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VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR – UNIT 1 Burlington International English B1+

A. Decide if the following sentences are true or false. Pay attention to the words in
bold. Choose the correct answer and justify your answer.

1. If you are homesick, you miss your friends and family.

2. Students choose compulsory subjects they want to study.

3. If something is a big deal, it’s important.

4. When you’re on a high, you’re feeling frightened.

5. Teachers must pay tuition fees.

6. A dormitory is a place to sleep while you are travelling.

7. Your mates are often people your own age.

8. People often chill out when they are at work.

B. Replace the words in bold with the words or phrases below. There are more words
than you need.

1. I’ve got too much work.

2. From the beginning, it was difficult to get along with her.

3. I was accepted into medical school.

4. I took care of his dogs while he was on holiday.

5. Don’t fall behind in your studies.

6. Rob doesn’t do well on exams because quite often, he doesn’t come to class.

7. Try to forget about what he said to you.

VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR – UNIT 1 Burlington International English B1+

C. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. Everyone thinks he’s a nerd because he always studies/tells jokes.

2. It’s a set number. It never changes/stays the same.

3. It’s optional. You have an obligation/a choice.

4. Our teacher is strict. That’s why we’ve got lots of rules/freedom.

5. I need my privacy. I want to be with everyone/alone.

6. We need to rehearse before the exam/concert.

7. You must be out of your mind. That’s boring/dangerous.

8. It’s a demanding job so it might be difficult/boring at first.

D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below.

1. Winning is so important to her. She’s so _____________________________.

2. How many ___________________________ have been interviewed so far?

3. I would like to promise you but unfourtunately, I can’t make any


4. The lecture was so _________________________. I’m going to start exercising


5. Our __________________________ are made from the finest materials.

E. Match the columns to form phrases.

VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR – UNIT 1 Burlington International English B1+

F. Complete the text below with the correct word or expression below.


For years, anyone who has _________________________ studying music, dance or

acting in New York City, _________________________ the La Guardia High School. It

still is _________________________ one of the top schools in the USA if you want to

study the _________________________. The school has always been

_________________________ to artistic excellence ant until recently students who

wanted to study there had to _________________________ in their specific artistic field

days, it seems, things have changed. The school is looking more closely at student’s

academic _________________________ and only those with

_________________________ are likely to be accepted. Many students think that this

is unfair and that talent should be more important than academic excellence.

G. Choose the correct answer.

1. I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you are saying/say.

2. Hurry! The bus is leaving/leaves at 3 o’clock.

3. Don’t make any noise. We are trying/try.

4. Why are they looking/do they look at us?

5. What do you wear/are you wearing to the party tonight?

6. More and more students use/are using this app for homework.

7. She isn’t studying/doesn’t study French this year.

8. People are driving/drive on the left side of the road in England.

VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR – UNIT 1 Burlington International English B1+

H. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. What’s wrong? You _________________________ (always / complain) about


2. I _________________________ (not invite) everyone to my birthday party

because my flat is very small.

3. Thanks for the explanation. I _________________________ (see) your point


4. I _________________________ (not do) anything special today. And you?

5. What _________________ you ___________________ (do) for a living?

6. What language are they speaking? It _________________________ (sound) like


7. You look upset. What __________________ you ____________________ (think)


8. Where _________________________ Joe _________________________ (live)?

I. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or

Present Continuous.

1. I _______________________ (look) at the photo, but I ___________________

(not see) you in it.

2. We _________________________ (wait) for the teacher at the moment. We

_________________________ (want) to ask him about tomorrow’s test.

3. Jackie is upset because she ______________________ (believe) that her friend

_______________________ (lie) to her.

VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR – UNIT 1 Burlington International English B1+

4. _____________________ you ____________________ (realise) that the concert

_________________________ (start) in ten minutes? Hurry!

5. I _________________________ (not think) Fred _________________________

(have) a party tonight.

6. I usually _________________________ (go) out with my friends on Friday, but

tonight I _________________________ (stay) at home.

7. I ______________________ (not believe) it! My dad ______________________

(wear) jeans!

J. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. a. ______________________ this DVD ___________________ (belong) to Jack?

b. No, I _________________________ (think) it _________________________

(belong) to Debbie.

2. a. Bill usually _________________________ (enjoy) his work.

b. Yes, but he _________________________ (not enjoy) it now because he’s too

much to do.

3. a. Why ___________________ you ____________________ (taste) the milk?

b. Because it _______________________ (smell) strange.

______________________ you ___________________ (want) to taste it?

4. a. Susan _________________________ (talk) to her boyfriend on the pone at

the moment.

b. I can tell. She _________________________ (look) very excited.

VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR – UNIT 1 Burlington International English B1+

K. Retype the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
Simple or Present Continuous. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. In my opinion, he’s not a good teacher. (not think)


2. John is on the phone now. (talk)


3. What is the Price of this ring? (cost)


4. Is this your jacket? (belong)


5. Where is your home? (live)


6. It’s dinner time at our house right now. (have)


L. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present

Simple or Present Continuous.

My name’s Mikko Virtanen and I’m from Finland. A lot of people

________________________ (think) that students in my country

_________________________ (not do) any homework but that’s actually not true!

In fact, I _________________________ (do) my homework right now – this report

that you _________________________ (read)! We _________________________

(get) homework almost every day but it never _________________________ (take)

me more than half an hour to do it. Sanni, our English teacher,

_________________________ (not give) us a lot of homework and we always have

VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR – UNIT 1 Burlington International English B1+

time to do it in class if we want to but at the moment, I

_________________________ (read) a really interesting book, so I decided to do

that instead. I have to go – my friend Jaakoo _________________________ (text)

me. He _________________________ (always / ask) me to help him with his


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