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TERAKREDITASI A Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah/Madrasah (BAP-SM) Nomor: 1334/BAN-SM/SK/2020
Alamat: Jalan Perkutut No. 106 Kotaraja Dalam Telepon (0967) 5185329 Kel. Vim, Distrik Abepura, Kota Jayapura Kode Pos 99351


I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d.
1. A yellow shirt means …..
a. Kemeja Kuning b. Gaun Merah Muda c. Rok Ungu d. Celana Pendek Jingga

2. A pink dress means …..

a. Kemeja Kuning b. Gaun Merah Muda c. Rok Ungu d. Celana Pendek Jingga

3. She is wearing a blue shorts. The underlined word means ….

a. Melepas b. Meletakkan c. Melihat d. Memakai

4. Take off the cap means …..

a. Melepas topi b. Meletakkan topi c. Melihat topi d. Memakai topi

5. wearing - I - cap - a red - am, the correct order is …..

a. I cap wearing am a red
b. cap I wearing am a red
c. am wearing I cap a red
d. I am wearing a red cap

6. “Bintang kecil” in English is ….

a. A small star b. A small diamond c. A small crescent d. A small oval

7. “Sabit besar” in English is …..

a. A big star b. A big diamond c. A big crescent d. A big oval

8. The picture below is …..

a. A bed b. a blanket c. a box d. a lamp

9. The picture below is …..

a. A bed b. a blanket c. a box d. a lamp

10. Put the book on the desk. The underlined word means ……
a. Melepas b. Meletakkan c. Melihat d. Memakai

11. “Kerucut coklat” in English is …..

a. A black diamond b. A brown cone c. An orange crescent d. A yellow cube

12. “Kubus kuning” in English is …..

a. A black diamond b. A brown cone c. An orange crescent d. A yellow cube

13. Where is the ball? The ball is …. the table.

a. on b. in c. beside d. under
14. Where is the doll? The doll is …. the chair.

a. on b. in c. beside d. under

15. What does the girl do?

a. Put the book on the desk

b. Put the book beside the desk
c. Put the book in the desk
d. Put the book under the desk


1. The picture below is …….. (celana pendek)

2. The picture below is …… (topi)

3. “Sepatu Coklat” in English is ………….

4. What does the girl do? (apa yang perempuan itu lakukan?)

.…………………………………..(menggantung kemeja)
5. A. “Besar” in english is ……… B. “Kecil” in english is ………

6. The picture below is ……..(meja berlaci)

7. The picture below is ……. (selimut)

8. Where is the lamp? (dimanakah lampu?)

9. What does the girl do? (apa yang perempuan itu lakukan?)

10. A. “di atas” in english is ……… B. “di bawah” in english is ………

III. Uraian

Hello. I’m Tigor. I’m (1)…………………. (memakai) a (2) …………………. (kemeja putih), (3)
…………………. (celana pendek merah), (4) …………………. (sepatu hitam), and (5) ……………………….
(topi merah dan putih).

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