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Chapter 8

Factors Affecting Tourism and Hospitality

Tourism industry is not a different thing to other 3. Quality Management - Multifaceted and
industry. In fact, it is a very sensitive industry as it goes beyond the concept of customer
always reacts to various factors from outside its service to include additional factors such as
operation such as political, security and safety, employee satisfaction and involvement. By
economic, legal, etc. Tourism is actually engaged in concentrating on employee satisfaction as
promoting a country or a destination, as well as well as customer service, a hotel can
services. increase the likelihood that all its
employees will provide excellent customer
Uncontrollable Variables that Affect the service as well.
4. Flexibility – Customers can have
Hospitality Industry
completely different expectations, so
1. Economics – there could be a drop in managers need to be given the authority to
discretionary spending as well as make decisions to accommodate them
dependence on the continued patronage of when possible. A manager with the
the business community. authority to make exceptions when
2. Legal Changes – changes in the law can appropriate is in much better position to
also affect companies within the hospitality turn a situation around and earn a good
industry and cannot be controlled. This can reputation for customer service and high
change the way how businesses are quality.
conducted. For instance, a change in the tax
laws that raise the price of gas will affect
tourism and cost for the hospitality industry Internal & External Factors That
as well. Affect an Organization
3. Technology – as technological
development continues, tourism and - Every organization has its own culture. Almost
hospitality industry is affected. As new everything that affects an organization’s ability
technologies are made available, to compete and respond successfully to changes
companies within the industry are forced to in the external environment.
adapt to the changes or get left by the - Ultimately, the organization’s success or failure
wayside. – is an aspect of that culture.
4. Competition – competition is heavily - Internal factors determine how the organization
affected by economic and regulatory moves forward, both as a self-contained
factors. organizational entity and in response to its
external environment.

Critical Success Factors in the Tourism INTERNAL FACTORS:

and Hotel Industry 1. Mission – clear sense of ultimate purpose

and knows how it intends to fulfill that
1. Location – The location of a business is the purpose.
place where it is situated. There are a 2. Leadership – great leaders inspire and
number of factors that need to be direct.
considered in choosing a location for a 3. Communication – successful organizations
business. One of the earliest decisions any thrive on robust communication practices,
entrepreneur has to make is where to locate teams and leaders communicate freely and
to improve results. Two-way
his or her business. In order to do this, he or
communication up and down the
she has to make a careful assessment of
hierarchical structure extends from top to
costs. bottom.
2. Global Outlook – tourists deciding where to 4. Organizational Structure – organizations
take their next vacation can choose from with flat structures, few hierarchical layers
destinations all over the world, and can outperform organizations with hierarchical
easily research the quality of local hotels structures.
when making their selection.
5. Learning – as technological advances lead In the Philippines, Some Factors are
to faster rates of change, successful also being considered:
organizations need to find a way to respond
that encourages innovation and builds into
every employee’s experience the 1. External Security Challenges
opportunity to learn and explore. - as global trade in goods and services and
EXTERNAL FACTORS: international investment become important
drivers of the country’s economic growth,
1. Training & Development – diverse government shall continue to be vigilant in
workforce needs to be trained from top to responding to crimes that thrive under an
bottom on certain specific values and environment of increasingly open borders, such
standards. as terrorism, human trafficking, arms and drug-
trafficking, and smuggling. Territorial
2. Company Culture – own special way of
integrity shall be exerted to safeguard the
doing something. Corporate culture are country’s interests within maritime areas,
specifically designed to enhance the guests’ notably its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
3. Developing Talent – when a company 2. Nontraditional Security Challenges
takes time to train people, it is easier to
recognize the talent that can be developed - Nonmilitary and transnational threats, otherwise
for higher management positions called nontraditional security concerns, also
4. Problem Solving and Service – needs to be challenge the country’s peace and security.
Armed personnel of government shall continue
developed in every staff. Things go wrong;
to assist other government agencies during
it’s part of life. The goal is to resolve emergency situations, such as during disasters
problems so the guest feels satisfied about caused by natural hazards and health
the solution. pandemics, as well as in securing vital
5. Safety and Security – If a danger presents development projects under threat of
itself in the hotel, guests look to staff to destabilization.
direct them. Staff should be trained as to the
basics of safety. The Tourism industry must 3. Winning the Peace
also prepare staff and develop plans in the
event of natural disasters and potential - Promotion of the peace process shall be the
terrorist activity. If the staff doesn’t know centerpiece of the internal security program, as
what to do, chaos will emerge, because a testament of government’s commitment to a
policy of peace, reconciliation and
people panic while they are trying to
determine the best course of action.
- Peace is not just the absence of war or conflict,
rather it is the sum total of conditions that ensure
human and social wellbeing in all its
External Factors Affecting the Tourism dimensions. This entails winning the hearts and
Industry: minds of the aggrieved and afflicted while
retaining the allegiance of the rest.
1. Human Factors
2. Socio-cultural Factors
3. Economic Factor
4. Technological Factors
5. Political Factors
6. Violence and Terrorism Factors
7. Legal Factors

Julienne T. Gabo | 1 BSTM-A

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