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Lecturer: Lim Eng Swee

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Profile of Lecturer: Lim Eng Swee
 Mr. Lim Eng Swee graduated from the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering of Kyoto University, Japan. Immediately after his
graduation, he was employed by a Japanese multinational
corporation (MNC) . Mr. Lim had served the corporation for 30
years, holding a senior general manager position in production
management, production engineering (IE), standardization Quality
management and plant layout.

 Prior to his retirement, Mr. Lim was the chairman of

Environmental Control Committee for 5 years: Steering
production sites of the MNC group towards certification of
international standards in environmental management. Mr. Lim
was awarded the group’s President Award.

 After his retirement in year 2002, Mr. Lim established a

consultant company, the Intermedia Industrial Services: Assisting
local organizations and industries managing production operation,
productivity improvement, quality control, and Kaizen group-
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
The Scope
 The concept of 5S.
 5S work activities at operation.
 Common mis-concept to 5S.
 5S and visual management (VM).
 5S and Kaizen.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Scenario of a Company

1. The efforts of improvement.

2. The management of operation.

Input = Material, The processes =Manpower, M/C soft wares

energy etc. Output = products/ services
1 2 3 4....

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Profitability and Operation of a
1. The ultimate aim of a company is to “Secure
profit”. Without profit the company cannot
invest, cannot provide bonus, cannot develop
better new product ……
2. QCD(SE) is the important measurement index to
company’s operation.
3. 4M (M1=Man, M2=Machine, M3=Material,
M4=Method (incl: software’s are indispensable
resources propelling company’s daily operation
and generating profitability.
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Challenges ahead the Operation of a
1. The company has to cope up with the yearly increase of
costs and to survive through the keen market
2. To generate profitability with betterment at
management, and continual improvement (Kaizen) must
be aggressively implemented with results.
3. 5S and Kaizen are the keys to continual improvement.
4. 5S and Kaizen are group activities with participation
from employees from related work area.
5. When there is an improvement implemented, one or a
combination of the 4M will change.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Understanding 5S

Basic concept

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What is 5S?
5S is a group activity performing:
• Seiri (S1 = 整理):
整理 Clearing up (Sorting)
• Seiton (S2 = 整頓):
整頓 Organizing (Orderliness)
• Seiso (S3 = 清掃):
清掃 Cleaning Shitsuke
• Seiketsu (S4 = 清潔):
清潔 Standardizing and maintaining
cleanliness & 5S activity Seiketsu
• Shitsuke (S5 = 躾): Educating, discipline and building
up habit to follow established procedures. Seiso
5 S Seiri

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

What is 5S?
Syacho (Boss)!
(Some will relate this to Please have a
purely housekeeping) look at my
master piece!

5S is not to produce aesthetic effects to impress others

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
5S is an organized group

In most 5S activities we observe:

The negatives, the positives

and there is very little, or no
Catalyst to the 5S activity.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

The Negatives
1. 5S is not equal to good housekeeping.
2. 5S is not to have general cleaning because of VIP
or boss of head quarter will be visiting.
3. 5S is not to display aesthetics and sweep the
unwanted under carpet.
4. 5S is not the work of a single person.
5. 5S is not a short time blossom and short term work.
6. 5S is not used to cover up problems, weaknesses
and abnormalities (improper work aspects).

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

The Positives
1. 5S is a Kaizen starter. It is the initial efforts to realize
orderliness at workplace for work betterment.
2. 5S is a team-work activity with involvement of a
leader, team members, *PICs, department heads,
managers, supervisors & the concerns.
3. 5S is a continual improvement activity.
4. 5S exposes existing and potential problems.
5. 5S creates awareness, disciplinary values, sense of
responsibility and sense of belonging.
6. 5S provides education and cultivates the habits of
following established procedures.
[* PIC = Person In Charge]

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

The Catalyst (Visual management = mieruka)
1. VM provides warning, references, indication, bench marking
study, labeling and information to all concerned.
2. VM is used to clearly differentiate normal situation and
abnormal situation, urging for continual improvement.
3. VM is used to show the progress, the deviation of actual from
standard: its cause & effect & the consequent actions.
4. VM is a list up. It provides:
a) Awareness effect
b) Focusing effect
c) Tracking effect
d) Displaying effect
e) Broadcasting effect
f) Educating effect

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

5S: An Effective Cure to Problems 1/2
 5S: A medicine, easy to take and can cure
most problems effectively. It has no expired
date and no side effects.
 Composition: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and
 Applicable to: Miscellaneous problems.
 Dosages: Refer to on coming explanation.

Note: Once started, must not stop half way.

