by specific enzymes.


Catabolism is a series of reactions in metabolic processes that break down large molecules. The
reactions in question are breaking down and oxidizing food molecules. The purpose of catabolic
reactions is to provide the energy and components needed by anabolic reactions to build molecules.
The natural state of a catabolic reaction varies depending on the organism. These organisms can be
classified based on energy and carbon sources (grouping of primary nutrient sources) which can be
seen in the table below. Organic molecules are used as energy sources by organotrophs, while
lithotrophs use inorganic molecules as substrates. Phototrophs capture sunlight as a source of
chemical energy. However, all the different forms of metabolic reactions depend on redox reactions
involving the transfer of electrons from a reduced donor molecule, such as an organic molecule,
water, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide or ferrous ion to an acceptor molecule, i.e. oxygen, nitrate, or

In general, catabolic reactions in animals can be divided into three main stages. First,
macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides and lipids are digested into smaller components
outside the cell. Furthermore, these small molecules are taken up by the cell to be converted into
even smaller molecules which are usually in the form of acetyl coenzyme A (Acetyl-CoA) which
produces energy. Finally, the acetyl group in CoA is oxidized by water and carbon dioxide through
the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain

Macromolecules, such as starch, cellulose or protein cannot enter the cell directly so they must be
broken down into smaller sizes to be used in metabolic reactions in the cell. Several different groups
of enzymes function to digest these polymers. These digestive enzymes are proteases that digest
proteins into amino acids, as well as a group of glycoside hydrolase enzymes that digest
polysaccharides into simpler sugars, namely monosaccharides.

Microbes produce digestive enzymes to their surroundings, while animals produce enzymes from
specific cells in the gut, including the stomach and pancreas and salivary glands. Amino acids are
secreted by extracellular enzymes, then pumped into cells by active transport proteins.



Is a metabolic process that converts glucose to pyruvate, producing two moles of ATP, two moles of
NADH, and two moles of pyruvic acid per mole of gluoxide. Glycolysis begins with the uptake of
extracellular glucose and subsequent processing of intracellular glucose in the cytosol to finally
produce pyruvate along with various other products which will be converted into ATP as an energy
source. Pyruvic acid is an intermediate compound in several metabolic pathways. Most of it is used
under aerobic conditions to be converted to acetyl-CoA in the process of glycolysis which is then
used in the citric acid cycle. Although most of the ATP is produced from the citric acid cycle, NADH is
the most important product. NADH is produced through the oxidation of acetyl-CoA using the raw
material NAD+. This oxidation process removes carbon dioxide as a residue. Under anaerobic
conditions, pyruvate is reduced to lactate by lactate dehydrogenase. In the presence of oxygen,
mitochondria can completely oxidize pyruvate and NADH from glycolysis, producing up to 36 moles
of ATP per mole of glucose using oxidative phosphorylation.

Pentose phosphate pathway

The phosphogluconate pathway is an alternative pathway for glucose breakdown that occurs in the
cytosol and provides several key objectives supporting cell proliferation and survival. First, and most
famously, the pentose phosphate pathway allows the transfer of intermediates from the glycolytic
pathway to the production of nucleotide precursors and amino acids necessary for cell growth and
proliferation. This pathway involves the nonoxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway.
The second key function of the pentose phosphate pathway is to produce an equivalent reduction of
NADPH, which has an important role in the maintenance of a favorable cellular redox environment
and is also required for fatty acid synthesis. This pathway involves the oxidative branch of the
pentose phosphate branch


Glycogen is a polymer storage form of the compound glucose. Glycogenolysis is the process of
breaking down glycogen that occurs in muscle cells and liver cells in response to the hormones
epinephrine and glucagon. In conditions of starvation or danger, the body requires high amounts of

Lipid catabolism.

The fatty acid oxidation pathway allows the conversion of fatty acids present in the mitochondria
into many products that cells can then use to produce energy, including acetyl-CoA, NADH and
FADH2. The initial step in fatty acid oxidation is the ‘activation’ of fatty acids in the cytosol via an
enzyme-mediated reaction with ATP to eventually produce acyl-CoA fatty acids. The mechanism of
further fatty acid oxidation depends on the length of the aliphatic tail in the fatty acid.

