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My Workshop
Metalworking index

Workshop Processes Harold Hall

If the part being hardened is large a small brazing In such cases apply the heat to the end needing to be
torch may not be powerful enough. In this case make less hard, the threaded end in this case. Wait till this
a cavity out of a number of fire bricks to house the becomes blue and watch carefully how the lighter
part and aiming the flame into the hole will help colours commence to run towards the cutter head.
considerably. I have also used two torches together for Once the colours start to run, which will happen quite
extra heat. quickly, be ready with the pliers to once more place
the part in the water, again agitating rapidly.
Use a large pair of pliers to pick up the part and place
in the water, cutting edges first. The steam produce Be vary careful with the tempering process, the speed
around the part will reduce the cooling effect so it is at which the colours travel makes it easy to over
essential to agitate it vigorously in the water. That temper the cutter edge. If this is done it will be
completes the hardening process, but if left in that necessary to anneal the part and once more go
state the part would in most instances be too brittle through the hardening and tempering process. More
for the task it has to perform, because of this it needs reading will be necessary if you find yourself in this
tempering. situation.

The tempering will reduce the hardness the amount If a part needs to be equally tempered all over keep
depending on how hot the part is made during the the torch further away and continually move the
tempering process. Tempering is more critical than the flame until the colour required is even over the whole
hardening process as the task parts are called upon to part.
withstand vary widely. A cutter for use on a
metalworking machine will need to be harder and only I am sure that when you first make your hardened
slightly tempered whilst a screw driver needs to be cutter, be it a tee slot cutter, or similar, you will gain
less hard and also less brittle. much satisfaction when you see it cutting through the
metal with ease. However, your silver steel cutter is
In theory, lathe tools which are normally well not the equal of a high speed steel tool so cutting
supported and the cut is continuous can be left harder speeds will need to be on the low side.
than a cutter used in the milling machine where they
are less well supported and the cut is intermittent. The To expand on the subject of tempering colours the
colours are light straw for lathe tools and straw for following detail may be of help.
milling cutters. However, when using the colour
method to determine tempering temperature the Lathe tools, Light Straw
colour difference will be too small to be totally certain. Milling cutters, Straw
Such precise tempering is really only appropriate when Pin punches and similar, Dull orange/brown
items are heated in a controlled environment such as Cold Chisels, Purple
an oven. Springs, Blue

After hardening the part it will have taken on a dirty Some publications include a colour chart as examples
black appearance, so that the tempering colours of the colours required.
cannot easily be observed. This must be cleaned off
and the surface brought to a polished finish. This will The above should be adequate for the occasional
be easier if the part originally had a good surface lathe or milling cutter but if more detailed information
finish. regarding hardening and tempering is required, other
reading on the subject should be studied.
Few parts need to be equally hard all over with many "Hardening, Tempering and Heat Treatment" by Tubal
actually benefiting from a progressive tempering as is Cain, Workshop Practice Series, No. 1 would be one
the case with the tee slot cutter. possibility.

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