Muhammad Al-Jufri International Governing Body: Waqf Foundation

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Secretary: Jl. Abd. Dg. SiruaNomor. 366 Phone/Fax (0411) 495.620 - 8900170 Makassar
Campus Jl. Pioneering Independence Km. 8 Growsh Centre LLDIKTI Region IX Makassar

Number : 311/05/BP/YW-IMALJUFRI/I/2022 Makassar, Mei, 01 202 2

Attachment : -

To Yth:
Bayer /Buyer Mandate /BayerConsultant/BayerPower/ Mediator

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.

By the Grace of God Almighty, we as the owners of goods and or recipients of coal material
grants in the form of Germany Bond External Loan 1924 bonds conveyed and continued the
results of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the International Waqf Foundation
Muhammad Al-Jufri Makassar, on Monday Maret 07, 2022, addressed to Bayer / Bayer
Mandate / Bayer Consultant / Bayer Power / Mediator who has received data in the form of
DOCUMENTS, KYC and POL material German Bond External Loan 1924 bond that we have,
we need to convey the following:
1. That the preliminary data that we submit on the material of the 1924 Germany Bond External
Loan that we have to the receiving party for follow-up and/or processing as it is based on
TRUST alone and has no bond whatsoever, as a means or avenue to validate, verify and
authenticate the bond material that we have. And we hope that the data receiver can
maintain our data based on the ncnd principle (Non-Disclosure NonCircumvenntion),
maintain the confidentiality and usefulness of the data for and only for interested parties in
the process of managing this bond only, and beyond that, then we are not responsible.
2. That we expect the results of validation, verification and authentication of the material of the
1924 Germany Bond External Loan Bond material that we have, submitted by official letter,
in the form of a letter of interest that is interspersed about: Price offer, administrative system,
payment system, period and stage of payment process, payment guarantee, and attachment
of proof copy validation, verification, and authentication of bonds that we have from the
authorized bond that will be One of the strong foundations for the establishment of trust
bulding the parties to this business.
3. That we will serve and assist fully to process the various continuing administrative
disclosures needed, whether in the form of photos, videos, SKR, and so on,as long as the
Buyer / Mandat Baye / Bayer Consultant / Bayur / Bayer Mandate / Mediator has fulfilled the
Guarantee Payment or guarantee of Payment with the agreed time limit, this is done so that
each party has a responsibility, seriousness and professional in carrying out this transaction.
4. That we are aware of so many personal team brokers, financial consulting agents, both from
home and abroad who contact us, then on this occasion we affirm that we only serve and
cooperate with those who have the capacity and integrity and or have knowledge, finacial,
and strong relationships with Bayer, both personal and institutional.
5. That we will only serve and cooperate and bind ourselves with parties who submit OFFICIAL
LETTERS OF INTEREST (both personal and institutional) to us and HAVE THE FINANCIAL
ABILITY to: (1). Finance the operation of the Bond application process to the payment
process (b). Providing Guarantee Payment and or Guarantee of Payment and or Money
Waiting Limited Time agreed by the parties in a proposional, usual, logical and fulfilling
propriety (appropriate)
6. That we realize wholeheartedly the passage of time makes us mature in the process of
managing the inheritance of the Ancestors in the form of various bonds granted to us,
therefore affirmed, past contracts that have been owned by the bond as we poured in point 5
(five) above are contracts that need to be renewed, according to the notification letter we
conveyed and we released from the contents of the contract we had signed, if at the
deadline we have submitted, there is no renewal of the contract by fulfilling the points in this
notification letter.
7. That we hope that the business built is an OPEN, HONEST,TRANSPARENT,
ACCOUNTABLE,and PROFESSIONAL business even though ourFoundation's vision is
humanitarian and community, but in processing the historical assets of the Ancestors given
to us, this Bond duty, we are purely a business, therefore we as BOND owners assess
BAYER based on the data that comes to us, and BAYER Judge us based on the data that
comes to him, not just words. The face value of the BOND binsis built is quite large,
therefore we hope this cooperation process has a high professional quality in accordance
with the value of the business built.
8. That we hope and remind from the beginning, if this time is so built and implemented, every
personnel involved can be aware and understand their respective positions in team work.
The point is that every team appoints speakers who will create creativity with others, so that
this business can run as it should, if everyone expresses their opinion, without a clear
understanding, it will be an oration competition without production, our experience teaches
that. For us the OWNER (BondOwner) in charge of negotiation and administrative bond
material is Mr. H. MUHAMMAD JUFRI and Mr. ABI,as the administratorsof the
MUHAMMAD AL-JUFRI Makassar International WAQF Foundation, any information
obtained outside the two personalities officially appointed by the Foundation, is information
that cannot be accounted for.
So what we cansay, for good care and cooperation, is thank you.
Wallahu Muafiq Ilaa Aqwamitharieq
Wassalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.
A.n. Governing Body
K e t u a,


Gushing to Yth:
1. Chairman of the Board of Trustees YW-IMALJUFRI in Makassar
2. Ketu Supervisory Agency YW-IMALJUFRI in Makassar
3. A r s i p

A. Mather Box Explanation:

1. 1 Mather box = 10 baby boxes

2. 1 Baby box = 1,000 bond sheets
3. 1 Mather box = 10,000 bond sheets

B. Description of The Mather Box Serial Number:

1. NOC. 000.00001 - C.00010.000 (10 Baby box)

2. NOC. 000.30000 - C.00040,000 (10 Baby box )
3. NOC. 000.80001 - C.00090.000 (10 Baby box)
4. NOC. 021.10001 - C.02120.000 (10 Baby box )
5. NOC. 033.40001 - C.03440.000 (10 Baby box )
6. NOC. 111. 20000 - C. 11160.000 (40 Baby box )
7. NOC. 333. 10000 - C. 33320.000 (10 Baby box )
8. NOC. 333. 50000 - C. 33360.000 (10 Baby box )
9. NOC. 333. 60001 - C. 33370.000 (10 Baby box )
10. NOC. 122. 10000 - C. 11240,000 (30 Baby box )
11. NOC. 099. 20000 - C.09960.000 (40 Baby box )
12. NOC. 088.40000 - C.08870.000 (30 Baby box )
Total = (220 baby boxes)

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