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Principle of Operation - Classlflcatl on of Jet Propulslve Engines - Wortd119

Principles with Schem•tlc Diagrams and Representa tion on T-S D1. .ra111 - Tllrust,
· ·T hrust Power and Propulalon Efficiency
Q20. What is meant by jet propulsion? Explain the various devices in a jet propulsion unit.
Jet propulsion is a means oflocomotion, where a reaction force is imparted to a device by momentum offluid. Jet propulsion
is generally based on the principle of Newton's second law and third law of motion.
Jet propulsion devices are used in high speed, high altitude spacecrafts, missiles etc.
Jet Propulsion Unit
The essential components in a jet propulsion unit are as follows,
t. Diffuser
The function of diffuser is to convert the kinetic energy of the inlet air into pressure energy by slowing down the entering air.
This compresses the air and is called the ramming effect. Diffusers have an advantage of getting higher compression ratio in a
rotary compressor.
2. Compressor
Compressors used for jet propulsion are of rotary type. The function of the compressor is to compress the air to a high
pressure. The compressed air is then passed to the combustion chamber. Axial type of air compressors are commonly
3. Combusti,on Chamber
The air compressed by the compressor enters into the combustion chamber where fuel is added. The combustion_of fuel
causes very high rate of temperature rise in the combustion chamber·at constant pressure.
4. Turbine · "
In the wrbine, the working fluid is expanded so that the power developed is just sufficient to drive the compressor and
the accessories. . . • .
S. Jet Nozzle
The gases coming out of the turbine are then expanded in the nozzle placed just after the turbine. This expansion produces
high velocity jet which imparts momentum to aircrafts, rockets, ~tc. The reaction to the jet propels_the unit forward.
• Fuel passage

Air inlet Exhaust gases

Compressor Twbine
Figure: Jet Propulsion Unit
Q21. Explain the principle of jet propulsion engines.
Answer: ·
Ajet propulsion engine is an engine that releases high velocity jet of fluid to develop thrust in the opposite direction of
the jet inorder to move the aircraft.
The principle of jet propulsion is similar to that of reaction principle (i.e., Newton's third law of motion). According to
Newton law, whenever momentwn is applied to a mass of fluid, then there will be an equal and opposite reaction force ·o f the
fluid on the engine. Thus, this opposite reaction force is known as propulsive force.
In jet propulsion engines, the gas turbine power is used only to drive the compressor and other auxiliary equipment, the
enough propulsive power cannot be produced by the gas turbine unit. Thus, the work output of a jet propulsio!} cycle is zero.
lbe high temperature and pressure gas stream coming out from the turbine is expanded through a nozzle so that the gas streams
U)ffle out with high velocity, thus, producing propulsive power to propel the aircrafts.

• •• IUt ~ p,G.R ML FOil ENCIINEEIUNGsruDeNTS - - - - - - - SIA GROUP ~

GINEERING-11 (JNTU-HYDERABA01 UNIT ·6 Jet Propulsion and Rockets
THERMAL EN ---------- and a gas turbine unit.
5 .6 Q24. Differenti ate between a jet propulsio n unit
devlc••· Nov./Dec.-12, (11101), °'(i)
022. Write • detailed claHlflcat lon of propulalv • Anewer 1
v i th.: t,..c,
generation . In a ga, turbine unit , rhc chemica l c11e rg;
Anawer A gas turbine is a compact. self-contain ed unit for power ,a~ turb,n.c , /,,, .._
then this heat energy is converted into shall work C
is first converted into heat · throug h a combustion process
t in ,,.,c,.:Jit, c .. ,_,
. .. orics according to the methods of operation, compared to o ther prime mo vers. (ias turbine, a rc li gh
Clauillr•tl on of J•t l'ru1mlsh·e i,;ngine, . . lower lhermal cfticicncy and higher mechani ca l efficiency I and fue l u-cd rn .. y
I ht· propuls1vi: cng rn t"~ n m bt· class1f1cd 11110 two rna111 cukg the name implies. working fluid is gas (genera lly air
to start and stop and easy to install . In gas turbines, as s of ga5 turb ines are for power gc ne ral1 r,11
The major fields of application
Atmospheric j ,·t engin,·s or breathing c~gincs be a gaseous .fuel, liquid fuel or solid pulve rized fuel. 1t-.. di
I. such a~ they are not self-sta rting a nd ha vt: low cflicicnc
aircraft and marine propul sions. Gas turbines have limitations
'1 Krn.:k"'I l'11gint·s or lh>n•brl·athing cngirn-s. payloads .
m the
. . Their erformance depends on the atmospheric a jt:t propulsion system . a jet o f hig h veloci ly nuid existing
_A tmo,phe_r k Jet Engines . . Jet propuls ion is used for high-speed propulsions. In co mbustion ga,
air. P its forward motjon. The open cycle cons tant pressure
rl1ese engu1es obtam the rcqu,r~ oxygen from the atmospheric system provides the required thrust on the system for shall 1xiwer. In
used for propulsion differs from that whic h is used for
tempc,raturc 1111d pr.·ssure. turbine is most suited for jet propulsion . The gas turbine propulsion
e gas is expanded entirely in the turbine. Whereas, for
The a1111nspheric jct engines are classified as follows, case of the gas turbine, the high pressure and high temperatur to provide the necessary work inpul lo the
partially expanded in turbine
application , the high pressure and temperatur e gas is gas from the turbine
Steady combustion system - c_ontinuous air flow in a nozzle which is placed just a Iler the turbine. The
I 1) compresso r and the rest of the expansion is achieved jel propuls ion
Ramjet engine passing through the nozzle is accelerated and comes out in the forrn of hig h velocity jct. The reaction of this
(a) while
(b) Turbojet engine make the system move in the fmward direction.
are shown below.
(c) Turbo-propeller engine Difference s between gas turbines and jet propulsions
Jet Propuhlon
(JJ Turbo-ramjet engine. Gas Turbine
unit used for power generation. I. It is a large unil us.:d for power generation .
(i i) lntenninent combustion system - intermittent air flow I . It is a compact
2. Once started. the cycle is complicale to slop.
(a) Pu\se-jet engine. 2. It is easy to start and stop and easy to install.
Moreover the installalion is not easy.
2. R0<:ket Engines
fuel. Their perfonnanc~ is independent of atmospher e. 3. It depends on gas turbine unit for install ation .
These engines carry their own oxidizer for combu; tion of 3. It does not depend on jet propulsion for installation.
propellants as follows, 4. The output obtained is the moment o f the syslcm
The rocket engines are classified, according to the type of 4, The output obtained is the shaft work.
in forward direction .
(a) Liquid propellent rocket '
5. In jet propulsion , a jet of high velocity fluid c·xisrmg
tbl Solid propellent rocket. , 5. In gas turbine, the chemical enefg)' of the fuel is first
the system provides the required thrusl on the
Q23. Explain the Ram-Jet engine with neat sketch. converted into heat through a combnstion process.
sys1em for its forward motion.
Answer: then this heat energy is converted into shaft work.
n engine?
' A simple schematic diagram of a ramjet engine is shown
in the ti e below . . . Model Paper~. Q10 Q25. What are the applications of jet propulsio
. I t : fl . Tius e1_igme does not req~tre compressor _or
turbme. as the entire compress ion is-carried out by ram compression y at supersomc speeds. The mam parts ofa ramJet Anewer 1
chambe d
eng me are diffuser (supersonic and subsonic), combustion by Different application s of jet propulsion engines are as
follows ,
Durin; :rt;zz~. The high pressure ratio required is obtained
ram compression and hence there is no need of compressor. enters into the diffuser at
the ress~r tr from the atmosphere
supersonic v~ loc1ty, where 1ts velocity gets reduced. This increases large extent. First,_the air passes tlrrough the Turbojet Engines
y the pre!ure in e to a . They are used in,
supersonic diffuser, where i_t is slowed down and consequentl subsonic These are most common type of air breathing engines
subsonic diffus creases suddenly. The arr then enters the
diff~ser._where the pressure of air further increases. From the where
mixed a d . er, the au enters into the combustion chamber, (a) Piloted aircraft
the lud ,s tnJectcd by means of injector. The air and fuel gets the temperature ,of
at the end o; tgruted. This combustion incr~ases
the mixture to an order of 1500 K - 2000 K. The pressure the expansion of the gases towards ' (b) Guided missile and
expansion o/~: diffuser restricts
i~ and forces _the gases towards the nozzle. This results in coming out of Military aircrafts.
air Th ' . gases towards the nozzle. The gases (c)
t e nozzle will have much greater velocity than that of enterin thrUSf
wit:no ~ov•i: high veloctty exhaust gas provides the forward
to tlie engme. It has the advantage of being light in weight Turbo Propeller Engines
Supersonic Subsonic g pa.rts and can use wide variety of fuel. They are used for short range aircrafts.
diffuser diffuser CombustJOn chamber
Ramjet Engloes
They are widely used in,
(a) Gui<led missiles
(b) High supersonic speed aircrafts.
Pulse Jet Engine
They ar.: suitable for,
(a) Subsonic flights and
Figure: Ramjet Engine ,e·
(b) Pilotless aircraft .
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5.8 THER ~ UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets 5 .9
, Answer: Q28 What is meant by thrust? Derive the thrust But from continuity'eq~iiP,11,
Applications or Jet Propulsion equation for a general propulsion system.
(I) Thrust e,uA , =lna•
Other applications of rocket propulsion include, Jr, .,. ;u ... (4;
Toe force obtained due to the change in momentum is AJ15wer: Nov./Dec:..-17, (R13), Q10(b) ·l' •~
(a) Artillery barrage rockets. called thrust. and
The force which moves or propels the propulsion device m0 +m1=p,~A, .. (5/
(b) Aircraft launched rockets. forward at a given speed is known as propulsive force (or) thrust.
Let, Substituting ~guation (4)<1,0d (5) in equation (3),
(c) Jet assistance in taking-off for air planes. c. _Velocity of approach of air or velocity of Vehicle The thrust developed mainly depends on relative velocity
(d) Engines for long range and high speed guided
· 'c:1 - Velocity ofjet of air on the propeller, velocity of gases at the exit of the nozzle
etc. · · ·
( e) Space vehicles. I+ mI ) _ Mass of products leaving the nozzt
Since m1 << m ,ri1 1
can be neglected:
Thrust Equation
( ~ ~
(t) Transonic air pl~es etc.
:,t,~~;' -11) . .(6)
Q26. What are the propulsive devices used in Change in momentum or thrust,
0 0 Similarly, for stead,rt'!9W !Qe pressure thrust is given as,
aircrafts and missiles?
T= (1 + mI ) (Ci - Ca) N/kg of air/s
'· \

Answer 1 Fp,=· P, A, +P0 (A; - A, )-P0 A;
Propulsive devices are those which facilitates an aircraft
Since the air flows over :ihf cross section Ai, thus the.
to ~usb off to the sw'.rounding space while flying . These can be (ii) Thrust Power pressure force is zero a,nd al~b assuming A; > A •.
mainly categorized into two types. The first one which makes Thrust ~wer is defined as the rate of generation of the : A, A,•A;
use of atmospheric air as a working medium for supplying thrust It 1s also defined as the product of the thrust and . u : 1 :.Fp,=(P0 -P0 )A, .. (7)
oxygen for combustion of fuel i.e., the jet engines and the second
which carries oxygen for fuel combustion i:e., rockets. The
performance of jet engines mainly depends upon the forward
the velocity of the vehicle i.e.,
Thrust power = ·Thrust + Velocity bf vehicle
_____ l ________________________________
V,1. Substituting equation (6) and (7) in equation (a),
F = m0 (V> u)+(P, -P0 )A,
speed of the ~~e and also the atmospheric temperature and
~~ condibons. While, the perfonnance ofrocket engines
IS independent of such conditions as it carries its own oxidizer
= [( 1+ :~)c1-C•)]c. W/kgofair
Fiprr. Celltnl Surf- llf I Jet l'reptllsllll Syatem
Comidcr a control surface with areas of cross-section
:. Thurs~ f= m.(Ve ::-u)+(P, -P0 )A,
~or ~e combustion of fuel. The propulsive devices mainly used A and A at entry and exit respectively. Let mass m0 be of air Where, m (V, -u) is m~ln:Jn~ thrust., (P. - P.)A, is
Propulsive Power
ID aircrafts and missiles are, 1 2 0
entering the control surface with velocity u and pressure P0 and pressure thrust.
I. Making use of atmospheric conditions, Propulsive power is the energy required to change the
the product of combustion of mass (m 0 + mj) leaves the control
momentum of the mass flow of gas. The kinetic energy Q29. Explain the various efficiencies associated with
(a) lndirecrreaction surface with velocity V, and pressure P,·
unparted to the fluid is the difference between the lcineiic · propulsion devices.
(i) Propeller energy at exit and the kinetic energy·at inlet. As the atmospheric air flows over the control surface, the

=~ t{ -c;2)]
part of the air is absorbed by the engine, which causes change Answer: Model Paper~M. 011
(ii) Turbo prop.
in the momentum flux and the remaining air flows over the
(b) Direct reaction Propulsive power= [ (1 + W~g engine without any change .in momentum flux. Th~. thrust is · analysed
The performance of a jet propulsion device can be
by various efficiencies like propulsive, thermal and
(i) Turbojet developed on the engine due·to changes in momentum flux and
(iv) Propulsive Efficien'cy overall efficiencies.
(ii) Athodyd. pressure.
Propulsive efficiency is defined as the ratio of the thrust :. The net thrust on the engine (F) = Momentum thrust+ Propulsive Efficiency
I. Ramjet athodyd type
power to the propulsive power i.e., Pressure thrust It is defined as the ra,io of !}\rust power to propulsive
2. Pulsejet athodyd type. TJ _ Thrustpower F=F., +Fp, power.
II. Those which are independent ofatmospheric conditions propulsive - Propulsivepower
For steady flow, the momentum thrust is given as, Thrust power
Rocket ' i.e. TJp
_[(1+~}<-c.J]c. F = Jpv,idA+ f puidA- fpuidA- f puidA

~rr c;')]
(i) Solid propellant ... (I)
., A, . A, -A, A, A,-A, mx(V0 ;. u)XII
(ii) Liquid propellant.
= mx(V/ -,.2) / 2
(a). Mono propellant type ,_ -[(1+ inomentum,
Sin~e the external flow does not undergo any change in
. 2(V· -u)Xij 2(V, -:-u)x11
(b) Bi propellant type.
Tip= (fJ-i? .) = (V; +uXV; -11)
027. Define the following terms,
(v) Efl'ective Jet Velocity :. Jpu 2dA- fpu dA =
(I) · Thrust ~e velocity ofjet relative to ihe exit nozzle in rn/s is A,-A, A,-A,
g ~~ as effective jet exit velocity. It is represented by 2 > TJp= (V,+11)
(II) Thrust power · is expressed as, F = Jpv,2dA- f pu dA ... (2)
., A, A, Where • V' is the jet veiocity of gases leaving the nozzle
(Ill) Propulsive p~wer
(Iv) Propu(slve efficiency.
s= x-hdhx)OOO mis For 'one-dimemional flow, the momentum equation is
'u' is the-velocity of aif ~nte!"ing th~ engine.
Where, given as, ,. . . The propu_lsi'<'.e effi~~ies of various engines with fl ight
(v) Effective jet exit velocity relat.d to turbojet
x - Velocity coefficient of jet F,.c" P, v,2 A, -p,,i /4 ... (3) speed are shown in figure.

