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Full Syllabus

Test Paper No-05

By Dr. Rishabh Choubey Sir

Answer Key

1. (2) 41. (1) 81. (3) 121. (4) 161. (2)

2. (3) 42. (3) 82. (4) 122. (4) 162. (2)
3. (1) 43. (1) 83. (4) 123. (1) 163. (1)
4. (3) 44. (1) 84. (2) 124. (4) 164. (2)
5. (2) 45. (2) 85. (1) 125. (3) 165. (3)
6. (4) 46. (4) 86. (1) 126. (1) 166. (4)
7. (3) 47. (2) 87. (2) 127. (3) 167. (4)
8. (3) 48. (3) 88. (1) 128. (1) 168. (4)
9. (4) 49. (1) 89. (2) 129. (4) 169. (2)
10. (2) 50. (3) 90. (4) 130. (2) 170. (2)
11. (4) 51. (2) 91. (4) 131. (2) 171. (2)
12. (2) 52. (1) 92. (4) 132. (4) 172. (4)
13. (4) 53. (1) 93. (3) 133. (1) 173. (3)
14. (4) 54. (2) 94. (2) 134. (2) 174. (3)
15. (3) 55. (2) 95. (1) 135. (2) 175. (3)
16. (1) 56. (2) 96. (3) 136. (1) 176. (2)
17. (1) 57. (2) 97. (3) 137. (2) 177. (2)
18. (2) 58. (1) 98. (4) 138. (3) 178. (2)
19. (1) 59. (3) 99. (4) 139. (4) 179. (1)
20. (4) 60. (3) 100. (1) 140. (1) 180. (3)
21. (2) 61. (4) 101. (4) 141. (4) 181. (4)
22. (2) 62. (3) 102. (2) 142. (2) 182. (4)
23. (4) 63. (4) 103. (4) 143. (1) 183. (2)
24. (2) 64. (3) 104. (4) 144. (1) 184. (4)
25. (4) 65. (1) 105. (2) 145. (3) 185. (4)
26. (4) 66. (2) 106. (3) 146. (2) 186. (2)
27. (4) 67. (3) 107. (1) 147. (4) 187. (3)
28. (4) 68. (2) 108. (2) 148. (4) 188. (3)
29. (3) 69. (4) 109. (2) 149. (2) 189. (3)
30. (4) 70. (3) 110. (1) 150. (4) 190. (3)
31. (2) 71. (4) 111. (2) 151. (4) 191. (3)
32. (2) 72. (4) 112. (3) 152. (1) 192. (2)
33. (2) 73. (3) 113. (2) 153. (4) 193. (3)
34. (2) 74. (2) 114. (3) 154. (1) 194. (4)
35. (3) 75. (3) 115. (1) 155. (4) 195. (4)
36. (4) 76. (3) 116. (4) 156. (3) 196. (4)
37. (2) 77. (1) 117. (3) 157. (3) 197. (2)
38. (2) 78. (2) 118. (3) 158. (2) 198. (1)
39. (1) 79. (2) 119. (2) 159. (4) 199. (2)
40. (2) 80. (4) 120. (3) 160. (3) 200. (2)

Hints and Solutions

SECTION-A 6. Answer (4)
1. Answer (2)
Voltage drop across series resistance R

⇒ VR = 10 – 6 = 4 V VBC = ±10 m/s
Vr 4 4000   
R = = = 160 Ω VBC= VB − VC
I 25 × 10 −3 25
2. Answer (3) 10 = 20 – VC ∴ VC = +10 m/s
In series voltage gain will be equal to input –10 = 20 – VC ∴ VC = 20 +10 = 30 m/s
voltage × voltage gain of each amplifier. 7. Answer (3)
V0 = 0.3 × 20 × 15 = 90 V Since acceleration is variable so to find v we use
3. Answer (1) integration
R1  197  3 1 v = ∫ adt
= =  (1.84)
= 3
R2  108  t