Cholesterol breakdown

In adults, many tissues are capable of synthesizing cholesterol. Animal products are a source of
cholesterol, while plants do not have cholesterol. However, plant cell membranes contain
phytosterols, which are structurally similar to cholesterol and are useful in the treatment of dietary
hypercholesterolemia because they compete for cholesterol absorption.

Amino Acid Catabolism

Amino acid metabolism has several important roles in several aspects of cell biology. Different types
of amino acids play a role in various metabolic pathways that use them as substrates. Amino acids
are used in the synthesis of proteins and other biomolecules or are oxidized to urea and carbon
dioxide as an energy source. Glutamine can play an active role in cell proliferation as an alternative
source of the citric acid cycle which functions to support the production of ATP or a source of citrate
in fatty acid synthesis reactions. Other amino acids, such as arginine and tryptophan are metabolized
by different pathways to support cell proliferation and anabolic growth.
The amino acid group oxidation pathway begins with the release of the amine group by the
transaminase enzyme. The amine group enters the urea cycle leaving a deaminated carbon skeleton
in the form of a keto acid. Some keto acids become intermediates in the citric acid cycle, such as the
deamination of glutamate to the alpha-ketoglutarate form. Glucogenic amino acids can be converted
to glucose in the process of gluconeogenesis.

Lipid catabolism.

The fatty acid oxidation pathway allows the conversion of fatty acids present in the mitochondria
into many products that cells can then use to produce energy, including acetyl-CoA, NADH and
FADH2. The initial step in fatty acid oxidation is the ‘activation’ of fatty acids in the cytosol via an
enzyme-mediated reaction with ATP to eventually produce acyl-CoA fatty acids. The mechanism of
further fatty acid oxidation depends on the length of the aliphatic tail in the fatty acid.

Cholesterol breakdown

In adults, many tissues are capable of synthesizing cholesterol. Animal products are a source of
cholesterol, while plants do not have cholesterol. However, plant cell membranes contain
phytosterols, which are structurally similar to cholesterol and are useful in the treatment of dietary
hypercholesterolemia because they compete for cholesterol absorption.

Amino Acid Catabolism

Amino acid metabolism has several important roles in several aspects of cell biology. Different types
of amino acids play a role in various metabolic pathways that use them as substrates. Amino acids
are used in the synthesis of proteins and other biomolecules or are oxidized to urea and carbon
dioxide as an energy source. Glutamine can play an active role in cell proliferation as an alternative
source of the citric acid cycle which functions to support the production of ATP or a source of citrate
in fatty acid synthesis reactions. Other amino acids, such as arginine and tryptophan are metabolized
by different pathways to support cell proliferation and anabolic growth.

The amino acid group oxidation pathway begins with the release of the amine group by the
transaminase enzyme. The amine group enters the urea cycle leaving a deaminated carbon skeleton
in the form of a keto acid. Some keto acids become intermediates in the citric acid cycle, such as the
deamination of glutamate to the alpha-ketoglutarate form. Glucogenic amino acids can be converted
to glucose in the process of gluconeogenesis.

Anabolism is the process of preparing chemical energy through the synthesis of organic compounds.
While catabolism is the process of breaking down and releasing energy from organic compounds
through the process of respiration. All these reactions are catalyzed by enzymes, both by simple
reactions and complex reactions. Or in another sense: Anabolism is the formation of complex
molecules from simple molecules, for example photosynthesis. Catabolism is the breakdown of
complex molecules into simpler ones, for example respiration. (Renobayan 2012).

Anabolism is a group of metabolic reactions that use the energy produced by catabolism to
synthesize complex molecules. In general, complex molecules consist of cellular structures that are
arranged in stages from small and simple precursors. Anabolism involves three basic stages. First,
the synthesis of precursors, such as amino acids, monosaccharides and isoprenoids, and nucleotides.
The second stage is the activation of the reactive form using energy derived from ATP. The third
stage is the preparation of precursors into more complex molecules, such as proteins,
polysaccharides, lipids, and nucleic acids.

Anabolism in organisms can differ depending on the raw material for molecular construction that
occurs in the cells of the organism. Autotrophs such as plants can construct complex organic
molecules in cells such as polysaccharides and proteins from simple molecules such as carbon
dioxide and water. Meanwhile, heterotrophs require compounds that are more complex than
autotrophs, such as monosaccharides and amino acids to produce more complex molecules. These
organisms can be further classified based on the energy source, namely photoautotrophs and
photoheterotrophs that obtain energy from light, while chemoautotrophs and chemoheterotrophs
obtain energy from the oxidation reactions of inorganic compounds.


