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Mohamed Ahmed Said Allam - 19204119

The Impact of Teamwork on Work Performance of Employees

1. Introduction:
Teamwork is a major key element for the success of any organization and attaining its goals.
Teamwork can be defined as a group of individuals who work collectively to achieve the same
purposes and goals in a certain organization to provide an excellent quality of performance.
Teamwork has the ability to give the members of the team a have a higher level of performance,
self-confidence and the ability to plan and decide with each other positively. As explained by
Converse and Tannenbaum (1992), teamwork is a distinguishable set of two or more people who
dynamically, interdependently and adaptively interact towards valued objective, mission or goal,
which have been assigned each to perform a particular function or role with a limited life-span of
membership. An organization that’s filled with a good spirit is an organization that its employees
work together to achieve its organizational goals. Teamwork is defined as the work of a group of
people for the achievement of a certain task (Harries,1996). Which means that this group of
people work in a cooperative environment with one goal in mind, working together to achieve it
by sharing their will, skills, expertise and knowledge. The unity of the organizational culture and
directing the team’s efforts in the right direction makes the goals easier to attain and makes the
organization’s culture stronger. Teamwork has the ability of improving the performance of
individual employees or even groups in an organization, though; it needs to be nurtured over
time (Ingram, 2000).

As it has been stated by Robins and Judge (2007), a work group is a group of employees that
interact with each other to share information, expertise and unify their efforts in one direction to
achieve the stated goals. A working group of employees give a better output in performance than
an individual working alone carrying out all of his duties alone. Teamwork helps employees to
cooperate, enhance their skills, provide feedback and reduce individual conflicts. It has been
widely acknowledged that the shift from working alone to working in teams, require employees
to cooperate, share information, and even work in different environment than working alone. A
team working with no purpose or no synergy between each other is just a waste of time and
effort; Teams must possess a definable membership, group consciousness and a sense of shared
purpose (Adair, 1988).

The benefits of the teamwork are numerous, As the teams show the overall strength of the
individual members’ expertise, they boost the motivation among each other and morale of
individual as well. This by the will create a high performing organization that is flexible,
efficient and most importantly, profitable. Profitability is the key factor that will allow the
organization to continue to compete successfully against competitors.
Teamwork is crucial for the success or the failure of an organization. The presence of teamwork
is a necessary rule to help the employees in working together towards organizational goals
creatively. The success of any organization or institution requires the positive force of teamwork
because it helps the employees to grow and empower themselves and show their best potentials,
as well as implementing strategies to achieve the required tasks efficiently, furthermore, the
positive interaction and collaboration among employees allow them to have a better
understanding of the significance of teamwork in achieving the common goals and purposes that
they all need because the success of the organization means the success of all of its employees no
matter in which level. Profitability and success of the organization is only attained through a
strong, cooperative organizational culture that uses teamwork as a way to unify the efforts in the
right direction. Some of the organizations in today’s industries are not growing due to inadequate
teamwork in its organizational culture which certainly affects the performance of employees in
that organization. Resources and employees’ efforts are also wasted because of teamwork
inadequacies which directly threaten the organization’s development.
Strengths The article is Precise data Allows High-quality Good
Easy to be collection comparison data for the sequence of
understood with statistics and analysis support of the explaining the
with a clear and graphs. from various article’s case and
problem data founding. detailed
statement and collection
a clear tables and
objective. statistics
Weaknesses Repeated Lacks Unity Lacks Lack of depth Inability to
sentences and and goes out academic in a topic that cover the
ideas. of the scope expressions needs depth topic fully.
at certain and terms. in its study.
To conclude, Teamwork was found to have positive influence on the employee’s performance,
confidence and spirit in the which brings benefits in terms of higher productivity, better
organizational performance which, consequently, results in more productivity and profitability
which gives the organization a greater competitive advantage. Organizations should emphasize
the concept of teamwork among its employees to increase the level of productivity and creativity
of employees in order to earn competitive advantages against competitors and enhance the
employees’ performance. Additionally, the core value of teamwork is the reduction of the load
burdened on each employee individually which helps the employees perform better without any
kind of work pressure because the tasks were distributed equally among all the members of that
team which results in better results and better organizational performance.
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