Maths Lab Assignment - Sugandha

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Maths Lab Assignment

Sugandha Chaudhary


# define the joint probability mass function
f <- function(x, y) {
ifelse(x %in% c(0, 1, 2) & y %in% c(5, 10), (x*y + 3*y)/180, 0)

# compute the marginal distribution of X

f_X <- function(x) {
sum(f(x, c(5, 10)))

# compute the marginal distribution of Y

f_Y <- function(y) {
sum(f(c(0, 1, 2), y))

# compute and print the marginal distributions

xs <- 0:2
ys <- c(5, 10)
fx <- sapply(xs, f_X)
fy <- sapply(ys, f_Y)
cat("Marginal distribution of X:\n")
cat("Marginal distribution of Y:\n")
Marginal distribution of X:
> print(fx)
[1] 0.2500000 0.3333333 0.4166667
> cat("Marginal distribution of Y:\n")
Marginal distribution of Y:
> print(fy)
[1] 0.3333333 0.6666667

b) # Define the joint probability mass function

f <- function(x, y) {
ifelse(x %in% 0:2 & y %in% c(5, 10), (x*y + 3*y)/180, 0)

# Compute P(X >= 1)

p_x_ge_1 <- sum(f(1:2, 5:10))

# Print the result

cat("P(X >= 1) = ", p_x_ge_1)
output: P(X >= 1) = 0.3888889
c) # Define the joint probability mass function
f <- function(x, y) {
ifelse(x %in% 0:2 & y %in% c(5, 10), (x*y + 3*y)/180, 0)

# Compute the numerator P(X > 0 and Y = 5)

p_xy <- f(1:2, 5)
p_x_gt_0_given_y_5_num <- sum(p_xy)

# Compute the denominator P(Y = 5)

p_y_5 <- sum(f(0:2, 5))

# Compute P(X > 0 | Y = 5)

p_x_gt_0_given_y_5 <- p_x_gt_0_given_y_5_num / p_y_5

# Print the result

cat("P(X > 0 | Y = 5) = ", p_x_gt_0_given_y_5)
P(X > 0 | Y = 5) = 0.75



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