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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Lipa
Inosloban-Marawoy Integrated National High School
Marawoy, Lipa City

A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH

Name of Ma. Karena P. Adoyo Grade/Year Level Grade 8

Learning Area: Physical Education Quarter: 2nd Quarter
Lesson No. Local Demonstration Duration 1h
Topic Volleyball
Sub Topic Nature and Background of Volleyball
Content  The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles
Standards: in exercise program design to achieve fitness.
Performance  The learner performs modifies physical activity program for the
Standard: family/school; peers to achieve fitness.
Learning  The learner describes the nature and background of sports. PE8GS-Id-
Competencies: 1
 The learner undertakes physical activity and physical fitness
assessments. PE8PF-Iia-h-23
SMART 1. Determine the nature and background of Volleyball.
Objectives: 2. Explain the nature and background and the basic equipment of
3. Value volleyball through discussing the nature and background of

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Daily Routine

Before we start our lesson I would like you to
stand and bow our head and accept the holy
presence of God
In the name of the father … Amen

2.Classroom Management

Before you take your seat let’s have a

“MAPEH Check”

M-ake sure you’re ready to listen.

A-rrange your seat properly.
P-ick-up those small pieces of trash.
E-njoy the subject.
H-ave a seat and get ready.
Good Afternoon class!
Good Afternoon ma’am!

4.Checking of Attendance

Secretary, who are the absentees for today?

None ma’am
Very good!


Are you familiar with the game

“4 Pics In One Word?”

I will give 2 points to the student who answers it


Are you ready class?

Ready.. Get set.. Go!

Very Good!

Now class, I prepared here a video clip.
All you have to do is listen and watch attentively.

Are you ready?

Yes, ma’am!

(The students will watch the Video)

What have you learned from the video? (The students answer may vary)

Very good!

I prepared here a game which is entitled
 All you have to do is to reveal the hidden
words by giving the corresponding letter
for each given number.
 You will write your answer on the on the
 Every correct answer is equivalent to 2
points and the group to finish first will
receive an additional of 5pts.
 The fastest group to finish is the winner!

Are my instructions clear?

Yes, ma’am!
(The students will do the activity.)

1-A 11-K 21-U

2-B 12-L 22-V
3-C 13-M 23-W
4-D 14-N 24-X
5-E 15-O 25-Y
6-F 16-P 26-Z
7-G 17-Q
8-H 18-R
9-I 19-S
10-J 20-T
2 15 12 12 5 25 2 1 12 12

1 9 14 20 15 14 5 20 20 5 E L W O O D S B
3 R O W N

5 1 23 1 15 4 1 2 W I L L I A M G
2 5 9 M O R G A N
18 1 23 1
5 4 H O L Y O K E M A S
2 9 12 1 9 1 13 7
3 2
13 15 18 7 1 14
8 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1
5 2 5 5 1 3 9
1 1 3 8 2 1 5 2 2 1
9 1 9 0 0 9

Well done class!

Let’s answer this questions:

What can you say about the words that you had
The decoded words are related to the
history of the game Volleyball like what we
have learned from the video a while ago.
Very good!
Do you have an idea of what a Volleyball game is?
Yes, ma’am!, but we do not know much
about volleyball games.


What is Volleyball?
It is a team sport in which two
teams of six players are separated by a
Each team tries to score points by
grounding a ball on the other team’s court
under organized rules.

Volleyball was conceived as less strenuous
alternative to basketball. The sport became
popular very quickly and made its Olympic debut
in 1964. Basketball and Volleyball were both
invented at Springfield College in Massachusetts
within a few years of one another.

Who invented Volleyball? William George Morgan was the

inventor of volleyball.
What is the old name of volleyball?
Originally called "Mintonette", a
name derived from the game of
badminton which he later agreed to
change to better reflect the nature of the

When did the game Volleyball begin?

