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Summer Project Guidelines.

 Inside First Page: - Copy of cover page.

 Company Certificate: - This certificate must be printed on company’s

original letter head. It should include the following points.

1) Name of the Company.

2) Name of the Institute
3) Project Title ( after confirmation with Inst Guide)
4) Duration of the project (Min 8 weeks)
5) Location
6) Authority Sign & Company Seal.
 Institute Certificate: - One copy of this certificate will be issued by the
Institute and student has to make at least one color photocopy of it for other
copy of project report.
 Acknowledgment: - This page will include vote of thanks in following
1) Company Project Guide
2) Director
3) HOD
4) College Project Guide
5) Other Staff & Friend / Relatives (If any)
 Declaration: - The researcher declaring the research work done is pure and
authentic and genuine, no duplication.
 Executive Summary: - This should include introduction & objectives of the
project & Research design of the project ( i . e Procedure you have used to
carry out the project) Also researcher has to mention brief conclusion of the

Prin. N. G. Naralkar Institute of Career Development & Research, Pune-30


Sr. No Topic Page No

Executive Summary

01 Introduction of Study 1-3

02 Company Profile

03 Objectives, Hypothesis(if any) & Scope of the Study

04 Theoretical or Conceptual Background

05 Research Methodology

06 Data Analysis & Interpretation

07 Findings

08 Suggestions

09 Limitations

10 Conclusion


i) Abbreviations
ii) Questionnaire

Prin. N. G. Naralkar Institute of Career Development & Research, Pune-30

Note:- Up To This Don’t Use Page Numbers
Start Page Numbering: - Page Number 01 / Header & Footer
( no company Logo or Symbol) only Name
1) Introduction: - In introduction, researcher is expected to give brief overview
of the subject. The focus should be to create the awareness about the subject
in the mind of readers. If researcher is covering different dimensions of the
subject all these must be explained briefly. The intention must be to give an
overview of the subject. (Why- why you choose that topic for research; why
it is important; why have you adopted a particular method or approach etc.)

2) Company Profile: - Includes following points:

A) Complete Name & Address of the Company.
B) Mission Statement, Vision, Slogan. Extra If any Required.
C) Historical developments of the company.
D) Achievements and financial result of the company if any
E) Products & Services
F) Organizational Chart.
G) List of Competitors (if any)
H) Branches & offices (if any)

3) Objectives & Scope of the study:-

A) Objectives of The Project:- Minimum 03 Objectives.
B) Scope :-In terms of practical implications of the project.

4) Theoretical Background :- Application of different relative concepts of the

concerned subjects or topic & their correlation w.r.t. your project Like :-
For Marketing / HR / Fin / Operations / BA: - (consult with your guide)

5) Research / Project Methodology:-

A) Definition of Research.
B) Types of research and the category of research applicable to your project.

Prin. N. G. Naralkar Institute of Career Development & Research, Pune-30

C) Different methods of data collection in short and justification for the
method adopted by the researcher.
D) Sources for the Primary data and secondary data that are used in the
E) Research design (sample size, sampling method, population etc.)
F) Tools / Techniques used for data analysis.

6) Data Analysis & Interpretation: - This is one of the important part of the
project. It should contain the analysis of the gathered data. (all those
Questions asked to the respondent through the questionnaire)
Use appropriate bar charts / Pie Charts /Tables / Line Diagram/ Frequency
Try to Arrange Table, Graph or Chart and interpretation on one page

7) Findings :- This includes interpretation of charts or Graphs from Data

analysis and interpretation

8) Suggestions: - Researcher has to give different suggestions to the company

which will act as a solution to all those problems researcher has identified
with project or services or methods applied. Suggestions have to be based on
data analysis

9) Conclusion: While concluding, researcher should take care that his/her

conclusion is matching with the title of the project and objectives set in the

10 ) Limitations: - No project is ideal. In reality the researcher always come

across different problems which acts as limitations of the project
A) Biased reply of the respondent.
B) Non availability of data or other relevant information
C) Time Constraint.
D) Budget Constraint
E) Company’s Policy that not disclosed confidential data etc.

Prin. N. G. Naralkar Institute of Career Development & Research, Pune-30

11) Bibliography :- (This will be the last page of the project )
 APA style.
e.q Author name (year of publication)- “title of the reference material”,
publisher, volume/ edition, page number.

 Annexure :- Ask to your Inst Guide as an when required.

 Abbreviations :- Ask to your Inst Guide as an when required.
 Questionnaire :- Ask to your Inst Guide as an when required.

Important Instructions ::-

 Font :- Times New Roman
 Size :- Title :- 16 Bold / Italic
 Size:- Heading :- 14 Bold
 Size :- Subheading :- 12 Bold
 Size:- Content :- 12 and 1.5 Line Spacing
 Margins :- Top :- 1” / Bottom :- 1”
 Margins :- Right :- 1” / Left :- 1.5”
 Minimum pages :- 60 (excluding annexure and beginning
pages) & Maximum pages:- 75
 One Copy printed on Executive Bond Paper A4 Size and
other copy on Normal A4 size paper.
 Printing on both side of paper.
 Company Logo or Symbol or Pictures will not be used in
 Chapter separation pages to be added at beginning of each
chapter and do not give page number.

Prin. N. G. Naralkar Institute of Career Development & Research, Pune-30

Important Dates

Sr. No Dates Topics

1 01/09/22 to 15/09/22 Topic selection

2 16/09/22 to 20/09/22 Objectives & Hypothesis(if any)

3 21/09/22 to 28/09/22 Synopsis (one page report) & RM

4 29/09/22 to 10/10/22 Questionnaire preparation and data collection

5 11/10/22 to 20/10/22 Data Analysis

6 21/10/22 to 25/10/22 Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion

7 26/10/22 to 28/10/22 Bibliography (references)

8 31/10/2022 Spiral copy submission

9 Internal Viva

10 Final Copy Submission

Prin. N. G. Naralkar Institute of Career Development & Research, Pune-30

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