4. Answer (3)
v= ∫ ( αt + β )dt

Number of atoms in 1 gm of uranium t

t2  αt 2
= α   + [β t ]0 =
1 + βt
= × 6.02 × 1023 = 25.25 × 1020 atoms  2 0 2
8. Answer (3)
λN0 = × 25.25 × 1020
1.42 × 1017 v 2 30 × 30
c = = 6 m/s2
= 12.32 × 103 s–1 r 150
= 1.23 × 104 s–1 at = 8 m/s2
5. Answer (2) both accelerations are always perpendicular
E = hν = 6.63×10–34 ×6× 1014
a= ac2 + at2 = + (8)2 = 10 m/s2
= 39.78 × 10–20 = 3.978 × 10–19 J
W0 = 2.15 × 1.6 × 10–19 = 3.44 × 10–19 9. Answer (4)

= 3.44 × 10–19 J FBD for m :

(KE)max = E – W0 = (3.98 – 3.44) × 10–19

= 0.54 × 10–19 J

f = ma …….(1) ρ′ = ρ(1 – PK)–1
FBD for 2m : ρ′ = ρ + PKρ
ρ′ − ρ
= PK
F + f = 2m × a′
F + ma = 2m × a′ dρ
× 100 = P × K × 100 (K = 25 × 10–6 × 10–5
F + ma ρ
a′ =
2m = 25 × 10–11)
10. Answer (2) 2 = P × 25 × 10–11 × 100
h1 = h0 × e2, h2 = h0 × e4
2 × 109
h2 = height after second rebound P= = 8 × 107 N/m2
 1 10
10 ×   = =
= 0.625 m = 62.5 cm 8 × 107
2 16 P = ρgh ∴=h = 8000=
m 8 km
103 × 10
11. Answer (4)
14. Answer (4)
mv 2 F ∆L
1 ρAv 3  m
P=2 = ( ρAv ) v 2 =  ρAv = t  = Y⋅
t 2 2   a L
P ∝ v3, A = constant FL 1
∆L ∴ ∆L ∝ (F,Y = const.)
 m′ m Ya a
To get 3 times water, V′ = 3v  = n × 
 t t 
∆L′ a  πr 2  1
P′ = × P = 27P
33 = =  = mm
∆L a′  π ( 4r )2  16
 
12. Answer (2)
15. Answer (3)
 d
gd g  1 − 
= By equation of continuity
 R
a1v1 = a2v2 + a3v3
gd  d 
= 1−
g  R  1 × 10 = 0.5 × 6 + 0.2 × v3
10 = 3.0 + 0.2v3
 gd  d
 − 1 =− 7
 g  R 7 = 0.2v3 ∴ v3 = = 35 m/s
 gd − g  d
  × 100 =− × 100 16. Answer (1)
 g  R
W = nR∆T, ∆Q = nCP∆T
−2 =− × 100 γR
Q nCP ∆T CP γ −1 γ
2 × R 2 × 6400 = = = =
=d = = 128 km W nR ∆T R R γ −1
100 100
13. Answer (4) 1.4
Q =60 × =210 J
=ρ ,=ρ′ 17. Answer (1)
V V − ∆V
ρ′ 1 ρ T1 = 273 + 227 = 500 K
= =∴ ρ′
ρ ∆V ∆V T2 = 273 + 127 = 400 K
1− 1−
V V Q1 Q2
PV 1 T1 T2
β = Bulk modulus = =
∆V K
5 Q2 5 × 400
∆V = ∴ Q2 = = 4 kcal
= PK 500 400 500

