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‘‘Toll’’-erance in the Skin

Tina L. Sumpter1 and Louis D. Falo, Jr.1,2,3,4,5,*
1Department of Dermatology
2Department of Bioengineering
3Pittsburgh Clinical and Translational Science Institute
4The McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
5The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

*Correspondence: lof2@pitt.edu

Interactions between potentially pathogenic commensal bacteria and cutaneous immunity are poorly
understood. In this issue of Immunity, Skabytska et al. (2014) show that S. aureus-derived TLR2/6 hetero-
dimer ligands can recruit myeloid-derived suppressor cells into the skin, countering rather than promoting

Normal skin is populated by a diverse mi- derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) that supported by studies in tumor models
crobiome, the majority of which is not suppress T cell responses in the skin. (Chalmin et al., 2010) and has only
pathogenic and likely beneficial. How- This study adds to our understanding of recently begun to be appreciated in the
ever, under certain conditions, opportu- the relationship between S. aureus and context of infection (Pandey et al., 2014).
nistic microbes can become pathogenic. skin immunity and the impact of dysbiosis The branch point at which TLR-initiated
In addition to causing infectious diseases, on inflammatory skin diseases. responses diverges is unclear. Skabytska
skin-colonizing microbes have been To characterize cutaneous immunity to et al. propose that heterodimeric inter-
implicated in the pathogenesis of com- bacteria, Skabytska et al. utilized a clas- actions between either TLR2 and TLR6
mon inflammatory skin diseases including sical murine model of atopic contact or TLR2 and TLR1 determine the outcome
atopic dermatitis (AD), psoriasis, and hypersensitivity (CHS) in which fluores- of the response and tested this affect
acne. The complex interrelationship cein (FITC) was used as a sensitizer using microbial derived peptides with dif-
between the skin microbiome and cuta- applied topically to mouse skin. In an ferent acylation status. Diacylated ligands
neous immunity is poorly understood. adaptation of this model, 7 days after (e.g., FSL-1 or Pam2Cys) bind preexisting
AD is a well-studied example of cuta- sensitization mice were challenged with TLR2/6 heterodimers, while triacylated
neous dysbiosis. Staphlococcus aureus FITC in the presence or absence of ligands (Pam3Cys) bind TLR2/1 hetero-
(S. aureus) colonization is highly asso- epicutaneously applied S. aureus, then dimers. Ligands binding TLR2/6 hetero-
ciated with AD, with isolates identified rechallenged with FITC to elicit a CHS dimers blocked the development of
in lesional skin in up to 89% of patients response. Contrary to expected results, FITC-CHS and induced expansion and
(Travers et al., 2010). The pathogenesis application of S. aureus to the skin prior cutaneous accumulation of MDSCs.
of AD is complex and is linked to genetic to elicitation blocked T cell recruitment. Pam3Cys binding TLR2/1 heterodimers
factors, impaired epidermal barrier func- Utilizing a lipoprotein-deficient strain of had no effect on FITC-CHS or on MDSC
tion, and dysregulated, predominantly S. aureus, the authors demonstrated expansion. Thus, the lipoprotein derived
type 2 immune responses. Breaches in that S. aureus-derived lipoproteins signal from S. aureus is proposed to be a check-
barrier function create environmental fac- through TLR2/TLR6 heterodimers to point for determining the outcome of the
tors favoring bacterial infection. S. aureus induce high concentrations of IL-6 in TLR2-initiated response, with MDSC-
is believed to contribute to the inflam- the cutaneous microenvironment. IL-6, mediated tolerance dependent on diacy-
matory environment characteristic of AD in turn, was critical for the expansion lated ligands interacting with TLR2/6
lesions. S. aureus burden correlates with and recruitment of MDSC populations. heterodimers. Because lipoprotein acyla-
proinflammatory cytokine concentrations MDSCs recruited to the skin suppressed tion patterns depend on environmental
in lesional skin, including the concen- T cells in an IL-10 independent, inducible conditions and growth phase, the inves-
tration of interleukin-6 (IL-6), attributed nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)-dependent tigators propose that this checkpoint
to the activation of Toll-like receptor-2 manner (Figure 1). could differentially regulate immunity to
(TLR2) by S. aureus-derived products Conventionally, sustained TLR activa- pathogenic and nonpathogenic skin flora
including lipoteichoic acid (Lai et al., tion is associated with persistent inflam- (Kurokawa et al., 2012).
2009) and lipoproteins (Hashimoto et al., matory cytokine production and tissue These studies suggest unique features
2006). In this month’s issue of Immunity, damage. However, in recent years, the of the skin microenvironment. Cutaneous
Skabytska et al. (2014) demonstrate that notion that TLR activation might initiate innate immune cells, including keratino-
S. aureus lipoproteins initiate TLR2/TLR6 an alternative cellular response to limit cytes, dendritic cells, and mast cells,
heterodimer signaling, ultimately causing unremitting inflammation and protect express TLR2. Previously, expression of
IL-6-dependent expansion of myeloid- the host has emerged. This notion is TLR2 on MDSCs has been shown to be

