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Remote control of CNC machines using the CyberOPC communication system

over public networks

Article  in  The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology · January 2008

DOI: 10.1007/s00170-007-1244-0


26 1,342

2 authors:

N.M. Torrisi João Fernando Gomes de Oliveira

Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) University of São Paulo


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Int J Adv Manuf Technol
DOI 10.1007/s00170-011-3580-3


Remote monitoring for high-speed CNC processes

over public IP networks using CyberOPC
Nunzio Marco Torrisi &
João Fernando Gomes de Oliveira

Received: 27 July 2010 / Accepted: 8 August 2011

# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011

Abstract Process analytical technology encourages the software layer is introduced between CNC and the remote
industry to adopt innovative technologies to increase monitoring station, on the Server side of CyberOPC. Even
quality. The key components of this approach are better if the case study adopts a tunneling Schema that includes
understanding the product manufacturing process, data server gateways, the requirements to develop protocols in
analysis, process analytical tools, process monitoring, and embedded devices and modern CNC are fulfilled by several
continuous feedback during the manufacturing process. devices that include a TCP/IP stack.
Remote process analytical technology over public IP
networks can significantly reduce the cost of maintenances Keywords CNC . HTTP. COMET . JSON-RPC . OPC .
and technical support, and simplify the classical OPC-like MTConnect . CyberOPC . Fieldbus . Industrial
architecture based on multiple server gateways. The communications . Factory automation systems
requirements for using remote process analytical technolo-
gy for high-speed processes are mainly concerned with
cyber security and high data refresh rate on the remote 1 Introduction
monitoring machine. This work intends to evaluate a new,
open application protocol named CyberOPC dedicated to The emerging technologies in industrial monitoring and
CNC machines. The CyberOPC version presented in this control, such as OPC-UA [1] and MTConnect [2], design a
paper supersedes the first version presented in previous wide range of prospective Internet Protocol (IP) architec-
papers, which had no streaming features. The CyberOPC tures dedicated to industrial equipments. This vision
technology is not only an open alternative to other data includes public and non-public IP networks, and issues
exchange protocols, but it also introduces streaming related to cyber security.
capabilities to gain high refresh rate on remote control In the manufacturing world, modern CNC machines can be
stations. It is based on the Client/Server Model, where a considered as shop floor production cells, which embed
highly integrated fieldbuses, PLCs, sensors, and actuators to
perform milling and grinding operations. Each of these
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article operations carry out data related to the CNC internal functions
(doi:10.1007/s00170-011-3580-3) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users. and to the object manufactured during its processing.
Applications consuming these data are heterogeneous.
N. M. Torrisi (*)
Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
Process Analytical Technology (PAT) applications may
(CECS), Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), analyze data for process optimization; Supervisory
São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) applications
e-mail: nunzio.torrisi@ufabc.edu.br will provide graphical process supervision; Manufactur-
J. F. G. de Oliveira
ing Execution Systems (MES) and Business Intelligence
Technological Research Institute of the State of Sao Paulo (IPT), System may focus data regarding power consumption
São Paulo, Brazil and job process.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