18. Answer (2) given f′ = f
Keff. = 600 + 600 + 600 = 1800 N/m (all in parallel) 5V 5V
= ∴ 2L0 = 4L
2 2π
2L0 4L
m π
T = 2π = 2π × = =
keff 1800 30 15 L0 = 2L
22. Answer (2)
= = 0.21 s ∆W = ∆U
19. Answer (1) =
Ui ×3
Equating internal energy
5 3 =
Uf ×3
RT × 1 + × 1× R ( 2T ) =Ui l
2 2  
5 3 6kQ 2 3kQ 2 3kQ 2
Uf = RT ′ + RT ′ = 4RT ′ [final internal energy] ∆U = Uf – Ui = − =
2 2 l l l
11RT 11 3Q 2
∴ = 4RT ′ ∴
= T′ T W =∆U =
2 8 4πε0 l
20. Answer (4) 23. Answer (4)
1 T All capacitors are identical. Potential drop across
n0 = 16
2l µ = = 4V
each capacitor is
Let frequency of fork is n
Now earthing point is at zero potential.
1 T VG – VM = 4
n1 =
2l1 µ O – VM = 4 ∴ VM = –4 V
24. Answer (2)
1 T
n2 = If we complete cube with square plate as base of
2l 2 µ
cube, the charge Q is at corner of cube.
dividing equations we get We need eight cubes to close charge in gaussian
n1 l 2 95 surface.
= =
n2 l1 100 Q
flux through eight cubes =
( ε0 )
n2 – n1 = 10
19 flux through one cube =
n2 − 10
n2 = 8ε0
flux passes through 3 faces of cube only.
20n2 − 19n2
= 10 Q
20 ∴ flux through one face (square plate) =
n2 = 200
25. Answer (4)
∴ n = 200 – 5
Component of velocity parallel to mirror remains
= 195 Hz unchanged.
21. Answer (2) For normal component
Fourth overtone of open is its fifth harmonic. Vi – Vm = –(V0 – Vm)

f= 5 ×
v ( )  ( )
Vi − −2iˆ =− 1iˆ − −2iˆ 

2L 0
Vi + 2iˆ =
f ′= 5 × Vi = −5iˆ
(second over tone of close is its fifth harmonic) ∴ Velocity of image is Vi = −5iˆ + 3 jˆ m/s

26. Answer (4) l
R3 =
1 1
R1 : R2 : R3 :: 1: :
2 3
dH1 dH2 dH3
= +
dt dt dt
Combined focal length 100 − T T − 40 T − 0
= +
1 1 1 4−3 R1 R2 R3
=+ =
f 15 ( −20 ) 60
(100 – T) = 2(T – 40) + 3(T – 0)
f = 60 cm (a convex lens) 100 – T = 2T – 80 + 3T
1 1 1 100 + 80 = 3T + 2T + T
− =
v u f T = 30ºC
1 1 1 29. Answer (3)
+ =
v 60 60 W0 = 3.2 eV
v = ∞ (image at infinity), because object is at hc 12400
focus of convex lens. λ = 2000 Å ∴ E= = = 6.2 eV
λ 2000
27. Answer (4) Kmax = 6.2 – 3.2 = 3 eV
∴ Potential = 3 volt.
30. Answer (4)
1 1 1 
∝ 2 − 2
λ n m 
1 1 1 
∝ 2 − 2
By Snell’s law λL 1 ∞ 
sin60° for Paschen series
= 3
sin r1 1 1 1
∝ 2 − 2
3 λP 3 4 
2 = 3 1 16 − 9 
sin r1 ∝ 
λP  144 
sin =
r1 r1 30º
∴= 1 7
2 λP λL 7
∴ from geometry e = r1 = 30° = 144 ∴ =
1 1 λ P 144
refraction at P2 λL
sin e 1 31. Answer (2)
sin r2 3 A = A0e–λt
1 3 ∴ After n half lives
sin r2 = 3 sin e = 3 × sin30º = 3× =
2 2 n
 1
r2 = 60º (Parallel to P1P2) =
A A0 ×  
∴ deviation of ray = δ1 + δ2 = 30° + 30° = 60º n n
28. Answer (4)
A0  1 1  1
=A0 ×   ∴ =
64 2 ( 2)
 
