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Is the app based model of OYO rooms competitively relevant and profitably
sustainable, especially during consolidation phase?
Ans 1. The biggest addition to OYO room rate has come from their app. It’s revolutionary
in its own way as it’s the first time globally that there is an app for hotel managers
(no check in happens in without the hotel app) similar to the Uber driver app. His
belief is that he is building a mobile first company using more than 10 business
enabling apps such as such as hotel verification, standardization audit, quality audit
reconciliation and property performance tracers etc that is geo-location mapped , by
means of which, one can on real time identify and fix issues at a room, by room level.
This has been achieved on the app with more than 6,00,000 downloads just within 3
months since launch. The apps are successfully running across 12,000 plus rooms. So
yes the app based model of OYO rooms competitively relevant and profitably sustainable, in
comparison to other hotel models.

Ques 2. How does OYO room fit into the concept of content marketing?
Ans 2. It is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable relevant and
consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience with the objective of
drawing profitable customer action. The result of content marketing is phenomenal
Potential customer finds the content value in it and eventually get consumed to buy the
product and service. However the crux lies in the clearly defining the customer segment
and positioning the product/service with the right message (Content). OYO room had
adopted the strategy of hitting at upwardly mobile demographically defined techno savvy
youth of the country. The case clearly brings to limelight to capacity of the companies clarity
about their customer segmentation and respective targeting prepositions.

Ques 3 Suggest an alternative advertisement strategy to reach out to tier three customers?
Ans - The Advertisement strategy which can be used by OYO for tier 3 are as follows –
Print Advertisement – Print advertisement can play wonders for anyone who wants to reach
to the third tier of our geographic.
Print advertisements plays a mammoth role in tier three as these ads are vividly consumed by
the consumers at level three in the form of newspapers, Flyers, Pamphlets, Posters and many
more ways.
These types of advertisement would suit perfect for a company like oyo to penetrate the third
tier and stand up against all barriers.
Television Advertisements on Local Channels – Local T.V Channels have a huge buzz in
the tier three division of our geography. These local channels would help reach out those
potential customers which are located away from the metropolitans and would help to grow
exponentially in terms of customer base.
FM & Radio – A lot of local population is connected to radio entertainment and advertising
the same could tap huge amount of tier 3 population for OYO. These advertisements can
prove to be very vital to tap the tier 3 markets and will help OYO generate brand awareness
and bring forward their brand to the local public without any hassles.

Ques 4 - Evaluate the influence of social media marketing in the success of OYO rooms?

Ans - OYO has been aggressively pushing fresh content to lure tier-2 and tier-3 cities. It
wanted to reach out to its demographics of young people who are continually fidgeting with
mobile and scrolling down until they find something worth their attention.
a) OYO digital marketing campaign runs across multiple channels with a focus on
personalised customer experience. Its Twitter account has over 60.3K followers and
robust presence.
b) OYO Facebook has wide-spread reach with more than one million followers and
likes. The company stays active, posts daily and maintains engagement with its
c) Social media presence of the brand is marked by several popular videos, including the
ones such as #AurKyaChahiye on YouTube, #OYOnauts, Jai Hind Campaign, and so

 #AurKyaChahiye: Highlighted the cost-effective proposition, particularly rooms

starting from as less as Rupee 999 (It was pushed on radio and print media as well).
This campaign was aimed to reach out to people in tier-3 cities and to make it a brand
for everybody, including senior citizens who travel alone but get tickets booked by
their kid.

 #OneforEveryone: Eight different short movies highlighting the customer segment,

the diverse demographics OYO is catering to

 #OYOnauts: The social media team conducted a contest on Twitter where the users
had to submit their story and a winner would get a sponsored trip

d) OYO YouTube

OYO has optimised YouTube to bring forward the ‘human’ side of doing business with it. It
seemed to work pretty well for OYO too. Their channel rolls in testimonials and clients’
feedback in a highly professional way. It also documents the team’s day-to-day life and how
the customers’ satisfaction and happiness is the number one priority for OYO. The playlists
are ‘Heroes of OYO’, OYO FriYAY diaries, OYO Travel Diaries that is the perfect use case
for influencer marketing!

e) Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is an integral aspect of OYO digital marketing strategy. Some of the most popular and
highly competitive keywords for OYO Rooms are hotels near me, OYO Rooms Delhi, OYO
Rooms, cheap hotels in Bangalore, OYO Hotels in Manali and many more. Besides organic
SEO terms, the brand invests in paid search campaigns for keywords like hotel booking
online, best hotel deals, hotel rooms cheap, hotels nearby, hotel prices in Delhi, and so on.

f) Influencer Marketing

Apart from YouTube’s Travel Diaries, OYO’s influencer marketing is extended to Instagram
as well. However, it is not brazen, and the brand manages to maintain subtlety and
entertainment quotient throughout the promotion. In making OYO rooms influencer
marketing played a very well role.

Ques 5– What patterns of entrepreneurship style emerges from the story of Ritesh Aggarwal?

The leadership team is the backbone of any company – and pretty much the bedrock for a
young company or startup. But the hard thing is to not only identify and bring those leaders
on board, but also to retain them, ensure they understand and completely buy into the
company’s philosophy.

From day one, we have a razorsharp focus on building a team with great leaders and partners
who are equally committed to OYO’s mission.

Mr Ritesh Aggarwal avoids jumping to conclusions without hearing, and thinking,

everything through; he has created a "listening culture" that encourages everyone to share
their opinions.

Mr Ritesh Aggarwal is an advocate of distributed leadership Each person took ownership for
a piece. The speed with which OYO achieved consensus, changed gears and rallied the entire
organization to deliver on this new strategy illustrates how founders can leverage distributed
leadership to drive scale. Distributed leadership is about devolving decision-making to a
broader group; letting employees own the problems you want them to solve; and empowering
leaders to own and drive parts of the organization - while retaining a strong management
core. At OYO, this approach is rooted in the company's collaborative culture and flat
management structure, which aims to foster an entrepreneurial approach to driving growth.
The distributed leadership model deployed at companies like Netflix and Google inspired him
early on and has shaped how OYO engages and empowers employees.
Large organizations are embracing distributed leadership to ensure they stay nimble and
responsive in a fast-changing world.

This approach has created a deeper sense of ownership and belonging, which has been critical
in keeping the team engaged. Meanwhile the passion and longevity of the senior leadership
team, in a market known for high turnover, is what gives Mr Ritesh Aggarwal the continued
confidence to lean into the distributed leadership model.

In five short years, OYO has morphed from a rebellious tech start up that saw the opportunity
in budget hotel accommodation into one of India's top hotel brands, with an eye on the wider
region. They've forayed into the premium economy segment with OYO Townhouse, vacation
rentals with OYO Home and corporate apartments with Oyo Silverkey.

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