The use of public IP networks, such as the Internet, Application Protocol to monitor the job in a Mori Seiki
creates scenarios where each consumer application can be vertical machine model over a 3G Mobile Network.
strategically distributed in remote locations, where human Section 5 summarizes the conclusions and Section 6 out-
and physical resources are more specific and convenient. lines future project researches.
For instance, modern milling machines are equipped
with Fast Ethernet interfaces for monitoring and control at
local networks. Software interfaces, like Fanuc Open CNC 2 Motivation and related works
API (FOCAS) [3, 4] and its libraries, represent a de facto
standard for local control applications in many manufactur- In a scenario where a remote monitoring application distrib-
ing shop floor environments. So a gateway protocol is uted on a large IP network sends and receives data from
required in order to transport the CNC data collected in manufacturing cells, data originated from the device usually
local networks by legacy libraries, such as the FOCAS GE- passes through at least one intermediate station, which
Fanuc, over public IP networks. generally supports an OPC interface to exchange data among
Furthermore, OPC Classic [1] and OPC-UA Transport manufacturing cells. Specific requirements of CNC machines
Technologies were defined as general purpose technologies for remote control over public IP networks have been
for industrial data exchange in a wide range of industrial described and compared to the classical OPC model demon-
equipments. Today, these technologies include various strating the impact on high-speed remote process control [6].
transport protocol profiles to cover most IP application The general performance from the first version of
protocols, such as TCP and HTTP. CyberOPC compared to OPC Data Access XML and
Monitoring special fast phenomena as abnormal cutting DCOM-based OPC Data Access is illustrated in Fig. 1,
generated by tool crashing workpiece and from normal cutting using data obtained from experimental results of different
and other fast phenomena as crashing and jerk, is a challenge communication architectures, in terms of delay variation of
for many commercial remote monitoring solutions. The unidirectional, consecutive packets.
occurrence of these abnormal phenomena is often followed Figure 1 indicates that the difference in performance
by enormous energy, causing damages to the system. between the first version of CyberOPC and other Web
This work describes related works, gateway protocol Services was the refresh rate for CNC data served to the
features offered by OPC-UA and MTConnect, and their remote control station. The refresh rate was measured
limitations in Section 2. Section 3 details the CyberOPC comparing the variation of the delays of unidirectional,
Application Protocol [5] and Services. Section 4 describes consecutive packets between the first version of CyberOPC
the case study of a remote control using CyberOPC and OPC-DA-XML and DCOM-based OPC-DA.
Fig. 1 Comparing the delay
variation of unidirectional,
consecutive packets, between
the first version of CyberOPC
and OPC-DA-XML and
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Tests performed with the first version of CyberOPC the internal use of the same FOCAS libraries mentioned
demonstrated that the minimal interval to schedule, process, above to exchange data with CNC machineries.
and send a data process message using Web Services Situations like cutting with over-worm tools, reaching a
demanded more than 1 s, while the correspondent interval hard point in the material being cut, and the banging
for CyberOPC was no longer than 800 ms. This significant phenomena caused by G00 command for fast-feeding the
reduction encouraged the continuation and enhancement of tool, are produced in time intervals of milliseconds.
the CyberOPC Communication System to the current The current CyberOPC solution adopted in the case
public released version. study described in this paper introduces three important
Another recent alternative communication system based on improvements:
the HTTP protocol was proposed by the MTConnect Institute
& The use of HTTP Streaming over SSL (HTTPS), as a
[2] in order to offer an application protocol standard capable
faster alternative to the OPC subscription poll mechanism;
of passing industrial data to higher level systems using the
& Data encoding in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
eXtensible Markup Language (XML)-based standard, as
format [9], as a more compact alternative to XML;
shown in Fig. 2.
& The use of the JSON-RPC command syntax [10] over
The MTConnect protocol introduces a cross-platform
HTTPS to define CyberOPC Services.
communication schema over HTTP that is simpler and less
sophisticated than OPC, OPC-XML, and OPC-UA. The These improvements, detailed below, optimize the use of
main advantages are the XML data encoding and the HTTP network resources, minimize data access delay, and enhance
Client/Server approach, very similar to the first CyberOPC the flexibility by adopting open standards, such as JSON-
solution. However, MTConnect Communication does not RPC, for the command syntax.
support any specific monitoring schema, such as the OPC But then, the natural consequence of the optimized use
subscription polling schema, in order to optimize periodic of public IP networks through the HTTP Streaming is
data monitoring over IP. optimizing the data-retrieving process from the industrial
Commercial monitoring solutions based on FOCAS equipments. For such reason, CyberOPC Server Architecture
libraries are available for private IP networks and limited was extended into a plug-in-based modular server where,
to CNC machine vendor description, such as the MORI- for each device, a data access plug-in module can be
MONITOR software for MORISEIKI machineries [7]. developed. For special industrial processes with high-speed
Other commercial monitoring solutions are machinery- dynamics, such as a CNC process, the data access module
independent, such as OPC 2.x/3.x (also called OPC Classic) can execute data retrieving faster than an OPC Server,
and NI (National Instruments) shared variables [8], but they which usually has a lower-bound data access delay of
are limited to private IP networks and sometimes require 200 ms. Table 1 outlines the main differences between the
current specifications of OPC-UA, DCOM-based OPC 2.x/3.
x, MTConnect, and CyberOPC.
Table 1 includes a selection of characteristics that
influence performance in remote control over IP networks.

