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At the end of the lessons, students are expected/should be able to;
1. Describe statement.
2. Differentiate Simple Statement from Compound Statements.
3. Negate Statements.
4. Write statement in symbolic form or vice versa.

Statement – Sentence that can be judge either true or false.

Labelling a statement true or false is called assigning a truth value to the
Simple Statement – A sentence that conveys only one idea and can be assigned a
truth value.
Negation of a statement – can change a statement to its opposing meaning.
The negation of false statement is always a true statement.
The negation of true statement is always a false statement.

Negation of Quantified Statement

Forms of Statement Forms of Negation
All are Some are not
None are Some are
Some are None are
Some are not All are

Example 1: Write the negation of the statement

“Some Jeepney are colorful”
Since some means “At least one” this statement is true.
The negation is “No Jeepney are colorful”. Which is false statement.
Example 2: Write the negation of the statement
“All houses are made have two stories”
This is false statement, since some houses have one story,
some three or more.
The negation “Some houses have two stories” which is a true statement.
Example 3: Write the negation of the statement
“Some are not familiar to TIKTOK Application”

This is a true statement since some means “at least one”.
The negation is all are familiar to TIKTOK Application which is false statement
because not all are familiar with this Application.

Compound Statement
Statement that consists two or more simple statements.
The connectives often use to join two simple statements are and, or, if, then, if
and only if, etc…

Not Statements (Negation)

The symbol use in logic to show the negation of the statement is tilde (~). It
is read “not”.
The negation p is: ~p.

And Statements (Conjunction)

∧ is a symbol for conjunction and is read “and”.
The conjunction p and q is: p ∧ q
The other words maybe use to express conjunction are: but, however, and
Example 4: Write the following conjunction in symbolic form.
“BTS is not on tour, but BTS is recording new music video”
Let t and r represent the simple statements.
t: BTS is on tour.
r: BTS is recording new music video.
In symbolic form, the compound statement is ~ t ∧ r.

Or Statements (Disjunction)
∨ is a symbol for disjunction and is read “or”.
“or” will be inclusive or (except where indicated in the exercise set)
The disjunction of p and q is: p ∨ q.

Example 5: Write a Disjunction.

p: Dwayne will go to the park.
q: Dwayne will go to the arcade.
Write the statements in symbolic form.
“Dwayne will go to the park or Dwayne will go to the arcade.”
Solution: p ∨ q

Example 6: Write a Disjunction.

p: Dwayne will go to the park.
q: Dwayne will go to the arcade.
Write the statements in symbolic form.
“Dwayne will go to the park or Dwayne will not go to the arcade.”
Solution: p ∨ ~q

Example 7: Understand how commas are used to grouped statements.

Let m: Dinner includes soup.
r: Dinner includes salad.
t: Dinner includes the vegetable of the day.
Write the statements in symbolic form.
“Dinner includes soup, and salad or vegetable of the day.”
Solution: m ∧ (r ∨ t)
Example 8: Understand how commas are used to grouped statements.
Let m: Dinner includes soup.
r: Dinner includes salad.
t: Dinner includes the vegetable of the day.
Write the statements in symbolic form.
“Dinner includes soup and salad, or vegetable of the day.”
Solution: (m ∧ r) ∨ t

Example 9: Change symbolic statements into words.

Let x: The car is for sale.
y: We can afford to buy the car.
Write the symbolic statements into words
x ∧ ~y
“The car is for sale and we cannot afford to buy the car.”

Example 10: Change symbolic statements into words.

Let x: The car is for sale.
y: We can afford to buy the car.
Write the symbolic statements into words
~x ∧ ~y
“The car is not for sale or we cannot afford to buy the car.”

Example 11: Change symbolic statements into words.

Let x: The car is for sale.
y: We can afford to buy the car.
Write the symbolic statements into words
~(x ∧ y
“It is false that the car is for sale and we can afford to buy the car.”

If-Then Statements
The conditional is symbolized by → and is read “if-then”.
The Antecedent is the part of the statement comes before the arrow.
The Consequent is the part that follows the arrow.
If p then q is symbolized: p → q.
Example 12: Write the conditional statements.
Let p: The portrait is a Pastel.
q: The portrait is by Edgar Degas.
Write the symbolic statements into words
“If the portrait is a Pastel, then the portrait is by Edgar Degas.”
Solution: p → q

Example 13: Write the conditional statements.

Let p: The portrait is a Pastel.
q: The portrait is by Edgar Degas.
Write the symbolic statements into words
“If the portrait is by Edgar Degas, then the portrait is not a pastel.”
Solution: q → ~p

Example 14: Write the conditional statements.

Let p: The portrait is a Pastel.
q: The portrait is by Edgar Degas.
Write the symbolic statements into words
“It is false that if the portrait is by Edgar Degas, then the portrait is a pastel.”
Solution: ~(q → p)

If and Only if Statements

The Biconditional is symbolized by ↔ and is read “if and only if”.
If and only is sometimes abbreviated as “iff.”
The statement x ↔ y is read “x if and only y.”

Example 15: Write statements using the Biconditional

Let x: James Oliver plays center on the Basketball Team.
y: The Magnolia wins the Governor’s Cup
Write the symbolic statements into words
“James Oliver plays center on the Basketball Team if and only if
the Magnolia wins the Governor’s Cup.”

Example 16: Write statements using the Biconditional

Let x: James Oliver plays center on the Basketball Team.
y: The Magnolia wins the Governor’s Cup
Write the symbolic statements into words
y ↔ ~x
“The Magnolia wins the Governor’s Cup if and only if James Oliver does not play
center on the Basketball Team.”

Example 17: Write statements using the Biconditional

Let x: James Oliver plays center on the Basketball Team.
y: The Magnolia wins the Governor’s Cup
Write the symbolic statements into words
~ (x ↔ ~y)
“It is false that James Oliver plays center on the Basketball Team if and only if
the Magnolia do not wins the Governor’s Cup.”

Practice Exercises
A. Indicate whether the statement is a simple statement or a compound
statement. If it is a compound statement indicate whether it is a negation,
conjunction, disjunction, conditional or Biconditional.

1. The sun is shining and the air is crisp.

2. If the electricity goes out then the standard telephone will still work.
3. The Typhoon Barang did 50 Millions pesos worth of damage to Metro Manila.
4. If Jaden Rose walks 4 miles today then she will be sore tomorrow.
5. It is false that if Oscar fixes your car then you will need to pay him in cash.

B. Write the negation of the statement.

1. No stock mutual funds have guaranteed yields.

2. Some turtles do not have claws.
3. All horses have manes.
4. Some pine trees do not produce pinecones.
5. No one likes asparagus.

C. Write the statement in words if:

p: Firemen work hard.
q: Firemen wear red suspenders.

1. ~q
2. p^q
3. ~p → q
4. ~(q v p)
5. pvq

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