Hoc Sinh Gioi 10 2018 Finallllllllll

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Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút
Ngày thi: 04/4/2018
(Đề thi có 08 trang)

Chú ý: Thí sinh làm bài vào tờ giấy thi

Phần trắc nghiệm: Chỉ cần viết đáp án A, hoặc B, C, D
Phần tự luận: Viết đầy đủ theo yêu cầu của bài
(Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu gì.)

Hướng dẫn làm bài Nghe:
Bài Nghe gồm có 04 phần, mỗi phần thí sinh được nghe 02 lần. Mở đầu và kết thúc phần nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) có trong bài.

I. Listen to five short conversations and choose the correct answer to each question. (5.0 points)
1. What was the weather like on Wednesday?


2. How much did Mark’s pullover cost?

£ 14.99 £ 40.99 £ 44.99


3. What did Raquel buy today?

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4. How many students are there at the college?

715 750 755

5. What is David going to buy?

II. Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to each question. (5.0 points)
6. What do students joining the college need to do quickly?
A. get to know their teachers B. find their way around C. make new friends
7. How many students are starting at the college this year?
A. 520 B. 630 C. 970
8. What takes place in the Robinson Building every month?
A. a talk by an artist B. a film show C. an exhibition
9. What has the college introduced this year?
A. higher book fines B. student identity cards C. rules for using the computers
10. Students cannot use the Sports Centre for part of the next term because of ________.
A. national competitions B. building work C. students taking exams there

III. You will hear a woman talking to a man about joining a drama club. Complete the note below with
NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (6.0 points)


Club started in __1957__
Prize recently won by (11) ________ section
Usually performs (12) ________ plays
Next auditions will be on Tuesday, (13) ________.
Nearest car park for rehearsals in Ashburton Road opposite the (14) ________
Annual membership fee is (15) £________.
Secretary’s phone number is (16) ________.

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IV. Marilyn is talking to Judy about her honeymoon with Rod in London. Listen and state whether the
following statements are true (T) or false (F). (4.0 points)

17. Marilyn and Rod have been to Buckingham Palace.
18. They have not had a boat ride on the River Thames.
19. They are going to take a bus to Hyde Park this afternoon.
20. Marilyn and Rod are going to the Tower of London tomorrow morning.


I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence. (8.0 points)
21. “Frankly speaking, I don’t believe this strange new fashion will ________ with young people,” said the manager.
A. catch on B. show off C. turn up D. care for
22. We know that mushrooms are delicious. However, it can be difficult for us to ________ between poisonous and
edible mushrooms.
A. differ B. separate C. distinguish D. solve
23. The house is in a terrible condition. You’d better get someone ________ it.
A. rebuild B. rebuilt C. rebuilding D. to rebuild
24. In his official speech on TV this morning, the President requested that the crisis ________ immediately.
A. were resolved B. be resolved C. should resolve D. to resolve
25. It is no use crying over spilt milk. We’ve got to ________ the truth now.
A. bargain for B. come up against C. get down to D. face up to
26. “The car couldn’t have been damaged by accident. I think it was done ________,” the detective said.
A. by plan B. by appointment C. by chance D. on purpose
27. Jane: “Would you say that you’re a hard-working person?” Henry: “________”
A. I think work is important. B. I suppose so.
C. So would I. D. Personally, I don’t see the difference.
28. Carl: “So your job is pretty routine, Lama?” Lama: “________”
A. Yeah, it’s an absurd idea. B. Thanks for your nice compliment.
C. Yeah, it is boring. D. Yeah, every day is different.

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5.0 points)
29. There will be an increase in tax for those earning in (EXCEED) ________ of twice the national average wage.
30. The Games is an international sporting event with more than two thousand (PARTICIPATE) ________.
31. The work of the charity has been widely (PUBLIC) ________ throughout the media.
32. Elderly people tend to be quite (CONSERVE) ________ and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances.
33. Twenty people have (REPORT) ________ been injured in a car accident in Manchester last night.

III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting (3.0 points):
34. Bacteria that live in soil and water play a vital role in recycling carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and another chemical
elements used by living things.
35. Large commercial fishing vessels are equipped to clean, packaging, and freeze the fish that they catch at sea.
36. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals.