2.1 Deadband algorithm and polling mechanism

In a Client/Server scenario for remote monitoring, client

applications are interested in periodic data refresh from
Server values. A common practice is grouping the
values of items of interest from the Server with similar
change rates and assigning them to a group. This
procedure will allow the Client to later retrieve all
updated values from the group simply requesting the
group name identifier. Additionally, it is possible to schedule
periodic updates of data values sent from the Server to the
Client using a mechanism called Subscription Polling
Mechanism. Although this mechanism speeds up the refresh
rate and minimizes the number of update requests to the
Server, not all data values might be of interest to the Client
Fig. 2 General overview of MTConnect middleware and communication because some values may not change enough to be relevant
schema for the client application.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Table 1 Comparing OPC Classic, XML/UA, FOCAS, MTConnect and CyberOPC

OPC 2.x/3.x FOCAS MTConnect OPC-XML/UA CyberOPC Shared variables

IP network Private Private Private/public Private/public Private/public Private

Device description No Limited No Yes Yes No
Polling mechanism Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Data encoding Binary Binary XML XML/Binary JSON Binary
Authentication User User – Mutual Mutual User
Deadband algorithm Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
WebServices No No No Yes No No

In order to minimize the size of data sent to the Client detailed and explained in the memory-map library book,
from the Server related to changed values of interest, the which implies a deep investigation to find the exact
Client can specify a parameter called DeadBand for each memory location related to the specific parameter to build
group, which determines the percentage of range for an process analytical and diagnostic tools.
item value that must change prior to the value being of The Device Description Technology has already been
interest to the Client. Changes in values out of the Client's applied to FOUNDATION fieldbus™, HART, and PROFI-
interest are not sent to Client, therefore reducing the size of BUS devices [12] to simplify the device documentation
data delivered over the network. process.
The purpose of the CyberOPC Application Protocol is to
2.2 XML and JSON data encoding provide basic services to transfer Device Description files
from the Server to the remote client application. This means
Textual data encoding is required when working over the that the Server keeps references between the loaded devices
HTTP Protocol. JSON and XML are simple and well-known and their Device Description files. The file type and format
textual data representation formats also for manufacturing for the Device Description is not defined in the CyberOPC
[11]. Specification [5], but an open and non-proprietary Device
XML was selected by the OPC Foundation as the textual Description solution, such as Open-EDD [13], could be an
data encoding format, since the first release of the OPC-XML interesting option to integrate this technology to CNC
Data Access (DA) Specification 1.0 in 2003. machines.
More recent than XML, JSON was initially defined in
1999 as part of ECMA Standard 262 [9], ISO/IEC 16262, 2.4 Mutual authentication and security issues
and detailed in the RFC 4627 in 2006.
It is considered a light-weight data-interchange text In OPC Classic, the Operating System performs the
format. XML and JSON are completely language- authentication process while the OPC Server holds an
independent, but JSON uses just two primitive data Access Control List. The OPC Server based on the 2.x/3.x
structures: a collection of name/value pairs and an ordered specification is a Windows legacy, and for such reason, the
list of values. In almost all languages, these structures are authentication is Windows-based and managed from the
both available and it is easy to write parsers from/to JSON Server side's Operating System.
streams. OPC XML-DA and MTConnect assume that the
transport will handle security. This means it is possible to
2.3 Device description configure a mutual authentication for the Client and the
Server even if the selected transport protocol is SSL,
Device Description Technology describes the characteristics HTTPS, or HTTP-SOAP.
of the devices to HMI and SCADA configuration tools. The OPC-UA Security Model consists of authentication,
In CNC tools, many process variables and internal set authorization, encryption, and data integrity via signatures.
points can be accessed by general purpose read/write Nevertheless, the OPC Foundation has adopted the Web
memory driver functions through their memory addresses. Service Security Specification Model for conversations in
CNC tools provided with FOCAS interface include func- encoded text and binary. These conversations are also
tions, such as cnc_sramget or cnc_getsraminfo, to read named Unified Architecture (UA) Secure Conversation and
specific CNC memory locations over a local IP, but the they can include mutual authentication behind an encrypted
meaning and the relevance of those variables are often virtual channel.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