R1 =
KA ∴n=6
l Time taken = 6 × T1 = 6 × 4 = 24 hours
R2 =
2KA 2

32. Answer (2) 38. Answer (2)
Virtual image of object placed at 25 cm from lens 99
Range = = 11
= N
should be at 40 cm from lens. 9
Shunt Required
G 20
=S =
N − 1 11 − 1
1 1 1 39. Answer (1)
− =
v u f
1 1 1
− =
−40 ( −25 ) f

1 1 1 1 −5 + 8 3
+ = ∴ = =
−40 25 f f 200 200
200 Flux through smaller coil
f = cm
= B × πa2
100 100 and B at centre of large coil
P = = 1.5 D
f  200 
 3  µ0I
  B=
33. Answer (2)
µ I   µ π   a2 
Volume of nucleus ∝ mass number ∴
= πa 2  0    I
φ  0  ×=
 2b   2  b 
V1 A1 1
= =
V2 A2 27 a2
=φ MI. ∴ φ∝
34. Answer (2)
40. Answer (2)
When temperature falls the charge density of free
charge carriers decreases and conductivity
35. Answer (3)

Y = A + B = A + B (It is OR gate).
36. Answer (4) In steady state current drawn from battery
µ0 i1  300º  12
BADB = =I = 2A
2R  360º  4+2

µ0 i 2 Potential drop across AB = 4 × 2 = 8 V

 60 
BACB =  360º  This is drop across capacitor also
2R  
q = CV = 2 × 10–6 × 8 = 16 µC
I1 R2 R 1
also = = = 41. Answer (1)
I2 R1 5R 5
dq dV
∴ BADB =
BACB i= = C×
dt dt
37. Answer (2)
0.2 = 0.5 × 10–6 ×
qvB = qE dt
E 20 dV 0.2
v = = 40 m/s = =0.04 × 107 =×
4 105 V/s
B 0.5 dt 5 × 10 –7

42. Answer (3) 46. Answer (4)

  
∆a = a2 − a1
Only diode forward biased will conduct
( a2 )
∆a + a12 − 2a1a2 cos θ
=I = 0.8 A
(3 + 2) v2
∆a= a 2 + a 2= 2 a where a =
43. Answer (1)
Imax = 4I0 = 20 unit
2v 2
∴ ∆a =
IR = I0 + I0 + 2 I0I0 ⋅ cos ( 90º ) = 2I0 47. Answer (2)

20 k = kmax ⋅ cos2θ (at highest point v = u cos θ)

∴ IR = = 10 unit
2 1
kmax = kmax ⋅ cos2 θ
44. Answer (1) 4
cos θ= → θ= 60º
48. Answer (3)
 
B = 6A

B = 6 × A and Bˆ = Aˆ

B = 6 × 5 = 30 unit
By Malus law
 
∴ B=6 A is of magnitude 30 unit along east
I′A = IA cos2 60°
49. Answer (1)
I′B = IB cos2 30°

r 5t 2 iˆ + 3tjˆ
I′A = I′B ∴ IA × cos260° = IB cos2 30°

 dr
1 3 v = 10tiˆ + 3 ˆj
I A × = IB × dt
4 4

 dv
IA a = 10iˆ + 0ˆj
=3 dt
|a| = 10 m/s2 independent of time
45. Answer (2)
at t = 0, it is 10 m s–2

∴ 2πr = nλ ∴ r = 50. Answer (3)

Grav. Potential energy
λ 2λ 3λ Gravitation potential =
n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …….. r = , , mass
2π 2π 2π
 Mv 
3λ L
So is odd one Energy FL  t 
4π V = = = = ( v× v ) = v 2
mass M M

Urms ∝
51. Answer (2) M
100 g of biomolecule contains 0.02 g of sulphur
UO2 TO2 MN2 200 28
0.02 = × = × = 7:4
16 g of biomolecule contains × 16 UN2 MO2 TN2 32 400
= 3.2 × 10–3 g 58. Answer (1)

