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My name is Cynthia Jepkorir Ruto. I am 19 years old, I live in Eldoret town, Uasin Gishu
County, Kenya. I live with my parents. I am the 2 nd born in the family of three children. My
father (Raymond Kipruto Chirchir) is an hotelier while my mother (Emily Jepchirchir Bett) is a
teacher. I have two siblings namely; Rodgers Kiprotich and Elijah Kipkemboi
As far as my academic history is concerned I started my primary education at Biremo academy
from 2007 to 2017. Later I joined South Tetu Girls High School in 2018 for my secondary
education where I completed in the year 2021. My parents will support me financially while I
will be studying in Australia. Philemon Kiplagat Kirono will cater for my tuition fees and other
expense I may incur while in Australia since they are financially stable for the same.
Why I choose to study in Australia
Australia provides exceptional educational program and a learning style that encourages one to
be innovative, creative and think independently. Graduates from Australia are very successful in
finding jobs and have a history to hold prominent positions worldwide.
The reputation of Australian education system is impressive. It is well known for its innovative
developments and effective structure, as well as good quality teaching and research methods.
Australia is itself equipped with professional lecturers who have excellent expertise in their work
industry. They also provide their students with strong academic skills and valuable connections.
Students are taught creative and critical thinking skills which can be applied to many career
fields. Studying in Australia will boost my career prospects because graduates from Australia are
desirable employees in any work place and their qualification are recognized by employers
throughout the world. Courses are constantly updated with input from industry leaders to ensure
the skills and knowledge is in demand and current, which strengthens one’s ability to compete
for jobs. The Australian qualifications framework established in 1995 allows students to easily
move through the education system. It also provides an easy way for countries to recognize your
qualification and issue a comparative qualification for local use.
Australia is a first world country compared to Kenya, my home country which is a third world
country. Therefore, the skills and knowledge acquired, places me in the bracket of international
competition which gives me a better value of my money and shapes my future career when I
return to Kenya.
A number of universities can offer the chance for me to pursue the course here in Kenya but
there are a lot of challenges I will face. Most Kenyan universities are affected with frequent
lecturers’ strike that takes long to be settled. In addition, in research there are inadequate
resources and few supervisors assigned to each student. All these usually affect learning and time
schedules for both the students and the lecturers. An undergraduate program in Australia that
usually takes 2 years to be completed, takes up to 4 years in Kenyan universities due to fewer
supervisors for projects and work supervision.
Most public universities have few available lecturers to supervise too many students therefore
they give less attention to students. The report revealed that a lecturer with a PhD in local public
university serves 100 students against 25 recommended by higher education experts. In
Australia, the approach of teaching is practical along with the use of latest techniques and
updated syllabus. The Australian universities produce industry- ready graduates and this
increases their chances of being part of the leading organizations in the world. In addition, there
is need for International exposure and global perspective in making informed decisions since
education is a dynamic sector.
Considering living expense and tuition fee costs, Australia is more affordable compared to USA
and UK. In terms of innovation, excellence qualification recognition, quality assurance and
multicultural society, Australia becomes the most assured system in the world.

Why I choose to pursue Bachelor of community service in Australia

The Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Community Services) equips one with theory and
practical skills necessary for a career in community and public sectors. Through this course I will
cover counselling, social policy, advocacy and welfare, and gain practical experience working
with individuals and communities. I choose to pursue Bachelor of community service because I
have a passion to help the less fortunate as well as improving the health standards in my society.
I have always been keen to do my higher studies so as to gain practical experience and
international exposure which I will be able to earn from Australia as it provides a world class

Obtaining a Bachelor degree in Community Services from Australia would provide me with an
opportunity of working in the industry that is extremely rewarding and gives me the opportunity
to support a diverse range of people in different life situations. Through community-based
services and programs, I will have the opportunity as a community worker to facilitate change,
create solutions, support unconditionally and provide information and resources to assist
individuals or small groups in My country and even globally, this programs will be geared
towards supporting improving nutrition and community well-being.

Pursuing a Bachelor course in Community Services allows one to improve the quality of life of
those who can’t help themselves.  With qualification from this particular course I am confident
that I am going to help someone open doors of opportunities to make their life significantly
better. This is because I will have the opportunity of serving people from all diverse walks of
life, the government is currently funding most projects on community services, through this
programs I will make every day of my life full of meaning and each day will never be the same
as I will be impacting on someone’s life.

Tell us about the research that you personally undertook into study options in other
countries or at other Australian institutions?