Photosynthesis is the reaction of the synthesis of carbohydrates from light and carbon dioxide. In
plants, cyanobacteria and algae, oxygenic photosynthesis breaks down water molecules, with
oxygen as a waste. This process uses ATP and NADPH produced by the photosynthetic reaction
center to convert CO2 to glycerate-3-phosphate which is converted to glucose. This carbon fixation
reaction will be assisted by the Rubisco enzyme as part of the Calvin cycle.[79] There are three types
of photosynthesis that occur in plants, namely C3, C4 carbon fixation and CAM photosynthesis. The
difference between the three types of plants can be distinguished from the pathway of entry of
carbon dioxide into the Calvin cycle. C3 plants fix CO2 directly, while C4 and CAM incorporate CO2
into other compounds first as a form of adaptation to intense sunlight or dry conditions or lack of


In the process of carbohydrate anabolism, simple organic acids can be converted into
monosaccharides such as glucose, and can be composed of polysaccharides such as starch. Glucose
production can be carried out using pyruvic acid, lactic acid, glycerol, glycerate-3-phosphate and
amino acids as raw materials in a reaction called gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis converts pyruvic
acid to glucose-6-phosphate via a series of intermediates that are also present in glycolysis reactions.


Lipids in cells are found in fat stores, lipoproteins (a combination of lipids and proteins), as cell
membranes and organelles. The constituent components of lipids are glycerol, fatty acids, and a
number of other compounds (eg serine, inositol, ethanolamine).

The constituent components of lipids are glycerol, fatty acids, and a number of other compounds (eg
serine, inositol, ethanolamine).

Glycerol Mammals use glycerol in the form of G-3-P resulting from the phosphorylation of glycerol
by glycerol kinase or reduction of dihydroxyacetone phosphate using the enzyme G-3-P
dehydrogenase. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate can be derived from glucose or pyruvate compounds.
Under normal conditions, triglycerides or Glycerol-3-phosphate are produced from the glycolysis
process with glucose precursors. However, when the glucose concentration decreases in the cytosol,
glycerol is produced from the reaction process of glyceroneogenesis.

FATTY ACIDS The fatty acid synthesis pathway allows cells to produce lipids necessary for cell growth
and proliferation from precursors derived from other intrinsic metabolic pathways. The activity of
the fatty acid synthesis pathway is strongly related to mTOR signaling, which has been shown to
promote fatty acid synthesis through the regulation of many key enzymes responsible for de novo
lipid synthesis, including SREBP (sterol regulatory element binding protein), FASN (fatty acid
synthase) and ACC. (acetyl CoA carboxylase)

Both of which are induced by SREBP.

PHOSFATIDYDYCHOLINE. In most cells, phosphatidylcholine is synthesized via the cytidine 5-

diphosphate (CDP)-choline pathway, in which choline is phosphorylated to phosphocholine by
choline kinase and then converted to CDP-choline by CPT:phosphocholine cytidyltransferase.
Furthermore, CDP-choline is combined with diacylglycerol by two enzymes integrated into the
endoplasmic reticulum: CDP-choline:1,2-diacylglycerol choinfophosphotransferase.Indonesia

(CPT) dan CDP-kolin: 1,2-diasilgliserol kolin/etanolamin fosfotransferase (CEPT). Lintasan CDP-kolin
terdapat di semua sel mamalia berinti. Namun, di hati, hingga 30% fosfatidilkolin dihasilkan oleh
konversi fosfatidletanolamin menjadi fosfatidilkolin oleh fosfatidiletanolamin N-metiltransferase

FOSFATIDILETALAMIN. Fosfatidiletanolamin dapat disintesis oleh dua lintasan utama: lintasan CDP-
etanolamin di retikulum endoplasma dan lintasan fosfatidilserin dekarboksilase (PSD) di
mitokondria. Lintasan CDP-etanolamin mirip dengan sintesis fosfatidilkolin. Fosfoetanolamin diubah
menjadi CDP-etanolamin oleh CTP:fosfoetanolamin sitidiltransferase kemudian ditambahkan ke
diasilgliserol oleh CEPT untuk membentuk fosfatidiletanolamin.

