Term Paper Outline Big Picture Organization

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Term Paper Outline Name ________Liam Halberg____ P.


Big Picture organization

● Intro, body paragraphs, conclusion
● Each body paragraph addresses one analytical category (from your thesis)
● Paragraph sequence logical, consistent with thesis roadmap
● Transitions between paragraphs

A. Grabber- Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have been steadily rising to the point of
B. Background information- Happening now, Russia have previously owned ukraine,
1. TIPS: things to consider Russia- Russia’s aggression is backfiring on them
a) Assume your reader KNOWS nothing-
When/what/how did this become an issue?
All started when Ukraine made an attempt to join NATO, Russia got mad and
decided to train troops on the border of the two countries
b) What is the problem? Who is being affected?
There is a humanitarian crisis affecting the Ukrainian people.
C. At what point is a conflict with Russia the right answer? Is Russia justified in the attempted
annexation of Ukraine
D. Thesis/Claim and roadmap (3 reasons/arguments)- complete 3 part statement (Topic, position, 3
Russia should stay out of Ukraine
Sovereignty of nations should be respected in this day and age
They are causing a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
Their Aggression against Ukraine has backfired

II. BODY Paragraphs 1-3 (political, economic, social)

A. Topic 1 sentence Political, Russia isn’t justified in their invasion of Ukraine, they are on the
1. SUB-CLAIM Russia is being the aggressor in this situation
2. They have been amassing troops near the Ukrainian border for months now
a) There have been troops near the Ukrainian border
b) They did this as a warning to Ukraine to show them they were ready to attack
c) The amassing of one governments army near the border of another is
B. Europe had predicted aggression from Russia
1. They knew Russia would attack
2. Europe was preparing for conflict with Russia
3. They did this because they knew that there would be Conflict
C. The Russian government stationed over 100,000 troops there
1. 100,000 troops stationed on the Ukrainian border
2. The imbalance of power, and lack of respect for sovereignty are what makes Russia in
the wrong
3. That is a clear threat to another country especially one much smaller

D. Topic 1 sentence Economic, Russia’s invasion is backfiring,

1. SUB-CLAIM This is leading to much instability in Russia
2. The threats have only increased Ukrainian pride
a) Ukraine has more solidarity now than ever before
b) In an attempt to break Ukrainian morale, the Russian government has only made
it stronger
c) This is an unforeseen issue held by Russia
E. The Russian government isn’t financially stable
1. The ruble has fallen over 30 percent
2. The russian economy is in shambles
3. This is really bad for a government who is going to war
F. There is a call within Russia to end the war
1. Russian civilians are unhappy with Russia’s invasion
2. There is faltering support for the government within the country
3. Enough internal uprising could create change in the government


III. Topic 1 sentence Social, Ukraine faces a humanitarian crisis

A. SUB-CLAIM Russia is committing war crimes in Ukraine
B. Russia had began a takeover of an active Nuclear power plant leading to a fire
1. Russia is jeopardizing the safety of everyone near the plant
2. If there were to be an issue with the plant the repercussions could be up to 10 times that
of chernobyl
3. Nuclear warfare is strictly against the geneva convention
IV. At least 330 civilians have been killed so far in the war
A. Russia is killing citizens
B. It shows that Russia is disregarding civilian lives
C. As before killing civilians is against the geneva convention
V. They are bombing civilian infrastructure
A. The Russians are bombing buildings in major cities
B. It means that the Russians are making any attempt the can to break down Ukrainians
C. This shows the lengths Russia is willing to go to in order to take Ukraine

VI. BODY Paragraph 4 (recommendation/resolution)

A. Topic 1 sentence: While diplomacy is always the answer, we can’t have Russia disregard NATO
and the US, Expansionism and a disregard of sovereignty are things that need to be left in the
1. Every Nation has a right to sovereignty
a) Ukrainians have shown they want to be independent
(1) Ukraine doesn't want to listen to foriegn influence
(2) Ukraine wants to be its own nation despite what others think
(3) Sovereignty has been the foundation of many prosperous and thriving
VII. Conclusion
A. Russia isn’t justified in their invasion of Ukraine, and Ukraine deserves to be its own nation
B. The Ukrainian people will not be silenced, and They deserve every bit of their independence

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