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5S: An Effective Cure to Problems 2/2

 A company is just like human body. It has to be

maintained (5S) to its best condition!

Let’s practice
5S and remain
at tip-top all
the time.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Key Points of 5S
5S is an organized group activity:
 5S = 3S + 2S ( = S1, S2, S3 + S4, S5 )

= Seiri, Seiton, Seiso + Seiketsu, Shitsuke

(Methodology aspect) (Activity sustaining aspect)

With the additional of an

indispensable catalyst:
Visual management (VM)

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Methodology Aspects

The first 3S:

S1 = Seiri, S2 = Seiton, S3 = Seiso

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The First S is Seiri (S1 = 整理)

S1 = Seri is the approach to raise

work efficiency

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S1 = Seiri: Approach to raise work
Seiri is to perform clearing up (sort) activities with
group participation.
 Step 1: Sort out wanted items and unwanted items.

 Step 2a: Dispose off (send for treatment) the

unwanted items
 Step 2b: Provide streamlined, safe and proper
storage conditions for wanted items.

Failure: Seiri is to rearrange and re-stack existing

items in a proper manner.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
S1 = Seiri: Approach to raise work
Seiri involves Classification process.
or items
You have to decide:
If not to dispose off --- it
will be troublesome to
Classification maintain its storage.
If dispose off --- the
reluctant feeling or
Wanted Not Wanted
the “sayang” feeling
is there.

Safe Keeping Dispose off

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

S1 = Seiri: Approach to raise work
Purpose of having Seiri
Create valuable and safe working space.
1. Prevent mistakes: miss-usage, miss-handling,
miss-transport etc.
2. Prevent material deformation. Prevent dead
lock of fund and capital.
3. Create spacious feeling at work place.

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The Second S is Seiton
(S2 =整頓)

S2 = Seiton is the approach to

systematic arrangement.

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S2 = Seiton: The approach to
systematic arrangement.
Establish group activities to:
 Apply 3T: Tei-I (定位), Tei Ryou (定量), & Tei Hin (定品).
(3T: fixed position, fixed quantity and fixed article).
 Install appropriate systems to new situations after
Seiri (Such as: Securing FIFO, re-layout etc).
 Apply Visual Management (VM) extensively to all
items (problems & abnormalities can be identified at a glance).
 Items required should be within easy reach at all
times by every body, without search.

Failure: Seiton is to layout all item in orderly manners.

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S2 = Seiton: The approach to
systematic arrangement.
Purpose of having Seiton:
1. Eliminate the unproductive “search time”.
2. Create and claim back valuable work space.
(Arrange in 3-dimension manner or
rationalize existing layout).
3. Compress stock quantity.
4. Create systematic, direct visual effect layout
(visual management) at work place.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
S2 = Seiton: The approach to
systematic arrangement
Make use of “Principles of motion economy”.
Example: Frequently used parts should be within
easy reach of 15 to 20 cm of hand motion (normal
working area).
Less frequently used items can be kept at cabinets at
production shop floor.
Seldom used or seldom referred items: to be packed
and arranged at a common place away from
production shop floor.
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S2 = Seiton: The approach to
systematic arrangement.
Example: Apply the direct visual (see through) effect
(direct reading effect) to work place, expose
hidden problems.

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S2 = Seiton: The approach to
systematic arrangement.
Example: Use of shadow board. Necessary items are so arranged, so that
they can be reached by all, at all times.

Common tools

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S2 = Seiton: The approach to systematic
Example: Labeling of storage rack with numbering system to address positions.

Fixed Horiz.
Rack Indication



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S2 = Seiton: The approach to
systematic arrangement.
Example: Labeling of storage quantity

Indication for Max. Storage Level

Indication for Min. Storage Level

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

The Third S is Seiso
(S3 =清掃)
This is to perform thorough cleaning
physically, and to discover all
inadequacy and potential problems.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

S3 = Seiso: The approach to
enhance work quality.
1. Perform thorough cleaning in a systematic and
well planned manner, by everyone (Group activity).
2. Use various creative ideas to reach the odd
corners (M/c beds, top of racks etc).
3. Dangerous corners: Hire specialist cleaners
4. *Making use of thorough cleaning, discover any
existing & potential problems. Take quick
corrective and preventative actions.
Failures: Seiso is cleaning and good housekeeping.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
S3 = Seiso: Cleaning, the approach
to enhance work quality.
Purpose of having S3 = Seiso (perform physical
1. Remove untidiness, prevent dust accumulation.
2. Expose existing & potential problems.
3. Promote preventive maintenance.
4. Prevent accident, secure quality.
5. Make a clean & pleasant work place.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