Volleyball history began in a town called
Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1895.
How did the game volleyball develop?
The sport was developed at the
YMCA by William G. Morgan as an
alternative for the older men that were
less taxing than basketball. It took the net
from tennis and cues from basketball,
baseball, and handball.
Where was volleyball founded?
In the winter of 1895, in Holyoke,
Massachusetts (United States).
When the game was first played?

In July 7th at Springfield College the

first game of "volleyball" was played.
1900, a special ball was designed for the
sport. 1900 - YMCA spread volleyball to
Canada, the Orient, and the Southern
What was the first ball used in volleyball? Hemisphere.

In 1964, Volleyball was introduced to

the Olympic Games in Tokyo. The
Japanese volleyball used in the 1964
Olympics, consisted of a rubber carcass
with leather paneling. A similarly
constructed ball is used in most modern
Who introduced volleyball in the Philippines? competition.

It was introduced to the Filipinos by an

American named Elwood S. Brown, the
Physical Director of the Young Men's
Christian Association (YMCA). It became a
popular game held in backyards and at
beaches in the islands. At first, the
Filipinos invented their own rules for the
What are the equipment’s being used in game.

The equipment’s being used are:

The Ball

It is made of synthetic leather, weighs

between 9 and 10 ounces and has
circumference of 25.6
to 26.4.

The Net
The volleyball net is 32
feet long by 3 feet
wide. For U.S
volleyball playing
surface must be
flat and not
present hazards to the players.

The playing court is marked by two
sideline and two end
line. All line must be 2
inches wide and must
be created with a light
color that is easy to
discern from the
Now, we all know the nature and playing court.
background of Volleyball, and the different
equipment’s being used.

For a short summary, how will you define

the game Volleyball?

Volleyball is a team sport in which

two teams of six players are separated by
a net. Each team tries to score points by
grounding a ball on the other team’s court
under organized rules.

Volleyball has different equipments

Why do we need to know the importance of
like Ball, Net, and others.
history in our life?

Ma’am, Because History does not just

know something, names, dates or facts
Do you have any questions? Clarifications? about the past, it helps us to better define
the present.
None ma’am.

A. Application
I have here an activity which is entitled “Pop the
 Each group will be given balloons,
with pictures inside.
 All you need to do is pop the
balloon and get the picture, paste
your output on the board and
prepare 3 sentence explanation
based on what you have learned
from our lesson. Yes, ma’am!
 Complete this sentence for your
answer. ”I believe that…”
 You are given 5 minutes to do the

Are my instructions clear?

(The teacher will evaluate the students’ output

through this criteria.)
Criteria Points
Content of the 20points
Cooperation of 5 points Ma’am, I think their group has teamwork
members among their members.
Punctuality 5 points
Total 30 points

Based on the activities that all of you have gone

through, what do you think makes the other excel Teamwork is very important in a
over the other groups? game like in Volleyball in order to achieve
a better result. Some may not be that
good but every member matters.
If you are to relate the term teamwork in a
certain game like in Volleyball, how does it

Very well said!

“To build a strong team, you must see someone

else’s strength as a complement to your weakness
and not a threat to your position or authority.”


Directions: Identify what is asked. Choose your answer from the choices below and write it on
the space provided before each number.
Volleyball The Ball The Net And Court
NICCOLO PAGANINI Basketball Elwood S. Brown
1896 1900 William G. Morgan

_______________1). It was the year when the volleyball game was discovered. (1896)

____________ 2). He is the one who introduced Volleyball in the Filipinos. (Elwood S.

___________3). It is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a
net. (Volleyball)

_______________4). He is one of the volleyball inventors who have spread and develop the
nature of volleyball. (William G. Morgan)

________________ 5). It is equipment made of synthetic leather, weighs between 9 and 10

ounces and has circumference of 25.6 to 26.4 (The Ball)

Assignment: On your P.E notebook, define the following

basic skills of the game Volleyball.
a. Passing (known also
as Bumping)
b. Setting.
c. Serving.
d. Hitting (known also as Spiking)
e. Blocking

Prepared by:
Practice Teacher
Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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