3.2 × 10−3 Addition of inert gas (argon) at constant pressure

Mole of sulphur = = 1× 10−4 will increase the volume of container. The
reaction will move in a direction where number of
Number of sulphur atom = 1 × 10–4 × 6.02 × 1023 moles of gaseous products formed are more. So,
= 6.02 × 1019 dissociation of PCl5 will increase.
52. Answer (1) 59. Answer (3)
Angular nodes =  = 2 SI unit of viscosity coefficient in N sm–2

Radial nodes = (n –  –1) = (5 – 2 – 1) = 2 60. Answer (3)

W = – Pext × ∆V
53. Answer (1)
= – 4 × (5.2 – 1.8)
Element ∆egH (kJ mol–1)
= – 13.6 L atm
Li – 60 From first law of thermodynamics
O – 141 ∆U = q + W

F – 328 For adiabatic process (insulated container)

Cl – 349
∆U = W = – 13.6 × 101.3 = – 1.38 kJ
54. Answer (2)
[ 1 L atm = 101.3 J]
Bond order [Nb − Na ] 61. Answer (4)
+ 1 Cyclic, planar and conjugated (4n + 2)π system is
Bond order of =
NO [10 − 4] = 3 aromatic in nature
55. Answer (2) 62. Answer (3)
Smaller is the size of atom, shorter is the bond
Bond length order : 4-Ethyl-1-fluoro-2-nitrobenzene
56. Answer (2) 63. Answer (4)
PM The species which does not contain α-hydrogen
RT with respect to carbocation or alkene will not
dRT 3.5 × 0.082 × 400 undergo hyperconjugation.
= =
P 4.1 64. Answer (3)
M = 28 g/mol
57. Answer (2)
Urms =

65. Answer (1) 75. Answer (3)
More stable is the carbocation, faster is SN1 rate.
66. Answer (2)
Cu dil·NaOH
CH3 CH2OH  → CH3 CHO →
573 K ∆
CH3 − CH
= CH − CHO

(Aldol condensation product) 76. Answer (3)

67. Answer (3)
Correct order of acidic strength

77. Answer (1)

68. Answer (2) Ore Composition

Zincite ZnO

Sphalerite ZnS

Calamine ZnCO3
69. Answer (4)
Copper glance Cu2S
Compounds Containing CH3 − C − group or 78. Answer (2)
OH Low melting metal like tin (Sn) is refined by
CH3 − CH− group give iodoform test on reaction liquation.
with NaOI. 79. Answer (2)
70. Answer (3) 3HNO2 → HNO3 + H2 O + 2NO
80. Answer (4)

P4 + 8SOCl2 → 4PCl3 + 4SO2 + 2S2Cl2

81. Answer (3)

Compound Boiling point (K)

71. Answer (4)
Tollens′ reagent gives positive silver mirror test HF 293
with reducing sugars (Glucose and fructose) and
HCl 189
aldehydes. Sucrose does not reduce Tollen’s
reagent. HBr 206
72. Answer (4)
HI 238
Cysteine contains sulphur atom
82. Answer (4)

73. Answer (3)

Total no. of bonds (σ + π)

Bond order (Cl – O) =
Total no. of σ-bond
74. Answer (2) 7
= = 1.75
Iproniazid is a tranquilizer. 4

83. Answer (4) 0.059
= − log108
+5 is the most common oxidation state of 2
vanadium. −0.059
= ×8
84. Answer (2) 2
= – 0.236 V
Metal E°(M2+/M) 92. Answer (4)

Cr –0.90 V Ions λ° (S cm2 mol–1)