ISOPRENOID DAN STEROL kelompok lipid ,seperti karotenoid yang membentuk kelompok terbesar
produk alami dari tumbuhan. Senyawa ini disusun atas

Susunan dan modifikasi unit isoprena yang diberikan oleh prekursor reaktif isopentenil pirofosfat
dan dimetilalil pirofosfat Prekursor ini dapat disusun dengan dua cara. Pada hewan dan arkea,
lintasan mevalonat menghasilkan senyawa ini dari asetil KoA, [97]sedangkan pada tumbuhan dan
bakteri, piruvat dan (G-3-P) digunakan sebagai substrat pada lintasan non-mevalonat .


Organisme memiliki kemampuan berbeda untuk mensintesis 20 jenis asam amino. Sebagian besar
bakteri dan tumbuhan mampu semua jenis 20 asam amino. Namun, mamamalia hanya mampu
mensintesis 11 asam amino nonesensial, sedangkan 9 asam amino esensial lainnya didapatkan dari


Nukleotida disusun dari asam amino, karbondioksida dan asam format di lintasan yang
membutuhkan energi metabolis dalam jumlah besar. Karena itu, sebagian besar organisme
mempunyai sistem yang efisien untuk menghemat nukleotida yang belum terbentuk. Purina
disintesis menjadi nukleosida ( basa yang melekat) kepada ribosa Adenina dan guanina disusun dari
prekursor nukleosida inosina monofosfat yang disintesis menggunakan atom dari asam amino
glisina, glutamina dan asam aspartat serta asam format yang dipindahkan dari koenzim
tetrahidrofolat. Sedangkan, pirimidina disintesis dari basa orotat yang dibentuk dari glutamina dan
asam aspartat.

(CPT) and CDP-choline: 1,2-diacylglycerol choline/ethanolamine phosphotransferase (CEPT). The

CDP-choline pathway is present in all nucleated mammalian cells. However, in the liver, up to 30% of
phosphatidylcholine is produced by the conversion of phosphatidylethanolamine to
phosphatidylcholine by phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PEMT)

PHOSPHATIDYLETHALAMIN. Phosphatidylethanolamine can be synthesized by two main pathways:

the CDP-ethanolamine pathway in the endoplasmic reticulum and the phosphatidylserine
decarboxylase (PSD) pathway in the mitochondria. The CDP-ethanolamine pathway is similar to that
of phosphatidylcholine synthesis. Phosphoethanolamine is converted to CDP-ethanolamine by CTP:
phosphoethanolamine cytidyltransferase is then added to diacylglycerol by CEPT to form

ISOPRENOIDS AND STEROLS Lipid groups, such as carotenoids, make up the largest group of natural
plant products. This compound is composed of

The arrangement and modification of the isoprene units provided by the reactive precursors
isopentenyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate These precursors can be arranged in
two ways. In animals and archaea, the mevalonate pathway produces this compound from acetyl
CoA, [97] whereas in plants and bacteria, pyruvate and (G-3-P) are used as substrates in the non-
mevalonate pathway.


Organisms have different abilities to synthesize 20 types of amino acids. Most bacteria and plants
are capable of all types of 20 amino acids. However, mammals are only able to synthesize 11 non-
essential amino acids, while the other 9 essential amino acids are obtained from food.

Nucleotides are composed of amino acids, carbon dioxide and formic acid in pathways that require
large amounts of metabolic energy. Therefore, most organisms have efficient systems for conserving
unformed nucleotides. Purines are synthesized into nucleosides (attached bases) to ribose. Adenine
and guanine are composed of the nucleoside precursor inosine monophosphate which is synthesized
using atoms of the amino acids glycine, glutamine and aspartic acid and formic acid transferred from
the coenzyme tetrahydrofolate. Meanwhile, pyrimidine is synthesized from orotate base which is
formed from glutamine and aspartic acid.



3.1 Time and Place

The implementation of this practicum is carried out on:

Day/Date : Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Time: 10.30 to 12.00 WIB

Location: Biology Laboratory, Raden State Islamic Institute

Fatah Palembang.