. '. r,J, - Enthalpy change for nozzle, kJ/kg
sP!ffl((iti" eftJ.-1~• JOClltlNII, '°" IIMl"RlflllCl·sn-,tm ·· : ·, '
a . 10
Forward Speed of the Aircraft ~ UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion qnd Rockets
The forward speed of the aircraft affects the .
Turbofan temperature and pressure of_the compressor. The inlet :e1 Q32. A jet propulsion s st
of 100 tonnes to ,;' em has to create a thrust 5.11
Turbof,rop t to the compressor acts as a diffuser. The air which ent ct 0 Compressed air temperature,
t of 700 km/hr If th ve the system at a velocity
-._.,,,Turbojet diffuser a! flight speed is slowed ~own to ~he speed acce::a~he
system is re~tricte~ ~:sa flow ~a~e through the T2 = 180"C= 180+273=453"
to compressor and at the same time ratsmg its pressure a le
temperature. This increase of temperature and pressur nd Find the exit gas velo;;.ax1mum of 30 kg/s. Turbine temperature,
Y a nd propulsive
to aircraft speed is_named as '.'ram effect". It becomes ~!~e efficiency. T, = 815°C = 815 + 273 = !Oi8 IC
promment as the fl'.ght speed mcreases. For the given aircra e A~swer: Turbine nozzle temperatirre,
speed and ram efficiency, the ram pressure rat10 tncreases ft
Given that, T, = 650°C = 650 + 273 = 923"
ambient temperature decreases at_high altitudes. The an:~~e
Noule efficiency, 11.v = 0.9
effect of aircraft_forward speed 1s m relation to propulsiv; Thrust, f = I 00 tonnes
efficiency. As flight velocity mcreases, the inlet drag
= I00 x 103 kg m"= 2100kg/min= 2~~o kg/s=35 ksfs .
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 increases. The overall effect of forward speed on inlet dra a1 so
--------.FJightS~e d,Kmph ram is to reduce the net specific thrust. g and Velocity of the system , i,; = 700 km/hr
i-:= 800 km/hr ·-
Figure: Verietiea •f Pre,ulsive Efficiency with Flight Speed The Altitude at which the Aircraft Flies Gas flow rate, m = 30 kg/s = 222.22 mis
Thermal Efficiency . The effe_ct of altitu_de on a propulsive devices is b Thrust force = m (v _ i,;) Assumey = 1.33
vtrtue of reduction of ambient ~emperature and pressure. Th~ 0

th Tl_iennal
efficiency of the propulsive devices is defined f=m(V,, - i,;)
:e e::nu:. of power output of the engine to the power input to
:.~i::e".1'e of atmosphere vanes continuously with location
V,, - exit velocity of the gas
CP, = 1.005 kJ/kg.K': Y.,,= 1.4

Q31. The effective jet exit velocity from a jet engine 1 oo x 103 = 30 <v,, - 100)
.·. TJ,.,. = P_ower output to the engine is 2700 mis. The forward flight velocity is 13SO IO0 x 10 3
Power input to the engine through iiel Vo= - - - + 700
mis and th~ air flow rate is 78.6 kg/s. Calculate 30
(I) ~rust (11) thrust power and (iii) propulsive V,, = 4033.33 km/hr
a Calo!ce :i:ro7~~-is '_,;, f • quantity of fuel bwned having efficiency. :. Exit gas velocity is, V,, = 40B.33 km/hr.
Answer: Propulsive efficiency
Hence, power input = mf x CV Nov./Dec.•17, (R13). Q11(a)
Given that, - 2v;
Velocity•ofjet engine, V. = 2700 mis 11p -_ v,,+v;
_ ½m(v,2-u 2 ) Velocity offlight, V =· I)50 mis 2(700)
TJ,h--.- - -
mfXCV Air flow rate, ,;, = 7(!.6 kg/s '1p = 4033.33 + 700
(i) Thrust
m(V 2 -u 2) 11p = 0.295
Thrust, T = ,;,(~ -J-;)
TJ,h = 2nt/xCV :. The propulsive_efficiency is 29.5%.
fi9ure: T-s Oiegrem
Overall Efficiency
= 78.6(2700 - 1350)
Q33. Air enters a jet propulsion engine at the
Ch,erall efficiency of the propulsive devices is defined :. T = 106110N
rate of 2100 kg/min at 15°C and 1 bar and is
!J.. =!'J.. =(r / ~'
(ii) Thrust Power T, P, '
as the ratio of propulsive power to power input to the engine. compressed adiabatically to 4 times the entry
Thrust power, P,h = T x v; pressure and to a temperature of 180"C. The
(a) hen tropic Efficiency of Turbine and CeapreHor
_ Propulsive power
= 1061 IO x 1350 products of combustion enter the turbine h; - h,
Tlo - Power-input to the engine = 143248500 •at 815°C and then enter the turbine nozzle '1, = h,- h,
T] = m(V, -u)u :. P,h = 143 .2485 x 106 W .at 650°C. Neglecting the ram effect and the
O "'f xcv (iii) Propulsive Efficiency mass of the fuel, assuming that the isentropic
efficiency of compressor and turbine to be
(h - h
' I
)= _!__ Ch. - h,)
Tl, -
The above equation can also be written as, Propulsive efficiency, I] =~
But, prop I+ s same and nozzle efficiency as 90%, find, Cp< T, - T,J _ _!__ _Cp (T; - r,,
m(V -u)u 2
m(V}-u ) i V
= ..J..
(a) The isentroplc efficiency of turbine and Tl,

Tlo I ,
(b) Power required to drive the compressor r,-r,=t[(f,-1)]
r,-r, it [,, ,-,-1j
= 2700 (c) Exit speed of gas~s
Tlo =Tjo X TJ,.,. (d) Thrust created when flying at 800 km/hr.
s =0.5 = >'
030. Explaln clearly the various factors affecting the Oec:.-10, Set-2, 07
performan~ of dfff9rent propul•lve device•. Then, Answer:

.._.wer, HovJDec.-17, (RU), Q11(b) Given that. . 453-288 = 2n8, 8r(4)','t _ 1]

lliere are two main factors which a/feet the performance
= ~I +0.5 Pressure, P, = I bar ·•
of different propulsive devices, explained as follows, =0.666 Air enters engine at temperature. I•: Co ~ , umcs l
T]pn,p =66.66% r, = 15°C = is + 273 = 2ss K; 516 MOUP ~
- - - - ~L~o:o:k;-;f:o;r:th;e:"i514W~GIIROUP~UPL~OG~~O~~~~o~n~t~h:e~TI;;T;;L-:E~c:o::v~e=R-be-,-----.:.....-- R EtlCIINEERltlCI ffllDEffl - - - - - - -
,ore you buy
& Jj
NEERINO •II (JNTU ·HYDERABAOJ UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets
THERMAL ENGi Q34. A Jet propulsion engine has comprHsor with pressure ratio 4 and compressed ai r ente,s 1tt0
e . 12 Pl. . -~ - 1. 8 10 bar combustion chamber where combustion occurs 90 •• to yield tamperature of 50o•c at rurbiM ini-.
/ ' 4 .. ,., 2.2 1 Actual temperature at Inlet to combustion chamber Is 10% more than that of lsentroplc comp,eNM
165 - -
➔ 0.41!6 temperature rise. Exhaust from turbine Is expanded up to atmospheric preHure of 1 bar. The ~
'1, p • 1.810 bar temperature Is 285 K. Determine, (I) power required to drive comprHsor, (II) air fuel ratio If caloriflc value

I J') '168 of fuel Is 43100 kJ/kg , (Ill) static thrust developed per kg of air per HCOnd.
NoYJ0ec ,•11, (111l}, 0111fb )
l b~
Give that,
165 fl , 139.96!! Te mperature at compressor inlet, T1 = 285 K
~ Pressure at compressor inlet, P 1 = I bar
fl, 165 Te~peraturc at combustion chamber outlet, r3 = 500°C c 500 + 273 = 773 K
- 0.849 (or) 84.9% ' p
0,248 Pressure rauo, j =4
1\- = 'l r = 84.9¾ J.0 0
= 923 X ( J.810 ) P2 = 4P 1
(bl Powu Requlnd to Drive the Comprrssor Pressure at compressor outlet, P2 = 4 x I = 4 bar
= 923 0.863 Calorifi c val~e. Cl. V = 43 100 kJ/kg
w,~ m. C p, (T2 - 7j) X

= 35 1.005 (453 - 288)

r; = 796.549 K
= 5803.8 kW
Turbine efficiency is given by, As the nozzle efficiency is given,
lj -T~
'l r = lj -T◄ T4 - Ts 2s ,
TJ,v = T4 - r;
T3 4
-T •x flr[1--= T3 r::! Ts= T4 - TJ,v(T4 -T;)
: I

(rr ) Y

1088 - 923 = 1088 x 0.849 x [ -
. -
(rr) Ill
l = 923 - 0.9(923 - 796.549)
= 923 - 113.806 = 809.19

Ts= 809.19 K
s -+

[fir = fie; Ygas = 1.3 3 ] I

(c) Velocity of Flow from the Nozzle

165 = 923.71 2 X (r---k«J

=285 X (4}L/f1
I ( 165 ) = 01 79·
V.= .J2 x l 147>< (923-809. 19) T =423.508 K
1- - - - = - -
(rrJ° i ◄ s 923.712 · Power R: quired to Drive Compressor
V.=5 10.96 :: 511 mis Actual temperature rise,
I - 0.71 9 = (rr )° 148
I (T, - T ) = I.I ( Ti., -Ti) . hamber inlet i, 1 0•✓- more than that of compn,ss<>r iempo.-nture)
(d) Thrust Force (' : it is ~iven that. actual temperature at combust10n c
I T?= Tl + 1. l(Tz., -Ti>
0.82 1 = (rr )°"241 F = n1(V0 - v;) [ r,; = 800 km/hr = ~ n i/s ] - = 285 + I . i (423.508 - 285)

h)o 24s=
o.821 = 1.2 i 8 r2 = 43 7.359 K
= )5 X (511 -222.22) Compressor work, ff, = C,_( Tz - T1 )
= 10107.3 N = \ .005 (437.359- 285 )
rr = (l.2 18) 0248
Thrust power, We= 153 .12 1 kJ/kgof air
rr = 2 .2 1 bar
Fp = F x ": = !0107.3 x 222 .22 x 10- 3 . p wer requtred. p
. = I5J .i 2 1 i.:Wfkgo f air --- ---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_::=::"iuaaciiP
- SIA ~ - .•
= 2246 kW
NG-II [JNTU-HYDERABADJ UNIT-6 Jet Propulsion and Rockell\
8 . 14 Cj ivcn 1ha1,
( b) ,\lr.-Uelltatlu
l'rc~s urc , / ' 1
I .CJ b~ r
lieut supph~ to cumbu, 11011 chaln~r.
Tcmpcralurc. 7' 1
IO' 'l'
V. • c, 1r, r:J
10 , 273
l.00~( 771 417 .3511)
283 K
{J, J l 7.J l 9 IJ •~II orair
S peed , r:,, 200 m/,cc
U•ini; rda11011. : ~ • Q. L' .V Temperalurc. 7'1 75(J'' C
750 ~ 2·13
• ) , J.17 .3 19 • 43 100
( m, 1021K

_- Air fucJ rut oo. ~ - 127 -772 _ l'rc~8 ure. /' 2 J ba r I\

(t )
St■tlr Th rut Dcvtlo~ed per k& ur air 11cr Second Comprc~sor e fli c1c ncy, TJ, ~5% O.X~
Turhi nc cfli c1cncy, TJ, XO"/,, O.k

1·l~) Dac k pressu re of noz7. lc. I', O.S ba r

Nonie eflic oc ncy, TJ ,, · 9 0% · o.9
T,, T1\ ~: )' , ' Calorific va lue , C, 35000 kJ/kg-K
S pec ific va lue for gas . c,,, - 1 12 k.J /k g-K
-m•Of' S pecific va lue fo r air. c,,, · 1.005_kJ/ kg-K
Tj,• 520_190 K
·r" 1.4
Hca.1 Jrop in the noale, t,J,' ~ Clo , - h 5, ) - (hz h ,)
y• 1.32
c~," (T, - r,,, - C,._( Tz T,)
• 1.005 1( 77 3 520.190) (437 .359 - 285 )1

Ni' - I00.9S3 kJ /ki; of air

Noulc veloc ity, v,, • /2 • !>h'
• h , 100_95:f, u,'
1'0 • 449 .340 mis

.-. 11,rusr force. F • ( I • ~~ )v0 V,

w (1,-1~ /112)449.5
:. F • 453 .0l 8 N/kg of ai ri,ccoml .
f igure: T--1 Dlat'lffl
Q35. In a Jal propulalon unit, lnltlal preHura and temperatura to the compreHor are _ bar and 1o•c. Th•

prN1ure of the nozzle Is 0.5 bar and afflclency of the noule l1 90¾. Determine
(a) Po_, conaumed by compreHor per kg of air '
•peed ~ tha unit I• 200 m/1. The preHure and temperature of the 9Hea before entering the turbine
are 750 C and 3 bar. l~oplc efflclenciea of comp'"1or and turbine ara 85¾ and BO%. The atatlc bacl< 1'2
(;; f I

i, I

AJr-fuel ratio If calortnc value of fuel 11 35,000 kJ/kg
PreHure of gaa IHvlng the turbine
Tz 28 1 I (1 )"
(dJ Thruat per kg of alrlaec. T~• 3!17 153 K
T, - T,
c, otgaa• 1.12 kJ.1tt K.C,of alt• 1.005 kJ/kg K. y • 1.4 for air, y • 1.32 for Que,.
'1, r:- 7i - -- - - - - = - SlA GROUP ~
- --;-Io:o:k:-:lo:-:r~t~h:e~S;l~6~MaOUmHP~L~O~O~O~~~~o~n~t~h:e-:T;;IT;;L~E~ C~O;::V:::E::R:-be- l - - - - - - - - - SPECTitU" flU.•IN-ONE JOURNflL
ore you buy
UNIT-5 Jet p ropulsion and Rockets
By s impl ify ing the above ~qu3tion .
5 . 16 Heat drop in the nozzle,
T~ = 9 15.420K