Immunity 41, November 20, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Inc. 677



of FITC-challenged mice following

Pam2Cys application. Collectively, these
data are consistent with the interpretation
that TLR2/6 heterodimer ligation drives
iNOS-dependent suppression of T cell
The overall effect of TLR2/6 hetero-
dimer activation in the skin on cutaneous
immunity is unclear. In this study, type 2
immune responses were inhibited by
MDCSs recruited to the skin following
epicutaneous TLR2/6 heterodimer activa-
tion. Other studies, however, show that in
response to TLR2 and TLR6 signaling
(also initiated by diacylated lipoproteins),
keratinocytes release thymic stromal lym-
phopoietin (TSLP) (Vu et al., 2010). TSLP,
in turn, has an established role in indu-
cing type 2 immune responses. Factors
that determine the balance between
TLR2/6 heterodimer induced TSLP and
recruitment of MDSCs remain to be
This interpretation of the present data is
also clouded by recent work from the
same laboratory using a less conventional
model of AD, in which OVA-specific
in vitro polarized Th2 cells were adop-
tively transferred into mouse skin (Kaesler
et al., 2014). Administration of the same
Figure 1. S. aureus Recruits MDSCs to the Skin diacylated ligand for TLR2/6 hetero-
Interactions between S. aureus and TLR2/6 heterodimers on keratinocytes cause release of IL-6, CCL22,
dimers, Pam2Cys, perpetuated IL-4-
and CCL28. These factors expand and recruit MDSCs to the skin. MDSCs in turn suppress T cell expan-
sion via a NO-dependent mechanism. dependent cutaneous inflammation
rather than reducing it, as would be pre-
dicted by the current study. In their previ-
important for the release of IL-6 that for recruitment of regulatory cells into ous work, the authors conclude that
drives MDSC accumulation (Chalmin the skin. Further analysis of receptor expression of TLR2/6 heterodimers on
et al., 2010). In contrast, utilizing a combi- function might demonstrate important cutaneous DCs drives inflammation, in
nation of bone marrow chimeras and commonalities in the recruitment of an IL-4-dependent manner. Although it is
Tlr2 / mice, Skabytska et al. have shown MDSCs, regulatory T cells, and other difficult to reconcile how the same ligand
that in skin, expression of TLR2 on MDSC cells with ‘‘suppressive’’ function into the could have such divergent effects in the
precursors is dispensable for MDSC cutaneous environment. skin, distinct temporal effects on different
expansion. Rather, expression of TLR2 Skabytska et al. report that both cell populations could provide an expla-
on skin-resident cells, primarily keratino- S. aureus and the ligand for TLR2/6 heter- nation. In this case, ligation of TLR2/6
cytes, drives upregulation of both cuta- odimers, Pam2Cys caused a decrease in heterodimers on skin-resident DC popu-
neous and systemic IL-6 and subsequent T cell numbers and a corresponding lations could contribute to early immune
expansion of MDSC populations. Further, decrease in interferon-g (IFN-g) and IL-4 activation while initiating an IL-6-depen-
following epicutaneous application of concentrations in the skin. Ex vivo dent process to expand and recruit
ligands binding TLR2/6 heterodimers, analysis showed that splenic MDSCs MDSCs to the skin to later restore immune
CCL22 and CCL28 chemokines were isolated from Pam2Cys-treated mice homeostasis.
upregulated in the skin and expres- blocked the proliferation of naive T cells, How do these findings correlate with
sion (albeit low) of the corresponding as well as T cells polarized in vitro what we know about patients with
receptors CCR3, CCR4, and CCR10 was toward T helper 1 (Th1), Th2, or Th17 atopic dermatitis? S. aureus colonization
reported on cutaneous MDSCs. Expres- cell subsets. Mechanistically, T cell pro- is strongly associated with AD and
sion of CCR3, CCR4, and CCR10 has liferation was inhibited by MDSC-pro- S. aureus burden correlates with amounts
been best characterized in T cells and duced nitric oxide (NO) and an undeter- of proinflammatory cytokines in the skin,
particularly in regulatory T cell subsets. mined contact-dependent mechanism. including IL-6 (Travers et al., 2010).
Identification of these receptors on Corroborating this ex vivo analysis, high Consistent with results from their murine
MDSCs suggests a common program amounts of iNOS were found in the skin studies, Skabytska et al. (2014) show

