Week 3 (Direct and Indirect Proof)

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Direct and Indirect Proof

At the end of the lessons, students are expected/should be able to;
1. Differentiate Direct Proof from Indirect Proof.
2. Prove Statement using Direct and Indirect Proof.
3. Apply the concept of Direct and Indirect Proof in real life situations.
A Theorem is a mathematical statement that is true and can be verified as true.
A Proof of a theorem is written verification that shows that the theorem is definitely
--- Should be understandable
--- Should be convincing to anyone who has requisite background or
--- This knowledge includes understanding of the meaning of mathematical
words, phrases and symbols.
--- It must be agreed on the exact meanings of all the words or phrases.
An integer n is even if n = 2a for some integer a.
An integer n is odd if n = 2a + 1 for some integer a.
A natural number is prime if has two exactly positive divisor, 1 and n.
An integer n is composite if it factors as n = ab, where a,b > 1.
A real number x is rational if x = a/b, for some integers a, b and b ≠ 0.
A real number x is irrational if it is not rational, that is x ≠ a/b for any integers a,b.

Direct Proof
In a direct proof, we assume that the antecedent is true, then use rules of inference,
axioms, definitions, and/or previously proven theories to show the consequent is

Example 1: Prove
If n is even, then n2 is even.

Suppose n is even.
This means n = 2a for some integer a.
Consider n2 = n• n = 2a • 2a = 2 ( 2a )2 = 2w, for some integers w = 2a2
Therefore, n2 is even.

Example 2: Prove
If n is odd, then n2 is odd.

Suppose n is odd.
This means n = 2a + 1 for some integer a.
Consider n2 = n • n = (2a + 1)(2a + 1) = (2a +1)2
= 4a2 + 4a + 1
= 2 ( 2a2 + 2a) + 1
= 2r + 1, where r = 2a2 + 1 and r ∈ Z
Therefore, n2 is odd.

Example 3: Prove
The sum of two even integers is even.
“ If I add of two even integers, then the sum is even”
Assume that a,b are even integers, then a = 2k for some k ∈ Z and b = 2m for some
m ∈ Z.
a + b = 2k + 2m
= 2 ( k + m)
= 2r, where r = k + m, r ∈ Z
Therefore, the sum of two integers is even.
Indirect Proof or Proof by Contradiction
When the conclusion from a hypothesis is assumed false (or opposite of what it
states) and then a contradiction is reached from the given or deduced statements.

The steps to follow when proving indirectly are:

1. Assume the opposite of the conclusion (second half) of the statement.
2. Proceed as if this assumption is true to find the contradiction.
3. Once there is a contradiction, the original statement is true.
4. DO NOT use specific examples. Use variables so that the contradiction can
be generalized.
5. The easiest way to understand indirect proofs is by example.

Example 1:
If x=2, then 3x−5≠10. Prove this statement is true by contradiction.
Remember that in an indirect proof the first thing you do is assume the conclusion of
the statement is false. In this case, we will assume the opposite of "If x=2, then
If x=2, then 3x−5=10.
Take this statement as true and solve for x.
3x = 15
But x=5 contradicts the given statement that x=2. Hence, our assumption is incorrect
and 3x−5≠10 is true.

Example 2
f △ABC is isosceles, then the measure of the base angles cannot be 92∘. Prove this
Remember, to start assume the opposite of the conclusion.
The measure of the base angles are 92∘.
If the base angles are 92∘, then they add up to 184∘. This contradicts the Triangle
Sum Theorem that says the three angle measures of all triangles add up to 180∘.
Therefore, the base angles cannot be 92∘.

Example 4
If n is an integer and n2 is odd, then n is odd. Prove this is true indirectly.
First, assume the opposite of “n is odd.”
n is even.
Now, square n and see what happens.
If n is even, then n=2a, where a is any integer.
This means that n2 is a multiple of 4. No odd number can be divided evenly by an
even number, so this contradicts our assumption that n is even. Therefore, n must be
odd if n2 is odd.

A. write proofs for the given statements.

1. The sum of an even number and an odd number is odd.
2. The product of two odd numbers is odd.
3. The product of an even number and any other number is even.
4. If x is an even integer, then x2 −6x+5 is odd.
5. Show that the square of an odd integer is odd.

B. Prove the following statements true indirectly.

1. If n is an integer and n2 is even, then n is even.
2. If m∠A≠m∠B in △ABC, then △ABC is not equilateral.
3. If x>3, then x2>9.
4. The base angles of an isosceles triangle are congruent.
5. If x is even and y is odd, then x+y is odd.

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