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Subculture prep streaking.

1. Bring all the materials needed in the biosafety cabinet

2. Set the biosafety cabinet in an arm wrist level.
3. If everything is ready sterilize the loop from tip to the end of the inoculating loop.
4. Cool down the loop
5. By using a loop take a sample in it.
6. Slightly open the cover of the petri plates
7. Blot the sample on the top edge of the plate containing agar.
8. Streak downward from side to side and edge to edge with proper spacing maximizing the space.
9. Repeat process on an imaginary cross layer.
10. Label the specimen
11. And place to incubator in an upside-down position

Agar slant streaking.

12. Sterilized the needle from tip to the end of the

13. Cool down
14. Open the cover of the tube by using the pinky finger
15. Sterilize the tube by passing the tip of the tube into flame
16. Collect sample by using the inoculating needle
17. Place the inoculating needle in the edge of the agar slant
18. Draw a small straight line from the edge of the slant agar and proceed streaking in a zigzag
19. After streaking sterilize the tip of the tube
20. Sterilize the tube
21. Cover the tube
22. Sterilize the needle
23. Then label the specimen
24. Incubate

Agar tube stabbing.

1. Sterilized the needle from tip to the end of the

2. Cool down
3. Open the cover of the tube by using the pinky finger
4. Sterilize the tube by passing the tip of the tube into flame
5. Collect sample by using the inoculating needle
6. Stab the 2/3 of the agar.
7. Sterilize the tube
8. Cover the tube
9. Sterilize the needle
10. Then label the specimen
11. Incubate
Bacterial smear preparation

25. Sterilized the loop

26. Label the slide
27. Place a drop of distilled water on the slide by using a sterilized loop
28. Sterilized the loop again and
29. Scoop a tiny amount of colony in the cultured plate
30. Transfer the colony on the slide containing distilled water
31. Spread the colony in a circular pattern
32. Air dry
33. Heat fix
34. Proceed with grams staining
35. 1 minute crystal violet
36. 1minute grams iodine
37. 1minute acetone alcohol
38. 1 minute safranin
39. Air dry
40. Heat fix
41. Place a drop of Oil immersion
42. Read the sample on a microscope

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