The turbine efficiency is give n as. ~,cct, = n:-h;
·. T: = -405 .1t-$ K = c,..,<r; - r;l
l'••·u ceas..,fll b~· Comprrssor ~r kg of Air = 1.1 2<915.420 - 705 .569)
P= c,_ < r: - r,1 = 235.033 kJ/kg
0.8 = 1023-9 15.420
= 1.005t405. 768 - 28:l) 1023- r .
Ci= 44.72 JNi~"'-'t,
p = 123.382 kW ' kg 0.8( 1023- T4) = I 023 - 9 15 .420
= 44 · 72
✓ 235033
Alr-f•el Ratio
818 .400 - 0.8 r . = 107.580
,.., , C, x ll.,""""""°" = ("'• ~ m1} CP, T3 - m" C,. T:
- 0-8 r. = 107.580-8 18.400
= 685.593 mis

("'• )c
: . Thrust ~ c, - c. ( ._. c. = 200 mts)
C ' '1
• -
. = - +1 "' r, - ~ cP, T:·
m - 0.8 r .=-1 10.820
= 685.593 - 200
"'J . "'f
:. T• = 888.525 K
35000 >< 0.9 = (~+1) X 1.1 2 X 1023 - !!!!!- X t.005 ~ 405.768 Thrust = 485.593 N \g,'s
"' I "'f 5. 1 .2
~ lftlllnes - Needs AM
Delnands Met ■y Tlll1tojet - Schematic
31500 = ( ~ + !) 1145.760 - !!!E- x 407.79 7 .,...,_ -Tllermo4yna mlc Cycle
"'I "' J p = ( 888.525 ')i }2-1 Perfor-nc• lv,.uatlon, Thrust'
1023 ) ~lon-lle thods
31500 = 1145.760("'• ) ~ 1145.760- 5!- x 407.797 :. P, = l.67 bar.
Q36. ~xplain the working of turbop~op engine and
"'J "'1 its advantages.
Pressure of gas leaving the turbine = 1_67 bar NO'l.•t5, tR13), Q10(1)
31500 = ~(1145 .760-407.797) + 1145 760
"'1 . (d) Thrust Per kg of NT Per Sec
= ~(73 7.963)- 1145.760
"'1 T =
;: '
With a neat sketch and T-s diagram, explain th•
working of I tun,oprop engine.

737.963 • ~=31500-114 5 .760 l.} 2-1 Anawe.r: Nov./Oec:.-17, \RU~ Q10(1)

= 915.420(~)1 .32
1.67 Turboprop Eneia•
It is an intenncdiatc device ~tween a pure jc,t engine
737.963 • : · = 30354.240 T5 = 683 .363 K
I and a propellc:r engine. In this engine the turbine is designed.
so that it dc,·elops shaft power for driving a propeller in order
m, 30354.240 And, TIN= T~ -r;
"'J = 73 7.963 = 4 1. 132 T4 -T5 to provide ma.,imum propulsive thrust.

_ = 915 .420-r; Coastn1ctio11

.·. Air-fuel ratio.~ = 41.132 09
915.420-683 .363

(c) Pressure of Gas Leaving the Turbine 0.9(915.420 - 683 .363 ) = 915.420 - ½·
Power developed by turbine = Power cons urned by compressor
208.85 1 = 915.420 - r 5•

cp. (T~ - T,) = cp, (T1- T~) (1 + =~) 915 .420- r; - 208.85 I = o
l.005(405.768-2 83) = l.12(1023 _ T . ) (i+ _ l _)
- r;= - 105.569
:. 1~ = 705 .569K Fi1urt: Tu,.,,., E..-

123.382 =(1145 .760 - l.12T~)-x 1.024
Look for the SIA GROUP LOGO ~ &ROUP
~'-'on the TITLE - - - - - - ~. -
. COVER before you buy
-~- -
;\,rcraflw locily

II [JNTU-HYDERABAD] UNIT-5 Jet Propuls ion and Rock ets

The tur boJet a re al so c lass ifi ed based on

spools m the engm c If the compres so r
with one shaft then ti IS known as s in
connect ed wtth two s hafts, it ,s ca ll ed
engme A twm spoo l e ng ine 1s m o re powerfo
the nu m ber ol
and turbine is comtecte d
g le spoo e ng ine and if
as tw in or tw o spool
l tha n s ing le spool
Icumpres ,o r a n d
w here fuel is adde~e l" ers II to th e co
occurren ce ot com continuo usly through
t , . bust,on at constant pressure lo increase rh
g::,~;,:n ; ~;::>cqu ently The high tempera
connec t!
the turbine and de velops
5 · 19
mbu st io n cha mber
fuel nozzles fo r the

ture and pressur:

power As turbme


'~ A f
engme b to compress or, tbe power developed by turbme
mam ob1ect1 ve of
a ~o rbed by the compress or Therefore the
Workin g ve the compress or These gases expand fllrther
rur me is lo dri
I~ the exhaust Jet nozzle and lea,
es \I 1th a veloc1tv higher than

o f g~es produces
l 1c a rr e r.iii I eluCJ I) The mcreascd veloc1ly
h ha t1S1 th rust fo r proruls1o n.

l< temperat ~e
' F igur,· re prese nts the l'eloc ity, pressure.
Propeller (a) working when
profi le s o f a lurboJcl eng111e al CJch stage of its
eduction gear and a propeller . the wo rl..1 ng substance nows across ihe engine.
Figure I

bustion chamber. turbine, exhaust nozz e. r
b. e throuoh a reductio n gear. At Diffuser
fd ' ffuser compressor. com "
directly coupled to the compress or and tur m
This engine consists o i . is C ombust ion r;hamhe r

vide ~ost of the propulsive thrust .
As shown in the figure , the propeller shaft Figure: Turbojet Engine
the end of the rurbine propelling nozzle is provided to pro
ere en te r;, into
diffuser converts kinetic energy of entering
air into static In a turbojet engine, the air from atmosph
o f a ir is con vened
working th
e . . direction where the air gets compres ses Jhe diffuser. In diffuser, the kinetic e nergy
bo engine air is drawn into the diffuser. where 1
sed air, into static pressure . Then, hi gh pressure
air e n ters inlo 1h..:
to the compres
or either centrifugally or ,n abx1a the fuel i: added sed . The high press ure
In the~ p~7air is all~wed to enter the compress
. h b In combusuon cham er,
. compres sor, where the air is compres .

pressure nse. . us. where it expands to dnve the s or is deli ve red 10 the
on c am er. es enters the turbine and tempera ture air in the compres _!
and the compressed air is del.ivered to the combusu and they are ejected with ham ber, fuel is added to : '. -- ----t--
and _high temperature ga: d . the exhaust nozzle combust ion chamber . In combust ion c
where the air-fuel mixture bums. The high pressure turbine are fur1her expao e ,n mi x ture. The c., ha ust gases
. out from the the compres sed air to bum a ir-fuel
. opulsi ve power for propulsion. the turbine. \\here 11
compressor. The exhaust ing from combus tion chambe r enters into
a maximum pr The tur bi ne is drrec1ly
high velocity than the flight speed to produce expands to ~rive the power for turbine.
deve loped by turbi ne
Advantages of Turboprop Engine coupled to the compres sor and the power
gases fro m tho turbine
. . is absorbed by compres sor. The exhaust
High propulsive efficiency and a rc ejected II i1h
by changing the blade angle thrust reversal
IS obtained . is further ex panded in the propellin g nozzle
Fa,-ier retardation of engine is possible since m propul si ve power fo r
high velocity, thus produc ing maximu
3. Low specific fuel consump tion. long runways .
propulsi on.
off rolling is less and hence doesn ' t require
As thrust produced at low speeds is high, take with neat
4. Q38. Explain workin g of turboje t engine
and runs at 600 krnph . ature and
5. It is best suited for aircrafts whose range is shor1 sketch es of layout, pressure, temper
engines and explain the working of it. the engine .
Q37. Write the classification of turbojet velocit y profiles along the length of
NovJDec. -12. (R09J.OB(b)
Answe r,
Classification of Turbojet Engines
in figur~e· -- - ~ OR
The turbojet engines are classified as shown
Turbojet Engrncs ine with
EXP.lain the workin g of Turbojet eng
the help of pressu re velocit y, temper
f1 gure: TurbojetEngine
variatio ns.
of a turbojet
Answe r: Nov./Dac .-16, (R13), O10(a) I Modal Paper-II, 010 Q39. Explain the thermod ynamic cycle
engine~ nd derive the equatio n for thrust.
is t' s of b n, i.:
The turboje t engine m a inl y compr
combusti,,n chJmber,
compone nts such as diffuser. compres sor.
turbine and jel exhaust nozz le. T hermod) n ami r C) d e of Turboj et F.ngim·
th ,· ,do.: it ;
A, ialandraclialllnw The function of the diffuser is to reduce n,c th e rn1 0J ~ n111ni.: c;ck vt' J iurboj ct . eng
ine is
of J...inet i, e ncrg) ..i r'
o f e ntering air and also trnnsform ation P-i nnJ T-s diJgram.s
. Figure: Cl111ification of Turbojet Engines type o i' .:ompres,r..iH n:rr~, en1ed a, Juulc or Br~) ton .:_- ck. Tiie
l'ntering air into high-sta lic presstm: . This
and non-after burning. Aller b . . io n. Th,· air i, tlll'll ,,fn,rl,oj ct ~ng inc ar,· as 10 110 1" ,
The turbojet engine is class 1/icd as afte r burning th is called ramming t:fTect or ram co mpress UP~
i~mt~g is also known as reheat. thu! 0: - - - -- - - SIA GRO
ure of gases before entering into the nozzle 0rd r ax ia l "' ccntriru ga l
reheat 1s a process to mcrease the temperat er 10 increase the thrust by 45 1/o compr~s sed further b y means of e ithe
- - -·- - - - - - - - ~OM ALL-IN-ONE JOORNfll FOR ENGINE
Look for the ER before you buy
~ -
- .!tlll!!!9..
G-II [JNTU-HYDERABAD] UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets
In combustion chamber, the heat input is given by,
Thus, thrust developed is given as,

Turbine Q = h4 - hz ... (2)

F= (m"+m 1 )V,-u.m.
The turbine efficiency is given by the relation as,
= h4 - h5
h4 -h5• F= "'f(~ ))v,-um.
" • - hs = llrf (h• -
hs• )]
1lr-Cp [(T4 -T5•)] F= m.[(1~m1 ).V, -u] (·: f =~)
f1,.CP.T, (1-(~)) ,.[u,.,, i,,c,r,HftJ}]
h4 - h5 =
.·. Thru•.,;
~, 4 - h5 = ll r Cp.T{-( ~ (3) Q.40. Explain the variation of thrust and specific fuel
con~umptlon with mach number of a turbojet
The power developed by the turbine is absorbed by engine.
the compressor. Hence the turbine and compressor work are Answer:
assumed to be same. The thrust and specific fuel consumption varies at
:. · Equating turbine and compressor work (i.e., equations different flight conditions. due to change in density of air and
the variation of momentum drag.
(I) and (3)),

c~:, [(¾ f-
The variation of thrust and SFC with change in mach

~ ,,c,+[¾r] . ., , number and in altitude for a turbojet engine operating at

1] ma.,imurn are shown in figures .

Thus, from equation (4), if ram pressure and compression

press~re are known, then the turbine pressure ratio can ·be

Figure 12): T-s Diagram obtained.

· c d drops to zero i.e., C2 = O. Nozzle
Air enters the diffuser isentropically with ve oc1ty ' an
Pree.., 1-l': The nozzle efficiency is given as,
Actual process of diffused air entering into the diffuser.
ProctN 1-l: h, -h6
pn,ceat l•l':
lsentropic compression of air. 11N = h, -h6 •
Acl)lal compression of air.
Proc-l-3: h5- h6 = ri,v(h, -h,.) 0 01 04 06 OS I I ]
Proceat :l-4: Actual heat addition process at constant pressure.
hs - 1,6 = 11 ,..Cp(T,-T,. ) - h - l M)

Prouil 4--S': lsentropic expansion process in the turbine . Fl1ur1(1)

rroc- +.S: Actual expansion of gas in the turbine . h5- h6 = 11,v·CPT,(l-f,)
Proc., S'-4': [sentropic expansion of gas in the nozzle .
Procea• s-6: Actual expansion of gas in the noz.zle. 0. 15
.. (5) ~m
Thru•t Equation
From P-v and T-s diagrams,

Compr-r By en ergy balance equation,

The efficiency of compressor is given aS',
vi .. (6)
h; -h 2
Il e= h3-h2
h5- h6 =-t
Equating equations (5) and (6). 0.05
h -h = _!_(hi-h2)= Cp er; !.T2)
c,-.r,[1-(ft Fl
3 2 11, 11,
v,2 = ri ,•.
o.2 OA o.6 o.a

-Mac bnurol><• -

... (ll V,= 2.11,..cpr,[1-( t, Fiprll'I

___ _ 51A.->UP..- ~
- - - -:-L:oo:;k:-:fo~r-:t:h:-e-;S;IA~G;.;R;;:OU;;.P;-;L-;O~G~0~~~-;;6:n-;-t~he:-;T;:;IT~LE:-:CO:-V-E_R____________
before you buy
THERMAL ENGINEE UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets
. .
Effect of Speed rust Q42. Mention the various advantages and
5. 2'l ·1 ·,m be S<'<" " thal. a., th<' nltitmlc
Effect of Speed on Th . disadvantages of turbojet engine and list out
i\ < shnw n 111 fig•:~ '.;•~·,:•.;., d<"<'n.::lSe in :unhient press un:: (a)
the applications.
l.'.~hau~, ga..., ,
""'"'"'"•· 1he d1~lSI ,kcrc~~c ·,ir Du,: lo n.-Juccd density. the dn1g _ thfUSt is. F = Ill a ( vjd - v.;,) N/sec
The equation of Answer:
k·tH(lC'rulurc ru.1li dl·n~1ty o_! .' m.inimw11. Hence. the considerable
li.m.·l· ,,nturht,Jctl'l~gmc\~'.~~~ . rfom1ancc of turbojet engines Where, - Advantage! of Turbojet E ngine
ll'Ulll'llon in dmg 111creas1.:s tht: I'" ,;, - Mass flow ·ratc ofa1r
when now al high altitudes and speeds. I. It has less frontal a rea because of abs ence of propeller
; . - Velocity of ai r
blades . Thus, this reduces the drag force.
Th1lS. Ilic ,ncre<LS.' in mach numher decreases the : : / ' _ Velocity of jet. .
2. T he weight of the turbojet engine is less due to the
inilially due lo increase of drag force and the~ a:;~;ssure i•• uation, to maintain constant thrust at absence of liquid cooling.
value. the thn.<St slarts lo increase du~ to ctlect As per thruS t _eq th mass flow rate o f air ( 111 ) or
th 0
ratio. high flight speeds, e, e~ be\,creased . Al hi g h flight s peeds, 3. It is very simple in construction and easy to maintain .
velocity of Jet ( ~"~:i~s of air at compressor inlet increases
From figure (b). ii is seen thal. specific fuel conswnptio~ . 4. Turbojet e ng ines are suitable for longer distance flights
the pressur~ and d _Y Thi s increase in ram pressure ratio,
·hows improvement wiih increasing altitude, since the SF I beca use at high altitudes the fuel consumption of turbojet Ignition bars
due to ram pressure 7~th speeds. As shown in figure (b) the
~epends only on ambient temperature. Thus, -the specific fue t engine is less.
increases the thntS a g t sea level due to drag force and it
conswnplion is reduced at higher altitudes. thrust initially decreases a . d
starts increasing as increase m spee . 5. Thru s t power can be improved by incorpo ratin g
041. Explain with suitable graph, the performance of reheating process.
a turbojet engine.
6. Power required to run the compressor is less due to the
presence of diffuser.