S3 = Seiso = thorough cleaning 1/2
Carry out Seiso with:
1. Total participation of all, sharing the same
work environment. Observe work moral.
2. Individual work place have to be cleaned by
the individual.
3. Proper allocation of cleaning activities to
common areas.
4. Repetition at constant intervals. (Introduce
periodical cleaning campaign)
5. Discovery of potential problems.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
S3 = Seiso = thorough cleaning 2/2

1. To realize fresh and clean working environment.

2. To develop the love and homely feeling towards own
working place.
3. Provide or develop special cleaning efforts to reach
difficult cleaning areas.
4. Repeat with more-often-cleaning for those easily dirty
5. In the course of cleaning, discover any inadequacy
from among the cleaned areas.
6. List up these discoveries, analyze them and carry out
mitigation (take quick action) immediately.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

S3 = Seiso (in details 3: The non
added value factor)
The act of thorough cleaning Seiso (S3).
1. Seiso is associated physically with
cleaning. This is a non value added factor
for operation management.
2. Thus Cleaning is an act which must be:
Improve → simplified → eventually
eliminate the need for cleaning.
(because: Cleaning is a non added value
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
Revision: First 3S: S1, S2 & S3

The first 3 S describe practical

methods that should be introduced,
when starting 5S activities.

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Values of Seiri, Seiton & Seiso

Seiri, Seiton & Seiso prescribe actual working

aspects of the 5S, sometimes they are
referred to as “3S”.
Uniqueness of these 3S is group participation,
recognition of 3T and application of visual
management (VM) to the activities.
Repeated implementation and constant
reminder are necessary, especially at initial
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The Forth S is Seiketsu
(S4 = 清潔)

This is:
 Perform standardization to observe ruling
and set-ups established through the last 3 S
 To appreciate the results established by
group efforts.
 To appreciate the sense of values of 5S.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

S4 = Seiketsu: The approach to maintain
the state (fruit) of 5S works.

Purpose of having Seiketsu:

1. Bring up product superiority.
2. Continual team efforts to maintain the
improved clean working condition/place.
3. Establish higher level of group (company)
4. Build up sense of belonging and the pride of
being in the 5S group.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

S4 = Seiketsu: The approach to maintain
betterment of 5S
With group activities to:
1. Maintained the established higher level of Seiri,
Seiton and Seiso.
2. Take action from the source: Eliminate
generation of disorderliness, dust and dirt etc.
from the source.
3. Standardization: Establish standards
(requirements) to maintain 5S. Set procedure
rulings, use visual management to assist
execution of rulings.
Failure: Seiketsu is to maintain cleanliness, when
there is liquid or air leakages, just mend them.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
The value of Seiketsu
Seiketsu is a display of “Team Beauty”  A step
ahead of the more materialistic Team Efforts.
-- Sense of belonging is a key to maintain cleanliness in Seiketsu

Note to the setting of standardization (ruling):

 It is not necessary to create sophisticated ruling.
 Rather, more importantly, is to establish
common ruling together (with participation of the
 Ruling should be revised whenever necessary to
reflect continual 5S works.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
The Fifth S is Shitsuke
(S5 = Shitsuke 躾)

Involving follow up, teaching and

cultivating good habits to sustain
continual improvement of 5S.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

S5 = Shitsuke: Approach to sustain the
5S group works.
Establish group activities to:
1. Observe discipline, procedure ruling, and standards.
2. Culture the spirits of self discipline and self awareness to
maintain and continue 5S activities.
3. Continual improvement through 5S.
Failure: Education & discipline is not related to 5S.
Note: Disorderliness starts when discipline declines. The
whole 5S activity must be continually driving forward
with Kaizen.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

S5 = Shitsuke: Approach to discipline
group works & continual improvement.

Purpose of having Shitsuke:

1. To cultivate good habits (*) to 5S group.
2. To maintain a group of well disciplined
work force.
3. To maintain a clean, safe, healthy and
happy work place.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

* The Good Habits
1. The awareness and self discipline to follow
rulings without supervision.
2. The habit of immediate remedy to rectify
problems and abnormalities.
3. The habit to participate group activities.
4. The habit of continually improve one’s
own work and the surrounding working
5. The habit of continual self improvement.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
The value of Shitsuke 躾
Shitsuke aims at the team work ( group
activity ) itself. The main emphasis here
1. How to organize group work more closely,
systematically and cooperatively.
2. How to sustain the 5S works and get even
better improvement for the group = Continual
3. How to work happily with cheers around.
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Equipment and Application Quality
of 5S

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Equipment & Organizational Moves
 Equipment & Tools: Video & digital cameras,
cleaning & education equipments: Past records,
charts, movies.
 Organizational supports: Formation of 5S groups,
allocation of 5S zones, campaign organization,
monthly meetings, investments.
 Organizational encouragements: Provide regular
5S training, Speedy & On-the-spot
encouragement, display of 5S works, Exhibition of
5S activities.
 5S audit: Evidence finding, NCRs, mitigation and
corrective & preventive actions.
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Equipments for 5S Activities

Fixed point photography

 Use the same digital camera.

