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Activity (n)
Def: A specific deed, action, or function: social activities.
Syn: Action- Motion
Sp: Actividad

2. Approaches (n)
Def: The method used or steps taken in setting about a task.
Syn: Manner- Strategy
Sp: Enfoque

3. Assumptions (n)
Def: To take for granted without proof; suppose.
Syn: Supposal- Conjecture
Sp: Suposición

4. Attitude (n)
Def: manner or way one thinks about, behaves toward, or feels toward someone or
Syn: Mood- Mindset
Sp: Actitud

5. Backgrounds (n)
Def: a person's origin, education, and experience in relation to his or her status:
Syn: Experience- Knowledge
Sp: Antecedentes

6. Becoming (v)
Def: Giving a pleasing effect or attractive appearance:
Syn: Turn into- Change into
Sp: Convirtiéndose
7. Behaviour (n)
Def: The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.
Syn: Conduct- Behavior
Sp: Comportamiento

8. Build (v)
Def: To start, increase, or strengthen; grow intense.
Syn: Found- Establish
Sp: Construir

9. Business (n)
Def: The buying and selling of goods for profit; trade; commerce:
Syn: Commerce- Trad- Industry
Sp: Negocios

10. Characteristics (adj)

Def: Quality (of someone or something) that is typical or special.
Syn: Trait- Quality
Sp: Características

11. Child (n)

Def: A young boy or girl.
Syn: Kid- Baby
Sp: Niño-Niña

12. Control (v)

Def: To regulate, govern, or command; manage.
Syn: Command - Authority
Sp: Control
13. Development (v)
Def: To bring out the possibilities (of); come or bring to a more advanced state.
Syn: Growth- Progress
Sp: Desarrollo

14. Discussion (n)

Def: The act of discussing.
Syn: Argument- Negotiations,
Sp: Discusión

15. Diseases (n)

Def: A disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body
resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional
deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental
Syn: Sickness- Illness
Sp: Enfermedades

16. Effect (n)

Def: Something produced; a result or consequence.
Syn: Esult- Consequence- Outcome
Sp: Efecto

17. Empowering (v)

Def: To give official or legal power or authority to: The police are empowered to arrest
suspected criminals.
Syn: Grant- Authorize,
Sp: Empoderamiento
18. Families (n)
Def: Any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and
Syn: Descendants- Clan-Tribe
Sp: Familias

19. Feeding (v)

Def: To give food to; supply with nourishment.
Syn: Give food to-Provision
Sp: Alimentación

20. Fulfil (v)

Def: To do something that is expected, hoped for, or promised, or to cause it to happen.
Syn: Carry out- Perform- Do
Sp: Realizar

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