The performance of a turbojet engine depends upon 7. The turbojet engines can attain higher speeds, since the
speed of turbojet is not limited by propeller.
1he parameters like altitude, fuel flow rate, speed. specific fuel
consumption, thrust etc.

(i) Effect of Altitude

Disadvantages of Turbojet Engine
I. Turbojet engines has low take-off thrust low and hence,
it requires longer runway.
Al low altitudes the density. pressure and temperature of air
1s ma'limum. As the altitude incceases the force exerted on engine - - Speed- 2. Fuel consumption is more at lower altitudes.
is reduced this force is known as drag force. Thus, reduction in drag
force increases the performance ofengine. The figure (a) shows the Figure (bl: Effect of Spnd on Thrust
Due to the absence of propeller blades, sudden decrease
effect of alIi rude on thrust power and specific fuel consumption in speed cannot be attained.

of fuel. ' (b) Effed of Speed on Specific Fuel Consumption
4. At higher speeds the thrust power effic ienc y and
As shown in figure (c), at high flight speeds the inlet propulsive efficiency decreases.
temperatw:e and pressure of compressor increases due to ram Air inlet
pressure ratio. This increase in ram pressure ratio decreases Applications of Turbojet Engine
the specific fue l consumption at high flight speeds. Hence, Fipre: Pub•j1t EntiM
the specific fuel consumption increases at low speeds and it I. It is used for pilot aircraft to take passengers and goods Applications
decreases as the flight speed increases. from one place to other. ,
I. For gene rators
2. It is used in mil itary aircraft.
a. 3. It is us~d in guided missiles.
2. Industrial drying and home heating equipmcn1

3. Fly ing contro l line model ai rcraft. radio conirolled
Q43. With the help of neat diagram, explain the
- Flight Speed -
qi function of a pulse jet engine along with Its
Figur■ (aJ: Effect of Altitude on Performance of Turbojet ,2 applications.
u 4. Target drone aircraft
The turbojet engines are more effective at higher \G

f,--- ---
altitudes and higher speeds. Dec.·11, Set-I , Ql(bl 5. Pulse jet engines due to its efficient and simple " 3)

F.irample Pulse-jet Engine to convert fuel into heat, these are employed for ,ic"
industrial applications such as biomass fu.:I co n,ersion.
If a turbojet engine fly at an altitude say, 8000 mts, the A pulse-jet engine is an intenninent combustion engine .
- Speed- It works like reciprocating LC engine. It is like an athodyd. boiler and heater systems etc ..
specific fuel consumption will be reduced to 30 % of its initial
develops thrust by a high velocity ofjet of exhaust gases without
Jea level consumption. Fi1ur■ (c): Efl1et of Speed - · 6. Pilotless aircraft
- - - ----:----= -:--=:-:-:- ::::----,:-: ------- on Specific Fuel Consumption
the aid of compressor or turbine. It is self startmg Jet engme.
Figure shows a schematic amll)gement of a pulse-jet prqpulsion
L ook ~for the SIA GROUP LOGO ~on the TITLE coy . unit.
7. Subsonic flights etc .

. . ER before You buy

ING•II (JNTU-HYDERABADJ UNIT- 5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets I .U
THE A Q46. What are the various thrust t engine ?
1,rJet turbojet an Answe r :
augme ntation techniq ues used in turboje
s_.:;1_4___ ___ ___ ___ __
_ E . Propulsion Engines
044. Explaln the workin g dlfferen c11 betwHn
Turbo-prop ngmc Method s of Thrust Augmentation in
- -
ents of turboprop Vanous methods or techniques availabl are as follows ,
Answe r 1 T u r b ~ ~ The basic compon J .
After Bum· ( reheatmg) e to augment the thrust in propulsion engines
propeller o_r fan , reduction · mg technique
S.No. Propeller-Jet Engine The basic components _ofturbo · engines are
I. The basic components of
gear, propeller shaft, diffuser, 2. Water methanol Injection technique
jet engines are inlet diffuser,
propeller jet engine are diffuser 3. Air bleeding technique.
compressor, combusuon, compressor, combustion chamber
(used for compression), 1. After Burning Technique
chamber turbine, nozzle. turbine nozzle. . _ . . .
combustion chamber and nozzle. A turbine drives the propeller through After burner or reheater is installed before _o t turboJet en&\~e l1.e., after burner
2. at back end of engine). It is a device whic~e exhaust nozzle ruid after the turbine by IDJectmg more fuel in
installed used to obtam high thrust for short tune penod
a propeller shaft and delivers .
, A turbine delivers the power . .
Propeller jet involves imparting 2. the tail pipe. A pipe where the h t th 10 an increase in the velociry of je1 is known
to the com)>ressor. power to the compressor. in supers~ n!~~~ mi,; wi lhe additional fuel gives rise ..
tail pipe. It is installed
momentum to mass of fluid ts for better take-off performance.
Applica tion
such that reaction of imparted
momentum through a nozzle It is used in military aircrafts .
A reduction gear is placed between
gives a propulsive force. the power 3. Advantage
By controlling the pressure 3. Toe turbine extracts the propeller and turbine to lower the
from the diffuser and used for High thrust is obtained for short time period.
ratio of propeller jet engine, rotational speed of the turbine .
drilling compressor and other Disadvantage
the flight velocity can be
auxiliary devices. I. High conswnption of fuel
controlled. 4. A 1urbo-prop
engine is used for shorter
A turbine-jet engine is used for 2. Inefficiency is high.
4. A propeller jet is used for longer 4. distance i.e., less then 600 km/hr.
longer distance and higher
distance and higher altillldes i.e..
altitudes upto 3000 km/hr.
gn:ater than 3000 km/hr. The life of the turbo prop engine is
5. The life of the turbojet engine 5.
5. Due to the absence of sliding more than turbojet but less than
and rotating mechanical is less.
propeller jet.
components like compres sor
and turbine, mechanical efficiency
of the engine is high. i.e., engine
life is more compare to other
Due to low acceleration of 6. Due to high acceleration of the
6. Due to high acceleration of the 6.
the engine, a longer runway engine, a shorter runway is enough.
engine a shorter runway is
sufficienL is necessary.
/ ng engines and rockets.
045. Differentiate between air breatlu
May/June-12, set-1 , Q8(b) FilUfl llt Turlltj1t Entin• with lllllat«
OR 2. Water Methanol Injection Technique is known as winer methanol
propuls ion. of water and methanol to augment the thrust
betwee n the jet propulsion and rocket A technique which use water (or) combination waler and methanol in the combustiou chamber
. Mass flow
State the fundamental differences an injector to inject water or mi,~1ure of
injection technique . It uses flow rate in the: compressor ttsu ~
Aaawe r: Model Paper-I, Q11
·of gases increases as the water evaporat es. Injection of waler causes reduction in air mass flow ratr through the
rate total
Air breathing engine is is also known as "turboje
t propulsion" engine wr for same speed of turbine. It also cause high
an increase in discharge pressure in compres
Turbojet (or) Jet Propulsion Rocket Propulsion turbine which in tum produce s more thrust
I. A jet propulsion unit depends on the atmosph A rocket prop.ulsion uni1 carries its own oxidizer
air for oxygen. and propeUent with it. ·
vacuum . .
2. Jet propulsion units do not function in 2. Rocke! propulsion unit can function in vacuum
3. It has ahitude limits. 3. It does not have any altitude limits.
4. These units are not used for space travel. 4. These units are used for space travel.
5. Flight speed is always less than the jct velocity. 5. Flight speed are greater than jet velocity Airflo w-
6. Efficiency of jet propulsion system is high. 6. Efficiency of rocket propulsion system i~ low.

7. Thrust decreases with altitude. 7. Thrus1mcreases slightly with altitude.

8. Engine ram drag increases with increase in 8. There IS n~ ram drag and hence constant thrust
flight speed. can be mamtamed with speed.
J1a11Dr lnJCCIUI
9. Ex.ample : Turbo jet engine, Ramjet engine, 9. Example : Chemical rocket en .
rocket f""'9 121: T1thjl1 E..- win llljlct•
_engines, Electric propulsion r!nkes, Nuclear
Turbo propulsion etc.

Look for the LOGO ~on the TITLE COVER before you buy
et engine etc.
ffllDll ffl
NG •II (JNTU -HYDERABADJ UNIT-5 J e t Propulsion and Rockets
5 .27
048. Explain the principle of air bleed •Y•tem for thruat augmentation.
5.~6 ... hkd 1,, 1111 :u1.,ili,1ry i: ,1th~•~:i,';',1: ,·:::~1::;~:j l\ir An11,wcr:

/\ir bleed sy, lt' m is" method lo ·1u
hy improving the mass nnw rn lc and spe • c~mocfntlhlehc lh~ust in propulsio n eng ines. In this method , thrus t augmentation is ach,escd
cngme .
WorklnJl or /\Ir lllccdlni: Sys lem

Primary c.:ombus tiun Compressor

/_ chamber Spray nozzle
/ Nozz le Turbine for fue l injcc.:ti o n
Diffus er

jct - - Air inlet

ft _ L - ~--..J._.,,
S econdary - ~--L-....:S:..:h:=a:..:
combustion c hamber
Figure(3): Turbojet Engine with Air Bled Air bleed
Q,47. How does water-alcohol mixture Injection help thrust augmentation? Explain.

w raie of en inc . The increase in thrust at short Secondary

AD9wer ' . ·.
In turbojet engine, the thrust can be unptoved by rncreasuig '
. . . ..
th 01 ' " Oo . l'
e of thrust at higher a ltitudes jet
intervals is known as thrust augmcnta lion. The thrust augmt'~11ation.1s ach1C", rd fo r ~ -ll~l per onnanc
and also attain high climb rates duri ng the 1akc-ofT ,,f ll!rboJCI engine.
O ne of the me thods fo r thrus t augmenta tion 1s inje-c 1ion of water-alcohol mi:\.tu re. Fiturr. Air Binding Syst-

As shown- in figure, the atmospheric air enters into 1he diffuser. The diffuser converts the kinetic energy of air into
Water-~lcohol lojection
In this process, the mi~ ture ofwa1er-a lcoho l is injected intv the inkt of the compressor through the spraying nozzles. pressure . The static pressure is delivered to the compressor.
flow rate
compressor, the wata-alcohol mix1urc gets ._. ,·apora1ed and increases the mass Oow rate of gases. This mcrease m mass In
results in the increase of press ure rail<' j,. compressor. Hence , increase m disc harge pressure to turbmc produces maxunum thrust. A part of high pressure air from compressor enters the secondary combust ion chamber through air bleed manifold.
lbc high
secondary combustion chamber, the bled air is heated with additional fuel supplied to produce hi g h temperatures.
The process o f pressure rise in compressor is shown in T-s diagram. The process Oto I represents the dry compression process temperature gases are then discharged into atmosphere through the sec ondary jet. This add,t,o nal j et increases the thrust in
in which power d.:veloped by turbine is giwn as. t,J, T. Thw; when water-alcohol mixture is injected at inlet of compressor, propulsion engines resulting in thrust augmentation. A shut-o ff valve is provided to get back the eng ine to normal
conditio n.
mixture gets evaporated and mass flo" rate increases . lhe increase in mass flow rate increases the pressure ratio of compressor
as shown in process Oto 111 . Th us. the process Oto 111 inJ 1ca1e, the actual compression. The power delivered by the turbine to Q49. Draw the performance chart of an after burner engine and explain.
the compressor, wi th or without wa ter-a lcoho l inJec11on rem ains cons!dnl (1.e.,T1 = T,' ). Thw;, increase in di scharge pressure Answer:
causes ma.x imurn lh"!st lO be de,doped in a turbojet engine. In the process ofafter burning. the additional fuel is supplied to the hot exhaust gases o f turbine, to produce high temperature
gases. Hence,
before entering the nozzle. Because of temperature rise in the after burner. there is an inc rease 111 specific volume of
ns. The
the engine most be provided with variable area at exhaust of no zzle in o rder to o pera te the eng ine at normal conditio
IT, = T, I
necessity of variable exhaust nozzle is examined by co mpressor performance chart.
,.: ----r------
I - -- ~' I l',

J::. ..
~ ~ Dr) 1.:urnprn~1011

U__ J_ _!_ JnJcCII Ofl

Enuopy,, _ _
- -

Figure: Entropy Va Temper■ ture M a ximum speed

: ( 100'% r.p.m)
Hence, the thrus t a ugm entati on in "" tcr-a lcohol rnjcc1io11 i, tlu,· to the fo llowing factors.
J. A hig)1er tota l ma., s fl ow throug h turbi ne deve lops mn, im 11m thr:;, t augmemation. Hcnct' thr ..t , . -Speed -
operating charactcri, tics. ' · u, dc1,-:nds on compressor
Fiture (a): Speed V1 Thrust
2. T he decrease in a ir flow rate res:: :is in the inc r.:rise of pressure ra tio.
look fo r the SIA GROUP i.:.O!? ~ d~on th e TITLE COVER b f SPECTROt1 flll-tN-ONE JOCIRNIIL FOR ENGINEERING STIJD£11ff
"'<• e ore you buy
THERMAL EN ·_:_:_----------
.:.:.:=~-- :-""-'.--- ---------: --:~:.:,_1 PPrr;;;op UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets
As shown in figure (a). the thrusl is augmente;';';u1is" si;:ve~e~ ffifuc;-i; ie;;;ncy.
d at C
ma..,imum s ~ (i.e ., 100 r.p.m and above) on
~rfonna nce chart. a compressor - ~ {d) Power Output of the Unit in kw ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ~S~.29~
T\PtopUls•" - CJ +Ca
Power output of the unii = ~
After burner 2x 208.33
(OFF) o.5= c +208.33 Propulsi ve eliciency
e" B --- --Afte r bumer·ON '
_ 1302.06
0.5C1 + 104.165 =4 16.660 - oT
A Speed o.sci = 416_660 - 104.165
= 2604. \2 kW
N= 100% Overall efficiency, = 312.495
N=90"o 312.495 T\omall = Heal equivalen1 of output
C1= 0 5 m f x Calorific value

