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For Doctorate Title Defense

1. Introduction
2. Background of the Study
3. Rationale
4. Research Objectives

1st slide is your title, program enrolled with major , your name
1 slide to each topic the 4

Parts of the manuscripts

 Chapter 1 The Problem and Review of Related Literature
 Chapter 11 Research Methodology
 Chapter III Results, Analysis of Data and Discussion
 Chapter IV Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Chapter I – The Problem…..

1. Introduction … research you want to investigate or you want to explore
How to write
1. Capture the reader’s interest
2. Give overview of your research topic
3. Explain your interest in the topic
4. State the issue to be examined you are trying to prove / disprove
5. Give forthcoming chapter review

Word Count 100-150

2. Background of the Study - Start with a strong beginning. Begin the background by
defining the research topic and then identify the target audience. Cover the
components. Explain all theories, concepts terms and ideas that may feel unfamiliar
to the target audience thoroughly.
It should indicate the root of the problem being studied, its scope and the extent
which studies have successfully investigated the problem noting the particular
where gaps exist that your study attempts to address.

3. Rationale ….identify the real world about the problem that the research will try to
better understand and or solve or providing opportunities that the research will
strive to identify and explore the gap. This is the justification for undertaking a given
study. It states the reason(s) why a researcher chooses to focus on the topic
in question, what the significance is and what gaps the research intends to fill. In
short it is an explanation that rationalizes the need for the study.
WC 100- 150
Statement of the Problem
4. Research Objectives Identify the researcher’ contribution to knowledge
Identify the questions.
Portion you have the statement of the problems questions 1-5
How to write
1. Pinpoint the major focus of your research
2. Break down your research focus into research objectives
3. Write your research objective into SMART format
4. Keep your number of objectives limited 3-4

WC 100-200

5. Significance of the Study

6. Scope and Limitation
7. Review of Related Literature
A. Theoretical Framework
You must see to it that your framework is aligned with the statement of the
1. Review the published literature, where you show what has already been
proposed, claimed or established
2. Summarize and evaluate the usefulness of these previous students in relation to
your stated aim or research question.
3. Make clear how well the theories had help your study
4. Enumerate how your research will contribute the new knowledge
A. Conceptual Framework
This is the representation of relationship you expect to between your
variables or the characteristics of properties that what to study.

You use IPO

Input Process Output

WC 500 – 750
8. Definition of Terms


Research Methodology
Research Design
Research Locale
Samples and Sampling Techniques
Data Collection
Statistical Analysis of Data
Research Quality Issues
Explain how you will ensure that you collect the right data to address research
questions or hypotheses or the data you collected are reliable.

Research Ethics Issues

Does your proposed research topic any ethical issues? For example does your
research design present any possible danger to your subjects like physical, emotion
and professional If so what will you do to avoid that?

WC 500-700

Summarize your proposal including your potential contribution to knowledge

WC – 200-250




Dr Bing J. Dulay

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