CyberOPC and OPC-UA authentication use X509 equipment or CNC tools; the central block is the Applica-
certificates exclusively, but the first adopts SSL Mutual tion Server that responds and requests the message sent by
Authentication instead of the Web Services Security Model. the block on the right, and collects data from the device; the
block on the right sends the HTTP messages, parses the
2.5 Web services HTTP-SOAP JSON-RPC commands, and forwards the command message
to the central block.
OPC-XML, OPC-UA, MTConnect, and CyberOPC Spec- The communication delays between the blocks in Fig. 4
ifications include at least a profile of use of HTTP as a influence the total delay when receiving updated values
transport protocol. The HTTP Protocol Transport Message from the shop floor device to the remote client. This value
consists of one header and one body as shown in Fig. 3. In can be quantified as a sum of the device data access delay,
order to send commands over this transport protocol, it is the application message broker delay, and the remote data
necessary to envelop the commands, whether inside the access delay.
header or the body. OPC-XML and OPC-UA adopt the Web The device access delay represents the time for the
Services technology based on the SOAP Protocol, which device to process, schedule, and send changed values to the
means that the command related to the OPC Service is application server. The application message broker delay is
enveloped inside the HTTP headers. MTConnect adopts an the time to send remote requests/responses and process data
XML processor directly applied to the HTTP body. collected from the device. The remote data access delay
CyberOPC adopts the JSON-RPC Protocol Syntax to depends on the network, but it is possible to tune the
exchange messages inside the HTTP body. So, MTConnect transport protocol to optimize that value.
and CyberOPC embed commands inside the HTTP bodies. The CyberOPC Specification also introduces the use of
For embedded network devices, thin clients, and micro- HTTP Streaming technologies to provide continuous
controllers that implement a standard HTTP Protocol process monitoring. The HTTP Streaming approach adopts
without SOAP, the computation of HTTP Headers with AJAX COMET Methodologies [15] to reduce the delay of
SOAP could be too sophisticated or simply impossible, synchronous traffic in continuous process monitoring.
while the computation of HTTP bodies should be achievable
without extra computational resources [14]. 3.1 Adopting an open standard and interoperable
technologies over IP networks

3 The CyberOPC architecture and services The CyberOPC Specification is open, free, and based on
open technologies such as JSON, JSON-RPC, HTTP, and
The CyberOPC Project [6] also provides Client/Server SSL. Adopting open standards in Industrial Informatics can
Software Sample System composed of an HTTP Server and be defined as the ability to design software and services
an HTTP Client library. Services defined in the CyberOPC with an architecture specially projected to foresee the
Specification substitutes the weight of Web Services integration with other technologies. This is, however, a
processing based on SOAP–HTTP with the light-weight non-functional requirement of the project.
Web Services based on JSON-RPC over HTTP. Figure 4 Property rights are not strictly tied to the cost, but to the
shows the software modules that integrate the CyberOPC rights to the object or the technology. In practical terms,
Server. The block on the left represents the industrial what characterizes a technology as proprietary or non-
proprietary is the license agreement bonded to the technol-
ogy by the holder of the intellectual property rights [13].
Header The concept of interoperability is the ability of a system to
Server HTTP
Body work with other systems without special efforts from the
customer. The solution proposed adopts open standard
technologies for communication in manufacturing indus-
HTTP Request tries where manufacturing cells, CNC tools, and SCADA
systems are typically applied.
HTTP Response
3.2 JSON-RPC services of CyberOPC
JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol. The general
Body mechanism consists of two peers establishing a data
connection. During the lifetime of a connection, peers
Fig. 3 HTTP protocol communication schema may invoke methods provided by other peers. A request is
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 4 CyberOPC server and

