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Department of Computer Science CSC-407:Information Security

Bahria University Semester 08 (Spring 2023)

Marks: 05

NAME: ______________________________________________
REG. NO. ____________________________________________
COURSE CODE:________________________________________

Marks Obtained: ______________________

Theoretical Assignment

Read Carefully:
• The deadline for this assignment is before or on 13/March/2023.

WARNING: This is an individual assignment; you must solve it by yourself. Any form of plagiarism
will result in receiving a zero in the assignment.

WARNING: Late submissions will not be accepted. Any assignment submitted after the cutoff
time will receive zero.

• You have to answer and submit in SOFTCOPY(pdf) and HARDCOPY of the given draft on your LMS.

CS Department, BUKC 2 Semester 08 (Spring 2023)
CSC-407:Information Security Assignment 01

QUESTION (Do as Directed) (5 Marks)

(CLO1, PLO2, C2)

1. Explain the concepts of following encryption techniques by using student’s complete name:
a. Ceaser Cipher
b. Playfair Cipher
c. One time pad Cipher
d. Vignere Cipher
e. Hill Cipher (Key=Hill)
f. Rail Fence Cipher
g. Column Cipher


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