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(United Arab Emirates)- passive voice

The United Arab Emirates is a join of seven emirates that after de world war two
made a treatment that they would made a single federation this decision was taken
because they were in an economic, political and social situation where they need to
join forces but the solution wasn’t only to just join they had to maKe a new
political system to organize the seven emirates so the principal emirate (Abu Dhabi
) has been developing a new political system respecting their typical traditions.
This type of traditions could be like a king for every emirate and odder laws that
were being use older years.
Like I said in the text the UAE is a federation of traditions that had been becoming
laws during this resent years, so now with this in mind let’s talk about their
Kandura: Also known as thawb, thobe, or dishdasha, the Kandura is an ankle
length, loose-fitting robe for men, usually white in colour. In winter, the Kandura
is available in a splash of colours mostly in darker shades. The length of the robe
represents the status of the person with the wealthy and royal seen in longer robes.
Shorter length symbolizes modesty and is worn by the remaining Arabs. –mostly
for men
Abaya: The Abaya is a long elegant cloak worn by women in the UAE, where it is
their national dress. Traditionally black in colour, it covers the whole body except
the face, feet and hands and therefore some women prefer to team it up with the
niqāb and Gafaaz to cover up the face and hands as well.- mostly for women
But as usual the globalization has been taking place all over the world and this
typical clothing has been disappearing in the common society. Now a days the only
people that still use this type of clothing are high status people especially the
political people are the most common to use this type of cloth also for high social
status persons the designer and detail that has your kandura represents for them the
social views, a clear example is the kandura of the prince of the royal family that’s
made of a designer that only serves to the royal family, and other brands like
fendi,hermes , etc.., in conclusion we could say that the UAE society hive a lot of
importance to the “how you drees” but not losing their raises all of this thanks to
their economic grow in 1999 with the petrol and outdoor investment.
Thanks for your attention friends.
Josué garcía

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