~lass flow rate. ril~-- c,= 624.99 m/s 0.16 = ~

(a) Absolute \'elocil)' of the Jet m 1 x 48000
fil!IA ~ ParfonM - Chan at Aftw Burnw Entin•
In figure (t-). point (A.) indicates operating point Absolute velocity of jet = Ci -Ca
at (m/x 48000) = 2~~2 = 16275.7 50 .
ma..umum speed withoul after burner. When
the after burner = 624.99 - 208.33
is in operation l tumed ' ON ' ) without varying the
nozzle ~
then the flow resistance in the compresso r increases
and thus.
= 416.66 mis 1627S.750
d"'-TCaSC"S the mass flow rate to produce operating mf = ~
along constant speed. The operating point · B ' is
point "B ' Propulsi,·e force = ma ( Ci - C.)
said to be in
mllcd region. ln order to obtain optimum condition. 6250= m. t624.99 - 208.33)
1 = 0.339 kg/s
the flow :. m
resistance in compresso r due to increase in specific
volume must :. ma= 15 kg/s
be ~ c d by varying the nozzle area. Hence. (e) Air-fuel Ratio
the operating
point · B ' ~ c s "'ith point ·A ' . (b) \'olume of air Compress ed Per Minute
050. A turbojet has a sp-d of 750 km/hr, . . Air used \5
while A1r-fuel ratto = Fuel used = 0.3 39 = 44.24
flying at an altitude of 10000 m . The propulsiv = ___!2_ x 60 = 5202.3 m 3/min.
e 0.173
efficienc y of the )et is 50% and the overall
Air-fuel ratio = 44.24: I
efficienc y of the turbine plant is 16% . (c) Diameter of the.Jet
density ol air at 10000 m altitude is 0.173 kg/m 3 Q51. A jet Propelle d engine having two jets
• and working on turbojet has a velocity of 210
The drag of the plant is 6250 N. The calorific at an altitude of 12000 m. The density of air at mis, when flying
value of the fuel is 48,000 kJfkg. Calculat e,
Volume of air compressed = ~x d2x CJ this altitude ls 0.172 kg/m3 • The resistance of drag
of the
,, (a) Absolute velocity of the jet
(b) Volume of air compres sed per minute
52023 1t
plane is 6670.B N and propulsiv e efficiency of
Calorific value of the fuel is 4.895 x 10• kJ/11.g.
the jet Is 50%. The overall efficiency of the unit
la 111%.
~ = (i) Absolute vel_ocity of jet
(c) Diamete r of the jet
4 x (c/)2 x 624.99
(ii) Quantity of air compress ed per minute
(d) Po-r output of the unit in kW
(iii) Diameter of jet
(e) Air-fuel ratio.
86.705 = ~ X (C/)2 X 624.99
(Iv) Net po-r output of the plant
Answer : llaylJ..-12 , _ , , Ql(aH llay/JUM-12, - -2, Ql(a)
146.820 = ,ui l X 624.99 (v) Thrust specific fuel consump tion
Given that.
Speed of turbojet. C., = 75 0 km/hr 346.820= 1963 .464 d z (vi) Air-fuel ratio.

750x l000 Answer : llaw.-11, (RU~ 01111>)

d = 346.820
3600 Given that,
= 208.33 mis Number of jets, n = 2
:. d = 0.42 m Velocity of the rurbojet, Va= 210 mlsec
Altirude = I 0,000 m
Diameter of the jet = 0.42 m = 420 mm
fl pn,puliiYc = 50"lo Altitude. z = 12000 m
fl=<n11= 16'h Thrust power = Drag force x Velocity ~fturbojc t Density of air. Pa = O. l T2 kg/ml
Density of air. p" = 0. 173 k g, m 3
= 6250 X 208.3) D~g of the plane, Ev ~ 6670.8: -~• ; 0.5
Drag = 6250 N
= 1302062 .S W
Calorific value = 48,000 kJ/kg
~ 1302 .06 kW Propulsive efficienC)'. T\"':"=~;; ~
Overall efficiency, T\.,.- _ . •~:~o~.
nQOllfn :_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:.:_=-i..,,SU•
&~&Ra.iiciUP~P ,.-
.-- ,~
Look for the 514 GROU P LOGO ~ o n th e TIT~ECO VER before you
------: :::::-:. -..~IM II. FOR JENCIINUlllNCI
buy SP£c:ntU" flU-111-0NE ,-~---
15 .30
Net Power Outpur
II [JNTU-HYDERABADJ UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets
Flight to jet speed ratio,
I .at

Ill Absolut e Velority or th <· J, r Thnrst Power = FO x ~,

cr = v; = Q75

' = 6670,8 • 210

1,.,..,..1.,,., ~ 1.,2::v.
l'r Pr ub iw clliric nC), 1 :. - = 0.75
. ~ )400868 W v,
1 ,. 210
05 JI, I 210 = 1400.868 kW v, = (D5

(0., I ! ~ I U , V1 ) 2 IO ' 2 t of the plant,

Net power outpu Thrust power 138.889
0.5 ~ = 420 ·- 105
r u~
WproP_uls1H' = pop
v, L'l i40gs8§!
= 185 . 185 mis
Man Flow Rate of Air
V,lo,rry of the Jet . 1'1 ~ 630 mis
~ 2801.736 kW The mass flow rate of air "'• = p , A / ~
v, - 1~, '. wr,urulW
Ah, ulute ve l11ciry ol'thc jct ~
~ 630 210 Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption ~ X(2.5)
(1 85,185)
(v) = 0.525 X ( ) ,
Heat equiva lent of output
~ 420 mlscc •1,,,.,.,11~ - mI x Calorific value :. "'• = 477.238 kg/ s
(Ii) Quaniity or Air Compressed Per Minute Fud flow rate.
2801.736 (b) Fuel Flow Rate
Thrust fo rce, F ~ m. ( ~ - ~,)
"'1 = D.18 , 48950 Ass ume, the fuel air ratio is 1%
m,,~ J,,f!v. [·: F = Fu l
= OJ 17 kg/sec
"' = 0.01
6670.8 Thrust specific fuel consumption, m.
m.,= -420
Fuel Oow rate
MJss of ai r compressed per sec, m,, = 15.882 kg/s = Drag force m1 = 0.01 x "'·
0.3 17 = 0.01 X 477. 238
Using relat ion,
= -0670.8 mf = 4.'?72 kg/s
. 'nirust sixcific fuel consumpt ion = 0.0475 x 10-3 kg/N truStis ·
I 5 .882 ~ 0. 172 x V (c) Propulsive Efficiency
(vi) Air-fuel Ratio
3 The propulsive efficiency,
V= 92.337 m 1s
Air-fuelratio = ~
= 92.J37 X 60 15.882 llp = u+V
= lm7 1
Volume of air compressed. V = 5540.22 rn-'lrnin
Air- fue l ratio = 50.100 kg/kg. 2x l3 8.889
(Iii) Diameter of the Jel = (138.889+185.l85)
052. The diameter of jet of a·turbojet is 2.5 m and it
mass Row rate per jet, flies at 500 km/h at an elevation of 8 km for flight
3 = 0.857
to jet speed 0. 75 the density of air is 0.525 kg/m .
Calculate, llp =85.7%
l S.882
= -y- (a) Mass flow rate of air (d) Overall Efficiency
(b) Fuel flow rate The heat supplied to jet,
111 = 7.94 1
(c) Propulsive efficiency Q = tn.r X CV
On applying continuity equation. (·: Assume Cl' = 42 MJ/kg)
(d) Overall efficiency. = 4.772 X ~2000
m -= pu ,c f t1?xVi
Answer :
May/June-13, (R09), Q8(b) :. Q = 2000424 kW I . force x Flight velocit)
]. l/41 = 0.172 X f cfjx o)O Given that, Propulsive power. WP = Propu s1ve .
. F = (1n,'+-ri• r W1-m.x 11
9 Diameter of jet, d ~ 2.5 m
dJ= 63ri~rib "~ Propulsive force,
= (477.238 + .u72) X ( 185 .
_ 477. 238 x 138. 889

JJ = , 0.0-933
1 Flight velocity, 11 = 500 km/h = 500 x 2_ = 8926 I.022 - 66~8.l. I 09
. · 18
F = 22977. 913 N
d, = 0.305 m . = 138.889 mis w = 229 77. 913 ' 138.889
Elevation of jct, z = 8 km = 8000 m
:. )el diamder, ,~ ~ 0.305 rn
Density of air, p = 0.525 kgirnl .. JI> 3191379J59W -------5 1.6 GROUP .Z
Loo,k for the 514 GROUP LOGO ~ on the TITLE COVER b f .
e ore you buy
- - - - - - : - : : : : -••
UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets

9 . 3~ Actua l temperature ri se in the com pressor, Nozzle etlic icncy,

- - - ; -17'"1k-11-,14-:-J-el_h_"_'"'--)-.- - - - - - - - - - - ; - - llul.
,,. w,
,. '· '··
r, "• , ,; .
T2' - T
= 3._
l P
tr I r - t

[ ,._, ]
l!Ylll'J 1.W
6 13793
~ 200.0 16 ' 813 .809 m/s
0.95 ~ 939/:~6~;:;, ~7
Efl"cclive vdoc •tY ofjd. V, =8 13.809 mis T' -288 = ~ 14J" ' - I
2 [ ·:For airy =
1 0.85 T' 774."2 K
20IJ,.l2h , i0 ,

ll OJI> QS4. At~t

·· . le-turbojet unit operates with a turbine
mperature of 1100 K , a pressure ratio
in; . :and air mass flow of 22_. 7 kg/sec Under 1.4]
(.' z
~, = r; - 1~·
· I hcrm.u r llki,n(·y. 11,. I t,•. 2
:esi'gn conditions. The flowr_ng component
efficiencies may be assumed. Cl
T2' = 452 .67 K l x I b(m 93 3.67 - 774.92

'lP . 'I.. lsentropic compressor efficiency

- l/ 8.- · 001 6 lsentropic turbine efficiency •.. 0.90 Sinc_e the work of the turbine must be just sufficient to s = /2x 1.0035( 9'.J ) .67- 774 .'12 )' 1000
Propelling noule efficiency ... 0.95 drive the compressor, therefore
00 1~ ve I~• •
Transmission efficiency ... 0.99
= 564.45 mis
053. A turbojet engine Is being us&d to propel an 11,ran, cp (T) - _T4'} = cp (T2' - T,)
-combustion Chamber pressure loss ... 0.21 Total design thrust pa sccood = 22 . 7 • 564.45
aaroplane with the dr■ g of 3900 N and the (- : For air, CP = 1.0035 kJ/kgK)
= 128 1) 015 N
coefficient of drag Is 0.01835. The wing are
Calculate the design thrust and specific fuel 0.99 x 1.0035 (1100- T4') = l.0035(452 .67 - 288)
21..25m1 the air consumption per second of the And,
consumption when the unit is stationary at
engine la 14.S kgls ■nd threst developed is 8900
sea-level where the ambient conditions may be T4' = 933 .67 K
H. Calculata lhe flight veloci1y and effective jet
veklcl1y ■nd also specific: thrust taken as 1.013 bar and 288 K. Total head pressure ratio across the tmbine is,
A_w..,,: lllay/June-1 2. ..1-', 0lli•J = 1.0035, Yair = 1.4
CP• = 1.994
G1H•othat. CP11 = 1.147, ·r9.. = 1.33 Critical pressure rat io.

Lower Calorific value of the fuel = 43125 kJ/kg-K.

Dra8 fon-r. F0 ~ 3900 N
lodfo.,..,,1 ofdni g, C, = 0.0 1835 Amwer:
~~ l
"' lllj/Arn. .4 = 21.25m 1 Given rhal. 1.4+1 ..,.~
A11 consumpuoo. m" = l ~.5 kg/s
Turbine inlet lempcrature, T3 = 1100 K 1100 - 933.67 = 0.9 x 11 00 [1- =( - 2- J = 1.89
Tltnbt. F : li900 ,. ;
Pressure ratio. 'i, =4: I
Asswnr, Densll). p = 0.5 l.g m; Si nce. ~ is greater than ~ . therefore complete
Air mass flow, 111 = 22.7 kg/s ·. r, = 1.9 P, P,
LcL V: · \'do.:uy of /l ight rn mis
1 · Velocll) ofjct in m, 5 _
Compressor efficiency, l'J , = 0.85 The total head pressure that exits from the turbine is. expansion within nozzle is not possihle. lb,m , the il&l1C pressure

Drag force i, gl\ en by equation,

Turbine efficiency, l'J , = o.90 at the nozzle e,'tit wi ll be.
p~ ;;:: J!.1. : P 2- AP\'.OGI~
Nozzle effic iency l'J .,= 0.91
Transmission efficiency 1'J = 0 99
P, =p, = p; (-1)
p, P.
3900 n f '0.01835 ? 21.25, 0.5 ; /~l
Temperature T1 = 288 K
' :"'"
Pressure loss, 6 pcotnbUJil!On ., bar
r = fl_ = 2.02
(l 1.soI)
P P,
3900 ~ 0.097 1, 1 Pressure, Pi =l's = I.0 13 bar = 1.068 har
p; = 4 x t.013 = 4.05:! bar
,-1 ~ J90(J T5' = ,;. = L! 1) r;

' 0.(197

l'. 1 - -l0006 -ll /

·. Fhghl 1reloc rr) , J". 200.016 m, s . T;' ~ 7'18.05 11..