After a website research on various universities in Australia, I applied to Torrens University in

Melbourne, because I felt it will meet and fulfill my education needs and expectations.
Torrens University upholds respectful, open minded and culturally diverse learning environment.
It is ranked among the top 100 colleges in the world for community services and third in
Australia. It is ranked 76 in QS Global World Rankings 8820. The college offers several courses
across academic divisions. Their Bachelor Course is designed with professional emphasis and in
partnership with industry, it gives students an opportunity to gain practical skills and graduate
Torrens University is at the front in technology and innovations, therefore as an international
student I will be able to interact and exploit these technologies in my academic journey
Compared to other education providers such as Victoria and Murdoch University, Torrens
University provides online classes for all its programs.
Torrens University as well as cross-cultural understanding that living in Australia will provide
me. The education system in Australia is more flexible as compared to my home country. The
degrees and qualifications that Australian education institutes provide are internationally
recognized which the colleges and universities of my home country fail to provide. Moreover,
the Australian education system has well equipped and updated course contents providing
adequate practical and industry based training to their students. Achieving a globally recognized
qualification from an Australian education provider will ensure me to find a better job in my
home country as a teacher jobs providers in Australia are always looking to hire the skilled and
international degree holder of teaching professionals. Since, the Australian education system
provides practical based qualitative education at affordable cost and allows the international
students to practice outdoor lifestyle in a secured environment while studying in Australia, I
choose to study in Australia.    

Employers are more satisfied with Torrens University graduates as compared to graduates of
other Australian Colleges. Having a degree from this university will show employers that I have
valuable real-world experience because of the professional placements, volunteer work and
community service.

Also, the university has extensive experience in the support of international students, and the
support begins from the moment one arrives in Australia with airport pick up service. There is
also a dedicated team of international Student Advisors (ISAs) who can provide information on
enrollment, accommodation, finance and students visas. Qualified counselors are available at
each campus to offer free and confident advice. Career development services and career advisors
are also available in each campus to assist students with personal career goals.
My Expected Career Outcome upon Completion
I have a dream to establish my career as a Community Development Officer in Kenya and I have
a clean professional record. After my Bachelor Course in community service in Australia I will
be coming back to my home country Kenya to continue kick start my career since I am
passionate about serving my community and people as well as ensuring standards are at
Getting a Bachelor degree will bring me endless career opportunities for me which justify cost of
the studying in Australia instead of enrolling in a local college in Kenya and along term benefits
far outweigh the short term costs. After successful completion of the course and having gone
back Kenya with my Bachelors Degree, I expect to get more employment opportunities like
being a member of Community Health Volunteers (CHV)

I will also be able to work as a Community Development Worker in SOS children’s village in
Eldoret, Kenya. The organization works to reduce poverty; increase access to quality education
and decent work; reduce inequalities and build strong institutions as laid out in SDGs 1, 4,8,10
and 16. With such a qualification from Torrens University, I can secure an income of Ksh.
200,000 per month. My responsibility as Community Development Officer will be to; facilitate
program development, provide overall coordination and strategic direction, forge networks with
other stakeholders and monitor, evaluate and report on other sub- projects within the family
support With the qualifications from Torrens University I
look forward to opening my own Centre, where I will be offering volunteer services for the aged
population and people seeking such services. My objective will be to collaborate towards
empowerment and enrichment of persons with malnutrition in Kenya.

Incentives to return back to Kenya

The government and my parents invested so much in my Bachelor in Community Service and
thus it’s my interest to give back to my community at another level and also be part of Kenya’s
vision 2030 community service act. With the internationally accredited degree from Torrens
University, I believe it won’t be difficult for me to secure a permanent role in the health sectors
therefore I will look forward to come back to Kenya.
Being from a third world country, I have seen girls who have not gone to school or drop out of
school in many cases they occur due to lack of finances, early marriages and barbaric acts such
as female genital mutilation, it’s been my desire to see this acts put to an end and make their
dreams come true by seeing them through school. There are many organizations already in place
to fight for the right of girl child and I would love to be part of this amazing teams. This will be
my best opportunity to give back to the society especially girls like me be there mentor and role
Coming home will be a very exciting time for me as I will be reuniting with my family, friends,
places and things that I will have missed while studying in Australia. Due to the love I have for
my family, after my studies they will be my first priority and my responsibility hence I will come
back and enjoy my beneficial study from abroad with them back here at home Kenya.

Commitment about immigration history including visa and travel history for Australia and

other countries, previous visa application for Australia or other countries and previous

travels to Australia or other countries

 I have never taken any international travel and I have no current travel history of
international travel.
 I am law- abiding citizens of Kenya. I understand that there are some mandatory visa
conditions that will be applied to our student visa if I am successful in our
 I understand that the visa is like an agreement between me and the Australian
department of Home Affairs is subject to us complying with the visa conditions.
 I understand that if we breach even one of the conditions at any time then my visa
may be cancelled and also lead to possible bar of up to 3 years or even more given the
nature of the non-compliance.
 I also understand that breaching any student visa conditions in Australia may also
lead to further sanction against me by other countries if I was to apply for a visa to go
to other western countries such as Canada, UK or USA, etc.
I hereby declare that above mentioned particulars are true and correct to best of my knowledge
and incase of being found false or incorrect I really understand that my application is liable to be

Student Signature ………………………………………….Date……………………….............

Cynthia Jepkorir Ruto.

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