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IV. Choose the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word / phrase in the following
questions. (2.0 points)
37. Mary invited loads of friend to her birthday party, but only a handful of them turned up.
A. returned B. arrived C. entered D. visited
38. Yesterday our teacher gave us some suggestions on what could come out for the examination.
A. effects B. symptoms C. demonstrations D. hints

V. Choose the word / phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word / phrase in the
following questions. (2.0 points)
39. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Black. Your depression is only temporary. It’ll soon pass,” Dr. Adamson said with a smile.
A. permanent B. simple C. understandable D. inevitable
40. The salesgirl finally managed to persuade him into buying the camera that he really liked.
A. convince him of B. turn down him C. talk him out of D. look down upon him

I. Study the following pieces of information and choose the option that is SIMILAR in meaning to the
given one. (10 points)

41. A. You must carry a dog to use this escalator.

STAND ON RIGHT OF ESCALATOR B. You must stand on the right if you have a dog.
DOGS MUST BE CARRIED! C. Stand on the right and carry your dog if you have one.
D. The left side of the escalator is for people going the other way.

42. A. You must not dive into the pool where the water is shallow.
NO DIVING ALLOWED B. Swimming is not permitted where people are diving.
EXCEPT AT THE DEEP END C. The water is not deep enough in this pool for you to dive.
OF THE SWIMMING POOL D. Diving is not allowed at the deep end of the pool.

43. A. Bookings now include an extra five minutes for equipment to be put
SPORT HALL B. You have five minutes after bookings have finished to return any
Final five minutes of sports equipment used.
booking must be used to C. The hall must be cleared of equipment in the five minutes before
put equipment away! bookings end.
D. Read your books to the last five minutes then put the equipment

44. To: Martha

From: Henry The main purpose of the email is to ________.
Sorry to hear your ankle is so A. suggest something
painful you’re not able to play B. apologize for something
badminton with me. Why don’t C. complain about something
D. give some advice
we meet in town on Saturday or
Sunday instead? Which is better?

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45. A. You must check you have chosen the right petrol before filling
your car.
B. You can pay in cash or by credit card after filling your car with
BEFORE FILLING YOUR CAR C. You shouldn’t put petrol in your car without checking you are able
D. You must be sure to make enough money after filling your car
with petrol.

46. Bob,
Mike rang to say tickets are Bob must ________.
still available for the Helix A. find out if Mike is interested in going to the concert
concert – you’re not too late! B. let Mike know if tickets are available for the concert
C. contact Mike if he wants to go to the concert
He’s able to get you a ticket.
D. go and buy the ticket at once
Let him know today if you’re

47. A. You can get out this way when the fire occurs.
B. You should look for another way when the fire occurs.
FIRE ESCAPE C. You shouldn’t go this way when the fire occurs.
D. You should keep away from this way in case of fire.

48. Mike,
It’s raining in Manchester, so I am A. Ellen and Annette are spending the day together sightseeing.
visiting museums. Here for the day B. Annette is writing this card while Ellen is attending an interview.
with Ellen, who’s at a college
C. Annette wants to drive home tonight with Mike.
interview right now. Driving home
D. Ellen is staying overnight in Manchester, but Annette isn’t.
together tonight.

49. CYCLISTS A. Lock your cycle near the gate before entering.
B. Cyclists should use the side gate before locking the entrance.
When this entrance is locked, C. Cyclists should use a different entrance when this one is locked.
use side gate D. If the side gate is locked, go through the cycle entrance.

50. SALES A. Some items will be half price next week.

Spring sales next week B. All items will be half price in the Spring.
Up to 50% off many items C. 50% of the items will be sold next week. 
D. After the spring sale many items will cost 50% more.
II. Read the passage below and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space. (10 points)
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When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently (51) ________ across words you do not fully
understand. Sometimes you check the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you (52) ________. The strategy you
adopt depends very much upon the (53) ________ of accuracy you require and the time at your disposal.
If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is worth remembering that every
dictionary has its (54) ________. Each definition is only an approximation and one builds up an accurate picture of
the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (55) ________ of contexts. It is also important to recognize the
special dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native language and vice versa. If you must use a
dictionary, it is usually far safer to (56) ________ an English-English dictionary.
In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (57) ________ you are allowed to use one, it is very
time-consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (58) ________, forced to guess the
meaning of unfamiliar words.
When you find unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop efficient
techniques for guessing the meaning, you will (59) ________ a number of possible problems and help yourself to
understand far more of the text than you at first thought likely.
Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within the
sentence and outside, and making use of clues (60) ________ from the formation of the word.