~p<, 1fic thru,r 1> g 1~~n as, .
i:~ Jyirf.
F ll9fl0 I I
I,• - .- - ~ 61J .7Ql N

c_ • ~5Cl )l 11\.S
· Specific r/1rusr, I.,. ~ 61 J. 793 N r5 ~ 766.57 K
figurt: T-1 Di
loo k for the SIA GROUP LOGO l"i,,., on th - - - - 1tram
'.v~ e TITLE cove ------ SPlcnwtl flU.-tN-Oftl JOCI
R belore you buy

L ENGINEE UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets
TH ERMA umber of Stages Rocke.I engine is a non-a ir breathing engine run b,
Based on ~ . e rocket (one moto r) Q56. Describe the working of Rocket engine with
5.34 st ne<lt sketch. liquid o r solid propellants. A s imple_rocket engine consi~t.. ,,f
(i) Srngk ag kcl (more than one mo lorJ . combustio n chamber and an cxpandmg nozzl e along w nh f.:w
I ()() ~Alli'
2t0x77t'- O~
(iiJ Mul11-stagc ;;~oprllant
Based on Type o ckd
Principle F:lcmcnts
I movab le compone nts . The oxi diser and fue l contained rn •
propd ling body reacts chemi ca l~y in the combus11on chamber
The impo t clements used in roc ket engine arL". very ra pidl y. This rt:s uhs m the lo rmallo n of roc ket propell an t
0.4 78 kg 'm ' (i) - S0iid propc~~l::,:~ock cl
Lt' t A bl· the:.· required ar1.' J of1 h,: propd ling nut.1.k. (ii/ l.iqt11d pr op cllant rocket.
( i) Fuel lank in the fo rm o f high pressure combustion gases. lnese gases are
(i1) Oxidiser rank expanded in a conwrgent-Jiv ergcncc no1.zlc and are accelerated
(iii I I Jyb;~~~:.pof Rocket
k ·I
(1i1) Pumps· to very high speeJ. Thus. produc111g a large react1_vc thrust to
pc , Ill Based on
n 1.0ng range roe < (i v) S tca1n lurb inc prope l the rocket . The rhrust required for roc kd rs produced
_ 217_ _ (;i) Medium r;111g~ rockd (v ) Combustion cham ber 1111d by thi s hi gh ve locity jcl o f gases pass mg through the nozzle.
- U.4 7.W¥ 5 .fi 1 I I ~
(iii) Short ra nge n,ckct. ' ( vi) Nnn lc . Q57 . Explain the working principle of a hybrid rocket
0 .085 m 3 l \' B~srd on form of En erg~ (i) Fuel Tank engine with a neat diagram. List its applications.
i'l (11e1111ca l r0rkd -1he fuc i tank conl ai~, nlcoho l.
Bur A ;;~ ' I (ill Fr,"<' r:,d iral rocket •. , (ii) Oxidinr Tank I A.>I 01"~01.1un

" d'
d - 0.328 m
t,) Solid propcllanl roc kcl
I iqu,d propc llanl roc ker
I . M ono prnpcllnnl rocket
The oxiJi scr tank contai ns lhe lrqu id o,, yge n.
The fuel and the oxidiser are supplied to the combus tion
V,h~ q u , l o»d=•

G:is pn.-ssurisat ion syslcm chamber by the pumps. The pumps are drive n by stea m
d 32.89 m
Ac tual d ia mer ~r should be slii,:h ll~ grcalN 1han the
Pum p pR'ssurisalio n system
~- Bi- prope llanl rocket.
Steam Turbine
fj>T'~ lo~• • •

c.:onsi<lering th1.: effel'.I oft he hound..11) la_,er at (iv)
utit.a med value.
· (II) l: kctncal rocker Steam turbine is used · ,o drive lhe pumps . Stea m is
lhe noulc outle t. /'hen.
p I Arc plasma rocker produced by mixing po ta ss ium pe rman ganate w ith
Press ure thnc,t = (p, · p) A
" ( 1.0<•~ I 013 ) · 10~ • 0.085
(h) Jon ruckcr
concentrated hydrogen perox ide in rhc stea m turbi ne .
Combustion Chamber
I½ -~·\ •. -_-~ . =·=\ - ~~
(cl \ fagneto plasma rocket ~
~ 46 7.5 ?--

1\,Jume ntum 1hru.,1 ° 22 . 7 • '> 59.12

(di Photon rocke r
1iii) N,1clear Rocker
The fuel is ignited by electrica l means and com bus tion
lakes place in the combustio n chamber. I/ i'?
·- 12692.02 N 1a1 fission l) pc nuclear rocket
(vi) Nozzle
The products o f combustion ar e d ischarged through the
./ ,.{;;i,
· (l> J Fission type nuclear rocket
lot.JI thrus1 per sec0nJ · 12692 .02 + -l6i .5
1i1 I Solar rocket.
Operating Principle of a Rocket Engine
rI '\ ,
· 13 I <9.52 I\ \ '. Based on Application
I il Booster rocl er ,·
! t I \\\
\:y •.

CY·. .".
1i1/ Military rocker
l- '\h.lfilf
5.2.1 Appltcatlon - Working Principle - (1u) RNro rocke1
Figure: Hybrid Rocket Engine
Cl■sslflc■tlon 11,·J Space exp loring rocket
(,) Weather forecast ing rocket Working Print'iple
QSS. List out the classification of rockets . Discuss
c, iJ Sustainer rockets. ' Tl- : hybrid rocket engine US<=S a combmation of liq ui<l
the basic characteristic s of rocket propulsion. I
tf)~"l:'llf'='1'"'-'\ .J;c: L.11\L
and so lid propellant. The fig ure show, the arrangemtnt or .t
Charac rrrislic, of Rocket
Answer: h)hrtd propellant roc kt-t . Th" comhus tion chamber
I 1he rocket propu lsion system is a sell~c~ ntained and a
1100-air breathing system. sol id fue l packed 10 it.
Rocker Yehklt
The liq uid oxi diur 1s stored rn a scparat~ tank a nJ
It has low therma l elli ciency with higher consumption
Rock et >d11cl1: ,s a l) pc of m1~ile in v.hich thru,1 of propellant. . pump,:J th roug.h a va lve . II is then injected into tht: combus1 i,.,,
obtained rs from lhe rt·Jct,on of e~hau~I fluid coming from J cha mber by mean.- nfan inj~ctor. Com hustion takes ph1cc whe n
a rocut engine. A rocke1 en~ rnc lacil 11a1 c, high <1mou111 of ~~!~~;mia l stresses are produced by the combustion soliJ /u d m i., es with the liquid oxidize r in the eombus llun
thrus1 fora rt'qlJlfl' d 1,m,· in a spec ,lic Jirec1 1on l< ,x kcl engi ne; 4 chamber. The comh,,s t1on b-,g ins fro m centre nf combu, ti0n
difrer from jcl propul,ion cngint:~ J~ 11 d,,c:~ noi ,equirc an\ · lnruSi° developed per uni! area is very hig h . ch;, ml><:r 10 the ,, ut<r periphery. n,., h igh ,·c lvc,ty corn bu.-,twn
foreign panu:lcs for nx 1di~_.il1£Jn I /Jc 1,xld1,cr ,111 d lud r,;r
hha, very low specific impulse. producrs escapcs rhrough tt,c nOLLk aOe r co,11bu_st1on . Henc~.
lhc propulsion srorcd w,rhin the roch"'I 11, clf . llence. the Inc diic iency of rock et is very high of high speeds . rhc rocket is propelled in the for"ard d1r,·ct1on .
rodu:t can funcrwnev1:n 111 >.«.cum. r'?<'kcr ,ch JC I,·, are mam l) ~:•inlet for air 1' simple with higher compression ratio. This type o f rocket eombint:s the aJ, anta~e• o f t-.Hh
employed lo la unch space uld ll} f11 gh1,. ar11 i1c1 al ,r,1cllitc, su lid and liquid propellenr rocket.
human space veh icles ere. ' 0
; ,r;ass nf rutkct gradually decreases during the
g~~~- due 10 rhc combtL~tion and outflow of exhaust Som" u fthe ITl O'.SI co mmo nl y USl;!(l cn i,h£crs a rt'.
Clusllic111 llon of Rocket:&
Ir " ·highl y prone lo . . . . . I. Nitrogen 1etra-mid" and
l,,lluw,'.<od: c1 , ;,re classdied based ur,m lhe v;,n .. 11 , l~clo" a, IU. Jlld fuel onbua(d ilsc~;rlos1011 s ince it carries o .~ rdu:er l:.."<hrl.11 ~( ga.'\C~
2. C'hloro triflourine.
__.:.___ , _,' ifc rn c no,_c, lif e produced .
figure: Rocket Engi ne
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
51.4 GROUP ~
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before you b~y
5 36
- -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - , Q59. Define and exp a
Some of the most commonly used fuels are.

I lnthetermsrelevanttorocket
UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets
P, - Ex it pressure fro m the noule.
;.,~•~, ,_(v) _,Yr'l)pulsivc Efficiency
/ Propul sive effic iency of a rocket _is the r3ti n of thrusr

P,, - Ambient pressure acting on the surface of mcket. power to the pro pu lsive power. It is denoted by . fl,,,,,"
(a) Lithiwn hydride (i) Thrust
A,. - Exit area of the rocket. . Thnist powcr
(ii) Thrust power · Propulsive effic iency = Propul sivepo" e;
(b l Po lythene and
From equations (I ) and (2). th rust developed is given as .
(.-l Beryllium hydride. (Iii) specific Impulse
.. T = mv; + (P, - P)A ,
Applic~tioos (iv) propulsive power
(Ii) Thrust Power
The hybrid roc kets are used to accelerate experimental (v) Propulsive efficiency

cars and motorcycles attempting land speed records.
These are used to propel targets in missile testing. (vi) Thermal efficiency.
The thrust power can be defi ned as the power generated
from thrust of a rocket engine. It is denoted by · P,h •. It
is give n as the product of propulsive force and veloc ity
(iii) Hybrid rocket developments are aimed at targeting An5wer • of air craft.
missiles and iow cost tactical missile applications. (i) brust P,11 = F x i,;_J
(iv) The hybrid rockets are being developed to maneuver Toe thrust may be defined as the swn of mo_mentum
F =m V
satellites in orbit and to boost planetary probes. thrust and pressure thrust produced by a rocket engrne. It is J
i-;, - Velocity of air craft
Q58. What are the various applications of rockets? denoted by 'T' •
~ t = Momentum thrust +-Pressure thrust. Where,
Answer : Model Paper~II. Q10 V
· P,1,=mv;i-;, Wher~. s - Speed ratio = f
Applkations of Rockets :_1.Uj-UJ~• (iii) Specific lmpube

