The Process of Planning and Development

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The process of Planning and Development

The PROCESS OF RESORT PLANNING and development is basically an economic one, and
all other economic objective.

Management has critical role early stages. However, until recently management’s role was not
fully appreciated; managements become involved in the process after irreversible decisions had
already been made. These decisions often had a definite economic impact on the resort project
scertic orientation of the hotel of the hotel to major recreational facilities.

The Role of Professional Planners

Resort development planning especially in the case of the larger resorts, generally requires a
systems approach; that is, one that calls for the developer to bring together groups of
professionals from various fields. These professionals then work together as a cooperative team
to resolve economic social, environmental, architectural, engineering and planning problems
involved in the resort project:

The Cooperative Team

Typical participants in the planning and development process include one or more individuals in
each of the following categories.

 Developers
 Market and financial analysts
 Architects
 Engineers and potential contractors
 Land planners
 Social engineers
 Lawyers
 Management consultants or hotel operators
 Interior designers
 Technology Consultants
 Government relations advisers
 Recreational facilities consultants

Others including those consulted on an as-needed basis will be added to the team depending
upon the size and scope of the resort. All individuals on the team should be experienced in the
resort development process, bringing to the team their own special skills while at the same time,
understanding the perspective and needs of other team members. The interaction of team
members is enhanced if participants have worked together in the past on similar projects.

The Five Phases of Resort Planning and Development

Resort development is a process that links investors /owners, developers, and the hotel operating
company in a lengthy working relationship to develop a product which appeals to the market
and at the same time satisfies the demands of all three parties. The national accounting firm of
laventhol & Horvath identifies five phases of activities as constituting the development process.
These five phases, shown in Exhibits I and discussed in the following sections, are :

1. Conceptualization, Planning and initiation.

2. Feasibility analysis
3. Commitment
4. Design, layout, and construction
5. Management and operation.

Phase 1
Conceptualization, Planning, and Initiation
The resort project is first conceptual. In a general way, with ideas contributed by either
developers, property owners, investors, hotel management companies, public or quasi-public
agencies, or special interest groups One, two, or three of these parties may propose the need for
a resort project, frequently specifying the site, type, size, preferred operator, and physical
characteristics of the proposed resort.
The planning and development team will also be assembled during this phase.
Compliance with local government regulations. Local government regulations with respect to
resort development must be considered before developing regulates various kinds of
development. Local land use plans of the designate particular locations as suitable for a specific
use, such as agricultural, commercial, industrial, or resort. Locations that have attractive natural
features of ecological or historical significance may be reserved and designated as open space; if
resort development is allowed in such locations, it may be subject to prior approval based on the
preparation and evaluation of environmental impact statements. The process of, and increased
attention to, zoning and other planning controls has evolved to prevent the damage caused in
some resort areas by haphazard commercial hotel developments.

Phase: 2
Feasibility Analysis
The purpose of a feasibility analysis or study is to determine whether the preliminary master plan
can be justified in economic terms, and whether it will comply with social, environmental,
political, and legal constraints. Besides conventional debt—financing sources and preferred by
equity sources, both of which will be needed to carry the resort through the later development
stages to completion. It also serves as a blueprint for a more detailed marketing plan later on.

Phase 3
 In the third phase of development, final negotiation on many aspects of the project are
concluded. Two of the most important of these are the environmental impact statement
(EIS) and decisions about ownership structure and financing.
 Environmental impact statements are written reports that describe the possible
environmental effects of a specific project. They are required for many major actions that
may significantly affect the environment. In addition to the EIS, financing for both direct
and indirect must be found during this phase.
Phase 4
Design, layout & construction
 During the fourth phase of the planning process, the resorts Architectural design
and layout are developed.
 Gross space allocations are made for each element of the resort. When financing is
secured, the resort management contract signed and the project approved, the project
manager is added to the team.
 He/she works with the architects, construction team, and interior designers to draw up the
final plans and schedules.
 Preparing and executing the construction management documents and building the resort
completes phase four.

Phase 5
Management & operation
 The fifth phase generally begins one to two years before the resort opens and continues
 The objective of the fifth phase-the resort long term success-depends on the strength
and expertise of management and employees and their ability to run the hotel as it was
intended to be operated.
 The master plan continues to function as a blue print for ongoing operations even after
the development project is completed.

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