51. A. put B. drop C. come D. see

52. A. look B. guess C. examine D. inspect
53. A. extent B. range C. quantity D. degree
54. A. limitations B. advantages C. values D. entry
55. A. multiple B. variation C. variety D. diversity
56. A. consult B. survey C. refer D. inquire
57. A. Or else B. Even if C. Although D. Provided
58. A. completely B. so that C. so D. therefore
59. A. surpass B. get over C. go over D. overcome
60. A. coming B. extracted C. derived D. originated

III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. (10 points)
Herman Melville, an American author best known today for his novel Moby Dick, was actually more popular
during his lifetime for some of his other works. He traveled extensively and used the knowledge gained during his
travels as the basis for his early novels. In 1837, at the age of eighteen, Melville signed as a cabin boy on a merchant
ship that was to sail from his Massachusetts home to Liverpool, England. His experiences on this trip served as a
basic for the novel Redburn (1849). In 1841, Melville set out on a whaling ship headed for the South Seas. After
jumping ship in Tahiti, he wandered around the islands of Tahiti and Moorea. This South Sea island sojourn was a
backdrop to the novel Omoo (1847). After three years away from home, Melville joined up with a U.S. naval frigate
that was returning to the eastern United States around Cape Horn. The novel White Jacket (1850) describes this
lengthy voyage as a navy seaman.
With the publication of these early adventure novels, Melville developed a strong and loyal following among
readers eager for his tales of exotic places and situations. However, in 1851, with the publication of Moby Dick,
Melville’s popularity started to diminish. Moby Dick, on one level the saga of the hunt for the great white whale, was
also a heavily symbolic allegory of the heroic struggle of humanity against the universe. The public was not ready for
Melville’s literary metamorphosis from romantic adventure to philosophical symbolism. It is ironic that the novel that
served to diminish Melville’s popularity during his lifetime is the one for which he is best known today.
61. The main subject of the passage is ________.

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A. Melville’s travels B. Melville’s personal background
C. the popularity of Melville’s novels D. Moby Dick
62. According to the passage, Melville’s early novels were ________.
A. published while he was traveling B. completely fictional
C. all about his work on whaling ships D. based on his travels
63. In what year did Melville’s book about his experiences as a cabin boy appear?
A. 1837 B. 1841 C. 1847 D. 1849
64. The word “basic” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. foundation B. message C. bottom D. theme
65. The passage implies that Melville stayed in Tahiti because ________.
A. he had unofficially left his ship B. he was on leave while his ship was in port
C. he had finished his term of duty D. he had received permission to take a vacation in Tahiti
66. Probably, a “frigate” in paragraph 1 is ________.
A. an office B. a ship C. a troop D. a fishing boat
67. How did the publication of Moby Dick affect Melville’s popularity?
A. His popularity increased immediately.
B. It had no effect on his popularity.
C. It caused his popularity to decrease.
D. His popularity remained as strong as ever.
68. According to the passage, Moby Dick is ________.
A. a romantic adventure B. a single-faceted work
C. a short story about a whale D. symbolic of humanity fighting the environment
69. The word “metamorphosis” in paragraph 2 is CLOSEST in meaning to ________.
A. circle B. mysticism C. change D. descent
70. The passage would most likely be assigned reading in a course on ________. .
A. nineteenth-century novels B. American history
C. oceanography D. modern American literature

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before. (5.0 points)
71. They were unable to finish their work because of a heavy shower.
 But for………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
72. The price of crude oil has risen sharply this year.
There has………………………….…………………….………………………………………………………………………………………….……..
73. He never seemed to succeed even though he worked very hard.
Hard ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….
74. Jeannette cannot go to the theater tonight because she has to catch up on some reports.
 The reason …………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………..….
75. I regret not going to the airport to say goodbye to my uncle.
 I wish……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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II. Nam, a friend of yours, has just invited you to join him in a group for a two-day picnic in Sa Pa next
weekend. Write a letter of about 80 - 100 words to accept or decline the invitation. (10 points)

You are required to BEGIN and END your letter as followed:

Dear Nam,

III. Many people believe that social network sites have had a huge negative impact on individuals and
society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Write an essay of about 180 - 220
words to support your opinion. (15 points)

=== THE END ===

Họ và tên thí sinh:……………………………………………………. Số báo danh:……………………

Họ và tên giám thị 1:…………………………………………………. Chữ ký:………………………….
Họ và tên giám thị 2:…………………………………………………. Chữ ký:………………………….

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