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Maths Lab Assignment- 3




# Define the probabilities of each event

probs <- c(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1)

# Define the possible values of X

x <- 0:3

# Calculate the mean of X

mean <- sum(x * probs)

# Print the result

print(paste("The mean is", mean))


# Calculate the variance of X

variance <- sum((x - mean)^2 * probs)

# Print the result

print(paste("The variance of X is", variance))


density <- function(x) {

ifelse(x >= 7 & x <= 8, 1, 0)


# Calculate the expected value of X

expected_value <- integrate(function(x) {x * density(x)}, lower = 7, upper = 8)$value

# Print the result

print(paste("Expected value of X:", expected_value))


variance <- integrate(function(x) {(x - 7.5)^2 * density(x)}, lower = 7, upper = 8)$value

# Print the result

print(paste("Variance of X:", variance))


# Calculate E(2X + 3)

expected_value <- 2 * integrate(function(x) {x * density(x)}, lower = 7, upper = 8)$value + 3

# Print the result

print(paste("Expected value of 2X + 3:", expected_value))


# Calculate E(X^2)

expected_value <- integrate(function(x) {x^2 * density(x)}, lower = 7, upper = 8)$value

# Print the result

print(paste("Expected value of X^2:", expected_value))



p_success <- 0.4 # probability of success for each well

p_fail <- 1 - p_success # probability of failure for each well

# Probability that all wells fail

p_all_fail <- p_fail^4

# Probability that one or more wells succeed

p_one_or_more_success <- 1 - p_all_fail



p_success <- 0.4 # probability of success for each well

n_wells <- 4 # number of wells

# Calculate the probability of each possible number of successes

probs <- dbinom(0:n_wells, n_wells, p_success)

# Calculate the expected number of successes

expected_successes <- sum(0:n_wells * probs)



p_success <- 0.4 # probability of success for each well

p_no_success <- (1 - p_success)^4 # probability of no success for all four wells




lambda <- 2.00 # average number of collisions

k <- 1 # number of collisions we want to calculate the probability for

# Using the dpois() function to calculate the probability of k collisions

prob <- dpois(k, lambda)



lambda <- 2.00 # average number of collisions

k <- 2 # maximum number of collisions we want to consider

# Using the ppois() function to calculate the probability of at most k collisions

prob <- ppois(k, lambda)



lambda <- 4.00 # average number of collisions in two weeks

k <- 2 # number of collisions we want to calculate the probability for

# Using the dpois() function to calculate the probability of k collisions

prob <- dpois(k, lambda)



# Given information

mean <- 24

sd <- 4

# a) P(X > 44)

p_a <- 1 - pnorm(44, mean, sd)


# b) Find k so that P(X < k) = 0.0228

k <- qnorm(0.0228, mean, sd)

# c) P(X < 14)

p_c <- pnorm(14, mean, sd)




mean <- 10

sd <- 0.03

x <- 10.075

1 - pnorm(x, mean, sd)


mean <- 10

sd <- 0.03
x1 <- 9.97

x2 <- 10.03

pnorm(x2, mean, sd) - pnorm(x1, mean, sd)


mean <- 10

sd <- 0.03

p <- 0.15

qnorm(p, mean, sd)

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