678 Immunity 41, November 20, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Inc.



that human keratinocytes secrete IL-6 important in the interrelationship between Lai, Y., Di Nardo, A., Nakatsuji, T., Leichtle, A.,
Yang, Y., Cogen, A.L., Wu, Z.R., Hooper, L.V.,
in response to Pam2Cys, and that commensal bacteria and the cutaneous Schmidt, R.R., von Aulock, S., et al. (2009). Nat.
patients with AD display increases in immune response. Med. 15, 1377–1382.
iNOS expressing MDSC populations in
their blood and skin compared to healthy Pandey, S.P., Chandel, H.S., Srivastava, S.,
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will likely require further exploration Kiyohara, A., Suda, Y., Krikae, F., Kirikae, T., and
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combining more physiologically relevant Travers, J.B., Kozman, A., Mousdicas, N., Saha,
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previously unappreciated TLR2 and Vu, A.T., Baba, T., Chen, X., Le, T.A., Kinoshita, H.,
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TLR6-dependent ‘‘Toll-erance’’ mecha- Dohmae, N., Nakayama, H., and Lee, B.L. (2012). Ogawa, H., et al. (2010). J Allergy Clinical Immunol
nisms in the skin that might be critically J. Bacteriol. 194, 3299–3306. 126, 985–993, 993 e981–983.

Tumors STING Adaptive Antitumor Immunity

Vincenzo Bronte1,*
1Verona University Hospital and Department of Pathology and Diagnostics, University of Verona, 37134 Verona, Italy

*Correspondence: vincenzo.bronte@univr.it

Immunotherapy is revolutionizing the treatment of cancer patients, but the molecular basis for tumor
immunogenicity is unclear. In this issue of Immunity, Deng et al. (2014) and Woo et al. (2014) provide evidence
suggesting that dendritic cells detect DNA from tumor cells via the STING-mediated, cytosolic DNA sensing

Although the terms antigenicity and While there is agreement about the for epitopes generated by mutations are
immunogenicity are often used as syno- existence of tumor-associated and even becoming more common.
nyms, they refer to different features of tumor-specific antigens, the immunoge- Immunogenicity, on the other hand, is
the adaptive immune response. Antige- nicity of cancer is still debated. Somatic both clinically and experimentally more
nicity defines the capacity of an antigen mutations in cancer can generate new difficult to define (Blankenstein et al.,
to bind specifically to lymphocyte recep- antigens with a frequency varying more 2012). Some transplantable cell lines
tors, either expressed on the cell surface than 1,000-fold between the lowest and and tumors induced by carcinogenesis
or when released as antibodies after highest extremes across different cancer can prime the adaptive immune response,
B cell activation. Immunogenicity refers histology types (Lawrence et al., 2013). which is then able to control initially tumor
to the ability of an antigen to prime either Melanoma has one of the highest rates growth and progressively select variants
T or B cells. Antigens can thus bind to a of mutation and is associated with anti- escaping immune recognition by different
T or B cell receptor, but to be consid- tumor T cells in the blood or among tu- mechanisms (Schreiber et al., 2011).
ered immunogens, they must also trigger mor-infiltrating leukocytes in patients, as However, sporadic, autochthonous tu-
an adaptive immune response by acti- well as with serum immunoglobulin G mors can promote a response character-
vating dendritic cells (DCs). In this issue (IgG) antibodies against hundreds of tu- ized by the induction of tumor-reactive
of Immunity, Deng et al. (2014) and mor antigens. Due to technical restraints, IgG antibodies, the expansion of unre-
Woo et al. (2014) analyze the molecular the first molecularly defined tumor-asso- sponsive (anergic) CD8+ T cell popu-
basis for such immunogenicity, pro- ciated antigens (TAA) were shared, mostly lations, and infiltration of T cells in
viding insight into DC activation by nonmutated ‘‘self molecules,’’ but iden- neoplastic lesions (Willimsky et al.,
cancer. tification of immune responses specific 2008). Some investigators consider this

Immunity 41, November 20, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Inc. 679

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