Mn –1.18 V OH 199.1

Co – 0.28 V Br– 78.1

Zn – 0.76 V Cl– 76.3
Lower is the reduction potential, more easily the 93. Answer (3)
metal is oxidised to its divalent cationic form.
Concentration of cation vacancies = 10–6 mol%
85. Answer (1)
[Mn(CN)6]3– has 2 unpaired electrons. = × 6.02 × 1023 = 6.02 × 1015
µ n(n + 2) BM
= 2(2 +=
2) 2.83 BM 94. Answer (2)
SECTION-B K 4 [Fe(CN) 4K + + [Fe(CN)6 ]4 −
86. Answer (1)
[Co(C2O4)3]3– is an inner orbital complex having
hybridisation d2sp3 ∆Tf = iKf m
= 5 × 1.86 × 0.2
87. Answer (2)
= 1.86
Freezing point of solution = –1.86°C
Potassium trioxalatochromate(III)
95. Answer (1)
88. Answer (1)
Diastase converts starch to maltose. 2F2 + 2OH → 2F− + OF2 + H2O
89. Answer (2) 96. Answer (3)
In whipped cream, the dispersed phase and Metallic or interstitial hydrides are formed by
dispersion medium respectively are gas and d-block and f-block elements.
liquid. 97. Answer (3)
90. Answer (4) Solvay process cannot be utilised in the
Reactant left after second half life period = 0.4 M manufacture of K2CO3 because KHCO3 is too
soluble to be precipitated by addition of
Rate of reaction after second half life period
NH4HCO3 to a saturated solution of KCl.
= 0.4 × 2.31 × 10–3
98. Answer (4)
= 0.924 × 10–3 M s–1
• Six large chloride ions cannot be
= 9.24 × 10–4 M s–1 accommodated around Si4+ due to limitation
91. Answer (4) of its size.

2H+ + 2e → H2 • Interaction between lone pair of chloride ion

and Si4+ is not very strong.
0.059 pH 99. Answer (4)
+ E + − log + 2 2
H / H2 H / H2 2 [H ] 80 0.376
Percentage of bromine = × × 100
0.059 1 188 0.5
= 0− log
2 (10−4 )2 = 32%

100. Answer (1) 0.1s = 8.3 × 10–17 [s2 is neglected as s is very

8.3 × 10−17
[Ag+] [I–] = Ksp
s(s + 0.1) = 8.3 × 10–17 = 8.3 × 10–16 M

SECTION-A 111. Answer (2)
101. Answer (4) Conjoint open vascular bundles are present in
dicot stems.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own
DNA whereas, Golgi complex and lysosomes do 112. Answer (3)
not have DNA.  Due to its origin outside the stele, cork
102. Answer (2) cambium is called the extra-stelar cambium.

Sub-metacentric chromosomes appear L-shaped  Phelloderm is called secondary cortex

because it is the cortex that develops during
during anaphase.
secondary growth.
103. Answer (4)
113. Answer (2)
G1 S G2 Meiosis I Meiosis II Gymnosperms have archegonia and they
produce seeds in their life-cycle.
16 pg 32 pg 32 pg 16 pg 8 pg Examples:- Cedrus, Ginkgo, Pinus.
(Meiotic Products)
114. Answer (3)
104. Answer (4)
Polysiphonia is a red alga.
Dissolution of synaptonemal complex occurs in
115. Answer (1)
Water channels are made up of eight different
105. Answer (2)
types of aquaporins.
Wheat belongs to order-Poales and class- 116. Answer (4)
Facilitated transport is ATP or energy
106. Answer (3) independent while active transport is ATP
Rules of scientific naming of animals is assigned dependent.
in International Code of Zoological Nomenclature 117. Answer (3)
(ICZN). Necrosis refers to death of leaf tissue. It is
107. Answer (1) caused due to deficiency of Ca, Mg, Cu, K.
Bacteria are the sole members of Kingdom- 118. Answer (3)
Monera. Anabaena fixes nitrogen symbiotically as well as
108. Answer (2) in free-living state.

Albugo candida is the parasitic fungi on mustard 119. Answer (2)

causing white rust of leaves. 3 ATP molecules are consumed to fix one
molecule of CO2 in C3 pathway.
109. Answer (2)
120. Answer (3)
In racemose inflorescence, the shoot axis
continues to grow indefinitely. Photosystem II is found in grana lamellae only.
121. Answer (4)
110. Answer (1)
RQ of : Fat = 0.7, Protein = 0.9, Oxalic acid = 4.0

C A represents epipetalous stamens. and Carbohydrate = 1.0.