client architecture

sent to invoke a remote method, and unless the request is a Polling mechanism over HTTPS forcing the KeepAlive
notification, it must be replied with a response. JSON option to maintain an open connection between Client and
works over HTTP and does not need SOAP. HTTP requests Server, and to stream the changed data over that connection.
and responses can be used as transport for communicating Figure 6a and b resumes the Server logic to keep the data
between peers. The communication between peers, one
being an HTTP Client and the other an HTTP Server, may
span multiple HTTP requests. A client-side peer may send POST /mycyberopcservice HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: CyberOPCClient/1.6
one or more requests, notifications or responses to its peer Host: www.example.com
Content-Type: application/json
by sending an HTTP request containing all serialized Content-Length: 181
Connection: Keep-Alive
objects. The server-side peer must reply with responses to Accept: application/json
all requests sent, and may send requests or notifications of {
its own. The client-side peer must reply to received requests "version" : "1.1",
"method" : “Read",
by sending another HTTP request. "params" : {
The CyberOPC JSON-RPC Services exchange data with {
the devices linked to the device or platform replacing the “ReturnItemTime“:true,
well-known schema of the OPC Data Access Specification, “LocaleID”:“en”
but instead of adopting the complexity of the Web Services },
“ItemList”: [ “ItemName1”, “ItemName2”,
over SOAP, a light-weight, more portable, and cross- “ItemName3”]
platform approach is selected for embedded devices, and }

which is able to support the HTTP protocol without SOAP.

The services supported by the CyberOPC partially replace
the functionalities of the services described in the OPC- HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: close
Content-Length: 23
XML DA Specification [2]. The CyberOPC primitive Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2006 12:04:08 GMT
services GetStatus, Read, GetParameters, Subscribe, Sub- Server: CyberOPC Server/1.0

scriptionCancel, Write, and Browse provide the same {

"version" : "1.1",
functionalities from the OPC-XML-DA Specification, "result" :
while SubscriptionPolledRefresh was replaced because, “ReadResult”: { “RcvTime”:"2003-05-
after the initialization, the HTTP Streaming mechanism 27T00:15:36.6400000-07:00“, “ReplyTime”:"2003-
sends data continuously from the Server to the Client not “ServerState”:"running" },
“RItemList”: {
waiting for refresh request commands from the Client side. {“ItemName”:"Simple
Types/UInt“, “Timestamp”:"2003-05-
The syntax of the Read command and the related JSON-RPC 27T00:15:36.7343750-07:00“,
command over an HTTP request is shown in the example in {“ItemName”:"Simple Types/Int“,
Fig. 5a. 07:00“, “Value”:[“int”,”2147483647”]},
The related JSON-RPC response command over an {“ItemName”:"Simple
Types/Float“, “Timestamp”:"2003-05-
HTTP response is shown in the example in Fig. 5b. 27T00:15:36.7343750-07:00“, “Value”:
When CyberOPC Client and Server need multiple
interactions, the performance is improved by using the }
HTTP KeepAlive header option to reuse the already opened
connection, especially during the HTTPS Streaming. Thus, Fig. 5 a Example of a CyberOPC read service request. b Example of
the CyberOPC Communication System replaces the OPC a cyberOPC read service response
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Server Client Server Client

a (CNC side) (Remote HMI) b (CNC side) (Remote HMI)
Auth. Request
SSL Authentication Auth. Request SSL Authentication
Process Process Auth. Response
Auth. Response
Commands Commands
Dispatcher Command StreamStart Dispatcher Command StreamStop
(ex. Stream Start) (ex. StreamStop[x])
Stream Data

Stream Data Stop Send Data for Close Notification
Send Data and Stream[x] and Close
Stream Data Connection
Leave Connection
Stream Data
(ex. Data Streaming)

