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4th form (4 White) Online Classwork

Series & Parallel Circuit summary

Due: November 26, 2020, 12 Noon
Use the information sheets and the videos previously given and answer the following questions in Google Docs and
share the link with me

1. Calculate and fill in all the missing values. ALL THE CALCULATION WORK MUST BE SHOWN for marks to be given.
24 Marks



2. State four characteristic of a SERIES CIRCUIT 4 Marks

Current flow through out the whole circuit

The resistance of a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage drop

If the circuit is broken at any point, no current will flow

3. How should the AMMETER be connected to measure CURRENT and why? 2 Marks

It is measured directly from the circuit so the current goes straight to the ammeter.
1. Calculate and fill in all the missing values. ALL THE CALCULATION WORK MUST BE SHOWN for marks to be given.
Ir1=7.7amps Vr1= 90v
Ir2=5 amps Vr2=90v
Ir3=15amps R²=6 ohms Vr3=90v
Ir4=2.5Amps Vr4=90v 24 Marks

2. State four characteristic of a PARALLEL CIRCUIT 4 Marks

Voltage is constant across the circuit

The circuit has 2 or more paths of current flow

The sum of current thou each path is equal to the total current that flows the source

If one component is the circuit fails the other component will still work

3. How should the VOLTMETER be connected to measure VOLTAGE and why? 2 Marks

It should be connected parallel.

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