 Shoot at the same object from a designated

position, at a predetermined direction,

height and angle.
 Take sequential pictures at a predetermined

(fixed) intervals: such as half-daily, daily,

weekly, monthly etc.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
Equipment for 5S Activities
(3) The essence of fixed point photography 1
Stages Stage 1 Stage 2 ‥‥


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ‥
This is a bad Improved the top
Remark situation. Please & bottom but the
take action ! center still bad !
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
Equipment for 5S Activities
 (4) Fixed point photography at stage 1.
Camera Position
Stage 1 Indicator for photographing

Maintain same camera

direction & placement

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Equipment for 5S Activities
(4) Fixed point photography at stage 2.
Camera Position

Stage 2

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2. Equipment for 5S Activities

(4) Fixed point photography 3.

Camera Position

Stage 3

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8. Organizational Contribution of 5S.
1) 5S is the best salesman.
 The company praised by customers will
win willing orders from the customers.
 The company’s superb environmental
conditions will be passed from mouth to
mouth, eventually there will be much
visitors and learners.
 Clean and bright work environment will
attract potentially capable persons coming
to work in the company.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
8. Organizational Contribution of 5S.

2) 5S is cost saving:
 5S reduces the wastages of tools and

 5S cuts down time spent for ordering and

save time for productive works; 5S is also

a time keeper.
 5S can reduce production time and

prevent late delivery.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
8. Organizational Contribution of 5S.
3) 5S contributes positively to safety.
 It establishes spacious, bright and visually
excellent work place.
 It requires faithful compliance to ruling. (e.g.:
not to stack up above limits at WH).
 Passage ways are clearly defined, preventing
disorderliness of flow.
 S3 (Seiso) exposes existing & potential dangers.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

8. Organizational Contribution of 5S.

4) 5S promotes standardization:
 5S requires everyone to follow procedure
rulings to carry out his work duty.
 5S makes procedures clear. Such
documentation provides easy reference and
material for learning & multi tasking.
 Standardization stabilizes process work,
process quality and processing cost.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

8. Organizational Contribution of 5S.

5) 5S promotes work satisfaction and work moral:

 5S provides a clean, bright work environment.

 When employees start participating 5S & work

improvement activities, they will become more
eager to find out more about their own works and
the work moral will become better.
 Such work eagerness can create an atmosphere
for employee participation in Kaizen.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

8. Organizational Contribution of 5S.

5S creates good impression.



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Visual Management
An indispensable link to 5S

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Visual Management
What is VM (qualitative):
 VM must have direct reading effect at single glance.

 Streamline layout with visibility & with extensive

usage of color codes, graphs, labels, graphics etc.
 VM provides clear and immediate contrast to
differentiate normal situation & abnormal situation.
VM is effective to:
 Expose hidden problems and abnormalities.

 Enable quick action for remedy.

 Express the work situation to ease Kaizen activities.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Relation of 5S & Visual Management (1/2)
Visual Management (VM) is indispensable for 5S:
 Involvement of group activities requires accurate
communication and common understanding and
observe efficiency achievement.
 VM’s exposure of problems & abnormalities is an
important integral of 5S.
 When normal and abnormal situations cannot be
distinctly differentiated, VM will not be able to be
implemented thoroughly. Then 5S will be retarded,
and eventually fail.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Relation of 5S & Visual Management (2/2)
Seiketsu (S4) and Shitsuke (S5) are needed to
create awareness: They put ruling to work and
sustain 5S with continual improvement.
 5S activities must observe group participation from
employees. VM complements such act with clear,
direct & educational information.
 VM provides a platform to display employee’s
efforts towards improvement and develop love for
the company.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Example: Usage of Visual Management 1/2
 Use VM for products, work-in-process,
materials, parts, J/T equipment, conveying
equipment, defectives, work-table, etc.
 Use VM for bulletin boards, electric signs,
bill boards, stickers, labels, boundary lines
 Use VM in warehouse or storages to indicate
FIFO, inventory, obsoletes, damages, space
occupancy, extraordinary items,
nonconformities & stacking heights etc.
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
Example: Usage of Visual Management 2/2
1. Use VM to enhance occurrence of wastes, WIP etc.
2. Use VM to indicate deviation from standard or point
of reference.
3. Use VM to indicate:
(1) Nature & background of problems, indicating:
・Normal & abnormal conditions (Pref: with actual samples).
・Difference between the target and results
・Difference between the standard and the fact
(2) Root cause of problems.
(3) Countermeasures, remedy, mitigation.
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Case study of 5S & VM