Fig. 6 CyberOPC server schema to keep an open connection during the data streaming

stream over the same open connection and to close the 3.4 CyberSecurity issues
stream using a separate command.
For all case scenarios of communication over public IP
3.3 The GE-Fanuc module networks, strong network security is recommended [16].
The standardized network security and safety practice
The CyberOPC Server adopted in this work, which is solution proposed in the IEC 61784–4 is the IPSec [17].
available at the project's official web site, operates with For the architecture proposed in this work, it is assumed
multiple devices or CNC tools through the developed ad that all public communication is over the HTTPS Protocol.
hoc plug-in modules that are stored at the Server's plug-in The network security solution approach could be restricted
folder. To run a plug-in module, it is necessary to from IPSec to a specific security solution for HTTP.
implement five interface methods, which are called by the For HTTP communication, there are two categories of
Server in Runtime. These methods are: security mechanisms: transport-level security and XML-
based message-level security. The transport-level security
& Initialize(); mechanism uses Server Secure Socket (SSL), using digital
& StartDataEngine(); X.509 certificates [18]. SSL is light weight because it does
& StopDataEngine(); not involve any XML manipulations. Message-level secu-
& WriteItemToDevice(string ItemID, string ItemValue); rity mechanisms are XML-Signature [19] and WS-
& ReadItemFromDevice(string ItemID); SecureConversation [20].
The XML-Signature is a standard for digital signatures in
The Initialize method must include a set of all XML documents. The usage of XML-Signature with SOAP
initialization actions required to create and keep a stable messages is described in the WS-Security specification [21].
connection with the device. The StartDataEngine and With XML-Signature, each message is signed with an X509
StopDataEngine methods start and stop the data collection certificate. It ensures the integrity of a message, but it does
process in a separated thread. The WriteItemToDevice not support replay-attack prevention. This mechanism is
method concludes a Write request to the local device for a stateless and does not need any initial handshakes, and thus,
specified ItemID. On the other hand, the ReadItemFrom- it is suitable for a single invocation of a service.
Device method reads the value from a specified ItemID. WS-SecureConversation is a protocol to establish and
This last method is mapped in the GE-Fanuc Module by the use secure contexts with SOAP messages. First, a secure
FOCAS command cnc_absolute2, which passes a connec- context is established between a Client and a Server. Once
tion handle and the number of axes from CNC. The the security context is established, following messages are
function cnc_absolute2 reads the value as the absolute signed using the XML-Signature standard. It is fast because
position displayed on the CNC screen. it uses a symmetric key to sign messages, but it requires
The process that collects the absolute coordinates is additional round trips to establish a connection.
asynchronous and does not depend on the process related to Comparing the performance of the three security solutions,
HTTP processing. As described in the specification, the the transport-level security mechanism (SSL) is the fastest. It
CyberOPC Server should organize each data collection in a is interesting to consider that with SSL, the introduction of
dedicated memory cache where updated data from the HTTP KeepAlive header option as in the CyberOPC
module can be remotely read over HTTP. monitoring reduces the response time by half [22].
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