122. Answer (4) 135. Answer (2)
Glucose to glucose 6-phosphate conversion in During post-transcriptional processing, capping is
EMP pathway is catalysed by hexokinase. done at 5’-end of hnRNA by adding methyl
123. Answer (1) guanosine triphosphate. It is catalysed by
guanylyl transferase.
Tomato is a day neutral plant which do not show
any correlation between exposure to light SECTION-B
duration and induction of flowering response. 136. Answer (1)
124. Answer (4) UAA, UAG and UGA are stop codons while, AUG
Increased vacuolation is the characteristic is a start codon.
feature of cells at their elongation phase.
137. Answer (2)
125. Answer (3)
In human genome, chromosome 1 has most
Zoospores are most common asexual genes (2968) and the Y has the fewest (231).
reproductive structure formed in
Chlamydomonas. 138. Answer (3)

126. Answer (1) Recovery of healthy plants from diseased plants

is possible by meristem culture.
Cladophora produces isogametes.
139. Answer (4)
127. Answer (3)
Pusa Shubhra is bred by hybridisation and
Tapetum is innermost layer of anther. Tapetal
cells nourish the developing pollen grains. selection for resistance to black rot is a variety of
128. Answer (1)
140. Answer (1)
Pollen grains are well preserved as fossils
because of the presence of sporopollenin. Cyclosporin A is an immunosuppressive agent.
Statins are blood-cholesterol lowering agent.
129. Answer (4)
141. Answer (4)
In water-pollinated flowers, pollen grains are
generally surrounded by mucilaginous covering. The technology of biogas production was
130. Answer (2) developed in India mainly due to the efforts of
White flower is a recessive trait. Hence, it
expresses itself only in homozygous condition. 142. Answer (2)
131. Answer (2) Mortality refers to number of deaths in the
population during a given period.
Types of gamete = 2n (n = number of
heterozygous locus). 143. Answer (1)
= 23 ⇒ 8 (  n = 3). Epiphytes (orchids) growing on mango (host)
132. Answer (4) gets benefit in form of shelter but host neither
drives any apparent benefit nor it gets harmed.
In Turner’s syndrome, each cell in the affected
Hence, it shows commensalism.
person, has only one sex chromosome i.e.,
44 + XO. 144. Answer (1)
133. Answer (1) Anthropogenic ecosystem do not possess self-
There are total 4 pure homozygous offsprings (1 regulatory mechanism.
RRYY, 1 RRyy, 1 rrYY, 1rryy) obtained in F2 145. Answer (3)
generation of Mendelian dihybrid cross. Lichens is a pioneer community while forest
4 constitute climax community w.r.t. xerarch
Hence, out of 240 individuals; × 240 ⇒ 60
16 succession.
individuals would be pure homozygous. 146. Answer (2)
134. Answer (2) The effect of reduction in biodiversity has been
A phosphate group is linked to 5’C of a explained by Paul Ehrlich through Rivet popper
nucleoside through phosphoester linkage. hypothesis.

147. Answer (4) 149. Answer (2)
Quagga is an example of organism with recent Ramesh Chandra Dagar is associated with
extinction in Africa. integrated organic farming.
148. Answer (4) 150. Answer (4)
Fish-eating birds constitute top consumer level in Number of meiotic divisions required to produce ‘n’
aquatic food chain. Hence, biomagnification is n 100
maximum in them. number of seeds =n + ⇒ 100 + ⇒ 125 .
4 4

SECTION-A 162. Answer (2)
151. Answer (4) Hepatic portal vein exists between intestine and
Pennatula – Polyp-like form liver.
Asterias – Possess water vascular system 163. Answer (1)
Pleurobrachia – Exhibit external fertilisation TLC (Total lung capacity) includes residual
152. Answer (1)
164. Answer (2)
Annelids and chordates possess true coelom,
segmentation and closed circulatory system. Terminal bronchioles and respiratory bronchioles
are devoid of incomplete cartilaginous rings.
153. Answer (4)
165. Answer (3)
Some chordates possess post-anal tail in adult
stage. External intercostal muscles increase the volume
154. Answer (1) of thoracic chamber in dorso-ventral axis when
they contract.
In members of superclass Pisces, paired and
unpaired both kinds of fins are present. 166. Answer (4)

