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- A husband and wife wake up to a random red button at their doorstep with a note saying
“press the button for $1,000,000, and someone you don’t know dies”. Conflicting
opinions on whether they should or shouldn't press it ultimately leads to a turn of events.

- Mystery

Audience and Representation

- Mystery genres are more catered toward audiences who enjoy the suspense and thrill of
watching an event occur and then watching how the characters try to figure out what is
going on. This genre can be catered towards both women and men, anyone who finds
solving a situation is bound to love this genre. But the targeted audience is primarily teen
and adult men between the ages of 15-40
- This film would represent both the male and female gender, because this film includes
both male and female characters.
- “The Red Button” is planned to be sold and distributed to Sony Pictures

- This movie will include both a female and male lead


- In the first portion of the video it will showcase the characters battle with whether they
should press a red button
- The second half of the video will showcase the aftermath of the decision that was picked



Camera techniques
- Medium shots: puts emphasis on characters but still has surroundings visible

- Close up shot: when revealing the characters emotions we will use a close-up shot that
will show the audience each of the characters emotions when making a decision, and
even give hints on what is to come next

- POV angle: shows the audience what the characters are looking at from the first person
perspective. This will be used to show what the characters are looking at and then will be
followed by their reaction.

- Medium close up: this shot will be used when showing half of the characters body

Estimate budget/problems

- Budget:
- Problems: finding a location, sufficient funding, finding times to meet up with team
members that doesn't conflict with each others schedules

Case studies
- Attention economy: In the attention economy the article talks about how media creates
things in order to get the attention of their audience. In our film the question of whether
they should press the button draws in the attention of people who wait and find out the
effects of the decisions that are at play.

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