4 Case study was executed with 150% of the actual feed rate, which
means approximately 350 mm/min with spindle 100 for the
The case study shown below was executed with a Mori Seiki selected Mori Seiki model. The full NC source program,
CNC Vertical Machining Center, Model NVD1500DCG, Matlab data files, network dump files, pictures, and videos
equipped with a Fast Ethernet port and GE-Fanuc FOCAS 2 captured during the test are available at the CyberOPC
protocol interface [3]. The architecture adopted to perform Project website [5].
the remote control test is outlined in Fig. 7. During the test, the CyberOPC Server stored timestamps
The private IP network at the bottom of Fig. 7 linked the for each sample acquired over the private IP network by the
CNC machine to the workstation equipped with 2 GB GE-Fanuc FOCAS 2 interface. The CyberOPC data
Network Interfaces. The first interface was connected to the acquisition process is asynchronous: it collects and stores
public IP network and the second interface was connected all samples in the DataEngine at the best possible rate
to the shop floor private IP network. The workstation acted without interaction with the HTTPS processor, which
as a gateway in order to convert the CNC Protocol to the serves remote clients. When the Remote Client requests a
CyberOPC Protocol. During the test, the public IP address sample in Streaming mode, the HTTPS processor responds
assigned to the CyberOPC Server was, with the last refreshed sample available in the DataEngine
and the port configured to accept the HTTPS connection Memory, with the timestamp of the Server. The samples
was port 80. On the private IP network side, the CyberOPC received by the remote client were newly time-stamped in
Server collected and time-stamped a set of CNC variables order to evaluate the average arrival time later. This way, it
performing continuous network polling through the GE- will be possible to evaluate two sets of consecutive
Fanuc FOCAS 2 interface. The network interface of CNC timestamps separately and analyze the delay variation.
was a 100 MB Ethernet and the average value of the delay Before starting the test, the Client and the Server were
between two consecutive updates was about 30–50 ms. initially synchronized via Network Time Protocol in the
This value also depends on the quantity of variables same local network with an accuracy of around 200 μs.
requested and replied in each data frame. Figure 8 plots the delay variation of consecutives samples
In the discussed case study, samples of synchronous sets time-stamped by the client when received from the network.
of variables X, Y, and Z were collected using the FOCAS 2 The irregularities of those plotted delays reflect the best-
command cnc_absolute2. These three variables represent effort nature of the Internet. The average delay to receive a
the absolute coordinates for the axis X, Y, and Z as they are CyberOPC message was about 93.559 ms, measured during
displayed on the CNC screen of the local HMI machine approximately 45 min from the NC spiral test monitored in
display. Each sample of this set of variables was marked HTTP Streaming mode. Although the data size of the
with a timestamp by CyberOPC and stored in the Data- absolute coordinates enveloped in the CyberOPC message
Engine Memory. did not demonstrated relevant variations, random packet size
The remote Client was an ASUS 1000H Netbook equipped variations were measured as indicated by the packet sizes
with 3G HSDPA network connection and linked to the public registered at the network layer. Packets were measured using
IP network with the IP address a sniffer station equipped with the WireShark tool [23]
The test application installed on the remote client was connected to the port mirror of the network interface related
the CyberOPC Sample Client, open source and freely to the public IP in order to also analyze the performance of
available at the CyberOPC Project website [5], as well as the CyberOPC Protocol at the IP layer. The variation of
the Server. packet sizes registered during the test is justified by the SSL
The NC program loaded for the test in the CNC machine mechanisms that masked traffic details to eventual external
was a simple 2D spiral shape. During the test, this program attackers.

Private IP Network Public IP Network Public IP Network

over Gigabit Ethernet over Fiber Optic over 3G HSPDA

Gateway Remote
CNC CyberOPC Server CyberOPC Client

Fig. 7 Case study communication overview

Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 8 Delay variation of con- 1800

secutive server samples time-
stamped by the client during the 1600
HTTP streaming


Variations in Delay(ms)





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Test Execution Time x 10

While executing the NC spiral test program, the configuration, the Server streams the most recent available
sampling rate measured on the Server polling, for contin- sample to the Remote Client, ignoring older samples.
uous coordinates requested to the FOCAS interface, was
about 28.13 ms. The collection process was performed at
the same shop floor's local network of the CyberOPC 5 Conclusions
Server and the CNC machine. Consequently, the access
delay measured for collecting data with the GE Fanuc The test performed in the case study demonstrated that the
Module was more regular when compared to the access CNC data acquisition process in the local network of a shop
delay measured for the process executed over the Internet. floor is quite simple. Eventual difficulties are related to
Figure 9 shows the distribution of the medium access delay acquiring legacy CNC variables that are not included in the
values for consecutive timestamps from the Server data library or the environment. Moreover, difficulties in the
collection and Remote Client data collection. Comparing remote process data delivery are related to network security
the access delay variance, the Server side represents about and transport issues.
16% of the variance on the Remote Client side. This CyberOPC offers alternative Read/Write services similar
difference is explained by the speed of the sampling rate to MTConnect, OPC-XML, and OPC-UA, but when the
from the FOCAS interface to the Server because all objective becomes remote monitoring over IP, the Cyber-
samples are time-stamped when arriving at the Server, but OPC HTTPS Streaming Solution offers considerably lower
not all samples are sent to the Remote Client. In this test delays.

Fig. 9 Client and server com- −3

x 10
parison related to the delay
Server Timestamps
variance for consecutive time- 5 Client Timestamps

normal distribution




−150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

medium values
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