3.2 Tools and Materials


1. Test tube

2. Glass funnel

3. Measuring cup


1. Hydrila verticillata plant

2. Aquades

3.3 How it Works

1. Prepare the tools and materials to be used

2. Fill the measuring cup with distilled water

3. Place 1 individual Hydrilla verticillata in a glass funnel with the base facing up.

4. Place the glass funnel upside down on the measuring cylinder.

5. Insert the test tube at the end of the funnel, doing so carefully so that there are no air bubbles in
the test tube.

6. Mark Adan B

7. Device A is placed in a dark place and B is placed in a bright place exposed to sunlight

8. Observe and count the bubbles that appear on each device according to the allotted time.

9. Record the observations in the table.



4.1 Results

From the practicum that has been carried out, an observation table has been generated

Hydrilla verticillata bubbles as follows:

4.2 Discussion

Metabolism is the chemical processes that occur in the body of living things/cells. Metabolism is also
called enzymatic reactions, because metabolism occurs always using an enzyme catalyst.
Metabolism consists of anabolism and catabolism. Catabolism is the process of breaking down
organic molecules into inorganic molecules and releasing energy. While anabolism is the process of
arranging inorganic molecules into organic molecules by requiring energy, an example is

Photosynthesis is the event of the preparation of food substances (organic sugars) from inorganic
substances (water and carbon dioxide) with the help of solar energy. The stages in metabolism are
light reactions and dark reactions.

Light energy

6 CO2 + 6 H2O ———————————> C6H1206 + 6 02

Chlorophyll glucose (chemical energy)

1. Light reaction
a) Cyclic

- Only use photosystem I

- Electrons from photosystem I are recycled

- Synthesize ATP

b) Non Cyclic

- Using photosystem II and I

- Electrons from photosystem II are removed and replaced by electrons that are

Donated by water.

- Synthesizes ATP and NADPH

- Electron donation converts water to O2 and 2H+

In experiments using Hydrilla verticillata plants in a bright place they emit a lot of bubbles, it
happened because of the light factor and the place of Hydrilla verticillata plants when observed.

2. Dark Reaction (Calvin Cycle)

- Does not depend on sunlight

- Occurs in the stroma

- Binds (fixation) to CO2 . molecules

- Forms glucose (Calvin-Benson reaction)

The mechanism of the Calvin cycle begins with the fixation of CO2 by ribulose diphosphate
carboxylase (RuBP) to form 3-phosphoglycerate. Each 3-phosphoglycerate molecule receives an
additional phosphate group to form 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate. NADPH is oxidized and electrons
transferred to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate cleave the molecule by reducing it to glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate. The final step is regeneration of RuBP, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is converted to RuBP
through a series of reactions involving phosphorylation of the molecule by ATP.

Dark reaction:

CO2 + 2 NADPH2 + O2——>NADP + H2 + CO + O + H2 +O2

In the experiment using Hydrilla verticillata plants in a dark place, they did not emit a lot of bubbles,
it happened because of the light factor and the place where the Hydrilla verticillata plants were

Factors Affecting Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is influenced by several factors, namely:

1. Light

Light is a source of energy for photosynthesis. High light intensity will make photosynthesis effective.
2.Growth Stage

When they are still sprouts, plants are more diligent in photosynthesis than those that are big
because those that are growing need a lot of energy to grow bigger.

3.Light Absorption Pigments

Chlorophyll is a light-absorbing pigment. To make chlorophyll, magnesium ions are needed which are
absorbed from the soil.


Affects enzymes for photosynthesis. If the temperature rises 10o C, the work of the enzyme
increases 2 times (but only at a certain temperature, if the temperature is too high, it will damage).


If the level of photosynthesis is low, the plant will be stimulated to carry out photosynthesis more
actively than when the level of photosynthesis is high.

6.Availability of CO2 and H2O

If there is a lack of water, the stomata close, thus blocking the entry of CO2. The more CO2 gas, the
better the photosynthesis process will be. Likewise with the water used for water photolysis.



1.1 Conclusion
1.2 From the practicum that has been carried out, it can be concluded that Metabolism is the
chemical processes that occur in the body of living things/cells. Metabolism consists of
anabolism and catabolism. Where photosynthesis is a process of anabolism that requires
energy. The process of photosynthesis is divided into two stages, namely the light reaction
and the dark reaction.

1.3 Suggestions

1.4 From the practicum that has been carried out, it is recommended that accuracy and patience
be the main points in the practicum, because it is a supporter of success in the practicum.
Besides, it is expected that students can maintain order in practicum.

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