155. Answer (4) Podocytes are present only in visceral layer of

Bowman's capsule.
Given figures are included in specialised
connective tissue: (a) represents cartilage and 167. Answer (4)
(b) represents bone. Lymphocytes – 20-25%
156. Answer (3) Monocyte – 6-8%
Ciliated epithelium is present in fallopian tube 168. Answer (4)
and bronchioles.
During ventricular systole, AV valves remain
157. Answer (3) closed and semilunar valves open. During this
Cortisol increases blood glucose level. phase, each ventricle pumps 70 ml of blood to
158. Answer (2) their respective blood vessels.

Neurohypophysis is attached with hypothalamus 169. Answer (2)

by neural tract. Hepato-pancreatic duct pours the bile juice and
159. Answer (4) pancreatic juice into duodenum.
GnRH acts on anterior lobe of pituitary gland. 170. Answer (2)
160. Answer (3) Maximum reabsorption of water and glucose
occurs in PCT of nephron.
Thirst centre – Hypothalamus
171. Answer (2)
Vomiting centre – Medulla oblongata
Muscles of abdominal wall are skeletal muscles.
161 Answer (2)
172. Answer (4)
Semicircular canals and otolith organ are
included in vestibular apparatus. Pivot joint is present in between atlas and axis.

173. Answer (3) 188. Answer (3)
In cockroach, the forewings are also called elytra. Palindromic sequence for
174. Answer (3) Eco RI is 5′-GAATTC-3′
Cellulose is a homopolymer of β-D glucose. 3′-CTTAAG-5′
175. Answer (3)
189. Answer (3)
Corpus luteum in ovary secretes progesterone.
pBR22 and pUC8 are cloning vectors for
176. Answer (2) prokaryotes.
Chromosome number in meiocyte of dog is 78. 190. Answer (3)
177. Answer (2)
Restriction endonuclease breaks the sugar
Vas deferens and a duct from seminal vesicle phosphate bond between sugar and phosphate.
form ejaculatory duct that opens into prostatic
urethra. 191. Answer (3)

178. Answer (2) Estrogen is a steroid.

By the end of first trimester, most of the major 192. Answer (2)
organ systems are formed. Inbreeding evolves a pure line in cattles.
179. Answer (1) 193. Answer (3)
Genital herpes, genital warts – Viral
Malignant tumors exhibit metastasis.
Trichomoniasis – Protozoan
194. Answer (4)
180. Answer (3)
Morphine and codeine are alkaloids.
According to the 2011 census report, the
population growth rate was less than 2%. 195. Answer (4)

181. Answer (4) Ctenoplana is a hermaphrodite animal.

The cranial capacity of Neanderthal man was 196. Answer (4)
about 1400 cc. Aplysia – Sea-hare.
182. Answer (4) 197. Answer (2)
Early reptiles → Synapsids → Pelycosaurs Nucleotidases are present in succus entericus in
183. Answer (2) active form.
Rhino virus causes common cold. 198. Answer (1)
184. Answer (4) In ART, 'ICSI' the embryo is formed outside the
Lemur is an example of placental mammal. body.
185. Answer (4) 199. Answer (2)
Morphine and codeine are obtained from latex of Excess secretion of growth hormone in adults,
unripened fruits of poppy plant. especially in middle age, can result in severe
SECTION-B disfigurement called acromegaly.
186. Answer (2) 200. Answer (2)
The gene of interest was inserted in tetR gene. When a neuron is not conducting any impulse,
187. Answer (3) i.e., resting, the axonal membrane is
Enzyme chitinase is used for degradation of comparatively more permeable to potassium ions
cell-wall of fungus. and nearly impermeable to sodium ions.

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