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MI …………………………………………….
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari, Tanggal : ………..
Kelas : IV (empat) Waktu : ………..

I. Berilah tanda silang ( x ) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang benar!
( skore 35)

1. It is a … d. Four monkeys

4. It is a small animal, It is …
a. Elephant
b. Tiger
c. Lion
d. Ant
a. Duck
b. Goose
5. … and … are wild animal.
c. Snake
d. Fish
2. What animal is it? … (kura-kura)

a. Lion and tiger

b. Lion and bull
c. Lion and crocodile
a. It is a cat
d. Lion and shark
b. It is a turtle
6. Julio likes
c. It is a hen
d. It is a squirrel

3. Lula: Hi Kiko, How many monkey do

you see in the picture?
Kiko: Oh, Hi Lula! There is ….. a. Mango
b. Apple
c. Banana
d. Melon

a. Two monkeys
b. Three monkeys
c. Seven monkeys
b. nd
c. rd
7. “Watermelon” in indonesian is …
d. th
a. Jeruk
b. Apel
c. Semangka
12. …., second, third, fourth.
d. Melon
a. First
b. Fourth
c. Fifth
d. Sixth

For Number 13-15


Monkey likes … No Name Score

1. Gea 80
a. Banana
2. Khansa 79
b. Apple
3. Rania 90
c. Kiwi
4. Dannish 85
d. Sawo

13. Rania is on the …rank.

a. Second
b. Third
What is it? c. First
d. Fourth
a. It is cabbage
b. Squash
14. Dannish is on the … rank
c. Long bean
d. Chili
a. Second
10. Angga: Do you like carrot? b. Third
Fahrel: No, … c. Fourth
d. Fifth
a. I do not
15. Gea is on the … rank
b. I does not
a. First
c. I am not
b. Second
d. You are not
c. Third
d. Fourth

11. “1” The Abbrevation is …

16. Sunday, Monday, ….
a. st
a. Tuesday
b. Thursday
c. Wednesday
d. Saturday

17. ….., February, March, April.

a. June Ardhi like ….
b. July
c. January a. Foot ball
d. August b. Volley ball
c. Basket ball
18. d. Tennis

17 Agustus 2023
a. August 17rd , 2023
b. August, 17th , 2023
c. August 17st , 2023
d. August 17nd , 2023

19. Riska like …

a. Singing
b. Dancing
August, c. Painting
17th d. Reading

23. “Basket ball” in indonesian is…

a. It is August the second a. Basket
b. I is August the first b. Voli
c. It is August the seventeenth c. Bulu tangkis
d. It is August the third d. Sepak bola

20. The Kartini’s day is ….

a. April the twenty second 24. “Haidar like swimming” in indonesian is

b. April the twenty fourth
a. Haidar suka menyanyi
c. April the first b. Haidar suka basket
d. April the twenty first c. Haidar suka berenang
d. Haidar suka sepak bola.
21. 25. “Dancing” in indonesian is…
a. Menyanyi
b. Menari
c. Melukis
d. Membaca
II. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini
dengan jawaban yang tepat !
( Skor : 20 )

What time is it? 31. This animal likes banana and peanut,
a. It is five past two usually it has a long tail. What animal is
b. It is two past five it?
c. It is a quarter to three
d. It is half past seven


What time is it?

a. It is three o’clock
b. It is five o clock
c. It is ten to four 32.
d. It is six to four
My mother buys a kilo of ……….. in the

28. 25…

Ayu …… in the morning.

a. Wake up
b. Sleep
c. Watch
d. Read
34. Mention twelve month in a year!
29. It is five o’ clock …
a. 05.00 January, ……., …….., April, May,
b. 05.30 ………, July, …………., september,
c. 05.15 october, ………, ………..
d. 04.55

30. It is ten o’ clock

a. 09.10
May June …
b. 10.00
c. 10.10
d. 10.30
36. a. 21, April 2023
b. 17, Agustus
Tuesday …… Wednesday c. 18, November

43. Mention 7 days in a week!

Sunday,……., ……….., ………….Thursday,
……., Saturday.

44. Nanda likes …


Shine, Fadhil, and Vino playing ………in the


……………. ………….. …………….


Naura …….…On Friday 45.

a. It is eleven o’clock =
b. It is nine o clock =
c. It is quarter to three =

39. What time is it?

40. It is a quarter past twelve …..

III. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan
berikut dengan jawaban yang
benar ! ( Skor : 25 )

41. Translate this to an indonesian !

Peacock Rambutans Garlic

…………. ………….. …………

Kunci Jawaban:

a. 11.00
b. 09.00
c. 02.45

1. A 11. A 21. A
2. B 12. A 22. A
3. A 13. C 23. A
4. D 14. A 24. C
5. C 15. C 25. B
6. A 16. A 26. A
7. C 17. C 27.C
8. A 18. B 28.A
9. D 19. C 29.A
10. A 20. B 30.B

31. Monkey
32. Carrot
33. 25th
34. February, March, June, August,
September, November, December.
35. July
36. Thursday
37. Volley ball
38. Dancing
39. Seven o’clock
40. 12.15

41. Merak, Rambutan, Bawang Putih.
a. April 21st , 2023
b. August 18th , 2023
c. November 18th ,2023
43. Monday, Tuesday ,Wednesday, Friday.
44. Singing, Painting, Playing Music.

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