I. Space exploration
Specific impulse of a rocket engine may be defined as t~e (vi) Thermal Efficiency
2. Weather prediction I
ratio between thnist produced and weight of propellant. Thermal d Jicienc, of a rocket engine is the ratio 1-octween
It is denoted by I,. · propulsi, e JlO" er and the ~ le of beat supply. It is denoted by ·11,. ·.
3. Communications I
System Spec ifi c Impulse,
4. Aircraft propulsion I
t m(v,' +v.' )
Combustion Thrust = Thrust produced
6. ,
Scientific research
Military warfare.
: Chamber 1
'P Weightofpropellant Therma l dfa:ienc) . 11,i, = m /c.v
2. Weather Prediction I T Where. CV - Ca lorific value
Ci I,p = -w
Rockets are used for taking instruments to high altitudes v; + v,;
for meteorologic1l measurements and also for survey
of weather conditions. The data thus collected helps
vnohm = mVj [·: T = m v; and W = mg j
:. 11,. ~ 2CV
P,, C,, A, Q60. The following data refer to a rocket engine ,
in predicring weather in various regions of the world. mg
Rockets used for thjs purpose are known as "Sounding Fi1ure: l.tunch of Rock,t Velocity of jet = 1600 m/s
rockets•·. = :;_
:. I,p g
Speed ratio = 0.7
Momentum thrust of a rocket engine is obtained from
J. Communications Propulsive Power Fuel flow rate= 1kg/s
Newton's second law of motion. Tbe momentum is produced (iv)
Rockers are used for launching satellites. due to d1ffercoce in the velocities of propellant entering the Propulsive power of a rocket engine is the sum of thrust Oxidizer flow rate = 4 kg/s
4. Aircraft Propulsion combUS!loo chamber and hot gases leaving the exhaust nozzle. power and power lost due to exhaust gases. It 1s denoted
Heat of reaction per kg of exhaust gases "'
Momentum thrust is given by, by ·pP"'P' .
Rockets are used in aircraft as propulsion as . well as 2500 kJ/kg .
Propulsive power = Thrust power + Power lost in exhaust
aux iliary devices. Aircraft with very heavy payloads T_,,.=m (v; -v,> Determi ne , the thrust produced, spec if i c
pow r lost in exhaust gases is given by.
requ ires high values of thrust for take off. Such a 7 impulse, propu laive efficiency, propuls ive
higj1 thrust is not required during level flight. Rocket Where, m = m. + ml
m(v, - v,)' po-r. thermal efficiency and overall efficiency
propulsion is also used for launching "'Ramjet" engines m. - Mass flow rate of oxidizer = - ~2-- of rocket engine.
at supersonic speeds.
ml - Mass flow rate of fuel. 111(1·1- v, r A115wer:
s. SciHlific Research
p =mVV +-~·2 --
Vi - Velocity of jet prop J (J
Given that.
Rockets are used in scientific research for perfonning
V, - Inlet velocity of propellant Veloc ity ofje1. '-: · 1600 tn ' S
different !csts which perta ins to good perfonnance, !!!. [v', _+ v'.J -2vv ]
higher efficiency, speed. etc. · =m~ ~ + 2 ' " Speed ratio. s = 0.7
V, - O( Sirlce, 1 ~ and fuel are stored in rocket itself)
v, +r']
6. MWtary Warfare m [ : Mass Oo" rale ofox 1d.izer. 111, " ~lg>
:.T - =mv; = m v;~- m V,~rl .
Rock ets are used for making different types of missiles Mas3 Oow rate of fuel. m, ' Ik;;. ,
The pressure th.rust of ar . . . ·:· ( I)
with warhead!. They arc propelled by both solid and
I T _ ocket engme 1s given as,
,.,..., . (P,-P,) • A.,
Pprop = "T rv; + v,;1 Calorific val ue, CV ~ 2500 U kg
li quid fuel, for short and long ranges.
... (2)
- - - -- 514 GROUP -Zi
R before you buy
NGINEERING-11 [JNTU-HYDERABAO] UNIT-5 Jet Propuision and Rockets
I. T
---- ---- ---- --:-;-s. Thermal Efficiency (TJ,h) . .
(b) Heterogeneo us Propellant I. Monopropel lant
It is a prope llanl used in rocket engines In pm,Juu: thtcnrr.,,
hru st llrvdopcd (T) Thermal efficiency of a rocket engme 1s, It is a mi xture o f _fu e l and ox id izin g· co mponents
formed u:1 a crysta llme mineral sail. It is a lso known as energy. It does not use an oxidizer. These propcl lani,; are ,uolxd • ,
Spe.-cl ra lm. S . V, compos ite propella nt due to the presence of polymeric small eng ines such as auxi liary and lurbo pwnp planu
,·J hydro~arbo n~ m crysta lline oxidiz ing panicles. When Example
Wht·rc . V" -- 1· 11!.'hl w l,x; l~ the mixture is dec omposed, po lymeric hydrocarbons A cety le ne. e lh y kne oxi de . h ydroge n perox 1dc: •nd
9536 act_s as fuel whereas crystalline pan icles acts as an hydrazine .
=~ ox1d1zer. Mos tl y, alum inium is used as fuel. The Desirable Properties of Monopropellants
~ 0.7 x l 600 propellant IS h_e ld by means of polymeric binders such (i) It sho uld be c hemically and th~mta ll y s1able.
= 0.763 a s .polybutad1e nes, po ly urethane etc . The burning
: . J-'., -- 11 20 mis (ii ) It should b e easily deco mposed .
properties and manufacturin g process can be improved
= 76.3¾ ( iii ) It should be reacti ve to good co mbust ion wi1h in no 1ime .
ThnLSI of a roc kd engin~ is given as. by add1t1on o f catalyst. The chemical reaction occurs
·. Thermal efficiency, 11,h = 76.3% at the burning surface of propellant produces heat and (iv) It shou ld have low viscos ily.
T =m V1
products of combustion. (v) II s hou ld be spontan eous ly igni1able wi lh 011 ric ac id.
:= (mu+ m 1) ~ 6. . Overall Efficiency (Tl)
(c) Granulated Propellant 2. Bipropellant s
· \-1 • I) 1600 Overall efficiency is obtained by. It is one which use a n ox idi zer ap:irt fro m luel lo produce
It c on s ists of various powders or gran ulated rains
:. T = 8000 N = 8 kN n:= Tlprop X Tl,h of P,nergetic materiaL This propellant has a loosely
packed m shape. This propellant can be used instead
thenna l ene rgy. T hennal energy is produced by combin ing tue l
and oxid izer in the combustio n chamber. These propdl ants are
·. ThrusL T = 8 kN = 0.94 X 0.763 used in spac.e vehicles, mi ss iles and large roc keLs.
of heterogeneou s properl y. In some cases such as sky
2. S~cltic l mpuln ( l, v) =0.7172 rockets, signa l rockets model rocket motors· etc .. bv Example
compressing it in a single grain . Liquid hydrogen + N~0 • HzOr gaso lene ; ni tric acid.
Sp.,cilic impulse o f a roc ket engine is given by, ·. Overall effi ciency, 11 0 = 71. 72% · 3
liquid oxygen. demc1hy l hydraz ine el<:
2. Liquid Propellant
5,2,2 Propellant Type - Thru•t~ Prop!,llalv e Liquid propellant of a rocket engine is categorized into
Desirable Properties of Bipropellants
I =~ Efficiency - Specific lmpuise - Solld and ' · (i) 11 s ho ul d have low molecu lar ma~, .
•P K the fo llowing two types,
Liquid Propellant· Rocket Engines ·. · i, (ii) It should have high heating va lue and high density.
1600 (a) Mono propeliant
~ W = 163.099 s 061 . Where rocket propulsion i~ used? What are tti~ (iii ) II should be re lia ble 10 s mooth igni1ion.
kinds of rocket propellants? (b) Bi-propellant . It s hould have low hazard factors such as corros ivi1y.
:. Sp,:c ifi~ impulse, l,p = 163.099s
(a) . Mono Propellant 1oxic i1y e1c .
3. Propu lsive Efficie ncy ( 'lpn,p) A propellant in which the fuel and oxidizer are contained (v) II should be eas ily stored and handkd .
ln a rocket propulsion system, the fuc!I and the ox~dizer · in a s ingle compound is referred as a mono pro pellant. (vi) It shou ld have low viscos ily.
Propulsi ve efficiency for a rocket engi ne is given by.
are within the body. The forward movement of the body is It releases the energy without the addition of oxidizer. Q63. What are the desirable properties of a good
2s obtained from the reaction ofh_igh velocity jet coming out of · T he rockets Y1ith this type of propellan t are simple in
11,,....,= ~ solid propellant rocket engine? This type of propulsion is used in rockets and space construction and these are smaller in size. The materia ls
Answer 1
in mono propellant are Hydrogen perox ide (Hp 2) . Desimble propert ies o f a good solid propdlant rod .e-t
=~ Hydrazine (N, H ), Ethylene oxide (C2Hp), etc. The
I +(0.7)_2 Rocket propellants can be c l.assified as, 4 engu1e are giwn b.:low.
princ iple applications of this propdlant are aiL~ilary and
= 0.'1-10 I. Solid Propellant I. The propellanl must be inert and sh,,uld not igmte under
turbopump plants in rockets.
slight impact or pressure .
= Q.J• o Solid propellant is classified into three types namely, 11 should possess high,.'!" dms ity and lower mob.-ular w-e1gh1.
(b) Bi-propellant 2_
:. Propuls ive etnciency. 'lrrup = 9.J¾ (a) Homogeneous propellant The prope llant in wh ich the fuel and oxidizer are J. T he prope ll ant shou ld rel ease la rge amo unl of heal
contained in different chemical comPos,uon ,s known energy during chem ical rcac1mn occumng bel\\ C<'fl fud
4. Propulsive Powe r (I' prop) (b) Heterogeneou s propellant
as bi-propellant . The most common fuel s an~ oxidizer and oxidizer.

~:~~ ~~:;~ ~;=:~:~~~~::i~:~

Pmpul s i,c power of a ro~kel e'.1gine is given by, (c) Granulated propellant. It shou ld posses hi g h co mt> u,t,on 1emp<Cra 1Ure anJ

p-= f rv,' +v,' ]

(a) Homogeneous Propellant
It consists of fuel and . . .
chemically bonded in s~xidizmg components which are
etc. It is mostly used fo~long range apphcauons ofhqu1d
propellant rocket engine.
specific impuls.:.
The exhausl gases rdt·a.sing fn, m 11-k- c0n1!>1L~lion , ) , t~m
should be co lourless and s mok,·k s.>
= "'" ;m
f [1 ',' + I'.' ] two fonns nam • ngle molecule. It 1s mostly found
base propellente 1~imple base propellant and double
What are the different types of liquid propellants
used and their desirable properties?
6. The propdlanl musl be prac tit" n1'1< 10 , ,1,1 or , ., 1rll<k- 111
required shape ,md s1L.:
4+1 compound whi~h h: v:u;ple base possesses a sin~lo DfC.-11. Set-3. 01(1) I Model paper-II, Qll D uring processing. both lhc ph~, i~a l anJ ~hcnu, <1!
~ (16001 + 11 2D1 1 7.
2 propenies. For exam th °
oxidation and reduction An•wer 1 pro[)"rt ies should remai n cons1a111 , r . P"'i"'' ,.. ..,,,
base homogeneous p~1e~~llrocellul ose (NC) ·is simple l)')lel of Liquid Propellants .. 1,e stable.
~ 9536 > 10 3 \V Various types of liquid propdlants ar e cl ass11ied as
of ni_1r'.1cellulosc and ~tit!ant. The_double bas_e _consists The propell,1111 t,., sufe wkl eru,, "' ,1, ...- ~• ....._
= 953 6 k W plast1c1ser The ph . oglycerme m add1t1on to a m, x. tn m. pack etc .
follows,1. Monopropcll anl
and doubl~ base a~: : ~ t'ructure of both s(mple baJe q_ TI1e mw materrnJ ,houl.t be e,lSII) .,1111:1.t-k: .1n,. . ,,
:. Pro pu ls i, .: pow.,,, P,_P = 9536 kW
----- ---- - - -:::-::-----:-------~- --:...=~., mos1ly used in la I'
be homogeneous . These are
c ica weapons. 2. Bipropellan ~ nuDIN ff------ - - 51.6 CIROUf' ~
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!5 .40
· r~o enant rockets.
- -- - - -- - - - - - - - ~ ~ - : : - : : - : ; : ; ; :..:;;,..
UNIT-5 Jet Propulsion and Rockets
4. Less expensive, as non-critical materials can be used with the use of lower p.rcssures and cool ing
11 4 1

0 64 . List out the desirable properties required for liquid t' P 5. Propellent flow can be easily controlled and hence controlling of combustion is easy.

Anawer 1 6. Pre-heating of fuels help in reducing heat losses.

I lesimble pn,p,:rties l' f a hquid p11>pc l1~11t for a rocket engine are as follows, 7· It provide~ economical benefits like the rocket engines may be effectively reused after the recovery proccs\
II , h,,uld p,,:,,-,.,s , ct)· l11 ~h co loritic value of fud 8. It facilitates more stable operation.

I he dens11y of tlw t'ud should tit, very hi gh so that it is easily stored even in small space. 9. It facilitates easy operation of auxilary power plant.

.l . nie propdlJnt should be non-corrossive and stable. Q67. What is the importance of specific Impulse In rocket engines?

4. It should~ non-MJC ti,e with other engine compohents . .

Answer: May-1 0, S.t-1. Ql(b)

5. It should nut be hiua rdous. Impulse is the ef!ect of a force applied for a very short time to an object. Specific impulse of a rocket engine 1s g" en b)
the thrust acting per urut weight flow rate of the propellent or the thrust on a hypothetical rocket discharging unjt weight of 1he
6. It should possess a mrn imum change in vi scosity with respect to change in temperature. propellent per second.

7. It should ha'. e low fi re point so as to igmte easily. F

Specific impulse, I,p = iv;'
It should po,sess high thermal conductivity.
It is a characteristic parameter for a·given propellent of a rocket engine. Rocket engine having a higher spec,fic im pulse
1:1 . To obtain high jet ve lo.ity. the combustion product should be of lower molecular weight. . delivers more 'thrust for a given weight flow rate when compared with an engine having lower specific impulse. II has the un i1
IO It Y10ulJ be abundant!) available. as seconds [...!:!_ ~ s] .
065. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of bi-propellants used in rocket engines over monopropellants.

Answer: Q68. Enumerate the difference between a liquid propellant and a solld propellant of a rocket engine.

Adnntacn of Bi-pro~ll•nts used in Rocket Engines Over MonopropeUants OR

11 ) Bi-propellants are less hazardous when compared to monopropellants. Compare and contrast liquid and solld propellant rocket engines in detail.

(11) Bi-propellants ha-. high healing values when compared to monopropellants. Answer: Now.lOoc..-11. (RU). Q ll(b)

s (11i) 81-propellant rocket engines performance is belier than that of the monopropellant rocket engines. Differences between liquid propellant rocket engine and solid propellant rocket engine.

(I\) The performance of bi -propellanl eng ine is sufficiently high, when compared with monopropellant rocket engines. liquid Propellant Rocket Enaine Solid Propellent Rocket Ea1in~

(, l Bi-propellant rockel engines ha-. grealer potentialities than monopropellanl rocket engines. 1. Liquid propellant rocket engine is employed to cool 1. In this type of rocket engine. sine~ the pmpe llant is

Diladn■ tacn of Bi-pro~Uants uud in Rorke! O\'tr Mono-propellants the rocket motor by fuel circulation across the solid. Hence. there is no provis ion 10 cool the

(1) Bi- pmpdlants are applicable only for short duration applications. nozzle and walls of combustion chamber. combustion chamber.

(111 8 1- propdllnl rocke1 engme is heavy in weight. when used for long duration operation. 2. This rocket engine is suitable for maximum duration 2. This rocket ~ngine is only suitable for shorter
duration. l~s space and less potential.
(1i1) B1-prop.-llan1> are those. \\ hich require an o, idizcr unlike monopropellants. large space and greater potential.
3. ln solid propellant engine, for a g1vet1 thrust. t~ stz.c
(" J 1-kat to ll1'! "all arc more due to rn~l=ting of fuel. 3_ In liquid propellant engine, the s_ize of combustion of the combustion chambu canoot b., d\ang,.-d.
chamber can be decrease for a given thrust.
I,) 0 1flku h~ m , ontro lling •he hi-pwpdl:mt fl ow than monopropellants.
4. Solid propellant mgine doe..'DOI poSkss s.,..h dhlht~.
4. At any time, liquid propellant engine_has ability
Q66. Why liquid propellants are mostly preferred in a rocket engines?
to cut-off and restart combustion in combustion
5. This type of rocket engill<' ,, k,< ,·"e0>1\< 111 tush
Liquid pr.,rc,ilants art preforrcd 1r1 roc ker pmp11lsion because of their advantages owr solid r ropdlants as described hel,,w. 5. This type of rocket engine is much extensive in
p, 111._. USt' ol liq111d prn['l' ll.lnts ,ncreas...s the durn1ion of operation. thrust applicaoo,..._
high thrust applications.
1, !• redu..--es the s iLe of ,·omhu,1,un .:harnh<·r. 6. It ts simple m <.'o nstructlon due to the at-.,~,"'" ,1f
6. It is difficult in constr11ction. S)'Stem and movin11 pans.
'• l , e ,, f , ,.,,ling re1ams 1h, , ucngd, of the mc1al \\ a.ll s.

