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1 Digoxin
inhibits sodium-potassium atepase
Na+/K+ ATPase inhibitor

2 Donepezil
reversible acetylcholinesterase (ache) inhibitor

inhibits enterohepatic reuptake of intestinal bile salts and thereby increases
the fecal loss of bile salt-bound low density lipoprotein cholesterol

4 Minoxidil k T C hard opener

Vasodilator act by producing relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, primarily in arteries
and arterioles

5 Amantadine
Anti-Parkinson Agent inhibiting the N-methyl-D- aspartate (NMDA) type of glutamate receptors.

6 Chylomicron t
Transfer lipids or fat from intestine to peripheral tissues.

7 Cyproheptadine
Antihistamine and serotonin antagonist

8 clonidine
Stimulate alpha and decrease sympathetic responses

9 Dantrolone
far Maleshed hyperthermia
Dantrolene, a direct-acting skeletal muscle relaxant, inhibits the release of Ca ion from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum leading to decreased response to action potential and decreased
muscle contraction.

10 Atropine
is an anticholinergic agent(antimuscarinc agent ) which competitively blocks
the muscarinic receptors in peripheral tissues

11 TCAs
The TCAs block norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake into the presynaptic neuron
Blocking of receptors: TCAs also block serotonergic, α-adrenergic, histaminic, and
muscarinic receptors

12 Duloxetine DM Neumeria
Is used for treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) it’s an oral drug that alters lymphocyte
migration resulting in fewer lymphocytes in the CNS

14 Benzodiazepine

15 Aspirin
Aspirin is a weak organic acid that irreversibly acetylates (and, thus, inactivates)

16 abciximab
cap 1lb
abciximab inhibits the GP IIb/IIIa receptor complex. By binding to GP IIb/IIIa, abciximab
blocks the binding of fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor and, consequently, aggregation
does not occur

17 L-dopa
Levodopa increases dopamine levels in the brain leading to the stimulation of dopamine

18 Clomifene
Clomifene is a nonsteroidal compound that has both oestrogenic and anti-oestrogenic
effects. It stimulates ovulation by inhibiting the negative feedback effect of oestrogens at
receptor sites in the hypothalamus and pituitary, thereby increasing hypothalamic GnRH
secretion w/ subsequent release of pituitary FSH and LH

19 Co enzyme Q 10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that your body produces naturally. Your cells use
CoQ10 for growth and maintenance.

20 carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when carbon monoxide builds up in your bloodstream.
When too much carbon monoxide is in the air, your body replaces the oxygen in your red
blood cells with carbon monoxide

21 clopidogrel
inhibit ADP that cause platlet aggregation

22 Cromolyn
mast cell stabilizer Released based on inflammatory substance

23 Salbutamol
salbutamol is a short-acting, selective beta2-adrenergic receptor agonist

24 Calcium channel blockers

Calcium channel antagonists block the inward movement of calcium by binding to L-type
calcium channels in the heart and in smooth muscle of the coronary and peripheral
arteriolar vasculature. This causes vascular smooth muscle to relax, dilating mainly
arterioles. Calcium channel blockers do not dilate veins.

25 Minoxidil

26 zyrtec
h1_blocker (zyrtec (cetirizine)

27 bisacodyl
Stimulation of enteric nerves to cause colonic contraction
28 bulk laxatives
Add water and bulky to stool and soften stool like a jelly

29 cyclosporin ?
immunosuppressant after organ transplantation to reduce possibility of rejection of new organ by
immune system

30 both of cimetidine(h2blochker) and spironolactone ?

anti androgenic effect

31 choloroquine ?
choloroquine bind to heme and prevent it's polymerization to hemozin

32 benzodiazepine action ?
Inhances GABA inhibitory effect ( gamma - Aminobutyric acid GABA agonist )