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Case study: Improvement of cleaning equipment
Comment: Start 5S by applying Seiri, Seiton & Seiso to cleaning equipments. Not to
clearly indicate the location allocated, label the equipments & keep the
surrounding clean.
Before After
Cleaning equipments lying at a
corner in the work place.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Case study: White towel strategy
(To inspect degree of cleanliness)
Comment: The strategy is to use actual objects to enhance visual effects (visual
Before After

5S results were announced Display white towels wiped

but not impressive across the inspection surfaces
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
Case study: Improve re-layout to ease
Floor level piping and wiring not only will obstruct cleaning but also are potential
problems to safety. Such phenomena are common at work place.

Before After

Stamping Mc

Floor piping & wiring obstruct Elevate rack

cleaning. Areas underneath rack & Improve piping
& machine to
machines are difficult to reach. & wiring
ease cleaning
Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
Case study: Use check-sheet to monitor cleaning works.
Comment: A weekly check sheetCheck sheet for
can monitor monitoring
progress cleaning
of daily work.(One week )
Name of work No.2 M/C Perio 24th -29th May 05 Inspector: Mr. A.
place: Forming d: Hirata
24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th
N Inspection Items (Tue) (Wed) (Thu) (Fri) (Sat)
1 Floor dirty: Caused by × ×  ○ ○ ○ Press
No check sheet, material chips from m/c M/c…
thus no 2 Press machine oil leak × × ×  ○ ○ Material
store …
monitoring of 3 Press machine oil dirty ○ ○  ○ ○ ○
cleaning works 4 Working table dirty × × ○  ○ 
5 Tool rack dirty ×  ○ ○ ○ ○
6 Uniform dirty ×  ○  ○ ×
7 Window glass × × × × ○ ○

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Case study: Specify vital cleaning areas
Comments: Other than the internal audits, invite promotion committee members of
other companies or the clients to perform mutual audits. Such events will provide
us with objective (external view) evaluation for further improvements.

Before After
There has been no
external party
audits, nor
inspection. As a
result we cannot
obtain an
Site assessment of internal audits & mutual
audits activities.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Appendix 1: 5S Audit check list (Major items)
[For your reference only]

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Effectiveness of 5S 1/2

(1) Tangible (direct) effectiveness

 Shorten working time.
 Reduce machine break down.
 Reduce operation costs.
 Bring up labor productivity.
 Reduce transportation time.
 Shorten material delivery time.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Effectiveness of 5S 2/2

(2) Intangible effectiveness

 Build up team morals and habits of trying

to continually improve the work activities.

 Improve management ability of work place.

 Enhance participation of work

improvements: The foundation of Kaizen.

 Build up self confidence among employees.

 Grade up company image.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Appendix 2

: 5S Audit check list (Major items)

[For your reference only]

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Work-place / Shop floor Audit Items
Warehouse/Machining/Stamping Inventory, Obsolete parts,
Slow moving parts, defectives parts

Tools, fixtures, holders, trolleys, forklifts

Dies/molds/jigs/tools, pipes, wirings etc.

Assembly Goods in process, working equipments

Defectives, reworks parts, finished parts

Tools, fixtures, D/M, J/T, machines etc.

Production items, employees movements.

Inspection, Quality control, Inspection equipments

Testing rooms Defectives, sample sets

Measurement gauges, documents, etc.

Materials Receiving/supply/stores Shelves, Documents, Data, working

environment, Fork lifts, trolleys
 Defectives, Obsoletes, Parts, Goods


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Work-place / Shop floor Audit Items
Office, guests room, reception, Documents / data, transportation &
guard house, canteen. communication equipments
Office equipments, PC wirings.

Tables shelves & cabinets

Charts, sign boards, energy supply.

Engineering & development Drawing, prototype, samples

Documents / data, charts, catalogue.

Office equipment, PC’s, Soft wares

Testing and evaluation work movements.

Passage way, toilet, special goods  Emergency movements, PIC indication.

storage  Sample set, safety equipment

Lighting, resource & energy control etc.

Plant utilities, common utilities, Lighting, resource & energy control

general purpose areas.  Spare parts, defectives, obsoletes.

 Working environment, lifts, jigs/tools.

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

Fin ……

Thank you very much

Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia

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