514 MOUP ~
Lo ok for the S14 GROUP LOGO \ tJ&'n"1~1J''lttLE
COVER befo - - - - - - -
re you buy
· . . f lid propellant Answer : · . diaaram o f a liqu id pn.1 pd f4111
Q69. Explain the working prmc1ple ~ so • A simple schem~ uctl e fi°g•ure . It mainly consists or a
rocket engine with a suitable sketch. rocket engine· is · .shown
. in . 1 d h
1 rocket motor an ot er control
Answer: fu~l tank, an oxi~izer ~ ; tamong these is the rocket motor,
valves. The moS t unpo h ·t orthe engine. The rocket motor
'd ·ed as the ea,
which is cons1 ei . . tors ignition system, combustion
- - - - - • Pay load and controls consists of propella~t mJeCl 1"he ipjectors inject the liquid
chamber and the ~x~t n.oz~ e~equired quantity goes into the
propel lan t an d ox1d1zers
. ·
e the- combustion ta k es p lace due
Casing 1
combustion cha~ber, w~er neans of an ignition system. Due
·to chemjcal reactwn or y 'and temperature, the gases expand ·
bustion pressure
---- t
Direction Solid propellant tot11e com . ' . 1 ssure and temperature gases expands
enormously. This hig re a high velocity jet (supersonic).
of burning 0
in the nozzle and_P! uces the rocket forward. The cooling
Combustion c hambe r The reaction to t~,s ~et ml ovtes gth of the material of the walls
. tern must maintain tie s ren . .
sys · . fr melting This can be done by c1Tculatmg the
and prevendt ,th om lls of th~ combustion ·chamber and around
fuel aroun t e wa · h b ·
Nozz le the nozzle. ·The fuel required in the co~bust1fon c am er 1s
: · &.
trans1erre d fr o m the storage. tank by means o pressure
c-. d
system or a pump feed ·s ystem. The pressure ~ee system
_H ot gas jet · employs an inert gas at h_igh pres~~e o: the high p~ess~1re
inlet gas to force the fuel and the oxidizer mto t1_1e com ushon .
" Figure: Solid Propellant Rocket Engine chamber. The pump feed system employs ·separate pum~,
driven by small gas turbines which may or may not have their .
The figure above shows the schematic diagram of a .
separate combustion chamber. Generally, pressure feed system
solid propellant rocket engine. It essentially comprises of
is employed as it is simple, inexpensive and reliable.
a combustion chamber, expansion ·nozzle and an oxidizer. Combustion Chamber
The solid fuel shell and an oxidizer are incorporated. in the
combustion system. The body of the shell is made of stee( Oxidizer Tank t--e><.r---..

closed at one end. I

C~ntro I Va lvcs

The other end consists of a nozzle through· which the i,

' ·\
gases exhaust at high velocity. As the fuel and oxidizers are
contained within the chamber, there is no need for fuel supply
system. The ignitor contains highly reactive and explosive
Figure: Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine
material (such as lead o·xide) to initiate burning of the propellant
with instant decomposition and heat. release. This process is Q71. Discuss . th~ principle elements and the
called burning by deflagrafion as the heat ,is sent back to the functions 'of nuclear rocket engine List out
propellant making the process to sustain by itself. This type of their merits and demerits. ·
propellant produces maximum thrust if the combustion space Answer:
is completely filled with the propellant and is allow~d to burn
Elements ofNuc,l ear Ro~ke~ Engine
like a cigarette. Solid propellant rocket engines are of two types
i.e., restricted burning and unrestricted burning. 1n a restricted The principle eleme t f · . . .
• fi'gure.
s11own m n s o a nuclear rocket engme 1s as
burning the propellant is restricted to burn only from one side
similar to that c;,f burning of a cigarette. In this type, the charge
(i.e, liquid type)·is poured into the chamber, where it gets
Propellant Tank
solidified and fills, the chamber. This type of rocket delivers
small thrust for longer period of time. In case of unrestricted
burning, the charge is fr~e to burn from all sides. It is generally ' unit
used where a maximum thrust force is required for a shorter
period of time.

Q70. Explai_n liquid propellant rocket with a neat

sketch. ·
Nov./Dec.-13, (R09), QB(a) Nuclear reactor
Explain liquid propellant rocket engine.
NovJDec.-16, (R13), Q10)
+---+-t- +-,....
. . . Elements of Nucl R .
e · ear Qcket Engine
Look for the 514 GROUP LO~O ti4on th·e -TITLE COVER
before you buy
-· · " ", u: ne ct or
111 ll
e pr op e an tt an
hy dr og en ) w hi ch
ntLC\ear. fi ss

io n re ac to, r1J'an
kc on ta in st he li ·d
"' 1I-H11 g un it ,
d ex ha us t ncooz
qu i pr op el \a nt
nt r~o!I
zl ~.
\ - - - : : ; ; :~~~=~--------
It co rn pri ~c '> c,1 n
11 l-l •·
is su pp lie d to th (i. ~ .. liq uict
l 1c nu clea rr eac.:
T he pu m pi
e pu m pi ng un it. t,on i· ,,, nlr· oll at ~) re '.I.1th LJ "l
c-d '-· th e" '
ng un it pu m ps the i!:> p -d d aa nuck-ar tUc:l
th ro ug h th e co nt pr op e 11an t to nu cl ro v, c to av o id "'1 comrc, l rrxb. ..
ro l va lv es w ith ear re ac to r le akao .-
tub es pr od uc es he ve ry hi gh pr es su re . Th us ua II Y us ed in th1 0 1 nc · '"' tc ~1 s1 r
~ ty pe of 0'- ut ro
at and th us th e pr l\
ope an t ge ts he at -
e re ac to r up th e he at from ro ck et _ ns I -14u1d hy
pa ss es th ro ug h th ed Tl1 th e re actor :n de ng in dro~ n
.th e~ e! ub es . D ur in g this up w he n it ei,, lh e prope-llant
e en e rgy ca n he
Wl ve ry h ih
g te m pe ra tu re an
pr oc es s, a ga s is
pr od uc ed " · ge
.: re lc a~c<l ,n tw t ex p d ·
\al , ~\

no zz le w it h ve ry d pr es su re . Tl,is an e<1 in the n<,1..IS llc .


hi gh su pe rs on ic ga s is ex pa nd ed in (i) orrn i, namelv

ve lo ci ty in th e ra N uc lc ar fo .~io nr
4500 m is to 90 00 ng e be tw ee n ea, .. --r
m is . Th is results ...., ,.
• th ru st of th e en in ge ne ra tio n of (ii ) N11c lc ar fu
gi ne . pr op ul si ve si on reactor.
(i) ~u cl ea r Fi ss io n
s th e pr oc es s in vo R ea ct.or
22 00 °C ), it re qu lv es very hi gh te
ir es a co ol in g sy m pe ra tu re s ( of ab In thi s ty pe of re
st em to pr ev ou t of actor, heat is oc
of no zz le w al ls . Th er
ef or e, it is m or e
en t th e m el tin g ur an iu
m ·in so 1·d
1 ,\!actor rnau..>ria e ncr··a.u•~-u-i bY th · fi .
ap pl ic at io ns . of te nly us ed fo tr an s1erre d lo th l It .
e pr op el la nt or w · 15 then subseque· IOn
c l>S
r sp ac e c .
o f 11s s1on re ac tio . _ or ki ng II ·d ntlv
M er it s . n, th e he av y mol u, . 1n liti... e proces•
pa rti cl es by th e co . . ec ul e ~
. 1·c., b·ro kc ·
l. N uc le ar ro ck et h1 gh en er gy . ll 1s1on of ne utrons
on its nucleus n. . in d
to small
en gi ne s re qu ire
m uc h le ss er fu an re Ieasc."S
po un d of pa yl oa el pe r
d w he n co m pa re (ii ) N uc le ar Fu si on
pr op el la nt ro ck d w ith liq ui d or R ea ct or
et s. so lid
· 2. lt ca n pr od uc es In th is ty pe of reac
m uc h la rg er ex ha up th e pr op el la nt tor, nucl ear ener gy
us t ve lo ci tie s th . A lar ge amount is produced to heat
ch em ic al ro ck et an of energy is relea
en gi ne for a gi ve fo rm of he at du sed in the
3. n w ei gh t. rin g th e pr oc es s.
A sp ac e ve hi cl e of lig ht el em en ts In thj s reaction, ch
w ith nu cl ea r ro ck ar e fused into a he arge<! nuclei
ve rs at ile th an on et
en gi ne is m or e avy nucl eus to prod
e w hi ch us es ch em Q 73 : D is cu ss uce heat..
ic al ro ck et en gi ne s . th e re la tiv e m er
D em er it s ro ck e t sy st em its of ga s pr es su riz at io n
ov er pu m p pr
\. R ad ia tio n ef fe ct sy st em . es su riz at i on
s are ca used by th
e nu cl ea r re ac to A n sw er :
2. H ea vy w ei gh t of r.
the engine as se m
3. T he y ar e ve ry M er it s of G as
da ng er ou s to op Pr es su ri za tio n
di sp er si on of hi er at e be ca us e Pr es su ri za tio n Sy Sy st em ov er t
gh ly ra di oa ct iv e th e · h e Pu m p
m at er ia l~ al on g st em
the en gi ne ex ha w ith
us t and th ei r ex tT l. T he ga s pr es su
te m pe ra tu re s. em el y hi gh .w or r iz at io n sy• te ~
ki ng co m pa re d with pu 1s a si mpl_e '-' he
mp pres su nzat ,on n
Q 72 . E xp la in system .
th e nuclear pr op 2. In ga s -pres su nz
el la nt ro ck et in .
at 1·on S) stem . both fuel and oxid ize r
A n s w e r: de ta il. taruG,
ar c pres su rized·.
No v.- 15 , (R 13 ),
It is a ty pe of th Q1 1( a) -
ermal roc ke t en 3. fh e re 1.s no n.s k 0 ffi re (o r) explos io n du
ex ha us t je t by gi ne w hi ch pr od e to leakage .
he ating th e pm pe uc es
Th e m aj or lim ita lla nt in th e nu cl ea r re 4. . de
N o ne ed of specta 1 1 sign and special se
tio ns of ch em ic al
ro ck et en gi ne s,
ac to r. sea - al materials.
ex ha us t ve lo ci ty
ch am be r, lo w en
(i.e., ab ou t 4 .5 km
/s ) , hi gh te m pe ra
su ch as lo w s. T he ga s pr essu nz . . n systt:m do
allO es not sutTe-r pum
erb'Y release, et c ~u re in an d le ak ag e prob · ping
us e of nu cl ea r ro ., ca n be o ve rc om le ms.
cket engine. ed by th e . .
6. N o m ov in g part!:, ha s turbin es and
sue pumps are requ ired
Co nt ro l rod , R . · n 5, ste m .
e fl e..·to r in ga s pr essu nz at1o -
-~ -~
"r'.' '

_....... .-·
,,_:,· . D em er it s of G . at io n Sv st em

.. -
- ,,,.. ,,,, as Pressurt'l . ov er the Po m p
· -- -c-___ 1"J;,I - it .,t Pr es su ri
• - _,.. - - - ,: -- ..,, za tio n Sy steni
.,.,._. - -""" - Ex ha ust!.
- ~ ~ _\.._
~ .,./ . . n svstem is · .·
applicable on1-, . fo r
·- \- ,,
. -'c -,
"' . I. T he gas pres~ un7.a t1°
. . -
era1 10 11s, s ince it is he av ) ,n · we ••ht
R'.eac1or C01e sh or t du ra tio n op duratio ,.,,
n op er ation .
v. h en us.e d for lon g
figure: lu c\ yr Rock .
et Engine lla
J', lll cl ea r ~o ~k et 2. In ad di tio n to th increa!>e of prope nt tank we ight,
en gines pr od uc es . e · c an d th e inert gas tank . hl
.ab ou t \0° to IO
lim es that of ch
ab W td an t en er gy
th e in ert gas vo .hll ll
h mot or du ra uo . h b"
w~ ,g .
em ic al re actio n also in cr ea se s wi n t m ak in g ,1
hi gh ra le of en er
gy_~elease re sults ro ck et . Th is t t,o rt du ra tio n op ere -
(if pr op e \\a nt m ater l in se le ct io n o f w id appli1.:ab le onl y to 5 er at io ns .
. · ia s and re su e ra ng e . fo r lon g ra nge mi
rir op e ng de vi ce . lts in ve ry lo w
m ass of the 3 Th i ~ · 0 su 1ta ble
s\'st erT\ ,s u_
ssions and
::::;;-;;~~:----:-:--- - - ,
hu ge rock e1 en 1nes- g
~ " ALL- - - - _ _ '. _ -
111-oftt )O
ORl1 & FOR ENCllttEEl -~------ .. --
S IA G R O U P ®
t S.4 4
Q7 4 - Wh at are diffe ren t perf orm anc e

by mea ns of form ula. 1

para met ers
use d for prop ulsi on eng ines ? Brie
fly exp lain

a - Spee d ratio
Ans wer :
Dec.-11, Set-4, Q8(1) u
The impo rtant para mete rs to evaluate the
perfo rman ce veJ
of rock et engi ne are as follo ws,
(b) Thermal Efficiency (11th)
(a) Prop ulsiv e efficienc y (llpro iJ It is defined as, the ratio betw een engi ne outpu
t power
(b) .'Thermal effic ienc y (T'lth) to heat supplied. It is expn ;ssed as,
( c) Ove rall effic ienc y (llove ran> · Eng ine outp ut pow er
(a) Prop ulsiv e Efficiency 11th= heat supp lied
It is defin ed as the ratio of thrust pow er to
engine outp ut rn(ve2j +u 2)
pow er. It is expr esse d as,
. ' t power
Prop ulsli ve pow er or thrus mCV
llprop = Engi ne output pow er
Prop ulsiv e pow er or thrus t pow er = mv

' 2
. u
Whe re;
V2, + U2

Eng ine outp ut pow er ,,; m ( v <1; u ) + mv,,• CV - Calorific valu e

Whe re, . · (c)' Overall Efficien_cy (llove rall)

V ej - Exha ust gase s veio city It is defined as the ratio of thrus t work to the
heat supplied
by fuel. It is expressed as,
u - Flig ht spee d
Thr ustp owe r rnve u
11 overall = Hea
m - Mas s flow rate of rock et engine t supp lied by fuel = m:v
mvej u· veju
llprop ~ = · CV
m veJ -u )2
( lloverall
+mv eju
I ,;_

mvej u
The relat ion betw een prop ulsiv e efficiency
efficiency in term s of over all effic ienc y
and thennal
is expressed as,
lloverall = CV
Divi ding the num erato r and deno mina tor
mveJu by 2(v! +u 2 ) ,
= - - - - 2- ~ - - - - -
mv! +mu -2m ve u-+2 mveJ u 2veJu (v~ +u 2 )
1 Tl - X----
overa ll- (v~+ u 2) 2CV
2mve1u : · r\ overall = Tl prop x Tl th
m(ve2J +u 2) Q75. Derive the equation for propulsi
ve efficiency of
" rocket propulsion .
. 2vej u
T'lprop = (Ve}2 +u 2 ) Ans wer : N~vJO.c.-16, (R13)."0 11 (•)
Now , dividirig the num erato r and deno mina For answ er refe r Unit -V, Q74 , Top ic
tor by v~ , : Propulsive

_hl 2
Q76. A rock et mot or with cha mbe
temperature of 2.04 MPa, 220 0 K,
r pres sure ~nd
sea leve l whe re pres sure is 0.1 MPa.
operates at
Tlprop = ( ) Find thrust
1+ ..!!__ prod uce d and spe cific Imp ulse for
Ve/ con sum ptio n of 1.0 kg/s . Take c •
1500 J/kg
K. y:: 1.3, g z 9.807 m/s ec 2 and RP= 3'6 J/k9 K.
Find also thru st whe n the pressure
1nsid• th •
l\ozzle is 50°/4 of initi a_l.

llay/J uM-1 2, - ~ QICb)

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