33 Diltiazem actin ?
CCB cacuim channel blocker

34 MOA of . spironolactone ( Adverse effect of Spironolactone )


35 MOA of beta - carotene?

Precursor for vit A ( retinol ) Antioxidant

36 MOA of antiarrhythmic Class 1A ( quinidine ) ?

decrease rate of phase o depolarization

37 MOA of cromolyn ( cromolyn sodium ) ?

mast cell stabilizers

38 Atropine is ?
Muscarinic antagonist

39 Mechanism of action of Dopamine ?

Dopamine b1 agonist

40 The drug is most commonly used in the selective COX2 inhibitors ?


41 Anti-inflammatory MOC ?
decrease prostaglandin

42 Clonidine MOA in treatment of Hypertension:

Alpha2 Agoinst decrease sympathy outflow

43 Allopurinol ?


44 amphetamine pharmacological action ?

indirect acting adrenergic agonist.
45 Calcium-channel blockers mode of action ?
decrease the inward calcium to cells

P after load
46 about minoxidil ?
dilate arteries only

47 dantrolene ?
cause skeletal muscle relexant bybinding to the ryanodine receptor decreasing intracellular calcium

48 has 5-HT antagonist and H1 antihistamine effects ?


49 phentolamine ?
alpha antagonist Phyn oxy Benz a mi Le
50 florouracil ?
is Pyrimidine derivative

51 loperamide ?
opioid agonist anti-diarrheal

52 clomiphene ?
inhibit negative feedback of estrogen

53 amphetamine ?
indirect acting adrenergic agonist.

54 Cephalosporin act ?
Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis

55 digoxin ?
+ve inotropic effect

56 prazosin ?
is post synaptic alpha1 blocker

57 aminglycoside ?
protein synthesis inhibitor

58 rofecoxib is ?
selective cox2 inhibitor

59 clonidine and methyldopa are ?

alpha 2 agonists

60 loperamide stimulate ?

MU receptors

61 atenolol is ?

select we
selective beta 1 blocker
62 morphine act on ?
mu receptors

63 clomiphene ?
Inhibit negative feed back of estrogen

64 aminoglycosides ?
protein synthesis inhibitor

65 bethancol ?
Selective muscarinic agoinst

66 Flutamide ?
Used in treatment of prostate cancer which act as Nonsteroidal
antiandrogen that inhibits androgen uptake and / or inhibits binding of
androgen in target tissues

67 domperidone & doxazocin

Domperidone has peripheral dopamine receptor blocking properties (dopamine antagonist) and
does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier.
Doxazosin Competitively inhibits postsynaptic alpha1-adrenergic

68 benzodiazepine ?
GABA agonist

69 statin
Decrease cholesterol by HMG coA reductase enzyme inhibitor

70 Fluoxetine
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)

71 Benzodiazepine?

72 Diazepam action is
increase glutamate secretion

73 Labetalol
is a selective alpha-1 and non-selective beta adrenergic blocker

74 (Isoprenaline)

I H Bi Bradycardia
Non selective β stimulant

75 Amlodipine
Calcium channel blocker (CCBs)

76 Phenylephrine act on
alpha agonist

77 amantadine
antiviral and antiparkinsonian
78 Ranitidine mechanism of action:
H2 antagonist

79 Cyproheptadine acts as:


80 Mechanism of action of TCAs is

decrease reuptake of amine at synaptic

81 nitroglycerin
coronary vasodilation

82 dantrolene
Postsynaptic muscle relaxant inhibitors ca²⁺ ions release

83 Fluroquinolone
Fluoroquinolones act by inhibiting two enzymes involved in bacterial DNA synthesis, both of which
are DNA topoisomerases that human cells lack and that are essential for bacterial DNA replication,
thereby enabling these agents to be both

84 cromolyn
Cromolyn is a mast cell stabilizer that inhibits the Type I immediate hypersensitivity reaction by
preventing the antigen-stimulated release of histamine. also prevents the release of leukotrienes
and inhibits eosinophil chemotaxis

85 Asprin antiplatlet mechanism ?

irreversibly inhibits prostaglandin H synthase (cyclooxygenase-1) in platelets and megakaryocytes,
and thereby blocks the formation of thromboxane A2 (TXA2; a potent vasoconstrictor and platelet

86 abixcimab
glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist

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